/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Erik Walthinsen * 2000 Wim Taymans * * gstindex.h: Header for GstIndex, base class to handle efficient * storage or caching of seeking information. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __GST_INDEX_H__ #define __GST_INDEX_H__ #include #include #include G_BEGIN_DECLS #define GST_TYPE_INDEX (gst_index_get_type ()) #define GST_INDEX(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GST_TYPE_INDEX, GstIndex)) #define GST_IS_INDEX(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GST_TYPE_INDEX)) #define GST_INDEX_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GST_TYPE_INDEX, GstIndexClass)) #define GST_IS_INDEX_CLASS(klass) (GST_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), GST_TYPE_INDEX)) #define GST_INDEX_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GST_TYPE_INDEX, GstIndexClass)) typedef struct _GstIndexEntry GstIndexEntry; typedef struct _GstIndexGroup GstIndexGroup; typedef struct _GstIndex GstIndex; typedef struct _GstIndexClass GstIndexClass; typedef enum { GST_INDEX_UNKNOWN, GST_INDEX_CERTAIN, GST_INDEX_FUZZY } GstIndexCertainty; typedef enum { GST_INDEX_ENTRY_ID, GST_INDEX_ENTRY_ASSOCIATION, GST_INDEX_ENTRY_OBJECT, GST_INDEX_ENTRY_FORMAT, } GstIndexEntryType; typedef enum { GST_INDEX_LOOKUP_EXACT, GST_INDEX_LOOKUP_BEFORE, GST_INDEX_LOOKUP_AFTER, } GstIndexLookupMethod; #define GST_INDEX_NASSOCS(entry) ((entry)->data.assoc.nassocs) #define GST_INDEX_ASSOC_FLAGS(entry) ((entry)->data.assoc.flags) #define GST_INDEX_ASSOC_FORMAT(entry,i) ((entry)->data.assoc.assocs[(i)].format) #define GST_INDEX_ASSOC_VALUE(entry,i) ((entry)->data.assoc.assocs[(i)].value) typedef struct _GstIndexAssociation GstIndexAssociation; struct _GstIndexAssociation { GstFormat format; gint64 value; }; typedef enum { GST_ACCOCIATION_FLAG_NONE = 0, GST_ACCOCIATION_FLAG_KEY_UNIT = (1 << 0), /* new flags should start here */ GST_ACCOCIATION_FLAG_LAST = (1 << 8), } GstAssocFlags; #define GST_INDEX_FORMAT_FORMAT(entry) ((entry)->data.format.format) #define GST_INDEX_FORMAT_KEY(entry) ((entry)->data.format.key) #define GST_INDEX_ID_DESCRIPTION(entry) ((entry)->data.id.description) struct _GstIndexEntry { GstIndexEntryType type; gint id; union { struct { gchar *description; } id; struct { gint nassocs; GstIndexAssociation *assocs; GstAssocFlags flags; } assoc; struct { gchar *key; GType type; gpointer object; } object; struct { GstFormat format; gchar *key; } format; } data; }; struct _GstIndexGroup { /* unique ID of group in index */ gint groupnum; /* list of entries */ GList *entries; /* the certainty level of the group */ GstIndexCertainty certainty; /* peer group that contains more certain entries */ gint peergroup; }; typedef gboolean (*GstIndexFilter) (GstIndex *index, GstIndexEntry *entry); typedef gboolean (*GstIndexResolver) (GstIndex *index, GstObject *writer, gint *writer_id, gchar **writer_string, gpointer user_data); typedef enum { GST_INDEX_WRITABLE = GST_OBJECT_FLAG_LAST, GST_INDEX_READABLE, GST_INDEX_FLAG_LAST = GST_OBJECT_FLAG_LAST + 8 } GstIndexFlags; #define GST_INDEX_IS_READABLE(obj) (GST_FLAG_IS_SET (obj, GST_INDEX_READABLE)) #define GST_INDEX_IS_WRITABLE(obj) (GST_FLAG_IS_SET (obj, GST_INDEX_WRITABLE)) struct _GstIndex { GstObject object; GList *groups; GstIndexGroup *curgroup; gint maxgroup; GstIndexResolver resolver; gpointer resolver_user_data; GstIndexFilter filter; gpointer filter_user_data; GHashTable *writers; gint last_id; gpointer dummy[8]; }; struct _GstIndexClass { GstObjectClass parent_class; gboolean (*resolve_writer) (GstIndex *index, GstObject *writer, gint *writer_id, gchar **writer_string); void (*commit) (GstIndex *index, gint id); /* abstract methods */ void (*add_entry) (GstIndex *index, GstIndexEntry *entry); GstIndexEntry* (*get_assoc_entry) (GstIndex *index, gint id, GstIndexLookupMethod method, GstAssocFlags flags, GstFormat format, gint64 value, GCompareDataFunc func, gpointer user_data); /* signals */ void (*entry_added) (GstIndex *index, GstIndexEntry *entry); gpointer dummy[8]; }; GType gst_index_get_type (void); GstIndex* gst_index_new (void); void gst_index_commit (GstIndex *index, gint id); gint gst_index_get_group (GstIndex *index); gint gst_index_new_group (GstIndex *index); gboolean gst_index_set_group (GstIndex *index, gint groupnum); void gst_index_set_certainty (GstIndex *index, GstIndexCertainty certainty); GstIndexCertainty gst_index_get_certainty (GstIndex *index); void gst_index_set_filter (GstIndex *index, GstIndexFilter filter, gpointer user_data); void gst_index_set_resolver (GstIndex *index, GstIndexResolver resolver, gpointer user_data); gboolean gst_index_get_writer_id (GstIndex *index, GstObject *writer, gint *id); GstIndexEntry* gst_index_add_format (GstIndex *index, gint id, GstFormat format); GstIndexEntry* gst_index_add_association (GstIndex *index, gint id, GstAssocFlags flags, GstFormat format, gint64 value, ...); GstIndexEntry* gst_index_add_object (GstIndex *index, gint id, gchar *key, GType type, gpointer object); GstIndexEntry* gst_index_add_id (GstIndex *index, gint id, gchar *description); GstIndexEntry* gst_index_get_assoc_entry (GstIndex *index, gint id, GstIndexLookupMethod method, GstAssocFlags flags, GstFormat format, gint64 value); GstIndexEntry* gst_index_get_assoc_entry_full (GstIndex *index, gint id, GstIndexLookupMethod method, GstAssocFlags flags, GstFormat format, gint64 value, GCompareDataFunc func, gpointer user_data); /* working with index entries */ void gst_index_entry_free (GstIndexEntry *entry); gboolean gst_index_entry_assoc_map (GstIndexEntry *entry, GstFormat format, gint64 *value); /* * creating indexs * */ #define GST_TYPE_INDEX_FACTORY (gst_index_factory_get_type()) #define GST_INDEX_FACTORY(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GST_TYPE_INDEX_FACTORY, GstIndexFactory)) #define GST_IS_INDEX_FACTORY(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GST_TYPE_INDEX_FACTORY)) #define GST_INDEX_FACTORY_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GST_TYPE_INDEX_FACTORY, GstIndexFactoryClass)) #define GST_IS_INDEX_FACTORY_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), GST_TYPE_INDEX_FACTORY)) #define GST_INDEX_FACTORY_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GST_TYPE_INDEX_FACTORY, GstIndexFactoryClass)) typedef struct _GstIndexFactory GstIndexFactory; typedef struct _GstIndexFactoryClass GstIndexFactoryClass; struct _GstIndexFactory { GstPluginFeature feature; gchar *longdesc; /* long description of the index (well, don't overdo it..) */ GType type; /* unique GType of the index */ }; struct _GstIndexFactoryClass { GstPluginFeatureClass parent; }; GType gst_index_factory_get_type (void); GstIndexFactory* gst_index_factory_new (const gchar *name, const gchar *longdesc, GType type); void gst_index_factory_destroy (GstIndexFactory *factory); GstIndexFactory* gst_index_factory_find (const gchar *name); GstIndex* gst_index_factory_create (GstIndexFactory *factory); GstIndex* gst_index_factory_make (const gchar *name); G_END_DECLS #endif /* __GST_INDEX_H__ */