/* * gstvaapitexture_egl.c - VA/EGL texture abstraction * * Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corporation * Author: Gwenole Beauchesne * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** * SECTION:gstvaapitexture_egl * @short_description: VA/EGL texture abstraction */ #include "sysdeps.h" #include "gstvaapitexture.h" #include "gstvaapitexture_egl.h" #include "gstvaapitexture_priv.h" #include "gstvaapicompat.h" #include "gstvaapiutils.h" #include "gstvaapiutils_egl.h" #include "gstvaapidisplay_egl.h" #include "gstvaapidisplay_egl_priv.h" #include "gstvaapisurface_egl.h" #include "gstvaapifilter.h" #define GST_VAAPI_TEXTURE_EGL(texture) \ ((GstVaapiTextureEGL *) (texture)) typedef struct _GstVaapiTextureEGL GstVaapiTextureEGL; typedef struct _GstVaapiTextureEGLClass GstVaapiTextureEGLClass; /** * GstVaapiTextureEGL: * * Base object for EGL texture wrapper. */ struct _GstVaapiTextureEGL { /*< private >*/ GstVaapiTexture parent_instance; EglContext *egl_context; EGLImageKHR egl_image; GstVaapiSurface *surface; GstVaapiFilter *filter; }; /** * GstVaapiTextureEGLClass: * * Base class for EGL texture wrapper. */ struct _GstVaapiTextureEGLClass { /*< private >*/ GstVaapiTextureClass parent_class; }; typedef struct { GstVaapiTextureEGL *texture; gboolean success; /* result */ } CreateTextureArgs; typedef struct { GstVaapiTextureEGL *texture; GstVaapiSurface *surface; const GstVaapiRectangle *crop_rect; guint flags; gboolean success; /* result */ } UploadSurfaceArgs; static gboolean create_objects (GstVaapiTextureEGL * texture, GLuint texture_id) { GstVaapiTexture *const base_texture = GST_VAAPI_TEXTURE (texture); EglContext *const ctx = texture->egl_context; EglVTable *const vtable = egl_context_get_vtable (ctx, FALSE); GLint attribs[3], *attrib; attrib = attribs; *attrib++ = EGL_IMAGE_PRESERVED_KHR; *attrib++ = EGL_TRUE; *attrib++ = EGL_NONE; texture->egl_image = vtable->eglCreateImageKHR (ctx->display->base.handle.p, ctx->base.handle.p, EGL_GL_TEXTURE_2D_KHR, (EGLClientBuffer) GSIZE_TO_POINTER (texture_id), attribs); if (!texture->egl_image) goto error_create_image; texture->surface = gst_vaapi_surface_new_with_egl_image (GST_VAAPI_OBJECT_DISPLAY (texture), texture->egl_image, GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_RGBA, base_texture->width, base_texture->height); if (!texture->surface) goto error_create_surface; texture->filter = gst_vaapi_filter_new (GST_VAAPI_OBJECT_DISPLAY (texture)); if (!texture->filter) goto error_create_filter; return TRUE; /* ERRORS */ error_create_image: GST_ERROR ("failed to create EGL image from 2D texture %u", texture_id); return FALSE; error_create_surface: GST_ERROR ("failed to create VA surface from 2D texture %u", texture_id); return FALSE; error_create_filter: GST_ERROR ("failed to create VPP filter for color conversion"); return FALSE; } static gboolean do_create_texture_unlocked (GstVaapiTextureEGL * texture) { GstVaapiTexture *const base_texture = GST_VAAPI_TEXTURE (texture); GLuint texture_id; if (base_texture->is_wrapped) texture_id = GST_VAAPI_TEXTURE_ID (texture); else { texture_id = egl_create_texture (texture->egl_context, base_texture->gl_target, base_texture->gl_format, base_texture->width, base_texture->height); if (!texture_id) return FALSE; GST_VAAPI_TEXTURE_ID (texture) = texture_id; } return create_objects (texture, texture_id); } static void do_create_texture (CreateTextureArgs * args) { GstVaapiTextureEGL *const texture = args->texture; EglContextState old_cs; args->success = FALSE; GST_VAAPI_OBJECT_LOCK_DISPLAY (texture); if (egl_context_set_current (texture->egl_context, TRUE, &old_cs)) { args->success = do_create_texture_unlocked (texture); egl_context_set_current (texture->egl_context, FALSE, &old_cs); } GST_VAAPI_OBJECT_UNLOCK_DISPLAY (texture); } static void destroy_objects (GstVaapiTextureEGL * texture) { EglContext *const ctx = texture->egl_context; EglVTable *const vtable = egl_context_get_vtable (ctx, FALSE); if (texture->egl_image != EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR) { vtable->eglDestroyImageKHR (ctx->display->base.handle.p, texture->egl_image); texture->egl_image = EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR; } gst_vaapi_object_replace (&texture->surface, NULL); gst_vaapi_filter_replace (&texture->filter, NULL); } static void do_destroy_texture_unlocked (GstVaapiTextureEGL * texture) { GstVaapiTexture *const base_texture = GST_VAAPI_TEXTURE (texture); const GLuint texture_id = GST_VAAPI_TEXTURE_ID (texture); destroy_objects (texture); if (texture_id) { if (!base_texture->is_wrapped) egl_destroy_texture (texture->egl_context, texture_id); GST_VAAPI_TEXTURE_ID (texture) = 0; } } static void do_destroy_texture (GstVaapiTextureEGL * texture) { EglContextState old_cs; GST_VAAPI_OBJECT_LOCK_DISPLAY (texture); if (egl_context_set_current (texture->egl_context, TRUE, &old_cs)) { do_destroy_texture_unlocked (texture); egl_context_set_current (texture->egl_context, FALSE, &old_cs); } GST_VAAPI_OBJECT_UNLOCK_DISPLAY (texture); egl_object_replace (&texture->egl_context, NULL); } static gboolean do_upload_surface_unlocked (GstVaapiTextureEGL * texture, GstVaapiSurface * surface, const GstVaapiRectangle * crop_rect, guint flags) { GstVaapiFilterStatus status; if (!gst_vaapi_filter_set_cropping_rectangle (texture->filter, crop_rect)) return FALSE; status = gst_vaapi_filter_process (texture->filter, surface, texture->surface, flags); if (status != GST_VAAPI_FILTER_STATUS_SUCCESS) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static void do_upload_surface (UploadSurfaceArgs * args) { GstVaapiTextureEGL *const texture = args->texture; EglContextState old_cs; args->success = FALSE; GST_VAAPI_OBJECT_LOCK_DISPLAY (texture); if (egl_context_set_current (texture->egl_context, TRUE, &old_cs)) { args->success = do_upload_surface_unlocked (texture, args->surface, args->crop_rect, args->flags); egl_context_set_current (texture->egl_context, FALSE, &old_cs); } GST_VAAPI_OBJECT_UNLOCK_DISPLAY (texture); } static gboolean gst_vaapi_texture_egl_create (GstVaapiTextureEGL * texture) { CreateTextureArgs args = { texture }; egl_object_replace (&texture->egl_context, GST_VAAPI_DISPLAY_EGL_CONTEXT (GST_VAAPI_OBJECT_DISPLAY (texture))); return egl_context_run (texture->egl_context, (EglContextRunFunc) do_create_texture, &args) && args.success; } static void gst_vaapi_texture_egl_destroy (GstVaapiTextureEGL * texture) { egl_context_run (texture->egl_context, (EglContextRunFunc) do_destroy_texture, texture); } static gboolean gst_vaapi_texture_egl_put_surface (GstVaapiTextureEGL * texture, GstVaapiSurface * surface, const GstVaapiRectangle * crop_rect, guint flags) { UploadSurfaceArgs args = { texture, surface, crop_rect, flags }; return egl_context_run (texture->egl_context, (EglContextRunFunc) do_upload_surface, &args) && args.success; } static void gst_vaapi_texture_egl_class_init (GstVaapiTextureEGLClass * klass) { GstVaapiObjectClass *const object_class = GST_VAAPI_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); GstVaapiTextureClass *const texture_class = GST_VAAPI_TEXTURE_CLASS (klass); object_class->finalize = (GstVaapiObjectFinalizeFunc) gst_vaapi_texture_egl_destroy; texture_class->allocate = (GstVaapiTextureAllocateFunc) gst_vaapi_texture_egl_create; texture_class->put_surface = (GstVaapiTexturePutSurfaceFunc) gst_vaapi_texture_egl_put_surface; } #define gst_vaapi_texture_egl_finalize gst_vaapi_texture_egl_destroy GST_VAAPI_OBJECT_DEFINE_CLASS_WITH_CODE (GstVaapiTextureEGL, gst_vaapi_texture_egl, gst_vaapi_texture_egl_class_init (&g_class)); /** * gst_vaapi_texture_egl_new: * @display: a #GstVaapiDisplay * @target: the target to which the texture is bound * @format: the format of the pixel data * @width: the requested width, in pixels * @height: the requested height, in pixels * * Creates a texture with the specified dimensions, @target and * @format. Note that only GL_TEXTURE_2D @target and GL_RGBA or * GL_BGRA formats are supported at this time. * * The application shall maintain the live EGL context itself. That * is, gst_vaapi_window_egl_make_current() must be called beforehand, * or any other function like eglMakeCurrent() if the context is * managed outside of this library. * * Return value: the newly created #GstVaapiTexture object */ GstVaapiTexture * gst_vaapi_texture_egl_new (GstVaapiDisplay * display, guint target, guint format, guint width, guint height) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_VAAPI_IS_DISPLAY_EGL (display), NULL); return gst_vaapi_texture_new_internal (GST_VAAPI_TEXTURE_CLASS (gst_vaapi_texture_egl_class ()), display, GST_VAAPI_ID_INVALID, target, format, width, height); } /** * gst_vaapi_texture_egl_new_wrapped: * @display: a #GstVaapiDisplay * @texture_id: the foreign GL texture name to use * @target: the target to which the texture is bound * @format: the format of the pixel data * @width: the texture width, in pixels * @height: the texture height, in pixels * * Creates a texture from an existing GL texture, with the specified * @target and @format. Note that only GL_TEXTURE_2D @target and * GL_RGBA or GL_BGRA formats are supported at this time. * * The application shall maintain the live EGL context itself. That * is, gst_vaapi_window_egl_make_current() must be called beforehand, * or any other function like eglMakeCurrent() if the context is * managed outside of this library. * * Return value: the newly created #GstVaapiTexture object */ GstVaapiTexture * gst_vaapi_texture_egl_new_wrapped (GstVaapiDisplay * display, guint texture_id, guint target, GLenum format, guint width, guint height) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_VAAPI_IS_DISPLAY_EGL (display), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (texture_id != GL_NONE, NULL); return gst_vaapi_texture_new_internal (GST_VAAPI_TEXTURE_CLASS (gst_vaapi_texture_egl_class ()), display, texture_id, target, format, width, height); }