#! /bin/bash set -eux # Clone `-b main gstreamer/cerbero` by default, but if running on a gstreamer # branch in another namespace that has a corresponding cerbero branch by the # same name, clone that instead. clone_args="$(py -3 C:/get_cerbero_clone_args.py)" echo "Cloning Cerbero using $clone_args" git clone $clone_args C:/cerbero cd C:/cerbero echo 'local_sources="C:/cerbero/cerbero-sources"' > localconf.cbc echo 'home_dir="C:/cerbero/cerbero-build"' >> localconf.cbc echo 'vs_install_path = "C:/BuildTools"' >> localconf.cbc echo 'vs_install_version = "vs17"' >> localconf.cbc # Fetch all bootstrap requirements ./cerbero-uninstalled -t -v visualstudio -c localconf.cbc -c config/win64.cbc fetch-bootstrap --jobs=4 # Fetch all package requirements for a mingw gstreamer build ./cerbero-uninstalled -t -c localconf.cbc -c config/win64.cbc fetch-package --jobs=4 gstreamer-1.0 # Fetch all package requirements for a visualstudio gstreamer build ./cerbero-uninstalled -t -v visualstudio -c localconf.cbc -c config/win64.cbc fetch-package --jobs=4 gstreamer-1.0 # Fixup the MSYS2 installation ./cerbero-uninstalled -t -c localconf.cbc -c config/win64.cbc bootstrap -y --build-tools=no --toolchains=no --offline # Wipe visualstudio package dist, sources, logs, and the build tools recipes ./cerbero-uninstalled -t -v visualstudio -c localconf.cbc -c config/win64.cbc wipe --force --build-tools # Vendored sources get confused with hard links. This is not needed anyway, # because cargo stores sources in ~/.cargo/registry/ for offline use. rm -rf /c/cerbero/cerbero-sources/*/cargo-vendor # clean the localconf rm -v /c/cerbero/localconf.cbc