/* * GStreamer * Copyright (C) 2020 Seungha Yang * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "gstd3d11screencapture.h" #include "gstd3d11shader.h" #include "gstd3d11pluginutils.h" #include #include GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_EXTERN (gst_d3d11_screen_capture_debug); #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT gst_d3d11_screen_capture_debug /* *INDENT-OFF* */ using namespace Microsoft::WRL; /* List of GstD3D11ScreenCapture weakref */ G_LOCK_DEFINE_STATIC (dupl_list_lock); static GList *dupl_list = nullptr; /* Below implemenation were taken from Microsoft sample * https://github.com/microsoft/Windows-classic-samples/tree/master/Samples/DXGIDesktopDuplication */ #define NUMVERTICES 6 #define BPP 4 /* Define our own MyFLOAT3 and MyFLOAT2 struct, since MinGW doesn't support * DirectXMath.h */ struct MyFLOAT3 { float x; float y; float z; MyFLOAT3() = default; MyFLOAT3(const MyFLOAT3&) = default; MyFLOAT3& operator=(const MyFLOAT3&) = default; MyFLOAT3(MyFLOAT3&&) = default; MyFLOAT3& operator=(MyFLOAT3&&) = default; constexpr MyFLOAT3(float _x, float _y, float _z) : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) {} explicit MyFLOAT3(const float *pArray) : x(pArray[0]), y(pArray[1]), z(pArray[2]) {} }; struct MyFLOAT2 { float x; float y; MyFLOAT2() = default; MyFLOAT2(const MyFLOAT2&) = default; MyFLOAT2& operator=(const MyFLOAT2&) = default; MyFLOAT2(MyFLOAT2&&) = default; MyFLOAT2& operator=(MyFLOAT2&&) = default; constexpr MyFLOAT2(float _x, float _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {} explicit MyFLOAT2(const float *pArray) : x(pArray[0]), y(pArray[1]) {} }; typedef struct { MyFLOAT3 Pos; MyFLOAT2 TexCoord; } VERTEX; /* List of expected error cases */ /* These are the errors we expect from general Dxgi API due to a transition */ HRESULT SystemTransitionsExpectedErrors[] = { DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED, DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_LOST, static_cast(WAIT_ABANDONED), S_OK }; /* These are the errors we expect from IDXGIOutput1::DuplicateOutput * due to a transition */ HRESULT CreateDuplicationExpectedErrors[] = { DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED, static_cast(E_ACCESSDENIED), DXGI_ERROR_SESSION_DISCONNECTED, S_OK }; /* These are the errors we expect from IDXGIOutputDuplication methods * due to a transition */ HRESULT FrameInfoExpectedErrors[] = { DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED, DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_LOST, S_OK }; /* These are the errors we expect from IDXGIAdapter::EnumOutputs methods * due to outputs becoming stale during a transition */ HRESULT EnumOutputsExpectedErrors[] = { DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, S_OK }; static GstFlowReturn gst_d3d11_screen_capture_return_from_hr (ID3D11Device * device, HRESULT hr, HRESULT * expected_errors = nullptr) { HRESULT translated_hr = hr; /* On an error check if the DX device is lost */ if (device) { HRESULT remove_reason = device->GetDeviceRemovedReason (); switch (remove_reason) { case DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED: case DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET: case static_cast(E_OUTOFMEMORY): /* Our device has been stopped due to an external event on the GPU so * map them all to device removed and continue processing the condition */ translated_hr = DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED; break; case S_OK: /* Device is not removed so use original error */ break; default: /* Device is removed but not a error we want to remap */ translated_hr = remove_reason; break; } } /* Check if this error was expected or not */ if (expected_errors) { HRESULT* rst = expected_errors; while (*rst != S_OK) { if (*rst == translated_hr) return GST_D3D11_SCREEN_CAPTURE_FLOW_EXPECTED_ERROR; rst++; } } return GST_FLOW_ERROR; } class PTR_INFO { public: PTR_INFO () : PtrShapeBuffer (nullptr) , BufferSize (0) { LastTimeStamp.QuadPart = 0; } ~PTR_INFO () { if (PtrShapeBuffer) delete[] PtrShapeBuffer; } void MaybeReallocBuffer (UINT buffer_size) { if (buffer_size <= BufferSize) return; if (PtrShapeBuffer) delete[] PtrShapeBuffer; PtrShapeBuffer = new BYTE[buffer_size]; BufferSize = buffer_size; } BYTE* PtrShapeBuffer; UINT BufferSize; DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_INFO shape_info; POINT Position; bool Visible; LARGE_INTEGER LastTimeStamp; }; class D3D11DesktopDupObject { public: D3D11DesktopDupObject () : device_(nullptr) , metadata_buffer_(nullptr) , metadata_buffer_size_(0) , vertex_buffer_(nullptr) , vertex_buffer_size_(0) { } ~D3D11DesktopDupObject () { if (metadata_buffer_) delete[] metadata_buffer_; if (vertex_buffer_) delete[] vertex_buffer_; gst_clear_object (&device_); } GstFlowReturn Init (GstD3D11Device * device, HMONITOR monitor) { GstFlowReturn ret; ID3D11Device *device_handle; HRESULT hr; D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC texture_desc = { 0, }; if (!InitShader (device)) return GST_FLOW_ERROR; ret = InitDupl (device, monitor); if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) return ret; GST_INFO ("Init done"); device_handle = gst_d3d11_device_get_device_handle (device); texture_desc.Width = output_desc_.ModeDesc.Width; texture_desc.Height = output_desc_.ModeDesc.Height; texture_desc.MipLevels = 1; texture_desc.ArraySize = 1; /* FIXME: we can support DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM */ texture_desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM; texture_desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; texture_desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; texture_desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET | D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE; texture_desc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; /* source element may hold different d3d11 device object */ texture_desc.MiscFlags = D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_SHARED; hr = device_handle->CreateTexture2D (&texture_desc, nullptr, &shared_texture_); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device)) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (device, "Couldn't create texture, hr 0x%x", (guint) hr); return GST_FLOW_ERROR; } device_ = (GstD3D11Device *) gst_object_ref (device); return GST_FLOW_OK; } GstFlowReturn Capture (gboolean draw_mouse) { GstFlowReturn ret; bool timeout = false; ComPtr texture; UINT move_count, dirty_count; DXGI_OUTDUPL_FRAME_INFO frame_info; GST_TRACE ("Capturing"); ret = GetFrame (&texture, &move_count, &dirty_count, &frame_info, &timeout); if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) return ret; /* Nothing updated */ if (timeout) { GST_TRACE ("timeout"); return GST_FLOW_OK; } if (draw_mouse) { GST_TRACE ("Getting mouse pointer info"); ret = GetMouse (&ptr_info_, &frame_info); if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) { GST_WARNING ("Couldn't get mouse pointer info"); dupl_->ReleaseFrame (); return ret; } } ret = ProcessFrame (texture.Get(), shared_texture_.Get(), &output_desc_, move_count, dirty_count, &frame_info); if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) { dupl_->ReleaseFrame (); GST_WARNING ("Couldn't process frame"); return ret; } HRESULT hr = dupl_->ReleaseFrame (); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) { GST_WARNING ("Couldn't release frame"); return gst_d3d11_screen_capture_return_from_hr (nullptr, hr, FrameInfoExpectedErrors); } GST_TRACE ("Capture done"); return GST_FLOW_OK; } bool DrawMouse (GstD3D11Device * device, ID3D11RenderTargetView * rtv, ID3D11VertexShader * vs, ID3D11PixelShader * ps, ID3D11InputLayout * layout, ID3D11SamplerState * sampler, ID3D11BlendState * blend, D3D11_BOX * cropBox) { GST_TRACE ("Drawing mouse"); if (!ptr_info_.Visible) { GST_TRACE ("Mouse is invisiable"); return true; } ComPtr MouseTex; ComPtr ShaderRes; ComPtr VertexBufferMouse; D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA InitData; D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC Desc; D3D11_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC SDesc; ID3D11Device *device_handle = gst_d3d11_device_get_device_handle (device); ID3D11DeviceContext *context_handle = gst_d3d11_device_get_device_context_handle (device); VERTEX Vertices[NUMVERTICES] = { {MyFLOAT3(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0), MyFLOAT2(0.0f, 1.0f)}, {MyFLOAT3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0), MyFLOAT2(0.0f, 0.0f)}, {MyFLOAT3(1.0f, -1.0f, 0), MyFLOAT2(1.0f, 1.0f)}, {MyFLOAT3(1.0f, -1.0f, 0), MyFLOAT2(1.0f, 1.0f)}, {MyFLOAT3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0), MyFLOAT2(0.0f, 0.0f)}, {MyFLOAT3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0), MyFLOAT2(1.0f, 0.0f)}, }; D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC FullDesc; shared_texture_->GetDesc(&FullDesc); INT DesktopWidth = FullDesc.Width; INT DesktopHeight = FullDesc.Height; INT CenterX = (DesktopWidth / 2); INT CenterY = (DesktopHeight / 2); INT PtrWidth = 0; INT PtrHeight = 0; INT PtrLeft = 0; INT PtrTop = 0; BYTE* InitBuffer = nullptr; D3D11_BOX Box; Box.front = 0; Box.back = 1; Desc.MipLevels = 1; Desc.ArraySize = 1; Desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM; Desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; Desc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; Desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; Desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE; Desc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; Desc.MiscFlags = 0; // Set shader resource properties SDesc.Format = Desc.Format; SDesc.ViewDimension = D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D; SDesc.Texture2D.MostDetailedMip = Desc.MipLevels - 1; SDesc.Texture2D.MipLevels = Desc.MipLevels; switch (ptr_info_.shape_info.Type) { case DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE_COLOR: PtrLeft = ptr_info_.Position.x; PtrTop = ptr_info_.Position.y; PtrWidth = static_cast(ptr_info_.shape_info.Width); PtrHeight = static_cast(ptr_info_.shape_info.Height); break; case DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE_MONOCHROME: ProcessMonoMask(true, &ptr_info_, &PtrWidth, &PtrHeight, &PtrLeft, &PtrTop, &InitBuffer, &Box); break; case DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE_MASKED_COLOR: ProcessMonoMask(false, &ptr_info_, &PtrWidth, &PtrHeight, &PtrLeft, &PtrTop, &InitBuffer, &Box); break; default: break; } /* Nothing to draw */ if (PtrWidth == 0 || PtrHeight == 0 || (PtrLeft + PtrWidth) < static_cast(cropBox->left) || PtrLeft > static_cast(cropBox->right) || (PtrTop + PtrHeight) < static_cast(cropBox->top) || PtrTop > static_cast(cropBox->bottom)) { if (InitBuffer) delete[] InitBuffer; return true; } PtrLeft -= cropBox->left; PtrTop -= cropBox->top; Vertices[0].Pos.x = (PtrLeft - CenterX) / (FLOAT)CenterX; Vertices[0].Pos.y = -1 * ((PtrTop + PtrHeight) - CenterY) / (FLOAT)CenterY; Vertices[1].Pos.x = (PtrLeft - CenterX) / (FLOAT)CenterX; Vertices[1].Pos.y = -1 * (PtrTop - CenterY) / (FLOAT)CenterY; Vertices[2].Pos.x = ((PtrLeft + PtrWidth) - CenterX) / (FLOAT)CenterX; Vertices[2].Pos.y = -1 * ((PtrTop + PtrHeight) - CenterY) / (FLOAT)CenterY; Vertices[3].Pos.x = Vertices[2].Pos.x; Vertices[3].Pos.y = Vertices[2].Pos.y; Vertices[4].Pos.x = Vertices[1].Pos.x; Vertices[4].Pos.y = Vertices[1].Pos.y; Vertices[5].Pos.x = ((PtrLeft + PtrWidth) - CenterX) / (FLOAT)CenterX; Vertices[5].Pos.y = -1 * (PtrTop - CenterY) / (FLOAT)CenterY; Desc.Width = PtrWidth; Desc.Height = PtrHeight; InitData.pSysMem = (ptr_info_.shape_info.Type == DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE_COLOR) ? ptr_info_.PtrShapeBuffer : InitBuffer; InitData.SysMemPitch = (ptr_info_.shape_info.Type == DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE_COLOR) ? ptr_info_.shape_info.Pitch : PtrWidth * BPP; InitData.SysMemSlicePitch = 0; // Create mouseshape as texture HRESULT hr = device_handle->CreateTexture2D(&Desc, &InitData, &MouseTex); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device)) { GST_ERROR ("Failed to create texture for rendering mouse"); return false; } // Create shader resource from texture hr = device_handle->CreateShaderResourceView(MouseTex.Get(), &SDesc, &ShaderRes); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device)) { GST_ERROR ("Failed to create shader resource view for rendering mouse"); return false; } D3D11_BUFFER_DESC BDesc; memset (&BDesc, 0, sizeof(D3D11_BUFFER_DESC)); BDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; BDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(VERTEX) * NUMVERTICES; BDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER; BDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; memset (&InitData, 0, sizeof(D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA)); InitData.pSysMem = Vertices; // Create vertex buffer hr = device_handle->CreateBuffer(&BDesc, &InitData, &VertexBufferMouse); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device)) { GST_ERROR ("Failed to create vertex buffer for rendering mouse"); return false; } FLOAT BlendFactor[4] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f}; UINT Stride = sizeof(VERTEX); UINT Offset = 0; ID3D11ShaderResourceView *srv = ShaderRes.Get(); ID3D11Buffer *vert_buf = VertexBufferMouse.Get(); context_handle->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &vert_buf, &Stride, &Offset); context_handle->OMSetBlendState(blend, BlendFactor, 0xFFFFFFFF); context_handle->OMSetRenderTargets(1, &rtv, nullptr); context_handle->VSSetShader(vs, nullptr, 0); context_handle->PSSetShader(ps, nullptr, 0); context_handle->PSSetShaderResources(0, 1, &srv); context_handle->PSSetSamplers(0, 1, &sampler); context_handle->IASetPrimitiveTopology(D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST); context_handle->IASetInputLayout(layout); D3D11_VIEWPORT VP; VP.Width = static_cast(FullDesc.Width); VP.Height = static_cast(FullDesc.Height); VP.MinDepth = 0.0f; VP.MaxDepth = 1.0f; VP.TopLeftX = 0.0f; VP.TopLeftY = 0.0f; context_handle->RSSetViewports(1, &VP); context_handle->Draw(NUMVERTICES, 0); /* Unbind srv and rtv from context */ srv = nullptr; context_handle->PSSetShaderResources (0, 1, &srv); context_handle->OMSetRenderTargets (0, nullptr, nullptr); if (InitBuffer) delete[] InitBuffer; return true; } GstFlowReturn CopyToTexture (GstD3D11Device * device, ID3D11Texture2D * texture, D3D11_BOX * cropBox) { ID3D11DeviceContext *context_handle = nullptr; ComPtr tex; ComPtr < ID3D11Query > query; HRESULT hr; context_handle = gst_d3d11_device_get_device_context_handle (device); if (device == device_) { tex = shared_texture_; } else { ID3D11Device *device_handle = nullptr; ComPtr < IDXGIResource > dxgi_resource; D3D11_QUERY_DESC query_desc; HANDLE shared_handle; device_handle = gst_d3d11_device_get_device_handle (device); hr = shared_texture_.As (&dxgi_resource); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) return GST_FLOW_ERROR; hr = dxgi_resource->GetSharedHandle (&shared_handle); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) return GST_FLOW_ERROR; hr = device_handle->OpenSharedResource (shared_handle, IID_PPV_ARGS (&tex)); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device)) return GST_FLOW_ERROR; query_desc.Query = D3D11_QUERY_EVENT; query_desc.MiscFlags = 0; hr = device_handle->CreateQuery (&query_desc, &query); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device)) return GST_FLOW_ERROR; } context_handle->CopySubresourceRegion (texture, 0, 0, 0, 0, tex.Get(), 0, cropBox); if (query) { BOOL sync_done = FALSE; do { hr = context_handle->GetData (query.Get (), &sync_done, sizeof (BOOL), 0); } while (!sync_done && (hr == S_OK || hr == S_FALSE)); } return GST_FLOW_OK; } void GetSize (guint * width, guint * height) { *width = output_desc_.ModeDesc.Width; *height = output_desc_.ModeDesc.Height; } private: /* This method is not expected to be failed unless un-recoverable error case */ bool InitShader (GstD3D11Device * device) { static const gchar vs_str[] = "struct VS_INPUT {\n" " float4 Position: POSITION;\n" " float2 Texture: TEXCOORD;\n" "};\n" "\n" "struct VS_OUTPUT {\n" " float4 Position: SV_POSITION;\n" " float2 Texture: TEXCOORD;\n" "};\n" "\n" "VS_OUTPUT main (VS_INPUT input)\n" "{\n" " return input;\n" "}"; static const gchar ps_str[] = "Texture2D shaderTexture;\n" "SamplerState samplerState;\n" "\n" "struct PS_INPUT {\n" " float4 Position: SV_POSITION;\n" " float2 Texture: TEXCOORD;\n" "};\n" "\n" "struct PS_OUTPUT {\n" " float4 Plane: SV_Target;\n" "};\n" "\n" "PS_OUTPUT main(PS_INPUT input)\n" "{\n" " PS_OUTPUT output;\n" " output.Plane = shaderTexture.Sample(samplerState, input.Texture);\n" " return output;\n" "}"; D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC input_desc[] = { {"POSITION", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT, 0, 0, D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0}, {"TEXCOORD", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT, 0, 12, D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0} }; ComPtr vs; ComPtr layout; if (!gst_d3d11_create_vertex_shader (device, vs_str, input_desc, G_N_ELEMENTS (input_desc), &vs, &layout)) { GST_ERROR ("Failed to create vertex shader"); return false; } ComPtr ps; if (!gst_d3d11_create_pixel_shader (device, ps_str, &ps)) { GST_ERROR ("Failed to create pixel shader"); return false; } D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC sampler_desc; memset (&sampler_desc, 0, sizeof (D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC)); sampler_desc.Filter = D3D11_FILTER_MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEAR; sampler_desc.AddressU = D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP; sampler_desc.AddressV = D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP; sampler_desc.AddressW = D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP; sampler_desc.ComparisonFunc = D3D11_COMPARISON_NEVER; sampler_desc.MinLOD = 0; sampler_desc.MaxLOD = D3D11_FLOAT32_MAX; ID3D11Device *device_handle = gst_d3d11_device_get_device_handle (device); ComPtr sampler; HRESULT hr = device_handle->CreateSamplerState (&sampler_desc, &sampler); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device)) { GST_ERROR ("Failed to create sampler state, hr 0x%x", (guint) hr); return false; } /* Everything is prepared now */ vs_ = vs; ps_ = ps; layout_ = layout; sampler_ = sampler; return true; } /* Maybe returning expected error code depending on desktop status */ GstFlowReturn InitDupl (GstD3D11Device * device, HMONITOR monitor) { ComPtr d3d11_device; ComPtr adapter; ComPtr output; ComPtr output1; d3d11_device = gst_d3d11_device_get_device_handle (device); HRESULT hr = gst_d3d11_screen_capture_find_output_for_monitor (monitor, &adapter, &output); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device)) { GST_ERROR ("Couldn't get adapter and output for monitor"); return GST_FLOW_ERROR; } hr = output.As (&output1); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device)) { GST_ERROR ("Couldn't get IDXGIOutput1 interface, hr 0x%x", (guint) hr); return GST_FLOW_ERROR; } HDESK hdesk = OpenInputDesktop (0, FALSE, GENERIC_ALL); if (hdesk) { if (!SetThreadDesktop (hdesk)) { GST_WARNING ("SetThreadDesktop() failed, error %lu", GetLastError()); } CloseDesktop (hdesk); } else { GST_WARNING ("OpenInputDesktop() failed, error %lu", GetLastError()); } /* FIXME: Use DuplicateOutput1 to avoid potentail color conversion */ hr = output1->DuplicateOutput(d3d11_device.Get(), &dupl_); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device)) { if (hr == DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE) { GST_ERROR ("Hit the max allowed number of Desktop Duplication session"); return GST_FLOW_ERROR; } /* Seems to be one limitation of Desktop Duplication API design * See * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/troubleshoot/windows-client/shell-experience/error-when-dda-capable-app-is-against-gpu */ if (hr == DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED) { GST_WARNING ("IDXGIOutput1::DuplicateOutput returned " "DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, possiblely application is run against a " "discrete GPU"); return GST_D3D11_SCREEN_CAPTURE_FLOW_UNSUPPORTED; } return gst_d3d11_screen_capture_return_from_hr (d3d11_device.Get(), hr, CreateDuplicationExpectedErrors); } dupl_->GetDesc (&output_desc_); return GST_FLOW_OK; } GstFlowReturn GetMouse (PTR_INFO * ptr_info, DXGI_OUTDUPL_FRAME_INFO * frame_info) { /* A non-zero mouse update timestamp indicates that there is a mouse * position update and optionally a shape change */ if (frame_info->LastMouseUpdateTime.QuadPart == 0) return GST_FLOW_OK; ptr_info->Position.x = frame_info->PointerPosition.Position.x; ptr_info->Position.y = frame_info->PointerPosition.Position.y; ptr_info->LastTimeStamp = frame_info->LastMouseUpdateTime; ptr_info->Visible = frame_info->PointerPosition.Visible != 0; /* Mouse is invisible */ if (!ptr_info->Visible) return GST_FLOW_OK; /* No new shape */ if (frame_info->PointerShapeBufferSize == 0) return GST_FLOW_OK; /* Realloc buffer if needed */ ptr_info->MaybeReallocBuffer (frame_info->PointerShapeBufferSize); /* Get shape */ UINT dummy; HRESULT hr = dupl_->GetFramePointerShape(frame_info->PointerShapeBufferSize, (void *) ptr_info->PtrShapeBuffer, &dummy, &ptr_info->shape_info); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) { ID3D11Device *device_handle = gst_d3d11_device_get_device_handle (device_); return gst_d3d11_screen_capture_return_from_hr(device_handle, hr, FrameInfoExpectedErrors); } return GST_FLOW_OK; } void MaybeReallocMetadataBuffer (UINT buffer_size) { if (buffer_size <= metadata_buffer_size_) return; if (metadata_buffer_) delete[] metadata_buffer_; metadata_buffer_ = new BYTE[buffer_size]; metadata_buffer_size_ = buffer_size; } GstFlowReturn GetFrame (ID3D11Texture2D ** texture, UINT * move_count, UINT * dirty_count, DXGI_OUTDUPL_FRAME_INFO * frame_info, bool* timeout) { ComPtr resource; ComPtr acquired_texture; ID3D11Device *device_handle = gst_d3d11_device_get_device_handle (device_); /* Get new frame */ HRESULT hr = dupl_->AcquireNextFrame(0, frame_info, &resource); if (hr == DXGI_ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT) { GST_TRACE ("Timeout"); *timeout = true; return GST_FLOW_OK; } *timeout = false; *move_count = 0; *dirty_count = 0; if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) { return gst_d3d11_screen_capture_return_from_hr(device_handle, hr, FrameInfoExpectedErrors); } GST_TRACE ( "LastPresentTime: %" G_GINT64_FORMAT ", LastMouseUpdateTime: %" G_GINT64_FORMAT ", AccumulatedFrames: %d" ", RectsCoalesced: %d" ", ProtectedContentMaskedOut: %d" ", PointerPosition: (%ldx%ld, visible %d)" ", TotalMetadataBufferSize: %d" ", PointerShapeBufferSize: %d", frame_info->LastPresentTime.QuadPart, frame_info->LastMouseUpdateTime.QuadPart, frame_info->AccumulatedFrames, frame_info->RectsCoalesced, frame_info->ProtectedContentMaskedOut, frame_info->PointerPosition.Position.x, frame_info->PointerPosition.Position.y, frame_info->PointerPosition.Visible, frame_info->TotalMetadataBufferSize, frame_info->PointerShapeBufferSize); hr = resource.As (&acquired_texture); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) { GST_ERROR ("Failed to get ID3D11Texture2D interface from IDXGIResource " "hr 0x%x", (guint) hr); return GST_FLOW_ERROR; } /* Get metadata */ if (frame_info->TotalMetadataBufferSize) { UINT buf_size = frame_info->TotalMetadataBufferSize; MaybeReallocMetadataBuffer (buf_size); /* Get move rectangles */ hr = dupl_->GetFrameMoveRects(buf_size, (DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT *) metadata_buffer_, &buf_size); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) { GST_ERROR ("Couldn't get move rect, hr 0x%x", (guint) hr); return gst_d3d11_screen_capture_return_from_hr(nullptr, hr, FrameInfoExpectedErrors); } *move_count = buf_size / sizeof(DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT); GST_TRACE ("MoveRects count %d", *move_count); #ifndef GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG { DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT *rects = (DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT *) metadata_buffer_; for (guint i = 0; i < *move_count; i++) { GST_TRACE ("MoveRect[%d] SourcePoint: %ldx%ld, " "DestinationRect (left:top:right:bottom): %ldx%ldx%ldx%ld", i, rects->SourcePoint.x, rects->SourcePoint.y, rects->DestinationRect.left, rects->DestinationRect.top, rects->DestinationRect.right, rects->DestinationRect.bottom); } } #endif BYTE* dirty_rects = metadata_buffer_ + buf_size; buf_size = frame_info->TotalMetadataBufferSize - buf_size; /* Get dirty rectangles */ hr = dupl_->GetFrameDirtyRects(buf_size, (RECT *) dirty_rects, &buf_size); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) { GST_ERROR ("Couldn't get dirty rect, hr 0x%x", (guint) hr); *move_count = 0; *dirty_count = 0; return gst_d3d11_screen_capture_return_from_hr(nullptr, hr, FrameInfoExpectedErrors); } *dirty_count = buf_size / sizeof(RECT); GST_TRACE ("DirtyRects count %d", *dirty_count); #ifndef GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG { RECT *rects = (RECT *) dirty_rects; for (guint i = 0; i < *dirty_count; i++) { GST_TRACE ("DirtyRect[%d] left:top:right:bottom: %ldx%ldx%ldx%ld", i, rects[i].left, rects[i].top, rects[i].right, rects[i].bottom); } } #endif } *texture = acquired_texture.Detach(); return GST_FLOW_OK; } void SetMoveRect (RECT* SrcRect, RECT* DestRect, DXGI_OUTDUPL_DESC* DeskDesc, DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT* MoveRect, INT TexWidth, INT TexHeight) { switch (DeskDesc->Rotation) { case DXGI_MODE_ROTATION_UNSPECIFIED: case DXGI_MODE_ROTATION_IDENTITY: SrcRect->left = MoveRect->SourcePoint.x; SrcRect->top = MoveRect->SourcePoint.y; SrcRect->right = MoveRect->SourcePoint.x + MoveRect->DestinationRect.right - MoveRect->DestinationRect.left; SrcRect->bottom = MoveRect->SourcePoint.y + MoveRect->DestinationRect.bottom - MoveRect->DestinationRect.top; *DestRect = MoveRect->DestinationRect; break; case DXGI_MODE_ROTATION_ROTATE90: SrcRect->left = TexHeight - (MoveRect->SourcePoint.y + MoveRect->DestinationRect.bottom - MoveRect->DestinationRect.top); SrcRect->top = MoveRect->SourcePoint.x; SrcRect->right = TexHeight - MoveRect->SourcePoint.y; SrcRect->bottom = MoveRect->SourcePoint.x + MoveRect->DestinationRect.right - MoveRect->DestinationRect.left; DestRect->left = TexHeight - MoveRect->DestinationRect.bottom; DestRect->top = MoveRect->DestinationRect.left; DestRect->right = TexHeight - MoveRect->DestinationRect.top; DestRect->bottom = MoveRect->DestinationRect.right; break; case DXGI_MODE_ROTATION_ROTATE180: SrcRect->left = TexWidth - (MoveRect->SourcePoint.x + MoveRect->DestinationRect.right - MoveRect->DestinationRect.left); SrcRect->top = TexHeight - (MoveRect->SourcePoint.y + MoveRect->DestinationRect.bottom - MoveRect->DestinationRect.top); SrcRect->right = TexWidth - MoveRect->SourcePoint.x; SrcRect->bottom = TexHeight - MoveRect->SourcePoint.y; DestRect->left = TexWidth - MoveRect->DestinationRect.right; DestRect->top = TexHeight - MoveRect->DestinationRect.bottom; DestRect->right = TexWidth - MoveRect->DestinationRect.left; DestRect->bottom = TexHeight - MoveRect->DestinationRect.top; break; case DXGI_MODE_ROTATION_ROTATE270: SrcRect->left = MoveRect->SourcePoint.x; SrcRect->top = TexWidth - (MoveRect->SourcePoint.x + MoveRect->DestinationRect.right - MoveRect->DestinationRect.left); SrcRect->right = MoveRect->SourcePoint.y + MoveRect->DestinationRect.bottom - MoveRect->DestinationRect.top; SrcRect->bottom = TexWidth - MoveRect->SourcePoint.x; DestRect->left = MoveRect->DestinationRect.top; DestRect->top = TexWidth - MoveRect->DestinationRect.right; DestRect->right = MoveRect->DestinationRect.bottom; DestRect->bottom = TexWidth - MoveRect->DestinationRect.left; break; default: memset (DestRect, 0, sizeof (RECT)); memset (SrcRect, 0, sizeof (RECT)); break; } } GstFlowReturn CopyMove (ID3D11Texture2D* SharedSurf, DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT* MoveBuffer, UINT MoveCount, DXGI_OUTDUPL_DESC* DeskDesc) { ID3D11Device *device_handle = gst_d3d11_device_get_device_handle (device_); ID3D11DeviceContext *device_context = gst_d3d11_device_get_device_context_handle (device_); D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC FullDesc; SharedSurf->GetDesc(&FullDesc); GST_TRACE ("Copying MoveRects (count %d)", MoveCount); /* Make new intermediate surface to copy into for moving */ if (!move_texture_) { D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC MoveDesc; MoveDesc = FullDesc; MoveDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET; MoveDesc.MiscFlags = 0; HRESULT hr = device_handle->CreateTexture2D(&MoveDesc, nullptr, &move_texture_); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) { GST_ERROR ("Couldn't create intermediate texture, hr 0x%x", (guint) hr); return GST_FLOW_ERROR; } } for (UINT i = 0; i < MoveCount; i++) { RECT SrcRect; RECT DestRect; SetMoveRect(&SrcRect, &DestRect, DeskDesc, &MoveBuffer[i], FullDesc.Width, FullDesc.Height); /* Copy rect out of shared surface */ D3D11_BOX Box; Box.left = SrcRect.left; Box.top = SrcRect.top; Box.front = 0; Box.right = SrcRect.right; Box.bottom = SrcRect.bottom; Box.back = 1; device_context->CopySubresourceRegion(move_texture_.Get(), 0, SrcRect.left, SrcRect.top, 0, SharedSurf, 0, &Box); /* Copy back to shared surface */ device_context->CopySubresourceRegion(SharedSurf, 0, DestRect.left, DestRect.top, 0, move_texture_.Get(), 0, &Box); } return GST_FLOW_OK; } void SetDirtyVert (VERTEX* Vertices, RECT* Dirty, DXGI_OUTDUPL_DESC* DeskDesc, D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* FullDesc, D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* ThisDesc) { INT CenterX = FullDesc->Width / 2; INT CenterY = FullDesc->Height / 2; INT Width = FullDesc->Width; INT Height = FullDesc->Height; /* Rotation compensated destination rect */ RECT DestDirty = *Dirty; /* Set appropriate coordinates compensated for rotation */ switch (DeskDesc->Rotation) { case DXGI_MODE_ROTATION_ROTATE90: DestDirty.left = Width - Dirty->bottom; DestDirty.top = Dirty->left; DestDirty.right = Width - Dirty->top; DestDirty.bottom = Dirty->right; Vertices[0].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->right / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->bottom / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); Vertices[1].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->left / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->bottom / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); Vertices[2].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->right / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->top / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); Vertices[5].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->left / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->top / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); break; case DXGI_MODE_ROTATION_ROTATE180: DestDirty.left = Width - Dirty->right; DestDirty.top = Height - Dirty->bottom; DestDirty.right = Width - Dirty->left; DestDirty.bottom = Height - Dirty->top; Vertices[0].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->right / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->top / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); Vertices[1].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->right / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->bottom / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); Vertices[2].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->left / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->top / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); Vertices[5].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->left / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->bottom / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); break; case DXGI_MODE_ROTATION_ROTATE270: DestDirty.left = Dirty->top; DestDirty.top = Height - Dirty->right; DestDirty.right = Dirty->bottom; DestDirty.bottom = Height - Dirty->left; Vertices[0].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->left / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->top / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); Vertices[1].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->right / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->top / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); Vertices[2].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->left / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->bottom / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); Vertices[5].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->right / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->bottom / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); break; case DXGI_MODE_ROTATION_UNSPECIFIED: case DXGI_MODE_ROTATION_IDENTITY: default: Vertices[0].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->left / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->bottom / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); Vertices[1].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->left / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->top / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); Vertices[2].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->right / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->bottom / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); Vertices[5].TexCoord = MyFLOAT2(Dirty->right / static_cast(ThisDesc->Width), Dirty->top / static_cast(ThisDesc->Height)); break; } /* Set positions */ Vertices[0].Pos = MyFLOAT3( (DestDirty.left - CenterX) / static_cast(CenterX), -1 * (DestDirty.bottom - CenterY) / static_cast(CenterY), 0.0f); Vertices[1].Pos = MyFLOAT3( (DestDirty.left - CenterX) / static_cast(CenterX), -1 * (DestDirty.top - CenterY) / static_cast(CenterY), 0.0f); Vertices[2].Pos = MyFLOAT3( (DestDirty.right - CenterX) / static_cast(CenterX), -1 * (DestDirty.bottom - CenterY) / static_cast(CenterY), 0.0f); Vertices[3].Pos = Vertices[2].Pos; Vertices[4].Pos = Vertices[1].Pos; Vertices[5].Pos = MyFLOAT3( (DestDirty.right - CenterX) / static_cast(CenterX), -1 * (DestDirty.top - CenterY) / static_cast(CenterY), 0.0f); Vertices[3].TexCoord = Vertices[2].TexCoord; Vertices[4].TexCoord = Vertices[1].TexCoord; } void MaybeReallocVertexBuffer (UINT buffer_size) { if (buffer_size <= vertex_buffer_size_) return; if (vertex_buffer_) delete[] vertex_buffer_; vertex_buffer_ = new BYTE[buffer_size]; vertex_buffer_size_ = buffer_size; } GstFlowReturn CopyDirty (ID3D11Texture2D* SrcSurface, ID3D11Texture2D* SharedSurf, RECT* DirtyBuffer, UINT DirtyCount, DXGI_OUTDUPL_DESC* DeskDesc) { D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC FullDesc; D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC ThisDesc; ComPtr ShaderResource; ComPtr VertBuf; HRESULT hr; ID3D11Device *device_handle = gst_d3d11_device_get_device_handle (device_); ID3D11DeviceContext *device_context = gst_d3d11_device_get_device_context_handle (device_); GST_TRACE ("Copying DirtyRects (count %d)", DirtyCount); SharedSurf->GetDesc(&FullDesc); SrcSurface->GetDesc(&ThisDesc); if (!rtv_) { hr = device_handle->CreateRenderTargetView(SharedSurf, nullptr, &rtv_); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) { GST_ERROR ("Couldn't create render target view, hr 0x%x", (guint) hr); return GST_FLOW_ERROR; } } D3D11_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC ShaderDesc; ShaderDesc.Format = ThisDesc.Format; ShaderDesc.ViewDimension = D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D; ShaderDesc.Texture2D.MostDetailedMip = ThisDesc.MipLevels - 1; ShaderDesc.Texture2D.MipLevels = ThisDesc.MipLevels; /* Create new shader resource view */ hr = device_handle->CreateShaderResourceView(SrcSurface, &ShaderDesc, &ShaderResource); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) { return gst_d3d11_screen_capture_return_from_hr(device_handle, hr, SystemTransitionsExpectedErrors); } ID3D11SamplerState *samplers = sampler_.Get(); ID3D11ShaderResourceView *srv = ShaderResource.Get(); ID3D11RenderTargetView *rtv = rtv_.Get(); device_context->OMSetBlendState(nullptr, nullptr, 0xFFFFFFFF); device_context->OMSetRenderTargets(1, &rtv, nullptr); device_context->VSSetShader(vs_.Get(), nullptr, 0); device_context->PSSetShader(ps_.Get(), nullptr, 0); device_context->PSSetShaderResources(0, 1, &srv); device_context->PSSetSamplers(0, 1, &samplers); device_context->IASetPrimitiveTopology(D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST); device_context->IASetInputLayout(layout_.Get()); /* Create space for vertices for the dirty rects if the current space isn't * large enough */ UINT byte_needed = sizeof(VERTEX) * NUMVERTICES * DirtyCount; MaybeReallocVertexBuffer (byte_needed); /* Fill them in */ VERTEX* DirtyVertex = (VERTEX *) vertex_buffer_; for (UINT i = 0; i < DirtyCount; ++i, DirtyVertex += NUMVERTICES) { SetDirtyVert(DirtyVertex, &DirtyBuffer[i], DeskDesc, &FullDesc, &ThisDesc); } /* Create vertex buffer */ D3D11_BUFFER_DESC BufferDesc; memset (&BufferDesc, 0, sizeof (D3D11_BUFFER_DESC)); BufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; BufferDesc.ByteWidth = byte_needed; BufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER; BufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA InitData; memset (&InitData, 0, sizeof (D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA)); InitData.pSysMem = vertex_buffer_; hr = device_handle->CreateBuffer(&BufferDesc, &InitData, &VertBuf); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) { GST_ERROR ("Failed to create vertex buffer"); return GST_FLOW_ERROR; } UINT Stride = sizeof(VERTEX); UINT Offset = 0; ID3D11Buffer *vert_buf = VertBuf.Get(); device_context->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &vert_buf, &Stride, &Offset); D3D11_VIEWPORT VP; VP.Width = static_cast(FullDesc.Width); VP.Height = static_cast(FullDesc.Height); VP.MinDepth = 0.0f; VP.MaxDepth = 1.0f; VP.TopLeftX = 0.0f; VP.TopLeftY = 0.0f; device_context->RSSetViewports(1, &VP); device_context->Draw(NUMVERTICES * DirtyCount, 0); /* Unbind srv and rtv from context */ srv = nullptr; device_context->PSSetShaderResources (0, 1, &srv); device_context->OMSetRenderTargets (0, nullptr, nullptr); return GST_FLOW_OK; } GstFlowReturn ProcessFrame(ID3D11Texture2D * acquired_texture, ID3D11Texture2D* SharedSurf, DXGI_OUTDUPL_DESC* DeskDesc, UINT move_count, UINT dirty_count, DXGI_OUTDUPL_FRAME_INFO * frame_info) { GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK; GST_TRACE ("Processing frame"); /* Process dirties and moves */ if (frame_info->TotalMetadataBufferSize) { if (move_count) { ret = CopyMove(SharedSurf, (DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT *) metadata_buffer_, move_count, DeskDesc); if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) return ret; } if (dirty_count) { ret = CopyDirty(acquired_texture, SharedSurf, (RECT *)(metadata_buffer_ + (move_count * sizeof(DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT))), dirty_count, DeskDesc); } } else { GST_TRACE ("No metadata"); } return ret; } /* To draw mouse */ bool ProcessMonoMask (bool IsMono, PTR_INFO* PtrInfo, INT* PtrWidth, INT* PtrHeight, INT* PtrLeft, INT* PtrTop, BYTE** InitBuffer, D3D11_BOX* Box) { ID3D11Device *device_handle = gst_d3d11_device_get_device_handle (device_); ID3D11DeviceContext *context_handle = gst_d3d11_device_get_device_context_handle (device_); D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC FullDesc; shared_texture_->GetDesc(&FullDesc); INT DesktopWidth = FullDesc.Width; INT DesktopHeight = FullDesc.Height; // Pointer position INT GivenLeft = PtrInfo->Position.x; INT GivenTop = PtrInfo->Position.y; // Figure out if any adjustment is needed for out of bound positions if (GivenLeft < 0) { *PtrWidth = GivenLeft + static_cast(PtrInfo->shape_info.Width); } else if ((GivenLeft + static_cast(PtrInfo->shape_info.Width)) > DesktopWidth) { *PtrWidth = DesktopWidth - GivenLeft; } else { *PtrWidth = static_cast(PtrInfo->shape_info.Width); } if (IsMono) PtrInfo->shape_info.Height = PtrInfo->shape_info.Height / 2; if (GivenTop < 0) { *PtrHeight = GivenTop + static_cast(PtrInfo->shape_info.Height); } else if ((GivenTop + static_cast(PtrInfo->shape_info.Height)) > DesktopHeight) { *PtrHeight = DesktopHeight - GivenTop; } else { *PtrHeight = static_cast(PtrInfo->shape_info.Height); } if (IsMono) PtrInfo->shape_info.Height = PtrInfo->shape_info.Height * 2; *PtrLeft = (GivenLeft < 0) ? 0 : GivenLeft; *PtrTop = (GivenTop < 0) ? 0 : GivenTop; D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC CopyBufferDesc; CopyBufferDesc.Width = *PtrWidth; CopyBufferDesc.Height = *PtrHeight; CopyBufferDesc.MipLevels = 1; CopyBufferDesc.ArraySize = 1; CopyBufferDesc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM; CopyBufferDesc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; CopyBufferDesc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; CopyBufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_STAGING; CopyBufferDesc.BindFlags = 0; CopyBufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ; CopyBufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0; ComPtr CopyBuffer; HRESULT hr = device_handle->CreateTexture2D(&CopyBufferDesc, nullptr, &CopyBuffer); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) { GST_ERROR ("Couldn't create texture for mouse pointer"); return false; } Box->left = *PtrLeft; Box->top = *PtrTop; Box->right = *PtrLeft + *PtrWidth; Box->bottom = *PtrTop + *PtrHeight; context_handle->CopySubresourceRegion(CopyBuffer.Get(), 0, 0, 0, 0, shared_texture_.Get(), 0, Box); ComPtr CopySurface; hr = CopyBuffer.As (&CopySurface); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) { GST_ERROR ("Couldn't get DXGI resource from mouse texture"); return false; } DXGI_MAPPED_RECT MappedSurface; hr = CopySurface->Map(&MappedSurface, DXGI_MAP_READ); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) { GST_ERROR ("Couldn't map DXGI surface"); return false; } *InitBuffer = new BYTE[*PtrWidth * *PtrHeight * BPP]; UINT* InitBuffer32 = reinterpret_cast(*InitBuffer); UINT* Desktop32 = reinterpret_cast(MappedSurface.pBits); UINT DesktopPitchInPixels = MappedSurface.Pitch / sizeof(UINT); // What to skip (pixel offset) UINT SkipX = (GivenLeft < 0) ? (-1 * GivenLeft) : (0); UINT SkipY = (GivenTop < 0) ? (-1 * GivenTop) : (0); if (IsMono) { for (INT Row = 0; Row < *PtrHeight; Row++) { BYTE Mask = 0x80; Mask = Mask >> (SkipX % 8); for (INT Col = 0; Col < *PtrWidth; Col++) { BYTE AndMask = PtrInfo->PtrShapeBuffer[((Col + SkipX) / 8) + ((Row + SkipY) * (PtrInfo->shape_info.Pitch))] & Mask; BYTE XorMask = PtrInfo->PtrShapeBuffer[((Col + SkipX) / 8) + ((Row + SkipY + (PtrInfo->shape_info.Height / 2)) * (PtrInfo->shape_info.Pitch))] & Mask; UINT AndMask32 = (AndMask) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFF000000; UINT XorMask32 = (XorMask) ? 0x00FFFFFF : 0x00000000; InitBuffer32[(Row * *PtrWidth) + Col] = (Desktop32[(Row * DesktopPitchInPixels) + Col] & AndMask32) ^ XorMask32; if (Mask == 0x01) { Mask = 0x80; } else { Mask = Mask >> 1; } } } } else { UINT* Buffer32 = reinterpret_cast(PtrInfo->PtrShapeBuffer); for (INT Row = 0; Row < *PtrHeight; Row++) { for (INT Col = 0; Col < *PtrWidth; ++Col) { // Set up mask UINT MaskVal = 0xFF000000 & Buffer32[(Col + SkipX) + ((Row + SkipY) * (PtrInfo->shape_info.Pitch / sizeof(UINT)))]; if (MaskVal) { // Mask was 0xFF InitBuffer32[(Row * *PtrWidth) + Col] = (Desktop32[(Row * DesktopPitchInPixels) + Col] ^ Buffer32[(Col + SkipX) + ((Row + SkipY) * (PtrInfo->shape_info.Pitch / sizeof(UINT)))]) | 0xFF000000; } else { // Mask was 0x00 InitBuffer32[(Row * *PtrWidth) + Col] = Buffer32[(Col + SkipX) + ((Row + SkipY) * (PtrInfo->shape_info.Pitch / sizeof(UINT)))] | 0xFF000000; } } } } // Done with resource hr = CopySurface->Unmap(); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, device_)) { GST_ERROR ("Failed to unmap DXGI surface"); return false; } return true; } private: PTR_INFO ptr_info_; DXGI_OUTDUPL_DESC output_desc_; GstD3D11Device * device_; ComPtr shared_texture_; ComPtr rtv_; ComPtr move_texture_; ComPtr vs_; ComPtr ps_; ComPtr layout_; ComPtr sampler_; ComPtr dupl_; /* frame metadata */ BYTE *metadata_buffer_; UINT metadata_buffer_size_; /* vertex buffers */ BYTE *vertex_buffer_; UINT vertex_buffer_size_; }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ enum { PROP_0, PROP_D3D11_DEVICE, PROP_MONITOR_HANDLE, }; #define DEFAULT_MONITOR_INDEX -1 struct _GstD3D11ScreenCapture { GstObject parent; GstD3D11Device *device; guint cached_width; guint cached_height; D3D11DesktopDupObject *dupl_obj; HMONITOR monitor_handle; RECT desktop_coordinates; gboolean prepared; gint64 adapter_luid; GRecMutex lock; }; static void gst_d3d11_screen_capture_constructed (GObject * object); static void gst_d3d11_screen_capture_dispose (GObject * object); static void gst_d3d11_screen_capture_finalize (GObject * object); static void gst_d3d11_screen_capture_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec); #define gst_d3d11_screen_capture_parent_class parent_class G_DEFINE_TYPE (GstD3D11ScreenCapture, gst_d3d11_screen_capture, GST_TYPE_OBJECT); static void gst_d3d11_screen_capture_class_init (GstD3D11ScreenCaptureClass * klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); gobject_class->constructed = gst_d3d11_screen_capture_constructed; gobject_class->dispose = gst_d3d11_screen_capture_dispose; gobject_class->finalize = gst_d3d11_screen_capture_finalize; gobject_class->set_property = gst_d3d11_screen_capture_set_property; g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_D3D11_DEVICE, g_param_spec_object ("d3d11device", "D3D11 Device", "GstD3D11Device object for operating", GST_TYPE_D3D11_DEVICE, (GParamFlags) (G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS))); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_MONITOR_HANDLE, g_param_spec_pointer ("monitor-handle", "Monitor Handle", "A HMONITOR handle of monitor to capture", (GParamFlags) (G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS))); } static void gst_d3d11_screen_capture_init (GstD3D11ScreenCapture * self) { g_rec_mutex_init (&self->lock); memset (&self->desktop_coordinates, 0, sizeof (RECT)); } static void gst_d3d11_screen_capture_constructed (GObject * object) { GstD3D11ScreenCapture *self = GST_D3D11_SCREEN_CAPTURE (object); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ ComPtr dxgi_device; ComPtr adapter; ComPtr output; ComPtr output1; /* *INDENT-ON* */ HRESULT hr; gboolean ret = FALSE; DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC output_desc; DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC adapter_desc; gint64 luid, device_luid; if (!self->device) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "D3D11 device is unavailable"); goto out; } if (!self->monitor_handle) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "Null monitor handle"); goto out; } hr = gst_d3d11_screen_capture_find_output_for_monitor (self->monitor_handle, &adapter, &output); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, self->device)) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "Failed to find associated adapter for monitor %p", self->monitor_handle); goto out; } hr = output.As (&output1); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, self->device)) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "IDXGIOutput1 interface is unavailble"); goto out; } hr = adapter->GetDesc (&adapter_desc); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, self->device)) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "Failed to get adapter desc"); goto out; } luid = gst_d3d11_luid_to_int64 (&adapter_desc.AdapterLuid); g_object_get (self->device, "adapter-luid", &device_luid, nullptr); if (luid != device_luid) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "Incompatible d3d11 device"); goto out; } hr = output->GetDesc (&output_desc); if (!gst_d3d11_result (hr, self->device)) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "Failed to get output desc"); goto out; } /* DesktopCoordinates will not report actual texture size in case that * application is running without dpi-awareness. To get actual monitor size, * we need to use Win32 API... */ MONITORINFOEXW monitor_info; DEVMODEW dev_mode; monitor_info.cbSize = sizeof (MONITORINFOEXW); if (!GetMonitorInfoW (output_desc.Monitor, (LPMONITORINFO) & monitor_info)) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "Couldn't get monitor info"); goto out; } dev_mode.dmSize = sizeof (DEVMODEW); dev_mode.dmDriverExtra = sizeof (POINTL); dev_mode.dmFields = DM_POSITION; if (!EnumDisplaySettingsW (monitor_info.szDevice, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dev_mode)) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "Couldn't enumerate display settings"); goto out; } self->desktop_coordinates.left = dev_mode.dmPosition.x; self->desktop_coordinates.top = dev_mode.dmPosition.y; self->desktop_coordinates.right = dev_mode.dmPosition.x + dev_mode.dmPelsWidth; self->desktop_coordinates.bottom = dev_mode.dmPosition.y + dev_mode.dmPelsHeight; self->cached_width = self->desktop_coordinates.right - self->desktop_coordinates.left; self->cached_height = self->desktop_coordinates.bottom - self->desktop_coordinates.top; GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Desktop coordinates left:top:right:bottom = %ld:%ld:%ld:%ld (%dx%d)", self->desktop_coordinates.left, self->desktop_coordinates.top, self->desktop_coordinates.right, self->desktop_coordinates.bottom, self->cached_width, self->cached_height); g_object_get (self->device, "adapter-luid", &self->adapter_luid, nullptr); ret = TRUE; out: if (!ret) gst_clear_object (&self->device); G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->constructed (object); } static void gst_d3d11_screen_capture_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GstD3D11ScreenCapture *self = GST_D3D11_SCREEN_CAPTURE (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_D3D11_DEVICE: self->device = (GstD3D11Device *) g_value_dup_object (value); break; case PROP_MONITOR_HANDLE: self->monitor_handle = (HMONITOR) g_value_get_pointer (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void gst_d3d11_screen_capture_dispose (GObject * object) { GstD3D11ScreenCapture *self = GST_D3D11_SCREEN_CAPTURE (object); if (self->dupl_obj) { delete self->dupl_obj; self->dupl_obj = nullptr; } gst_clear_object (&self->device); G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void gst_d3d11_screen_capture_finalize (GObject * object) { GstD3D11ScreenCapture *self = GST_D3D11_SCREEN_CAPTURE (object); g_rec_mutex_clear (&self->lock); G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void gst_d3d11_screen_capture_weak_ref_notify (gpointer data, GstD3D11ScreenCapture * dupl) { G_LOCK (dupl_list_lock); dupl_list = g_list_remove (dupl_list, dupl); G_UNLOCK (dupl_list_lock); } GstD3D11ScreenCapture * gst_d3d11_screen_capture_new (GstD3D11Device * device, HMONITOR monitor_handle) { GstD3D11ScreenCapture *self = nullptr; GList *iter; g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D11_DEVICE (device), nullptr); /* Check if we have dup object corresponding to monitor_handle, * and if there is already configured capture object, reuse it. * This is because of the limitation of desktop duplication API * (i.e., in a process, only one duplication object can exist). * See also * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dxgi1_2/nf-dxgi1_2-idxgioutput1-duplicateoutput#remarks */ G_LOCK (dupl_list_lock); for (iter = dupl_list; iter; iter = g_list_next (iter)) { GstD3D11ScreenCapture *dupl = (GstD3D11ScreenCapture *) iter->data; if (dupl->monitor_handle == monitor_handle) { GST_DEBUG ("Found configured desktop dup object for monitor handle %p", monitor_handle); self = (GstD3D11ScreenCapture *) gst_object_ref (dupl); break; } } if (self) { G_UNLOCK (dupl_list_lock); return self; } self = (GstD3D11ScreenCapture *) g_object_new (GST_TYPE_D3D11_SCREEN_CAPTURE, "d3d11device", device, "monitor-handle", monitor_handle, nullptr); if (!self->device) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "Couldn't configure desktop dup object"); gst_object_unref (self); G_UNLOCK (dupl_list_lock); return nullptr; } g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (self), (GWeakNotify) gst_d3d11_screen_capture_weak_ref_notify, nullptr); dupl_list = g_list_append (dupl_list, self); G_UNLOCK (dupl_list_lock); return self; } GstFlowReturn gst_d3d11_screen_capture_prepare (GstD3D11ScreenCapture * capture) { GstFlowReturn ret; g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D11_SCREEN_CAPTURE (capture), GST_FLOW_ERROR); g_return_val_if_fail (capture->device != nullptr, GST_FLOW_ERROR); g_rec_mutex_lock (&capture->lock); if (capture->prepared) { GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (capture, "Already prepared"); g_rec_mutex_unlock (&capture->lock); return GST_FLOW_OK; } capture->dupl_obj = new D3D11DesktopDupObject (); ret = capture->dupl_obj->Init (capture->device, capture->monitor_handle); if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (capture, "Couldn't prepare capturing, %sexpected failure", ret == GST_D3D11_SCREEN_CAPTURE_FLOW_EXPECTED_ERROR ? "" : "un"); delete capture->dupl_obj; capture->dupl_obj = nullptr; g_rec_mutex_unlock (&capture->lock); return ret; } capture->prepared = TRUE; g_rec_mutex_unlock (&capture->lock); return GST_FLOW_OK; } gboolean gst_d3d11_screen_capture_get_size (GstD3D11ScreenCapture * capture, guint * width, guint * height) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D11_SCREEN_CAPTURE (capture), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (width != nullptr, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (height != nullptr, FALSE); g_rec_mutex_lock (&capture->lock); *width = 0; *height = 0; if (capture->dupl_obj) { capture->dupl_obj->GetSize (&capture->cached_width, &capture->cached_height); } *width = capture->cached_width; *height = capture->cached_height; g_rec_mutex_unlock (&capture->lock); return TRUE; } GstFlowReturn gst_d3d11_screen_capture_do_capture (GstD3D11ScreenCapture * capture, GstD3D11Device * device, ID3D11Texture2D * texture, ID3D11RenderTargetView * rtv, ID3D11VertexShader * vs, ID3D11PixelShader * ps, ID3D11InputLayout * layout, ID3D11SamplerState * sampler, ID3D11BlendState * blend, D3D11_BOX * crop_box, gboolean draw_mouse) { GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK; gboolean shared_device = FALSE; guint width, height; g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D11_SCREEN_CAPTURE (capture), GST_FLOW_ERROR); g_return_val_if_fail (texture != nullptr, GST_FLOW_ERROR); if (device != capture->device) { gint64 luid; g_object_get (device, "adapter-luid", &luid, nullptr); /* source element must hold d3d11 device for the same GPU already * by DXGI duplication API design */ if (luid != capture->adapter_luid) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (capture, "Trying to capture from different device"); return GST_FLOW_ERROR; } shared_device = TRUE; } g_rec_mutex_lock (&capture->lock); if (!capture->prepared) ret = gst_d3d11_screen_capture_prepare (capture); if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (capture, "We are not prepared"); g_rec_mutex_unlock (&capture->lock); return ret; } gst_d3d11_screen_capture_get_size (capture, &width, &height); if (crop_box->left > width || crop_box->right > width || crop_box->top > height || crop_box->bottom > height) { GST_INFO_OBJECT (capture, "Capture area (%u, %u, %u, %u) doesn't fit into screen size %ux%u", crop_box->left, crop_box->right, crop_box->top, crop_box->bottom, width, height); g_rec_mutex_unlock (&capture->lock); return GST_D3D11_SCREEN_CAPTURE_FLOW_SIZE_CHANGED; } gst_d3d11_device_lock (capture->device); ret = capture->dupl_obj->Capture (draw_mouse); if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) { gst_d3d11_device_unlock (capture->device); delete capture->dupl_obj; capture->dupl_obj = nullptr; capture->prepared = FALSE; if (ret == GST_D3D11_SCREEN_CAPTURE_FLOW_EXPECTED_ERROR) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (capture, "Couldn't capture frame, but expected failure"); } else { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (capture, "Unexpected failure during capture"); } g_rec_mutex_unlock (&capture->lock); return ret; } GST_LOG_OBJECT (capture, "Capture done"); if (shared_device) gst_d3d11_device_lock (device); ret = capture->dupl_obj->CopyToTexture (device, texture, crop_box); if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) goto out; if (draw_mouse) { capture->dupl_obj->DrawMouse (device, rtv, vs, ps, layout, sampler, blend, crop_box); } out: if (shared_device) gst_d3d11_device_unlock (device); gst_d3d11_device_unlock (capture->device); g_rec_mutex_unlock (&capture->lock); return ret; } HRESULT gst_d3d11_screen_capture_find_output_for_monitor (HMONITOR monitor, IDXGIAdapter1 ** adapter, IDXGIOutput ** output) { ComPtr < IDXGIFactory1 > factory; HRESULT hr = S_OK; g_return_val_if_fail (monitor != nullptr, E_INVALIDARG); hr = CreateDXGIFactory1 (IID_PPV_ARGS (&factory)); if (FAILED (hr)) return hr; for (UINT adapter_idx = 0;; adapter_idx++) { ComPtr < IDXGIAdapter1 > adapter_tmp; hr = factory->EnumAdapters1 (adapter_idx, &adapter_tmp); if (FAILED (hr)) break; for (UINT output_idx = 0;; output_idx++) { ComPtr < IDXGIOutput > output_tmp; DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC desc; hr = adapter_tmp->EnumOutputs (output_idx, &output_tmp); if (FAILED (hr)) break; hr = output_tmp->GetDesc (&desc); if (FAILED (hr)) continue; if (desc.Monitor == monitor) { if (adapter) *adapter = adapter_tmp.Detach (); if (output) *output = output_tmp.Detach (); return S_OK; } } } return E_FAIL; } HRESULT gst_d3d11_screen_capture_find_primary_monitor (HMONITOR * monitor, IDXGIAdapter1 ** adapter, IDXGIOutput ** output) { ComPtr < IDXGIFactory1 > factory; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = CreateDXGIFactory1 (IID_PPV_ARGS (&factory)); if (FAILED (hr)) return hr; for (UINT adapter_idx = 0;; adapter_idx++) { ComPtr < IDXGIAdapter1 > adapter_tmp; hr = factory->EnumAdapters1 (adapter_idx, &adapter_tmp); if (FAILED (hr)) break; for (UINT output_idx = 0;; output_idx++) { ComPtr < IDXGIOutput > output_tmp; DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC desc; MONITORINFOEXW minfo; hr = adapter_tmp->EnumOutputs (output_idx, &output_tmp); if (FAILED (hr)) break; hr = output_tmp->GetDesc (&desc); if (FAILED (hr)) continue; minfo.cbSize = sizeof (MONITORINFOEXW); if (!GetMonitorInfoW (desc.Monitor, &minfo)) continue; if ((minfo.dwFlags & MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY) != 0) { if (monitor) *monitor = desc.Monitor; if (adapter) *adapter = adapter_tmp.Detach (); if (output) *output = output_tmp.Detach (); return S_OK; } } } return E_FAIL; } HRESULT gst_d3d11_screen_capture_find_nth_monitor (guint index, HMONITOR * monitor, IDXGIAdapter1 ** adapter, IDXGIOutput ** output) { ComPtr < IDXGIFactory1 > factory; HRESULT hr = S_OK; guint num_found = 0; hr = CreateDXGIFactory1 (IID_PPV_ARGS (&factory)); if (FAILED (hr)) return hr; for (UINT adapter_idx = 0;; adapter_idx++) { ComPtr < IDXGIAdapter1 > adapter_tmp; hr = factory->EnumAdapters1 (adapter_idx, &adapter_tmp); if (FAILED (hr)) break; for (UINT output_idx = 0;; output_idx++) { ComPtr < IDXGIOutput > output_tmp; DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC desc; MONITORINFOEXW minfo; hr = adapter_tmp->EnumOutputs (output_idx, &output_tmp); if (FAILED (hr)) break; hr = output_tmp->GetDesc (&desc); if (FAILED (hr)) continue; minfo.cbSize = sizeof (MONITORINFOEXW); if (!GetMonitorInfoW (desc.Monitor, &minfo)) continue; if (num_found == index) { if (monitor) *monitor = desc.Monitor; if (adapter) *adapter = adapter_tmp.Detach (); if (output) *output = output_tmp.Detach (); return S_OK; } num_found++; } } return E_FAIL; }