import sys import string, re # ------------------ Create typecodes from typenames --------- _upperstr_pat1 = re.compile(r'([^A-Z])([A-Z])') _upperstr_pat2 = re.compile(r'([A-Z][A-Z])([A-Z][0-9a-z])') _upperstr_pat3 = re.compile(r'^([A-Z])([A-Z])') def to_upper_str(name): """Converts a typename to the equivalent upercase and underscores name. This is used to form the type conversion macros and enum/flag name variables""" name = _upperstr_pat1.sub(r'\1_\2', name) name = _upperstr_pat2.sub(r'\1_\2', name) name = _upperstr_pat3.sub(r'\1_\2', name, count=1) return string.upper(name) def typecode(typename): """create a typecode (eg. GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) from a typename""" return string.replace(to_upper_str(typename), '_', '_TYPE_', 1) STATE_START = 0 STATE_OBJECT = 1 STATE_INTERFACE = 2 STATE_BOXED = 3 STATE_ENUM = 4 STATE_FLAGS = 5 STATE_METHOD = 6 STATE_FUNCTION = 7 STATE_MINIOBJECT = 8 def convert(infp=sys.stdin, outfp=sys.stdout): state = STATE_START seen_params = 0 line = infp.readline() while line: if line[:8] == '(object ': state = STATE_OBJECT seen_params = 0 outfp.write('(define-object ' + line[8:]) elif line[:13] == '(mini-object ': state = STATE_MINI_OBJECT seen_params = 0 outfp.write('(define mini-object ' + line[13:]) elif line[:11] == '(interface ': state = STATE_INTERFACE seen_params = 0 outfp.write('(define-interface ' + line[11:]) elif line[:7] == '(boxed ': state = STATE_BOXED seen_params = 0 outfp.write('(define-boxed ' + line[7:]) elif line[:6] == '(enum ': state = STATE_ENUM seen_params = 0 outfp.write('(define-enum ' + line[6:]) elif line[:7] == '(flags ': state = STATE_FLAGS seen_params = 0 outfp.write('(define-flags ' + line[7:]) elif line[:8] == '(method ': state = STATE_METHOD seen_params = 0 outfp.write('(define-method ' + line[8:]) elif line[:10] == '(function ': state = STATE_FUNCTION seen_params = 0 outfp.write('(define-function ' + line[10:]) elif line[:13] == ' (in-module ': outfp.write(re.sub(r'^(\s+\(in-module\s+)(\w+)(.*)$', r'\1"\2"\3', line)) elif line[:10] == ' (parent ': outfp.write(re.sub(r'^(\s+\(parent\s+)(\w+)(\s+\((\w+)\))?(.*)$', r'\1"\4\2"\5', line)) elif line[:14] == ' (implements ': outfp.write(re.sub(r'^(\s+\(implements\s+)([^\s]+)(\s*\))$', r'\1"\2"\3', line)) elif line[:13] == ' (of-object ': outfp.write(re.sub(r'^(\s+\(of-object\s+)(\w+)(\s+\((\w+)\))?(.*)$', r'\1"\4\2"\5', line)) elif line[:10] == ' (c-name ': outfp.write(re.sub(r'^(\s+\(c-name\s+)([^\s]+)(\s*\))$', r'\1"\2"\3', line)) if state in (STATE_OBJECT, STATE_INTERFACE, STATE_BOXED, STATE_ENUM, STATE_FLAGS): c_name = re.match(r'^\s+\(c-name\s+([^\s]+)\s*\)$', line).group(1) outfp.write(' (gtype-id "%s")\n' % typecode(c_name)) elif line[:15] == ' (return-type ': outfp.write(re.sub(r'^(\s+\(return-type\s+)([^\s]+)(\s*\))$', r'\1"\2"\3', line)) elif line[:13] == ' (copy-func ': outfp.write(re.sub(r'^(\s+\(copy-func\s+)(\w+)(.*)$', r'\1"\2"\3', line)) elif line[:16] == ' (release-func ': outfp.write(re.sub(r'^(\s+\(release-func\s+)(\w+)(.*)$', r'\1"\2"\3', line)) elif line[:9] == ' (field ': if not seen_params: outfp.write(' (fields\n') seen_params = 1 outfp.write(re.sub(r'^\s+\(field\s+\(type-and-name\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s*\)\s*\)$', ' \'("\\1" "\\2")', line)) elif line[:9] == ' (value ': if not seen_params: outfp.write(' (values\n') seen_params = 1 outfp.write(re.sub(r'^\s+\(value\s+\(name\s+([^\s]+)\)\s+\(c-name\s+([^\s]+)\s*\)\s*\)$', ' \'("\\1" "\\2")', line)) elif line[:13] == ' (parameter ': if not seen_params: outfp.write(' (parameters\n') seen_params = 1 outfp.write(re.sub(r'^\s+\(parameter\s+\(type-and-name\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s*\)(\s*.*)\)$', ' \'("\\1" "\\2"\\3)', line)) elif line[:11] == ' (varargs ': if seen_params: outfp.write(' )\n') seen_params = 0 outfp.write(' (varargs #t)\n') elif line[0] == ')': if seen_params: outfp.write(' )\n') seen_params = 0 state = STATE_START outfp.write(line) else: outfp.write(line) line = infp.readline() if __name__ == '__main__': convert()