use core::iter::FusedIterator; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) struct AttributePairs<'a> { string: &'a str, index: usize, } impl<'a> AttributePairs<'a> { pub const fn new(string: &'a str) -> Self { Self { string, index: 0 } } } impl<'a> Iterator for AttributePairs<'a> { type Item = (&'a str, &'a str); fn next(&mut self) -> Option { // return `None`, if there are no more chars self.string.as_bytes().get(self.index + 1)?; let key = { // the position in the string: let start = self.index; // the key ends at an `=`: let end = self .string .bytes() .skip(self.index) .position(|i| i == b'=')? + start; // advance the index to the 2nd char after the end of the key // (this will skip the `=`) self.index = end + 1; core::str::from_utf8(&self.string.as_bytes()[start..end]).unwrap() }; let value = { let start = self.index; let mut end = 0; // find the end of the value by searching for `,`. // it should ignore `,` that are inside double quotes. let mut inside_quotes = false; while let Some(item) = self.string.as_bytes().get(start + end) { end += 1; if *item == b'"' { inside_quotes = !inside_quotes; } else if *item == b',' && !inside_quotes { self.index += 1; end -= 1; break; } } self.index += end; end += start; core::str::from_utf8(&self.string.as_bytes()[start..end]).unwrap() }; Some((key.trim(), value.trim())) } fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) { let mut remaining = 0; // each `=` in the remaining str is an iteration // this also ignores `=` inside quotes! let mut inside_quotes = false; for c in self.string.as_bytes().iter().skip(self.index) { if *c == b'=' && !inside_quotes { remaining += 1; } else if *c == b'"' { inside_quotes = !inside_quotes; } } (remaining, Some(remaining)) } } impl<'a> ExactSizeIterator for AttributePairs<'a> {} impl<'a> FusedIterator for AttributePairs<'a> {} #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; #[test] fn test_attributes() { let mut attributes = AttributePairs::new("KEY=VALUE,PAIR=YES"); assert_eq!((2, Some(2)), attributes.size_hint()); assert_eq!(Some(("KEY", "VALUE")),; assert_eq!((1, Some(1)), attributes.size_hint()); assert_eq!(Some(("PAIR", "YES")),; assert_eq!((0, Some(0)), attributes.size_hint()); assert_eq!(None,; let mut attributes = AttributePairs::new("garbage"); assert_eq!((0, Some(0)), attributes.size_hint()); assert_eq!(None,; let mut attributes = AttributePairs::new("KEY=,=VALUE,=,"); assert_eq!((3, Some(3)), attributes.size_hint()); assert_eq!(Some(("KEY", "")),; assert_eq!((2, Some(2)), attributes.size_hint()); assert_eq!(Some(("", "VALUE")),; assert_eq!((1, Some(1)), attributes.size_hint()); assert_eq!(Some(("", "")),; assert_eq!((0, Some(0)), attributes.size_hint()); assert_eq!(None,; // test quotes: let mut attributes = AttributePairs::new("KEY=\"VALUE,\","); assert_eq!((1, Some(1)), attributes.size_hint()); assert_eq!(Some(("KEY", "\"VALUE,\"")),; assert_eq!((0, Some(0)), attributes.size_hint()); assert_eq!(None,; // test with chars, that are larger, than 1 byte let mut attributes = AttributePairs::new( "LANGUAGE=\"fre\",\ NAME=\"Français\",\ AUTOSELECT=YES", ); assert_eq!(Some(("LANGUAGE", "\"fre\"")),; assert_eq!(Some(("NAME", "\"Français\"")),; assert_eq!(Some(("AUTOSELECT", "YES")),; } #[test] fn test_parser() { let mut pairs = AttributePairs::new("FOO=BAR,BAR=\"baz,qux\",ABC=12.3"); assert_eq!(, Some(("FOO", "BAR"))); assert_eq!(, Some(("BAR", "\"baz,qux\""))); assert_eq!(, Some(("ABC", "12.3"))); assert_eq!(, None); } }