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use core::fmt;
use core::str::FromStr;
use derive_builder::Builder;
use shorthand::ShortHand;
use crate::attribute::AttributePairs;
use crate::types::{Codecs, HdcpLevel, ProtocolVersion, Resolution};
use crate::utils::{quote, unquote};
use crate::{Error, RequiredVersion};
/// The [`StreamData`] struct contains the data that is shared between both
/// variants of the [`VariantStream`].
/// [`VariantStream`]: crate::tags::VariantStream
#[derive(ShortHand, Builder, PartialOrd, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Ord)]
#[builder(derive(Debug, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq, Hash))]
#[shorthand(enable(must_use, into))]
pub struct StreamData {
/// The peak segment bitrate of the [`VariantStream`] in bits per second.
/// If all the [`MediaSegment`]s in a [`VariantStream`] have already been
/// created, the bandwidth value must be the largest sum of peak segment
/// bitrates that is produced by any playable combination of renditions.
/// (For a [`VariantStream`] with a single [`MediaPlaylist`], this is just
/// the peak segment bit rate of that [`MediaPlaylist`].)
/// An inaccurate value can cause playback stalls or prevent clients from
/// playing the variant. If the [`MasterPlaylist`] is to be made available
/// before all [`MediaSegment`]s in the presentation have been encoded, the
/// bandwidth value should be the bandwidth value of a representative
/// period of similar content, encoded using the same settings.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use hls_m3u8::types::StreamData;
/// #
/// let mut stream = StreamData::new(20);
/// stream.set_bandwidth(5);
/// assert_eq!(stream.bandwidth(), 5);
/// ```
/// # Note
/// This field is required.
/// [`VariantStream`]: crate::tags::VariantStream
/// [`MediaSegment`]: crate::MediaSegment
/// [`MasterPlaylist`]: crate::MasterPlaylist
/// [`MediaPlaylist`]: crate::MediaPlaylist
bandwidth: u64,
/// The average bandwidth of the stream in bits per second.
/// It represents the average segment bitrate of the [`VariantStream`]. If
/// all the [`MediaSegment`]s in a [`VariantStream`] have already been
/// created, the average bandwidth must be the largest sum of average
/// segment bitrates that is produced by any playable combination of
/// renditions.
/// (For a [`VariantStream`] with a single [`MediaPlaylist`], this is just
/// the average segment bitrate of that [`MediaPlaylist`].)
/// An inaccurate value can cause playback stalls or prevent clients from
/// playing the variant. If the [`MasterPlaylist`] is to be made available
/// before all [`MediaSegment`]s in the presentation have been encoded, the
/// average bandwidth should be the average bandwidth of a representative
/// period of similar content, encoded using the same settings.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use hls_m3u8::types::StreamData;
/// #
/// let mut stream = StreamData::new(20);
/// stream.set_average_bandwidth(Some(300));
/// assert_eq!(stream.average_bandwidth(), Some(300));
/// ```
/// # Note
/// This field is optional.
/// [`MediaSegment`]: crate::MediaSegment
/// [`MasterPlaylist`]: crate::MasterPlaylist
/// [`MediaPlaylist`]: crate::MediaPlaylist
/// [`VariantStream`]: crate::tags::VariantStream
#[shorthand(enable(copy), disable(into, option_as_ref))]
average_bandwidth: Option<u64>,
/// A list of formats, where each format specifies a media sample type that
/// is present in one or more renditions specified by the [`VariantStream`].
/// Valid format identifiers are those in the ISO Base Media File Format
/// Name Space defined by "The 'Codecs' and 'Profiles' Parameters for
/// "Bucket" Media Types" ([RFC6381]).
/// For example, a stream containing AAC low complexity (AAC-LC) audio and
/// H.264 Main Profile Level 3.0 video would be
/// ```
/// # use hls_m3u8::types::Codecs;
/// let codecs = Codecs::from(&["mp4a.40.2", "avc1.4d401e"]);
/// ```
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use hls_m3u8::types::StreamData;
/// use hls_m3u8::types::Codecs;
/// let mut stream = StreamData::new(20);
/// stream.set_codecs(Some(&["mp4a.40.2", "avc1.4d401e"]));
/// assert_eq!(
/// stream.codecs(),
/// Some(&Codecs::from(&["mp4a.40.2", "avc1.4d401e"]))
/// );
/// ```
/// # Note
/// This field is optional, but every instance of
/// [`VariantStream::ExtXStreamInf`] should include a codecs attribute.
/// [`VariantStream`]: crate::tags::VariantStream
/// [`VariantStream::ExtXStreamInf`]:
/// crate::tags::VariantStream::ExtXStreamInf
/// [RFC6381]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6381
#[builder(default, setter(into))]
codecs: Option<Codecs>,
/// The resolution of the stream.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use hls_m3u8::types::StreamData;
/// use hls_m3u8::types::Resolution;
/// let mut stream = StreamData::new(20);
/// stream.set_resolution(Some((1920, 1080)));
/// assert_eq!(stream.resolution(), Some(Resolution::new(1920, 1080)));
/// # stream.set_resolution(Some((1280, 10)));
/// # assert_eq!(stream.resolution(), Some(Resolution::new(1280, 10)));
/// ```
/// # Note
/// This field is optional, but it is recommended if the [`VariantStream`]
/// includes video.
/// [`VariantStream`]: crate::tags::VariantStream
#[builder(default, setter(into))]
resolution: Option<Resolution>,
/// High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection level of the
/// [`VariantStream`].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use hls_m3u8::types::StreamData;
/// use hls_m3u8::types::HdcpLevel;
/// #
/// let mut stream = StreamData::new(20);
/// stream.set_hdcp_level(Some(HdcpLevel::None));
/// assert_eq!(stream.hdcp_level(), Some(HdcpLevel::None));
/// ```
/// # Note
/// This field is optional.
/// [`VariantStream`]: crate::tags::VariantStream
#[shorthand(enable(copy), disable(into))]
hdcp_level: Option<HdcpLevel>,
/// It indicates the set of video renditions, that should be used when
/// playing the presentation.
/// It must match the value of the [`ExtXMedia::group_id`] attribute
/// [`ExtXMedia`] tag elsewhere in the [`MasterPlaylist`] whose
/// [`ExtXMedia::media_type`] attribute is video. It indicates the set of
/// video renditions that should be used when playing the presentation.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use hls_m3u8::types::StreamData;
/// #
/// let mut stream = StreamData::new(20);
/// stream.set_video(Some("video_01"));
/// assert_eq!(stream.video(), Some(&"video_01".to_string()));
/// ```
/// # Note
/// This field is optional.
/// [`ExtXMedia::group_id`]: crate::tags::ExtXMedia::group_id
/// [`ExtXMedia`]: crate::tags::ExtXMedia
/// [`MasterPlaylist`]: crate::MasterPlaylist
/// [`ExtXMedia::media_type`]: crate::tags::ExtXMedia::media_type
#[builder(default, setter(into))]
video: Option<String>,
impl StreamData {
/// Creates a new [`StreamData`].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use hls_m3u8::types::StreamData;
/// #
/// let stream = StreamData::new(20);
/// ```
pub const fn new(bandwidth: u64) -> Self {
Self {
average_bandwidth: None,
codecs: None,
resolution: None,
hdcp_level: None,
video: None,
/// Returns a builder for [`StreamData`].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use hls_m3u8::types::{HdcpLevel, StreamData};
/// StreamData::builder()
/// .bandwidth(200)
/// .average_bandwidth(15)
/// .codecs(&["mp4a.40.2", "avc1.4d401e"])
/// .resolution((1920, 1080))
/// .hdcp_level(HdcpLevel::Type0)
/// .video("video_01")
/// .build()?;
/// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn ::std::error::Error>>(())
/// ```
pub fn builder() -> StreamDataBuilder { StreamDataBuilder::default() }
impl fmt::Display for StreamData {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "BANDWIDTH={}", self.bandwidth)?;
if let Some(value) = &self.average_bandwidth {
write!(f, ",AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH={}", value)?;
if let Some(value) = &self.codecs {
write!(f, ",CODECS={}", quote(value))?;
if let Some(value) = &self.resolution {
write!(f, ",RESOLUTION={}", value)?;
if let Some(value) = &self.hdcp_level {
write!(f, ",HDCP-LEVEL={}", value)?;
if let Some(value) = &self.video {
write!(f, ",VIDEO={}", quote(value))?;
impl FromStr for StreamData {
type Err = Error;
fn from_str(input: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let mut bandwidth = None;
let mut average_bandwidth = None;
let mut codecs = None;
let mut resolution = None;
let mut hdcp_level = None;
let mut video = None;
for (key, value) in AttributePairs::new(input) {
match key {
bandwidth = Some(
.map_err(|e| Error::parse_int(value, e))?,
average_bandwidth = Some(
.map_err(|e| Error::parse_int(value, e))?,
"CODECS" => codecs = Some(unquote(value).parse()?),
"RESOLUTION" => resolution = Some(value.parse()?),
hdcp_level = Some(value.parse::<HdcpLevel>().map_err(Error::strum)?)
"VIDEO" => video = Some(unquote(value)),
_ => {
// [6.3.1. General Client Responsibilities]
// > ignore any attribute/value pair with an unrecognized
// AttributeName.
let bandwidth = bandwidth.ok_or_else(|| Error::missing_value("BANDWIDTH"))?;
Ok(Self {
/// This struct requires [`ProtocolVersion::V1`].
impl RequiredVersion for StreamData {
fn required_version(&self) -> ProtocolVersion { ProtocolVersion::V1 }
fn introduced_version(&self) -> ProtocolVersion {
if self.video.is_some() {
} else {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
fn test_display() {
let mut stream_data = StreamData::new(200);
stream_data.set_codecs(Some(&["mp4a.40.2", "avc1.4d401e"]));
stream_data.set_resolution(Some((1920, 1080)));
fn test_parser() {
let mut stream_data = StreamData::new(200);
stream_data.set_codecs(Some(&["mp4a.40.2", "avc1.4d401e"]));
stream_data.set_resolution(Some((1920, 1080)));