use base64::{engine::general_purpose::STANDARD, Engine}; use http_signature_normalization_reqwest::{digest::ring::Sha256, prelude::*}; use reqwest::{ header::{ACCEPT, USER_AGENT}, Client, }; async fn request(config: Config) -> Result<(), Box> { let digest = Sha256::new(); let client = Client::new(); let request = client .post("") .header(USER_AGENT, "Reqwest") .header(ACCEPT, "text/plain") .signature_with_digest(config, "my-key-id", digest, "Hewwo-owo", |s| { println!("Signing String\n{}", s); Ok(STANDARD.encode(s)) as Result<_, MyError> }) .await?; let body = client.execute(request).await?.bytes().await?; println!("{:?}", body); Ok(()) } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "info"); pretty_env_logger::init(); tokio::spawn(async move { let config = Config::default().require_header("accept"); request(config.clone()).await?; request(config.mastodon_compat()).await }) .await? } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum MyError { #[error("Failed to create signing string, {0}")] Convert(#[from] SignError), #[error("Failed to send request")] SendRequest(#[from] reqwest::Error), #[error("Failed to retrieve request body")] Body(reqwest::Error), }