# Copyright (c) 2022 Fantix King http://fantix.pro # kLoop is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. # You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. # You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: # http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, # EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, # MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. cdef class Handle: def __init__(self, callback, args, loop, context=None): if context is None: context = contextvars.copy_context() self.context = context self.loop = loop self.callback = callback self.args = args self.repr = None self.cb.handle = self # if self._loop.get_debug(): # self._source_traceback = format_helpers.extract_stack( # sys._getframe(1)) # else: # self._source_traceback = None def _repr_info(self): info = [self.__class__.__name__] if self.cb.mask & CANCELLED_MASK: info.append('cancelled') if self.callback is not None: info.append(_format_callback_source(self.callback, self.args)) # if self._source_traceback: # frame = self._source_traceback[-1] # info.append(f'created at {frame[0]}:{frame[1]}') return info def __repr__(self): # if self._repr is not None: # return self._repr info = self._repr_info() return '<{}>'.format(' '.join(info)) def cancel(self): if self.cb.mask & CANCELLED_MASK == 0: self.cb.mask |= CANCELLED_MASK # if self._loop.get_debug(): # # Keep a representation in debug mode to keep callback and # # parameters. For example, to log the warning # # "Executing took 2.5 second" # self._repr = repr(self) self.callback = None self.args = None def cancelled(self): return self.cb.mask & CANCELLED_MASK == 1 cdef run(self): try: self.context.run(self.callback, *self.args) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): raise except BaseException as exc: cb = _format_callback_source(self.callback, self.args) msg = f'Exception in callback {cb}' context = { 'message': msg, 'exception': exc, 'handle': self, } if self.source_traceback: context['source_traceback'] = self.source_traceback self.loop.call_exception_handler(context) self = None # Needed to break cycles when an exception occurs. cdef class TimerHandle(Handle): """Object returned by timed callback registration methods.""" def __init__(self, when, callback, args, loop, context=None): assert when is not None super().__init__(callback, args, loop, context) if self.source_traceback: del self.source_traceback[-1] self.cb.when = when # def _repr_info(self): # info = super()._repr_info() # pos = 2 if self._cancelled else 1 # info.insert(pos, f'when={self._when}') # return info def cancel(self): if self.cb.mask & (CANCELLED_MASK | SCHEDULED_MASK) == SCHEDULED_MASK: self.loop.loop.timer_cancelled_count += 1 super().cancel() def when(self): return self.cb.when def _get_function_source(func): func = inspect.unwrap(func) if inspect.isfunction(func): code = func.__code__ return (code.co_filename, code.co_firstlineno) if isinstance(func, functools.partial): return _get_function_source(func.func) if isinstance(func, functools.partialmethod): return _get_function_source(func.func) return None def _format_callback_source(func, args): func_repr = _format_callback(func, args, None) source = _get_function_source(func) if source: func_repr += f' at {source[0]}:{source[1]}' return func_repr def _format_args_and_kwargs(args, kwargs): """Format function arguments and keyword arguments. Special case for a single parameter: ('hello',) is formatted as ('hello'). """ # use reprlib to limit the length of the output items = [] if args: items.extend(reprlib.repr(arg) for arg in args) if kwargs: items.extend(f'{k}={reprlib.repr(v)}' for k, v in kwargs.items()) return '({})'.format(', '.join(items)) def _format_callback(func, args, kwargs, suffix=''): if isinstance(func, functools.partial): suffix = _format_args_and_kwargs(args, kwargs) + suffix return _format_callback(func.func, func.args, func.keywords, suffix) if hasattr(func, '__qualname__') and func.__qualname__: func_repr = func.__qualname__ elif hasattr(func, '__name__') and func.__name__: func_repr = func.__name__ else: func_repr = repr(func) func_repr += _format_args_and_kwargs(args, kwargs) if suffix: func_repr += suffix return func_repr