#!/usr/bin/env python2 # # Copyright (c) 2013,Thibault Saunier # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. """ Class representing tests and test managers. """ import os import sys import re import time import utils import signal import urlparse import subprocess import reporters import ConfigParser from loggable import Loggable from optparse import OptionGroup import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from utils import mkdir, Result, Colors, printc, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, GST_SECOND, \ Protocols class Test(Loggable): """ A class representing a particular test. """ def __init__(self, application_name, classname, options, reporter, duration=0, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, hard_timeout=None): """ @timeout: The timeout during which the value return by get_current_value keeps being exactly equal @hard_timeout: Max time the test can take in absolute """ Loggable.__init__(self) self.timeout = timeout self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout self.classname = classname self.options = options self.application = application_name self.command = "" self.reporter = reporter self.process = None self.duration = duration self.clean() def clean(self): self.message = "" self.error_str = "" self.time_taken = 0.0 self._starting_time = None self.result = Result.NOT_RUN self.logfile = None self.extra_logfiles = [] def __str__(self): string = self.classname if self.result != Result.NOT_RUN: string += ": " + self.result if self.result in [Result.FAILED, Result.TIMEOUT]: string += " '%s'\n" \ " You can reproduce with: %s\n" \ " You can find logs in:\n" \ " - %s" % (self.message, self.command, self.logfile) for log in self.extra_logfiles: string += "\n - %s" % log return string def get_extra_log_content(self, extralog): if extralog not in self.extra_logfiles: return "" f = open(extralog, 'r+') value = f.read() f.close() return value def get_classname(self): name = self.classname.split('.')[-1] classname = self.classname.replace('.%s' % name, '') return classname def get_name(self): return self.classname.split('.')[-1] def add_arguments(self, *args): for arg in args: self.command += " " + arg def build_arguments(self): pass def set_result(self, result, message="", error=""): self.debug("Setting result: %s (message: %s, error: %s", result, message, error) if result is Result.TIMEOUT and self.options.debug is True: pname = subprocess.check_output(("readlink -e /proc/%s/exe" % self.process.pid).split(' ')).replace('\n', '') raw_input("%sTimeout happened you can attach gdb doing: $gdb %s %d%s\n" "Press enter to continue" %(Colors.FAIL, pname, self.process.pid, Colors.ENDC)) self.result = result self.message = message self.error_str = error def check_results(self): if self.result is Result.FAILED: return self.debug("%s returncode: %s", self, self.process.returncode) if self.result == Result.TIMEOUT: self.set_result(Result.TIMEOUT, "Application timed out", "timeout") elif self.process.returncode == 0: self.set_result(Result.PASSED) else: self.set_result(Result.FAILED, "Application returned %d" % ( self.process.returncode)) def get_current_value(self): """ Lets subclasses implement a nicer timeout measurement method They should return some value with which we will compare the previous and timeout if they are egual during self.timeout seconds """ return Result.NOT_RUN def wait_process(self): last_val = 0 last_change_ts = time.time() start_ts = time.time() while True: self.process.poll() if self.process.returncode is not None: break # Dirty way to avoid eating to much CPU... # good enough for us anyway. time.sleep(1) val = self.get_current_value() self.debug("Got value: %s" % val) if val is Result.NOT_RUN: # The get_current_value logic is not implemented... dumb timeout if time.time() - last_change_ts > self.timeout: self.set_result(Result.TIMEOUT) break continue elif val is Result.FAILED: break elif val is Result.KNOWN_ERROR: break self.log("New val %s" % val) if val == last_val: delta = time.time() - last_change_ts self.debug("%s: Same value for %d/%d seconds" % (self, delta, self.timeout)) if delta > self.timeout: self.set_result(Result.TIMEOUT) break elif self.hard_timeout and time.time() - start_ts > self.hard_timeout: self.set_result(Result.TIMEOUT, "Hard timeout reached: %d", self.hard_timeout) break else: last_change_ts = time.time() last_val = val self.check_results() def get_subproc_env(self): return os.environ def run(self): self.command = "%s " % (self.application) self._starting_time = time.time() self.build_arguments() proc_env = self.get_subproc_env() message = "Launching: %s%s\n" \ " Command: '%s'\n" \ " Logs:\n" \ " - %s" % (Colors.ENDC, self.classname, self.command, self.logfile) for log in self.extra_logfiles: message += "\n - %s" % log printc(message, Colors.OKBLUE) try: self.process = subprocess.Popen("exec " + self.command, stderr=self.reporter.out, stdout=self.reporter.out, shell=True, env=proc_env) self.wait_process() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.process.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) raise try: self.process.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) except OSError: pass self.time_taken = time.time() - self._starting_time self.reporter.out.seek(0) self.reporter.out.write("=================\n" "Test name: %s\n" "Command: '%s'\n" "=================\n\n" % (self.classname, self.command)) printc("Result: %s%s\n" % (self.result, " (" + self.message + ")" if self.message else ""), color=utils.get_color_for_result(self.result)) return self.result class GstValidateTest(Test): """ A class representing a particular test. """ findpos_regex = re.compile('.*position.*(\d+):(\d+):(\d+).(\d+).*duration.*(\d+):(\d+):(\d+).(\d+)') findlastseek_regex = re.compile('seeking to.*(\d+):(\d+):(\d+).(\d+).*stop.*(\d+):(\d+):(\d+).(\d+).*rate.*(\d+)\.(\d+)') def __init__(self, application_name, classname, options, reporter, duration=0, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, scenario=None, hard_timeout=None): super(GstValidateTest, self).__init__(application_name, classname, options, reporter, duration=duration, timeout=timeout, hard_timeout=hard_timeout) # defines how much the process can be outside of the configured # segment / seek self._sent_eos_pos = None self.validatelogs = None if scenario is None or scenario.name.lower() == "none": self.scenario = None else: self.scenario = scenario def get_subproc_env(self): subproc_env = os.environ.copy() self.validatelogs = self.logfile + '.validate.logs' utils.touch(self.validatelogs) subproc_env["GST_VALIDATE_FILE"] = self.validatelogs self.extra_logfiles.append(self.validatelogs) if 'GST_DEBUG' in os.environ: gstlogsfile = self.logfile + '.gstdebug' self.extra_logfiles.append(gstlogsfile) subproc_env["GST_DEBUG_FILE"] = gstlogsfile return subproc_env def clean(self): Test.clean(self) self._sent_eos_pos = None def build_arguments(self): if self.scenario is not None: self.add_arguments("--set-scenario", self.scenario.get_execution_name()) def get_extra_log_content(self, extralog): value = Test.get_extra_log_content(self, extralog) if extralog == self.validatelogs: value = re.sub("\r", "", value) return value def get_validate_criticals_errors(self): ret = "[" errors = [] for l in open(self.validatelogs, 'r').readlines(): if "critical : " in l: if ret != "[": ret += ", " error = l.split("critical : ")[1].replace("\n", '') if error not in errors: ret += error errors.append(error) if ret == "[": return "No critical" else: return ret + "]" def check_results(self): if self.result is Result.FAILED or self.result is Result.PASSED: return self.debug("%s returncode: %s", self, self.process.returncode) if self.result == Result.TIMEOUT: self.set_result(Result.TIMEOUT, "Application timed out", "timeout") elif self.process.returncode == 0: self.set_result(Result.PASSED) else: if self.process.returncode == 139: # FIXME Reimplement something like that if needed # self.get_backtrace("SEGFAULT") self.set_result(Result.FAILED, "Application segfaulted", "segfault") else: self.set_result(Result.FAILED, "Application returned %s (issues: %s)" % ( self.process.returncode, self.get_validate_criticals_errors() )) def _parse_position(self, p): self.log("Parsing %s" % p) times = self.findpos_regex.findall(p) if len(times) != 1: self.warning("Got a unparsable value: %s" % p) return 0, 0 return (utils.gsttime_from_tuple(times[0][:4]), utils.gsttime_from_tuple(times[0][4:])) def _parse_buffering(self, b): return b.split("buffering... ")[1].split("%")[0], 100 def _get_position(self): position = duration = -1 self.debug("Getting position") m = None for l in reversed(open(self.validatelogs, 'r').readlines()): l = l.lower() if ""): position, duration = self._parse_position(j) elif j.startswith("buffering") and j.endswith("%"): position, duration = self._parse_buffering(j) else: self.log("No info in %s" % j) return position, duration def _get_last_seek_values(self): m = None rate = start = stop = None for l in reversed(open(self.validatelogs, 'r').readlines()): l = l.lower() if "seeking to: " in l: m = l break if m is None: self.debug("Could not fine any seeking info") return start, stop, rate values = self.findlastseek_regex.findall(m) if len(values) != 1: self.warning("Got a unparsable value: %s" % p) return start, stop, rate v = values[0] return (utils.gsttime_from_tuple(v[:4]), utils.gsttime_from_tuple(v[4:8]), float(str(v[8]) + "." + str(v[9]))) def sent_eos_position(self): if self._sent_eos_pos is not None: return self._sent_eos_pos m = None rate = start = stop = None for l in reversed(open(self.validatelogs, 'r').readlines()): l = l.lower() if "sending eos" in l: m = l self._sent_eos_pos = time.time() return self._sent_eos_pos return None def get_current_position(self): position, duration = self._get_position() if position == -1: return position return position class GstValidateEncodingTestInterface(object): DURATION_TOLERANCE = GST_SECOND / 4 def __init__(self, combination, media_descriptor, duration_tolerance=None): super(GstValidateEncodingTestInterface, self).__init__() self.media_descriptor = media_descriptor self.combination = combination self.dest_file = "" self._duration_tolerance = duration_tolerance if duration_tolerance is None: self._duration_tolerance = self.DURATION_TOLERANCE def get_current_size(self): try: size = os.stat(urlparse.urlparse(self.dest_file).path).st_size except OSError as e: return None self.debug("Size: %s" % size) return size def _get_profile_full(self, muxer, venc, aenc, video_restriction=None, audio_restriction=None, audio_presence=0, video_presence=0): ret = "\"" if muxer: ret += muxer ret += ":" if venc: if video_restriction is not None: ret = ret + video_restriction + '->' ret += venc if video_presence: ret = ret + '|' + str(video_presence) if aenc: ret += ":" if audio_restriction is not None: ret = ret + audio_restriction + '->' ret += aenc if audio_presence: ret = ret + '|' + str(audio_presence) ret += "\"" return ret.replace("::", ":") def get_profile(self, video_restriction=None, audio_restriction=None): vcaps = self.combination.get_video_caps() acaps = self.combination.get_audio_caps() if self.media_descriptor is not None: if self.media_descriptor.get_num_tracks("video") == 0: vcaps = None if self.media_descriptor.get_num_tracks("audio") == 0: acaps = None return self._get_profile_full(self.combination.get_muxer_caps(), vcaps, acaps, video_restriction=video_restriction, audio_restriction=audio_restriction) def check_encoded_file(self): duration = utils.get_duration(self.dest_file) orig_duration = self.media_descriptor.get_duration() tolerance = self._duration_tolerance if orig_duration - tolerance >= duration <= orig_duration + tolerance: return (Result.FAILED, "Duration of encoded file is " " wrong (%s instead of %s)" % (TIME_ARGS (duration), TIME_ARGS (orig_duration))) else: return (Result.PASSED, "") class TestsManager(Loggable): """ A class responsible for managing tests. """ name = "" def __init__(self): Loggable.__init__(self) self.tests = set([]) self.unwanted_tests = set([]) self.options = None self.args = None self.reporter = None self.wanted_tests_patterns = [] self.blacklisted_tests_patterns = [] self._generators = [] def init(self): return False def list_tests(self): return self.tests def add_test(self, test): if self._is_test_wanted(test): self.tests.add(test) else: self.unwanted_tests.add(test) def get_tests(self): return self.tests def populate_testsuite(self): pass def add_generators(self, generators): """ @generators: A list of, or one single #TestsGenerator to be used to generate tests """ if isinstance(generators, list): self._generators.extend(generators) else: self._generators.append(generators) def get_generators(self): return self._generators def set_default_blacklist(self, default_blacklist): msg = "\nCurrently 'hardcoded' %s blacklisted tests:\n\n" % self.name for name, bug in default_blacklist: self.options.blacklisted_tests.append(name) msg += " + %s \n --> bug: %s\n" % (name, bug) printc(msg, Colors.FAIL, True) def add_options(self, parser): """ Add more arguments. """ pass def set_settings(self, options, args, reporter): """ Set properties after options parsing. """ self.options = options self.args = args self.reporter = reporter self.populate_testsuite() if options.wanted_tests: for patterns in options.wanted_tests: for pattern in patterns.split(","): self.wanted_tests_patterns.append(re.compile(pattern)) if options.blacklisted_tests: for patterns in options.blacklisted_tests: for pattern in patterns.split(","): self.blacklisted_tests_patterns.append(re.compile(pattern)) def _check_blacklisted(self, test): for pattern in self.blacklisted_tests_patterns: if pattern.findall(test.classname): return True return False def _is_test_wanted(self, test): if self._check_blacklisted(test): return False if test.duration > 0 and int(self.options.long_limit) < int(test.duration): self.info("Not activating test as it duration (%d) is superior" " than the long limit (%d)" % (test.duration, int(self.options.long_limit))) return False if not self.wanted_tests_patterns: return True for pattern in self.wanted_tests_patterns: if pattern.findall(test.classname): return True return False def run_tests(self, cur_test_num, total_num_tests): i = cur_test_num for test in self.tests: sys.stdout.write("[%d / %d] " % (i, total_num_tests)) self.reporter.before_test(test) res = test.run() i += 1 self.reporter.after_test() if res != Result.PASSED and (self.options.forever or self.options.fatal_error): return test.result return Result.PASSED def clean_tests(self): for test in self.tests: test.clean() def needs_http_server(self): return False class TestsGenerator(Loggable): def __init__(self, name, test_manager, tests=[]): Loggable.__init__(self) self.name = name self.test_manager = test_manager self._tests = {} for test in tests: self._tests[test.classname] = test def generate_tests(self, *kwargs): """ Method that generates tests """ return list(self._tests.values()) def add_test(self, test): self._tests[test.classname] = test class GstValidateTestsGenerator(TestsGenerator): def populate_tests(self, uri_minfo_special_scenarios, scenarios): pass def generate_tests(self, uri_minfo_special_scenarios, scenarios): self.populate_tests(uri_minfo_special_scenarios, scenarios) return super(GstValidateTestsGenerator, self).generate_tests() class _TestsLauncher(Loggable): def __init__(self): Loggable.__init__(self) self.options = None self.testers = [] self.tests = [] self.reporter = None self._list_testers() self.wanted_tests_patterns = [] def _list_testers(self): env = globals().copy() d = os.path.dirname(__file__) for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(d, "apps")): if f.endswith(".py"): execfile(os.path.join(d, "apps", f), env) testers = [i() for i in utils.get_subclasses(TestsManager, env)] for tester in testers: if tester.init() is True: self.testers.append(tester) else: self.warning("Can not init tester: %s -- PATH is %s" % (tester.name, os.environ["PATH"])) def add_options(self, parser): for tester in self.testers: tester.add_options(parser) def set_settings(self, options, args): self.reporter = reporters.XunitReporter(options) mkdir(options.logsdir) self.options = options wanted_testers = None for tester in self.testers: if tester.name in args: wanted_testers = tester.name if wanted_testers: testers = self.testers self.testers = [] for tester in testers: if tester.name in args: self.testers.append(tester) args.remove(tester.name) if options.config: for tester in self.testers: tester.options = options globals()[tester.name] = tester globals()["options"] = options execfile(self.options.config, globals()) for tester in self.testers: tester.set_settings(options, args, self.reporter) def list_tests(self): for tester in self.testers: tester.list_tests() self.tests.extend(tester.tests) return self.tests def _run_tests(self): cur_test_num = 0 total_num_tests = 0 for tester in self.testers: total_num_tests += len(tester.list_tests()) for tester in self.testers: res = tester.run_tests(cur_test_num, total_num_tests) cur_test_num += len(tester.list_tests()) if res != Result.PASSED and (self.options.forever or self.options.fatal_error): return False return True def _clean_tests(self): for tester in self.testers: tester.clean_tests() def run_tests(self): if self.options.forever: while self._run_tests(): self._clean_tests() return False else: return self._run_tests() def final_report(self): self.reporter.final_report() def needs_http_server(self): for tester in self.testers: if tester.needs_http_server(): return True class NamedDic(object): def __init__(self, props): if props: for name, value in props.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value) class Scenario(object): def __init__(self, name, props, path=None): self.name = name self.path = path for prop, value in props: setattr(self, prop.replace("-", "_"), value) def get_execution_name(self): if self.path is not None: return self.path else: return self.name def seeks(self): if hasattr(self, "seek"): return bool(self.seek) return False def does_reverse_playback(self): if hasattr(self, "reverse_playback"): return bool(self.seek) return False def get_duration(self): try: return float(getattr(self, "duration")) except AttributeError: return 0 def get_min_tracks(self, track_type): try: return int(getattr(self, "min_%s_track" % track_type)) except AttributeError: return 0 class ScenarioManager(Loggable): _instance = None all_scenarios = [] FILE_EXTENDION = "scenario" GST_VALIDATE_COMMAND = "gst-validate-1.0" if "win32" in sys.platform: GST_VALIDATE_COMMAND += ".exe" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not cls._instance: cls._instance = super(ScenarioManager, cls).__new__( cls, *args, **kwargs) cls._instance.config = None cls._instance.discovered = False Loggable.__init__(cls._instance) return cls._instance def find_special_scenarios(self, mfile): scenarios = [] mfile_bname = os.path.basename(mfile) for f in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(mfile)): if re.findall("%s\..*\.%s$" % (mfile_bname, self.FILE_EXTENDION), f): scenarios.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mfile), f)) if scenarios: scenarios = self.discover_scenarios(scenarios, mfile) return scenarios def discover_scenarios(self, scenario_paths=[], mfile=None): """ Discover scenarios specified in scenario_paths or the default ones if nothing specified there """ scenarios = [] scenario_defs = os.path.join(self.config.main_dir, "scenarios.def") logs = open(os.path.join(self.config.logsdir, "scenarios_discovery.log"), 'w') try: command = [self.GST_VALIDATE_COMMAND, "--scenarios-defs-output-file", scenario_defs] command.extend(scenario_paths) subprocess.check_call(command, stdout=logs, stderr=logs) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() f = open(scenario_defs) config.readfp(f) for section in config.sections(): if scenario_paths: for scenario_path in scenario_paths: if section in scenario_path: # The real name of the scenario is: # filename.REALNAME.scenario name = scenario_path.replace(mfile + ".", "").replace("." + self.FILE_EXTENDION, "") path = scenario_path else: name = section path = None scenarios.append(Scenario(name, config.items(section), path)) if not scenario_paths: self.discovered = True self.all_scenarios.extend(scenarios) return scenarios def get_scenario(self, name): if self.discovered is False: self.discover_scenarios() if name is None: return self.all_scenarios try: return [scenario for scenario in self.all_scenarios if scenario.name == name][0] except IndexError: self.warning("Scenario: %s not found" % name) return None class GstValidateBaseTestManager(TestsManager): scenarios_manager = ScenarioManager() def __init__(self): super(GstValidateBaseTestManager, self).__init__() self._scenarios = [] self._encoding_formats = [] def add_scenarios(self, scenarios): """ @scenarios: A list or a unic scenario name(s) to be run on the tests. They are just the default scenarios, and then depending on the TestsGenerator to be used you can have more fine grained control on what to be run on each serie of tests. """ if isinstance(scenarios, list): self._scenarios.extend(scenarios) else: self._scenarios.append(scenarios) def get_scenarios(self): return self._scenarios def add_encoding_formats(self, encoding_formats): """ @encoding_formats: A list or one single #MediaFormatCombinations describing wanted output formats for transcoding test. They are just the default encoding formats, and then depending on the TestsGenerator to be used you can have more fine grained control on what to be run on each serie of tests. """ if isinstance(encoding_formats, list): self._encoding_formats.extend(encoding_formats) else: self._encoding_formats.append(encoding_formats) def get_encoding_formats(self): return self._encoding_formats class MediaDescriptor(Loggable): def __init__(self): Loggable.__init__(self) def get_path(self): raise NotImplemented def get_media_filepath(self): raise NotImplemented def get_caps(self): raise NotImplemented def get_uri(self): raise NotImplemented def get_duration(self): raise NotImplemented def get_protocol(self): raise NotImplemented def is_seekable(self): raise NotImplemented def is_image(self): raise NotImplemented def get_num_tracks(self, track_type): raise NotImplemented def is_compatible(self, scenario): if scenario.seeks() and (not self.is_seekable() or self.is_image()): self.debug("Do not run %s as %s does not support seeking", scenario, self.get_uri()) return False for track_type in ['audio', 'subtitle']: if self.get_num_tracks(track_type) < scenario.get_min_tracks(track_type): self.debug("%s -- %s | At least %s %s track needed < %s" % (scenario, self.get_uri(), track_type, scenario.get_min_tracks(track_type), self.get_num_tracks(track_type))) return False return True class GstValidateMediaDescriptor(MediaDescriptor): # Some extension file for discovering results MEDIA_INFO_EXT = "media_info" STREAM_INFO_EXT = "stream_info" DISCOVERER_COMMAND = "gst-validate-media-check-1.0" if "win32" in sys.platform: DISCOVERER_COMMAND += ".exe" def __init__(self, xml_path): super(GstValidateMediaDescriptor, self).__init__() self._xml_path = xml_path self.media_xml = ET.parse(xml_path).getroot() # Sanity checks self.media_xml.attrib["duration"] self.media_xml.attrib["seekable"] @staticmethod def new_from_uri(uri, verbose=False): media_path = utils.url2path(uri) descriptor_path = "%s.%s" % (media_path, GstValidateMediaDescriptor.MEDIA_INFO_EXT) args = GstValidateMediaDescriptor.DISCOVERER_COMMAND.split(" ") args.append(uri) args.extend(["--output-file", descriptor_path]) if verbose: printc("Generating media info for %s\n" " Command: '%s'" % (media_path, ' '.join(args)), Colors.OKBLUE) try: out = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=open(os.devnull)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if self.options.generate_info: printc("Result: Failed", Colors.FAIL) else: self.error("Exception: %s", e) return None if verbose: printc("Result: Passed", Colors.OKGREEN) return GstValidateMediaDescriptor(descriptor_path) def get_path(self): return self._xml_path def get_media_filepath(self): if self.get_protocol() == Protocols.FILE: return self._xml_path.replace("." + self.MEDIA_INFO_EXT, "") else: return self._xml_path.replace("." + self.STREAM_INFO_EXT, "") def get_caps(self): return self.media_xml.findall("streams")[0].attrib["caps"] def get_uri(self): return self.media_xml.attrib["uri"] def get_duration(self): return long(self.media_xml.attrib["duration"]) def set_protocol(self, protocol): self.media_xml.attrib["protocol"] = protocol def get_protocol(self): return self.media_xml.attrib["protocol"] def is_seekable(self): return self.media_xml.attrib["seekable"] def is_image(self): for stream in self.media_xml.findall("streams")[0].findall("stream"): if stream.attrib["type"] == "image": return True return False def get_num_tracks(self, track_type): n = 0 for stream in self.media_xml.findall("streams")[0].findall("stream"): if stream.attrib["type"] == track_type: n += 1 return n class MediaFormatCombination(object): _FORMATS = {"aac": "audio/mpeg,mpegversion=4", "ac3": "audio/x-ac3", "vorbis": "audio/x-vorbis", "mp3": "audio/mpeg,mpegversion=1,layer=3", "h264": "video/x-h264", "vp8": "video/x-vp8", "theora": "video/x-theora", "ogg": "application/ogg", "mkv": "video/x-matroska", "mp4": "video/quicktime,variant=iso;", "webm": "video/webm"} def __str__(self): return "%s and %s in %s" % (self.acodec, self.vcodec, self.container) def __init__(self, container, acodec, vcodec): self.container = container self.acodec = acodec self.vcodec = vcodec def get_audio_caps(self): return self._FORMATS[self.acodec] def get_video_caps(self): return self._FORMATS[self.vcodec] def get_muxer_caps(self): return self._FORMATS[self.container]