/* * Check: a unit test framework for C * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Arien Malec * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "check.h" #include "check_error.h" #include "check_list.h" #include "check_impl.h" #include "check_msg.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include /* for _POSIX_VERSION */ #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_TIMEOUT #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 4 #endif int check_major_version = CHECK_MAJOR_VERSION; int check_minor_version = CHECK_MINOR_VERSION; int check_micro_version = CHECK_MICRO_VERSION; static int non_pass (int val); static Fixture *fixture_create (SFun fun, int ischecked); static void tcase_add_fixture (TCase * tc, SFun setup, SFun teardown, int ischecked); static void tr_init (TestResult * tr); static void suite_free (Suite * s); static void tcase_free (TCase * tc); Suite * suite_create (const char *name) { Suite *s; s = emalloc (sizeof (Suite)); /* freed in suite_free */ if (name == NULL) s->name = ""; else s->name = name; s->tclst = check_list_create (); return s; } static void suite_free (Suite * s) { List *l; if (s == NULL) return; l = s->tclst; for (list_front (l); !list_at_end (l); list_advance (l)) { tcase_free (list_val (l)); } list_free (s->tclst); free (s); } TCase * tcase_create (const char *name) { char *env; int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; TCase *tc = emalloc (sizeof (TCase)); /*freed in tcase_free */ if (name == NULL) tc->name = ""; else tc->name = name; env = getenv ("CK_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT"); if (env != NULL) { int tmp = atoi (env); if (tmp >= 0) { timeout = tmp; } } env = getenv ("CK_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER"); if (env != NULL) { int tmp = atoi (env); if (tmp >= 0) { timeout = timeout * tmp; } } tc->timeout = timeout; tc->tflst = check_list_create (); tc->unch_sflst = check_list_create (); tc->ch_sflst = check_list_create (); tc->unch_tflst = check_list_create (); tc->ch_tflst = check_list_create (); return tc; } static void tcase_free (TCase * tc) { list_apply (tc->tflst, free); list_apply (tc->unch_sflst, free); list_apply (tc->ch_sflst, free); list_apply (tc->unch_tflst, free); list_apply (tc->ch_tflst, free); list_free (tc->tflst); list_free (tc->unch_sflst); list_free (tc->ch_sflst); list_free (tc->unch_tflst); list_free (tc->ch_tflst); free (tc); } void suite_add_tcase (Suite * s, TCase * tc) { if (s == NULL || tc == NULL) return; list_add_end (s->tclst, tc); } void _tcase_add_test (TCase * tc, TFun fn, const char *name, int _signal, int allowed_exit_value, int start, int end) { TF *tf; if (tc == NULL || fn == NULL || name == NULL) return; tf = emalloc (sizeof (TF)); /* freed in tcase_free */ tf->fn = fn; tf->loop_start = start; tf->loop_end = end; tf->signal = _signal; /* 0 means no signal expected */ tf->allowed_exit_value = allowed_exit_value; /* 0 is default successful exit */ tf->name = name; list_add_end (tc->tflst, tf); } static Fixture * fixture_create (SFun fun, int ischecked) { Fixture *f; f = emalloc (sizeof (Fixture)); f->fun = fun; f->ischecked = ischecked; return f; } void tcase_add_unchecked_fixture (TCase * tc, SFun setup, SFun teardown) { tcase_add_fixture (tc, setup, teardown, 0); } void tcase_add_checked_fixture (TCase * tc, SFun setup, SFun teardown) { tcase_add_fixture (tc, setup, teardown, 1); } static void tcase_add_fixture (TCase * tc, SFun setup, SFun teardown, int ischecked) { if (setup) { if (ischecked) list_add_end (tc->ch_sflst, fixture_create (setup, ischecked)); else list_add_end (tc->unch_sflst, fixture_create (setup, ischecked)); } /* Add teardowns at front so they are run in reverse order. */ if (teardown) { if (ischecked) list_add_front (tc->ch_tflst, fixture_create (teardown, ischecked)); else list_add_front (tc->unch_tflst, fixture_create (teardown, ischecked)); } } void tcase_set_timeout (TCase * tc, int timeout) { if (timeout >= 0) { char *env = getenv ("CK_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER"); if (env != NULL) { int tmp = atoi (env); if (tmp >= 0) { timeout = timeout * tmp; } } tc->timeout = timeout; } } void tcase_fn_start (const char *fname CK_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, const char *file, int line) { send_ctx_info (CK_CTX_TEST); send_loc_info (file, line); } void _mark_point (const char *file, int line) { send_loc_info (file, line); } void _fail_unless (int result, const char *file, int line, const char *expr, ...) { const char *msg; send_loc_info (file, line); if (!result) { va_list ap; char buf[BUFSIZ]; va_start (ap, expr); msg = (const char *) va_arg (ap, char *); if (msg == NULL) msg = expr; vsnprintf (buf, BUFSIZ, msg, ap); va_end (ap); send_failure_info (buf); if (cur_fork_status () == CK_FORK) { #ifdef _POSIX_VERSION exit (1); #endif /* _POSIX_VERSION */ } } } SRunner * srunner_create (Suite * s) { SRunner *sr = emalloc (sizeof (SRunner)); /* freed in srunner_free */ sr->slst = check_list_create (); if (s != NULL) list_add_end (sr->slst, s); sr->stats = emalloc (sizeof (TestStats)); /* freed in srunner_free */ sr->stats->n_checked = sr->stats->n_failed = sr->stats->n_errors = 0; sr->resultlst = check_list_create (); sr->log_fname = NULL; sr->xml_fname = NULL; sr->loglst = NULL; sr->fstat = CK_FORK_GETENV; return sr; } void srunner_add_suite (SRunner * sr, Suite * s) { if (s == NULL) return; list_add_end (sr->slst, s); } void srunner_free (SRunner * sr) { List *l; TestResult *tr; if (sr == NULL) return; free (sr->stats); l = sr->slst; for (list_front (l); !list_at_end (l); list_advance (l)) { suite_free (list_val (l)); } list_free (sr->slst); l = sr->resultlst; for (list_front (l); !list_at_end (l); list_advance (l)) { tr = list_val (l); free (tr->file); free (tr->msg); free (tr); } list_free (sr->resultlst); free (sr); } int srunner_ntests_failed (SRunner * sr) { return sr->stats->n_failed + sr->stats->n_errors; } int srunner_ntests_run (SRunner * sr) { return sr->stats->n_checked; } TestResult ** srunner_failures (SRunner * sr) { int i = 0; TestResult **trarray; List *rlst; trarray = malloc (sizeof (trarray[0]) * srunner_ntests_failed (sr)); rlst = sr->resultlst; for (list_front (rlst); !list_at_end (rlst); list_advance (rlst)) { TestResult *tr = list_val (rlst); if (non_pass (tr->rtype)) trarray[i++] = tr; } return trarray; } TestResult ** srunner_results (SRunner * sr) { int i = 0; TestResult **trarray; List *rlst; trarray = malloc (sizeof (trarray[0]) * srunner_ntests_run (sr)); rlst = sr->resultlst; for (list_front (rlst); !list_at_end (rlst); list_advance (rlst)) { trarray[i++] = list_val (rlst); } return trarray; } static int non_pass (int val) { return val != CK_PASS; } TestResult * tr_create (void) { TestResult *tr; tr = emalloc (sizeof (TestResult)); tr_init (tr); return tr; } void tr_reset (TestResult * tr) { tr_init (tr); } static void tr_init (TestResult * tr) { tr->ctx = CK_CTX_INVALID; tr->line = -1; tr->rtype = CK_TEST_RESULT_INVALID; tr->msg = NULL; tr->file = NULL; tr->tcname = NULL; tr->tname = NULL; } const char * tr_msg (TestResult * tr) { return tr->msg; } int tr_lno (TestResult * tr) { return tr->line; } const char * tr_lfile (TestResult * tr) { return tr->file; } int tr_rtype (TestResult * tr) { return tr->rtype; } enum ck_result_ctx tr_ctx (TestResult * tr) { return tr->ctx; } const char * tr_tcname (TestResult * tr) { return tr->tcname; } static int _fstat = CK_FORK; void set_fork_status (enum fork_status fstat) { if (fstat == CK_FORK || fstat == CK_NOFORK || fstat == CK_FORK_GETENV) _fstat = fstat; else eprintf ("Bad status in set_fork_status", __FILE__, __LINE__); } enum fork_status cur_fork_status (void) { return _fstat; }