Goals GStreamer was designed to provide a solution to the current Linux media problems. The design goals We descibe what we try to achieve with GStreamer. Clean and powerfull GStreamer wants to provide a clean interface to: The application programmer who wants to build a media pipeline. The plugin programmer. Object oriented Adhere as much as possible to the GTK+ object model. A programmer familiar with GTK+ will be confortable with GStreamer. GStreamer uses the mechanisems of signals and object arguments. Extensible All GStreamer Objects can be extended using the GTK+ inheritance methods. All plugins are loaded dynamically and can be extended and upgraded independently. Allow binary only plugins plugins are shared libraries that are loaded at runtime. since all the properties of the plugin can be set using the GtkObject arguments, there is no need to have any header files installed for the plugins. High performance High performance is obtained by: Using glib g_mem_chunk where possible to minimize dynamic memory allocation. Connections between plugins are extremely light-weight. Data can travel the pipeline with minimal overhead. Provide a mechanism to directly work on the target memory. A plugin can for example directly write to the X servers shared mem. Buffers can also point to arbitrary memory like kernel memory. Refcounting and copy on write to minimize the amount of memcpy. Subbufers to efficiently split the data in a buffer. Pipelines can be constructed using cothreads to minimize the threading overhead. Cothreads are a simple user-space method for switching between subtasks. HW acceleration is possible by writing a specialized plugin.