/* GStreamer * * Copyright (C) 2015 Alexandre Moreno * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef QGSTPLAYER_H #define QGSTPLAYER_H #include #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include namespace QGstPlayer { class VideoRenderer; class MediaInfo; class StreamInfo; class VideInfo; class AudioInfo; class SubtitleInfo; class Player : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QUrl source READ source WRITE setSource NOTIFY sourceChanged) Q_PROPERTY(qint64 duration READ duration NOTIFY durationChanged) Q_PROPERTY(qint64 position READ position NOTIFY positionUpdated) Q_PROPERTY(qreal volume READ volume WRITE setVolume NOTIFY volumeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool muted READ isMuted WRITE setMuted NOTIFY mutedChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int buffering READ buffering NOTIFY bufferingChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QSize resolution READ resolution WRITE setResolution NOTIFY resolutionChanged) Q_PROPERTY(State state READ state NOTIFY stateChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QObject *mediaInfo READ mediaInfo NOTIFY mediaInfoChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool videoAvailable READ isVideoAvailable NOTIFY videoAvailableChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QVariant currentVideo READ currentVideo WRITE setCurrentVideo) Q_PROPERTY(QVariant currentAudio READ currentAudio WRITE setCurrentAudio) Q_PROPERTY(QVariant currentSubtitle READ currentSubtitle WRITE setCurrentSubtitle) Q_PROPERTY(bool subtitleEnabled READ isSubtitleEnabled WRITE setSubtitleEnabled NOTIFY subtitleEnabledChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool autoPlay READ autoPlay WRITE setAutoPlay) Q_PROPERTY(QList playlist READ playlist WRITE setPlaylist) Q_ENUMS(State) public: explicit Player(QObject *parent = 0, VideoRenderer *renderer = 0); virtual ~Player(); typedef GstPlayerError Error; enum State { STOPPED = GST_PLAYER_STATE_STOPPED, BUFFERING = GST_PLAYER_STATE_BUFFERING, PAUSED = GST_PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED, PLAYING = GST_PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING }; QUrl source() const; qint64 duration() const; qint64 position() const; qreal volume() const; bool isMuted() const; int buffering() const; State state() const; GstElement *pipeline() const; QSize resolution() const; void setResolution(QSize size); bool isVideoAvailable() const; MediaInfo *mediaInfo() const; QVariant currentVideo() const; QVariant currentAudio() const; QVariant currentSubtitle() const; bool isSubtitleEnabled() const; bool autoPlay() const; QList playlist() const; signals: void stateChanged(State new_state); void bufferingChanged(int percent); void endOfStream(); void positionUpdated(qint64 new_position); void durationChanged(qint64 duration); void resolutionChanged(QSize resolution); void volumeChanged(qreal volume); void mutedChanged(bool muted); void mediaInfoChanged(); void sourceChanged(QUrl new_url); void videoAvailableChanged(bool videoAvailable); void subtitleEnabledChanged(bool enabled); public slots: void play(); void pause(); void stop(); void seek(qint64 position); void setSource(QUrl const& url); void setVolume(qreal val); void setMuted(bool val); void setPosition(qint64 pos); void setCurrentVideo(QVariant track); void setCurrentAudio(QVariant track); void setCurrentSubtitle(QVariant track); void setSubtitleEnabled(bool enabled); void setPlaylist(const QList &playlist); void next(); void previous(); void setAutoPlay(bool auto_play); private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(Player) static void onStateChanged(Player *, GstPlayerState state); static void onPositionUpdated(Player *, GstClockTime position); static void onDurationChanged(Player *, GstClockTime duration); static void onBufferingChanged(Player *, int percent); static void onVideoDimensionsChanged(Player *, int w, int h); static void onVolumeChanged(Player *); static void onMuteChanged(Player *); static void onMediaInfoUpdated(Player *, GstPlayerMediaInfo *media_info); static void onEndOfStreamReached(Player *); void setUri(QUrl url); GstPlayer *player_; State state_; QSize videoDimensions_; MediaInfo *mediaInfo_; bool videoAvailable_; bool subtitleEnabled_; bool autoPlay_; QList playlist_; QList::iterator iter_; }; class VideoRenderer { public: GstPlayerVideoRenderer *renderer(); virtual GstElement *createVideoSink() = 0; protected: VideoRenderer(); virtual ~VideoRenderer(); private: GstPlayerVideoRenderer *renderer_; }; class MediaInfo : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString uri READ uri NOTIFY uriChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool seekable READ isSeekable NOTIFY seekableChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString title READ title NOTIFY titleChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QList videoStreams READ videoStreams CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(QList audioStreams READ audioStreams CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(QList subtitleStreams READ subtitleStreams CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(QImage sample READ sample NOTIFY sampleChanged) public: explicit MediaInfo(Player *player = 0); QString uri() const; QString title() const; bool isSeekable() const; const QList &videoStreams() const; const QList &audioStreams() const; const QList &subtitleStreams() const; const QImage &sample(); signals: void uriChanged(); void seekableChanged(); void titleChanged(); void sampleChanged(); public Q_SLOTS: void update(GstPlayerMediaInfo *info); private: QString uri_; QString title_; bool isSeekable_; QList videoStreams_; QList audioStreams_; QList subtitleStreams_; QImage sample_; }; class StreamInfo : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(int index READ index CONSTANT) public: int index() const; protected: StreamInfo(GstPlayerStreamInfo* info); private: GstPlayerStreamInfo *stream_; int index_; }; class VideoInfo : public StreamInfo { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QSize resolution READ resolution CONSTANT) public: VideoInfo(GstPlayerVideoInfo *info); QSize resolution() const; private: GstPlayerVideoInfo *video_; QSize resolution_; }; class AudioInfo : public StreamInfo { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString language READ language CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(int channels READ channels CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(int bitRate READ bitRate CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(int sampleRate READ sampleRate CONSTANT) public: AudioInfo(GstPlayerAudioInfo *info); QString const& language() const; int channels() const; int bitRate() const; int sampleRate() const; private: GstPlayerAudioInfo *audio_; QString language_; int channels_; int bitRate_; int sampleRate_; }; class SubtitleInfo : public StreamInfo { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString language READ language CONSTANT) public: SubtitleInfo(GstPlayerSubtitleInfo *info); QString const& language() const; private: GstPlayerSubtitleInfo *subtitle_; QString language_; }; } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QGstPlayer::Player*) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QGstPlayer::Player::State) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QGstPlayer::MediaInfo*) extern "C" { typedef struct _GstPlayerQtVideoRenderer GstPlayerQtVideoRenderer; typedef struct _GstPlayerQtVideoRendererClass GstPlayerQtVideoRendererClass; #define GST_TYPE_PLAYER_QT_VIDEO_RENDERER (gst_player_qt_video_renderer_get_type ()) #define GST_IS_PLAYER_QT_VIDEO_RENDERER(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GST_TYPE_PLAYER_QT_VIDEO_RENDERER)) #define GST_IS_PLAYER_QT_VIDEO_RENDERER_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), GST_TYPE_PLAYER_QT_VIDEO_RENDERER)) #define GST_PLAYER_QT_VIDEO_RENDERER_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GST_TYPE_PLAYER_QT_VIDEO_RENDERER, GstPlayerQtVideoRendererClass)) #define GST_PLAYER_QT_VIDEO_RENDERER(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GST_TYPE_PLAYER_QT_VIDEO_RENDERER, GstPlayerQtVideoRenderer)) #define GST_PLAYER_QT_VIDEO_RENDERER_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GST_TYPE_PLAYER_QT_VIDEO_RENDERER, GstPlayerQtVideoRendererClass)) #define GST_PLAYER_QT_VIDEO_RENDERER_CAST(obj) ((GstPlayerQtVideoRenderer*)(obj)) GType gst_player_qt_video_renderer_get_type (void); typedef struct _GstPlayerQtSignalDispatcher GstPlayerQtSignalDispatcher; typedef struct _GstPlayerQtSignalDispatcherClass GstPlayerQtSignalDispatcherClass; #define GST_TYPE_PLAYER_QT_SIGNAL_DISPATCHER (gst_player_qt_signal_dispatcher_get_type ()) #define GST_IS_PLAYER_QT_SIGNAL_DISPATCHER(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GST_TYPE_PLAYER_QT_SIGNAL_DISPATCHER)) #define GST_IS_PLAYER_QT_SIGNAL_DISPATCHER_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), GST_TYPE_PLAYER_QT_SIGNAL_DISPATCHER)) #define GST_PLAYER_QT_SIGNAL_DISPATCHER_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GST_TYPE_PLAYER_QT_SIGNAL_DISPATCHER, GstPlayerQtSignalDispatcherClass)) #define GST_PLAYER_QT_SIGNAL_DISPATCHER(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GST_TYPE_PLAYER_QT_SIGNAL_DISPATCHER, GstPlayerQtSignalDispatcher)) #define GST_PLAYER_QT_SIGNAL_DISPATCHER_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GST_TYPE_PLAYER_QT_SIGNAL_DISPATCHER, GstPlayerQtSignalDispatcherClass)) #define GST_PLAYER_QT_SIGNAL_DISPATCHER_CAST(obj) ((GstPlayerQtSignalDispatcher*)(obj)) GType gst_player_qt_video_renderer_get_type (void); GstPlayerSignalDispatcher * gst_player_qt_signal_dispatcher_new (gpointer player); } #endif // QGSTPLAYER_H