#include #include #include #include #include static guint64 iterations = 0; static guint64 sum = 0; static guint64 min = G_MAXINT64; static guint64 max = 0; static GstClock *s_clock; gboolean idle_func (gpointer data) { gboolean busy; GTimeVal tfthen, tfnow; GstClockTimeDiff diff; if (s_clock) { //g_print ("%lld\n", gst_clock_get_time (s_clock)); } g_get_current_time (&tfthen); busy = gst_bin_iterate (GST_BIN (data)); iterations++; g_get_current_time (&tfnow); diff = GST_TIMEVAL_TO_TIME (tfnow) - GST_TIMEVAL_TO_TIME (tfthen); sum += diff; min = MIN (min, diff); max = MAX (max, diff); if (!busy) { gst_main_quit (); g_print ("execution ended after %llu iterations (sum %llu ns, average %llu ns, min %llu ns, max %llu ns)\n", iterations, sum, sum/iterations, min, max); } return busy; } static GstElement* xmllaunch_parse_cmdline (const gchar **argv) { GstElement *pipeline = NULL, *e; GstXML *xml; gboolean err; const gchar *arg; gchar *element, *property, *value; GList *l; gint i = 0; if (!(arg = argv[0])) { g_print ("usage: gst-xmllaunch [ element.property=value ... ]\n"); exit (1); } xml = gst_xml_new (); err = gst_xml_parse_file(xml, arg, NULL); if (err != TRUE) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: parse of xml file '%s' failed\n", arg); exit (1); } l = gst_xml_get_topelements (xml); if (!l) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: no toplevel pipeline element in file '%s'\n", arg); exit (1); } if (l->next) g_warning ("only one toplevel element is supported at this time"); pipeline = GST_ELEMENT (l->data); while ((arg = argv[++i])) { element = g_strdup (arg); property = strchr (element, '.'); value = strchr (element, '='); if (!(element < property && property < value)) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: could not parse command line argument %d: %s", i, element); g_free (element); exit (1); } *property++ = '\0'; *value++ = '\0'; e = gst_bin_get_by_name (GST_BIN (pipeline), element); if (!e) { g_warning ("element named '%s' not found", element); } else { gst_util_set_object_arg (G_OBJECT (e), property, value); } g_free (element); } if (!l) return NULL; else return l->data; } extern volatile gboolean glib_on_error_halt; void fault_restore(void); void fault_handler(int signum, siginfo_t *si, void *misc) { int spinning = TRUE; fault_restore(); if(si->si_signo == SIGSEGV){ g_print ("Caught SIGSEGV accessing address %p\n", si->si_addr); }else if(si->si_signo == SIGQUIT){ g_print ("Caught SIGQUIT\n"); }else{ g_print ("signo: %d\n",si->si_signo); g_print ("errno: %d\n",si->si_errno); g_print ("code: %d\n",si->si_code); } glib_on_error_halt = FALSE; g_on_error_stack_trace("gst-launch"); wait(NULL); #if 1 /* FIXME how do we know if we were run by libtool? */ g_print("Spinning. Please run 'gdb gst-launch %d' to continue debugging, " "Ctrl-C to quit, or Ctrl-\\ to dump core.\n", getpid()); while(spinning)usleep(1000000); #else /* This spawns a gdb and attaches it to gst-launch. */ { char str[40]; sprintf(str,"gdb -quiet gst-launch %d",getpid()); system(str); } _exit(0); #endif } void fault_restore(void) { struct sigaction action; memset(&action,0,sizeof(action)); action.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGQUIT, &action, NULL); } void fault_setup(void) { struct sigaction action; memset(&action,0,sizeof(action)); action.sa_sigaction = fault_handler; action.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGQUIT, &action, NULL); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* options */ gboolean silent = FALSE; gchar *savefile = NULL; gchar *exclude_args = NULL; struct poptOption options[] = { {"silent", 's', POPT_ARG_NONE|POPT_ARGFLAG_STRIP, &silent, 0, "do not output status information", NULL}, {"exclude", 'X', POPT_ARG_STRING|POPT_ARGFLAG_STRIP, &exclude_args, 0, "do not output status information of TYPE", "TYPE1,TYPE2,..."}, {"output", 'o', POPT_ARG_STRING|POPT_ARGFLAG_STRIP, &savefile, 0, "save xml representation of pipeline to FILE and exit", "FILE"}, POPT_TABLEEND }; GstElement *pipeline; gchar **argvn; GError *error = NULL; free (malloc (8)); /* -lefence */ fault_setup(); gst_init_with_popt_table (&argc, &argv, options); /* make a null-terminated version of argv */ argvn = g_new0 (char*, argc); memcpy (argvn, argv+1, sizeof (char*) * (argc-1)); if (strstr (argv[0], "gst-xmllaunch")) { pipeline = xmllaunch_parse_cmdline ((const gchar**)argvn); } else { pipeline = (GstElement*) gst_parse_launchv ((const gchar**)argvn, &error); } g_free (argvn); if (!pipeline) { if (error) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: pipeline could not be constructed: %s\n", error->message); else fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: pipeline could not be constructed\n"); exit(1); } if (!silent) { gchar **exclude_list = exclude_args ? g_strsplit (exclude_args, ",", 0) : NULL; g_signal_connect (pipeline, "deep_notify", G_CALLBACK (gst_element_default_deep_notify), exclude_list); } g_signal_connect (pipeline, "error", G_CALLBACK (gst_element_default_error), NULL); #ifndef GST_DISABLE_LOADSAVE if (savefile) { gst_xml_write_file (GST_ELEMENT (pipeline), fopen (savefile, "w")); } #endif if (!savefile) { gst_buffer_print_stats(); gst_event_print_stats(); fprintf(stderr,"RUNNING pipeline\n"); if (gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING) != GST_STATE_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr,"pipeline doesn't want to play\n"); exit (-1); } s_clock = gst_bin_get_clock (GST_BIN (pipeline)); if (!GST_FLAG_IS_SET (GST_OBJECT (pipeline), GST_BIN_SELF_SCHEDULABLE)) { g_idle_add (idle_func, pipeline); gst_main (); } else { g_print ("waiting for the state change...\n"); gst_element_wait_state_change (pipeline); g_print ("got the state change...\n"); } gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL); gst_buffer_print_stats(); gst_event_print_stats(); } gst_object_unref (GST_OBJECT (pipeline)); return 0; }