project('gstreamer-full', 'c', version : '', meson_version : '>= 1.1', default_options : ['buildtype=debugoptimized', # Needed due to, # but this can cause problems in the future. Remove it # when it's no longer necessary. 'cpp_std=c++14']) apiversion = '1.0' gst_version = '>= @0@'.format(meson.project_version()) build_system = build_machine.system() cc = meson.get_compiler('c') fs = import('fs') gnome = import('gnome') pkgconfig = import('pkgconfig') python3 = import('python').find_installation() # Ensure that we're not being run from inside the development environment # because that will confuse meson, and it might find the already-built # gstreamer. It's fine if people run `ninja` as long as it doesn't run # reconfigure because ninja doesn't care about the env. ensure_not_devenv = ''' import os assert('GST_ENV' not in os.environ) ''' cmdres = run_command(python3, '-c', ensure_not_devenv, check: false) if cmdres.returncode() != 0 error('Do not run `ninja reconfigure` or `meson` for gst-build inside the development environment, you will run into problems') endif # Install gst-indent pre-commit hook run_command(python3, '-c', 'import shutil; shutil.copy("scripts/git-hooks/multi-pre-commit.hook", ".git/hooks/pre-commit")', check: false) gitlint_req = '>= 0.18' gitlint = find_program('gitlint', version: gitlint_req, required: false) if gitlint.found() run_command(gitlint, 'install-hook', check: false) else message('gitlint not found or too old, please install it with your package manager or `python3 -m pip install gitlint` to enable the commit message hook') endif # On macOS, you have to run "Install Certificates.command" otherwise Python # doesn't have access to the latest SSL CA Certificates, and Meson will fail to # download wrap files from websites that use, for example, Let's Encrypt. # We already recommend this in the README, but add a warning here as well. # Can't make this an error because the user might be using XCode's Python # 3 which doesn't have this script. if build_system == 'darwin' python3_cacert_file = python3.get_path('data') / 'etc/openssl/cert.pem' install_cert_cmd = '/Applications/Python @0@/Install Certificates.command'.format(python3.language_version()) if not fs.is_symlink(python3_cacert_file) and fs.is_file(install_cert_cmd) warning('Please run "@0@" so that Python has access to the latest SSL certificates. Meson might fail to download some wraps without it.'.format(install_cert_cmd)) endif endif documented_projects = '' # Make it possible to use msys2 built zlib which fails # when not using the mingw toolchain as it uses unistd.h if not meson.is_subproject() and cc.get_id() == 'msvc' uname = find_program('uname', required: false) if uname.found() ret = run_command(uname, '-o', check: false) if ret.returncode() == 0 and ret.stdout().to_lower() == 'msys' ret = run_command(uname, '-r', check: false) # The kernel version returned by uname is actually the msys version if ret.returncode() == 0 and ret.stdout().startswith('2') # If a system zlib is found, disable UNIX features in zlib.h and zconf.h if cc.find_library('z').found() add_global_arguments('-DZ_SOLO', language: 'c') endif endif endif endif endif # Ensure that MSVC interprets all source code as UTF-8. Only do this when we're # not a subproject, because subprojects are not allowed to call # add_global_arguments(). if not meson.is_subproject() and cc.get_id() == 'msvc' add_global_arguments( cc.get_supported_arguments(['/utf-8']), # set the input encoding to utf-8 language: ['c', 'cpp']) endif building_full = get_option('default_library') == 'static' building_full_static = false building_full_options = [] if building_full building_full_options = ['gstreamer-static-full=false'] building_full_static = get_option('gst-full-target-type') == 'static_library' if building_full_static building_full_options = ['gstreamer-static-full=true'] endif endif libnice_options = [] if get_option('webrtc').enabled() libnice_options += ['gstreamer=enabled'] endif # Disable gst-python if we've disabled introspection gst_python_option = get_option('python').disable_if(get_option('introspection').disabled()) # Ordered list of subprojects (dict has no ordering guarantees) subprojects = [ ['gstreamer', {'build-hotdoc': true, 'subproject_options': building_full_options}], ['gst-plugins-base', {'option': get_option('base'), 'build-hotdoc': true}], ['gst-plugins-good', {'option': get_option('good'), 'build-hotdoc': true}], ['libnice', { 'option': get_option('libnice'), 'match_gst_version': false, 'subproject_options': libnice_options}], ['gst-plugins-bad', { 'option': get_option('bad'), 'build-hotdoc': true}], ['gst-plugins-ugly', { 'option': get_option('ugly'), 'build-hotdoc': true}], ['gst-libav', { 'option': get_option('libav'), 'build-hotdoc': true}], ['gst-rtsp-server', { 'option': get_option('rtsp_server'), 'build-hotdoc': true}], ['gst-devtools', { 'option': get_option('devtools'), 'build-hotdoc': true}], ['gst-integration-testsuites', { 'option': get_option('devtools') }], ['gst-editing-services', { 'option': get_option('ges'), 'build-hotdoc': true}], ['gstreamer-vaapi', { 'option': get_option('vaapi'), 'build-hotdoc': true}], ['gstreamer-sharp', { 'option': get_option('sharp') }], ['pygobject', { 'option': get_option('python'), 'match_gst_version': false, 'sysdep': 'pygobject-3.0', 'sysdep_version': '>= 3.8' }], ['gst-python', { 'option': gst_python_option}], ['gst-examples', { 'option': get_option('gst-examples'), 'match_gst_versions': false}], ['gst-plugins-rs', { 'option': get_option('rs'), 'build-hotdoc': true, 'match_gst_version': false}], ] if get_option('build-tools-source') == 'subproject' if build_system == 'windows' subproject('win-flex-bison-binaries') subproject('win-nasm') subproject('win-pkgconfig') elif build_system == 'darwin' subproject('macos-bison-binary') # Newer macOS provides /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libpcre2-8.pc which is broken # because it says headers are in /usr/include but that directory doesn't # exist. It can only be used to find the library, which only exists on # newer macOS at /usr/lib/libpcre2-8.dylib, so it's also unusable. # # jit support requires macOS 11.0 or newer, so disable it by default subproject('pcre2', default_options: ['default_library=static', 'jit=disabled']) endif endif orc_option = get_option('orc') # There is a check below to keep this in sync with subprojects/gst-plugins-base/ orc_req = '>= 0.4.24' orc_source_option = get_option('orc-source') orc_subproject = disabler() if orc_option.allowed() if orc_source_option == 'subproject' orc_subproject = subproject('orc', required: orc_option) else dependency('orc-0.4', version: orc_req, required: orc_option, allow_fallback: orc_source_option == 'auto') endif endif foreach custom_subproj: get_option('custom_subprojects').split(',') if custom_subproj != '' message ('Adding custom subproject ' + custom_subproj) subprojects += [[custom_subproj, {'match_gst_version': false}]] endif endforeach subprojects_names = [] plugins_doc_caches = [] orc_update_targets = [] all_plugins = [] all_tools = {} all_helpers = {} gst_tools = [] gst_helpers = [] gst_libraries =[] # Using a list and not a dict to keep the ordering to build the chain of `gir` # dependencies all_libraries = [] foreach sp : subprojects project_name = sp[0] build_infos = sp[1] is_required = build_infos.get('option', true) sysdep = build_infos.get('sysdep', '') sysdep_version = build_infos.get('sysdep_version', '') match_gst_version = build_infos.get('match_gst_version', true) default_options = build_infos.get('subproject_options', []) if match_gst_version subproj = subproject(project_name, version: gst_version, required: is_required, default_options: default_options) elif sysdep != '' sysdep_dep = dependency(sysdep, version: sysdep_version, required: is_required, default_options: default_options) else subproj = subproject(project_name, required: is_required, default_options: default_options) endif if project_name == 'gst-plugins-base' and subproj.found() gst_base_orc_req = subproj.get_variable('orc_req', '') if gst_base_orc_req != orc_req error('orc_req is "@0@" but it should be "@1@" from subprojects/gst-plugins-base/' .format(orc_req, gst_base_orc_req)) endif endif if subproj.found() plugins = subproj.get_variable('gst_plugins', []) legacy_plugins = subproj.get_variable('plugins', []) all_plugins += plugins if plugins.length() == 0 and legacy_plugins.length() > 0 warning(f'DEPRECATED use of the `plugins` variable in @project_name@.') warning('The variable should now be called `gst_plugins` and use:') warning('`declare_dependency( link_with: , variable: {\'full_path\': .full_path()})` instead') foreach plugin: legacy_plugins all_plugins += [declare_dependency(link_with: plugin, variables: {'full_path': plugin.full_path()})] endforeach endif all_libraries += subproj.get_variable('gst_libraries', []) if not get_option('tools').disabled() all_tools += subproj.get_variable('gst_tools', {}) all_helpers += subproj.get_variable('gst_helpers', {}) endif orc_update_targets += subproj.get_variable('orc_update_targets', []) subprojects_names += [project_name] if not meson.is_cross_build() and build_infos.get('build-hotdoc', false) plugins_doc_caches += [subproj.get_variable('gst_plugins_doc_dep', [])] if documented_projects != '' documented_projects += ',' endif documented_projects += project_name endif endif endforeach # Check if we need to also build glib-networking for TLS modules giomodules = [] glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0') if glib_dep.type_name() == 'internal' subp = subproject('glib-networking', required : get_option('tls'), default_options: ['gnutls=auto', 'openssl=auto']) if subp.found() giomodules += subp.get_variable('giomodules', []) endif endif gst_plugins_doc_dep = custom_target('plugins-doc-cache', command: [python3, '-c', 'print("Built all doc caches")'], input: plugins_doc_caches, output: 'plugins_doc_caches', capture: true, ) gir_files = [] gir_targets = [] foreach pkgname_library : all_libraries lib_def = pkgname_library[1] foreach gir_target: lib_def.get('gir_targets', []) gir_files += [gir_target[0].full_path()] gir_targets += gir_target endforeach endforeach custom_target('update_girs', command: [find_program('scripts/'), meson.global_build_root()] + gir_files, output: 'update_girs', capture: true, depends: gir_targets ) if meson.is_cross_build() or build_machine.system() == 'windows' if get_option('doc').enabled() error('Documentation enabled but building the doc while cross building or building on windows is not supported yet.') endif documented_projects = '' message('Documentation not built as building the documentation while cross building or building on windows is not supported yet.') else hotdoc_p = find_program('hotdoc', required : get_option('doc')) if not hotdoc_p.found() documented_projects = '' message('Not building documentation as hotdoc was not found') endif endif write_file_contents = ''' import os import sys assert len(sys.argv) >= 3 fname = sys.argv[1] contents = sys.argv[2] with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(contents) ''' configure_file( output : 'GstDocumentedSubprojects', command : [python3, '-c', write_file_contents, '@OUTPUT@', documented_projects] ) if documented_projects != '' gst_doc = subproject('gst-docs', required: get_option('doc').enabled()) if gst_doc.found() gst_doc_target = gst_doc.get_variable('gstreamer_doc') alias_target('gst-doc', gst_doc_target) endif message('Gst docs subprojects: ' + documented_projects) endif all_plugins_paths = [] all_plugins_dirs = [] plugins_names = [] foreach plugin: all_plugins plugin_path = plugin.get_variable('full_path') all_plugins_paths += plugin_path all_plugins_dirs += fs.parent(plugin_path) plugins_names += endforeach # Work around meson bug: pathsep = host_machine.system() == 'windows' ? ';' : ':' all_plugins_paths = pathsep.join(all_plugins_paths) devenv = environment() if not building_full devenv.prepend('GST_PLUGIN_PATH', all_plugins_dirs) else # Make sure the current build directory is first in PATH so we prefer tools # built here that links on gst-full instead instead of those built in # subprojects. devenv.prepend('PATH', meson.current_build_dir()) endif devenv.set('CURRENT_GST', meson.current_source_dir()) devenv.set('GST_VERSION', meson.project_version()) devenv.set('GST_ENV', 'gst-' + meson.project_version()) devenv.set('GST_REGISTRY', meson.current_build_dir() / 'registry.dat') devenv.set('GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH', '') devenv.set('GST_PLUGIN_LOADING_WHITELIST', '*') meson.add_devenv(devenv) generate_plugins_paths = find_program('scripts/') configure_file( output : 'GstPluginsPath.json', command : [generate_plugins_paths, '@OUTPUT@', all_plugins_paths] ) if building_full cdata = configuration_data() cdata.set_quoted('GST_API_VERSION', apiversion) cdata.set_quoted('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', 'gstreamer-full-1.0') cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', meson.project_version()) cdata.set_quoted('GST_PACKAGE_ORIGIN', get_option('package-origin')) cdata.set_quoted('GST_FULL_LICENSE', get_option('gstreamer-full-license')) cdata.set_quoted('GST_PLUGIN_FULL_FEATURES_NAME', 'fullstaticfeatures') configure_file(output : 'config.h', configuration : cdata) configinc = include_directories('.') gst_c_args = ['-DHAVE_CONFIG_H'] # Generate a .c file which declare and register all built plugins static_plugins = get_option('gst-full-plugins') plugins_to_be_initialized = [] if static_plugins == '*' all_plugin_names = ';'.join(plugins_names) else missing_plugins = [] foreach plugin : static_plugins.split(';') if plugins_names.contains(plugin) plugins_to_be_initialized += [plugin] else missing_plugins += [plugin] endif endforeach if missing_plugins.length() > 0 error('Some gstreamer-full plugins enabled via the \'gst-full-plugins\' option are not available, please enable the corresponding meson options: @0@'.format(', '.join(missing_plugins))) endif all_plugin_names = ';'.join(plugins_to_be_initialized) endif generate_init_static_plugins = find_program('scripts/') init_static_plugins_c = configure_file( output: 'gstinitstaticplugins.c', command : [generate_init_static_plugins, '-o ' + '@OUTPUT@', '-p ' + all_plugin_names, '-e ' + get_option('gst-full-elements'), '-t ' + get_option('gst-full-typefind-functions'), '-d ' + get_option('gst-full-device-providers'), '-T ' + get_option('gst-full-dynamic-types'), '--giomodules', ';'.join(giomodules), ] ) gstfull_link_args = cc.get_supported_link_arguments(['-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions']) # Get a list of libraries that needs to be exposed in the ABI. exposed_libs = [] exposed_deps = [] exposed_girs = [] incdir_deps = [] wanted_libs = ['gstreamer-1.0'] + get_option('gst-full-libraries') all_libs = '*' in wanted_libs foreach pkgname_library : all_libraries pkg_name = pkgname_library[0] gst_libraries += pkg_name lib_def = pkgname_library[1] if pkg_name in wanted_libs or all_libs if lib_def.has_key('lib') exposed_deps += dependency(pkg_name) incdir_deps += dependency(pkg_name).partial_dependency(includes: true, sources: true) exposed_libs += [lib_def['lib']] endif if lib_def.has_key('gir') exposed_girs += lib_def['gir'] endif endif endforeach # glib and gobject are part of our public API. If we are using glib from the # system then our pkg-config file must require it. If we built it as # subproject then we need to link_whole it. # Note that link_whole dependencies aren't exposed transitively in # Windows/Cygwin, because symbols from static libraries must # be manually marked as exported through a module definition file. # See e.g. glib_deps = [] glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0') gobject_dep = dependency('gobject-2.0') if gobject_dep.type_name() == 'internal' glib_subproject = subproject('glib') exposed_libs += glib_subproject.get_variable('libglib') exposed_libs += glib_subproject.get_variable('libgobject') incdir_deps += [ glib_dep.partial_dependency(includes: true), gobject_dep.partial_dependency(includes: true), ] else glib_deps = [glib_dep, gobject_dep] endif link_deps = [] if get_option('gst-full-version-script') != '' symbol_map = meson.current_source_dir() / get_option('gst-full-version-script') link_arg = '-Wl,--version-script=' + symbol_map if cc.has_link_argument(link_arg) gstfull_link_args += link_arg link_deps += symbol_map elif cc.get_id() == 'msvc' warning('FIXME: Provide a def file to publish the public symbols') else warning('FIXME: Linker does not support the supplied version script (' + symbol_map + '), please disable the "gst-full-version-script" option') endif endif giomodules_deps = [] foreach module : giomodules giomodules_deps += dependency(module) endforeach # Build shared library gstfull = build_target('gstreamer-full-1.0', init_static_plugins_c, c_args: ['-DBUILDING_GST'] + gst_c_args, target_type: get_option('gst-full-target-type'), link_args: gstfull_link_args, link_whole : exposed_libs, dependencies : [incdir_deps, glib_deps, all_plugins, giomodules_deps], link_depends : link_deps, install : true, ) gst_full_c_flags = ['-DGST_STATIC_COMPILATION'] gst_full_libs = [gstfull] # See above re: symbol exports in Win32 if ['windows', 'cygwin'].contains(host_machine.system()) gst_full_libs += exposed_libs endif gst_full_dep = declare_dependency(link_with: gst_full_libs, compile_args: gst_full_c_flags, dependencies : incdir_deps + glib_deps, include_directories: include_directories('.') ) gst_full_libs_private = cc.get_supported_link_arguments(['-Wl,--undefined=gst_init_static_plugins']) if gst_full_libs_private == [] warning('The compiler does not support `-Wl,--undefined` linker flag. The method `gst_init_static_plugins` might be dropped during the link stage of an application using libgstreamer-full-1.0.a, preventing plugins registration.') endif if building_full_static warning('Introspection is enabled in gst-full static build mode but this is not supported by now. gir generation is now disabled.') endif # FIXME: gnome.generate_gir should link with not only gstfull in static gst-full but the whole gstreamer suite. # tried dependencies without success. if not get_option('introspection').disabled() and not building_full_static built_girs = {} foreach gir: exposed_girs includes = [] foreach include: gir.get('includes', []) includes += [built_girs.get(include, include)] endforeach gir += { 'includes': includes, 'extra_args': gir.get('extra_args', []) + ['--add-include-path=' + meson.current_build_dir()], 'install': true, } built_girs += {gir.get('namespace') + '-' + gir.get('nsversion'): gnome.generate_gir(gstfull, kwargs: gir)[0]} endforeach endif pkgconfig.generate(gstfull, requires: glib_deps, libraries_private: gst_full_libs_private, extra_cflags: gst_full_c_flags, subdirs : 'gstreamer-1.0') meson.override_dependency('gstreamer-full-1.0', gst_full_dep) if not get_option('tools').disabled() # Loop for tools foreach tool, data: all_tools gst_tools += tool exe_name = '@0@-@1@'.format(tool, apiversion) deps = [] foreach d : data.get('deps', []) if d not in exposed_deps deps += d endif endforeach exe = executable(exe_name, data.get('files'), install: data.get('install', true), install_tag: data.get('install_tag', 'bin'), install_dir: data.get('install_dir', get_option('bindir')), include_directories : data.get('include_directories', [configinc]), dependencies : [gst_full_dep] + deps, c_args: data.get('extra_c_args', []) + gst_c_args + ['-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="@0@"'.format(exe_name)], cpp_args: data.get('extra_cpp_args', []), objc_args: data.get('extra_objc_args', []), override_options: data.get('override_options', []), ) if(data.has_key('env')) env = data.get('env') value = env[1] if env[1] == 'exe-full-path' value = exe.full_path() endif meson.add_devenv({env[0]: value}) endif if data.has_key('man_page') install_man(data.get('man_page')) endif endforeach # Loop for helpers tools foreach helper, data: all_helpers gst_helpers += helper exe_name = '@0@'.format(helper) deps = [] foreach d : data.get('deps', []) if d not in exposed_deps deps += d endif endforeach exe = executable(exe_name, data.get('files'), install: data.get('install', true), install_tag: data.get('install_tag', 'bin'), install_dir: data.get('install_dir', get_option('bindir')), include_directories : data.get('include_directories', [configinc]), dependencies : [gst_full_dep] + deps, c_args: data.get('extra_c_args', []) + gst_c_args + ['-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="@0@"'.format(exe_name)], cpp_args: data.get('extra_cpp_args', []), objc_args: data.get('extra_objc_args', []), override_options: data.get('override_options', []), ) if(data.has_key('env')) env = data.get('env') value = env[1] if env[1] == 'exe-full-path' value = exe.full_path() endif meson.add_devenv({env[0]: value}) endif if data.has_key('man_page') install_man(data.get('man_page')) endif endforeach endif else # not gst_full foreach tool, data: all_tools gst_tools += tool endforeach foreach helper, data: all_helpers gst_helpers += helper endforeach foreach library : all_libraries gst_libraries = library[0] endforeach endif message('Building subprojects: ' + ', '.join(subprojects_names)) setenv = find_program('') devenv_cmd = [setenv, '--builddir=@0@'.format(meson.global_build_root()), '--srcdir=@0@'.format(meson.global_source_root())] subdir('tests') subdir('ci/fuzzing') if meson.can_run_host_binaries() and build_machine.system() == 'linux' and host_machine.system() == 'windows' # FIXME: Ideally we could get the wrapper directly from meson devenv_cmd += ['--wine', host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86_64' ? 'wine64' : 'wine32'] sysroot = meson.get_cross_property('sys_root') if sysroot != '' # Logic from meson devenv_cmd += ['--winepath', 'Z:' + join_paths(sysroot, 'bin')] endif endif run_target('devenv', command : devenv_cmd) if orc_subproject.found() and orc_update_targets.length() > 0 alias_target('update-orc-dist', orc_update_targets) endif subdir('scripts') dotnet_format = find_program('dotnet-format', required: false) if dotnet_format.found() run_target('csharp_format_check', command: [join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'scripts', 'format-csharp'), '--check' ], ) run_target('csharp_format_apply', command: [join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'scripts', 'format-csharp'), ], ) endif summary({ 'gstreamer-full library': building_full, 'gstreamer-full target type': get_option('gst-full-target-type'), 'Tools': gst_tools, 'Helpers': gst_helpers, 'Libraries': gst_libraries, 'Tests and examples disabled': building_full, }, section: 'Build options', bool_yn: true, list_sep: ' ')