/* GStreamer RTMP Library * Copyright (C) 2017 Make.TV, Inc. <info@make.tv> * Contact: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <jsteffens@make.tv> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_H_ #define _GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_H_ #include <gst/gst.h> G_BEGIN_DECLS #define GST_RTMP_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE 0xFFFFFF typedef enum { GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALID = 0, GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_SET_CHUNK_SIZE = 1, GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_ABORT_MESSAGE = 2, GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT = 3, GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_USER_CONTROL = 4, GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_WINDOW_ACK_SIZE = 5, GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_SET_PEER_BANDWIDTH = 6, GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_AUDIO = 8, GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_VIDEO = 9, GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_DATA_AMF3 = 15, GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_SHARED_OBJECT_AMF3 = 16, GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND_AMF3 = 17, GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_DATA_AMF0 = 18, GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_SHARED_OBJECT_AMF0 = 19, GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND_AMF0 = 20, GST_RTMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_AGGREGATE = 22, } GstRtmpMessageType; gboolean gst_rtmp_message_type_is_valid (GstRtmpMessageType type); gboolean gst_rtmp_message_type_is_protocol_control (GstRtmpMessageType type); const gchar * gst_rtmp_message_type_get_nick (GstRtmpMessageType type); typedef enum { GST_RTMP_USER_CONTROL_TYPE_STREAM_BEGIN = 0, GST_RTMP_USER_CONTROL_TYPE_STREAM_EOF = 1, GST_RTMP_USER_CONTROL_TYPE_STREAM_DRY = 2, GST_RTMP_USER_CONTROL_TYPE_SET_BUFFER_LENGTH = 3, GST_RTMP_USER_CONTROL_TYPE_STREAM_IS_RECORDED = 4, GST_RTMP_USER_CONTROL_TYPE_PING_REQUEST = 6, GST_RTMP_USER_CONTROL_TYPE_PING_RESPONSE = 7, /* undocumented */ GST_RTMP_USER_CONTROL_TYPE_SWF_VERIFICATION_REQUEST = 26, GST_RTMP_USER_CONTROL_TYPE_SWF_VERIFICATION_RESPONSE = 27, GST_RTMP_USER_CONTROL_TYPE_BUFFER_EMPTY = 31, GST_RTMP_USER_CONTROL_TYPE_BUFFER_READY = 32, } GstRtmpUserControlType; const gchar * gst_rtmp_user_control_type_get_nick ( GstRtmpUserControlType type); #define GST_RTMP_META_API_TYPE (gst_rtmp_meta_api_get_type()) #define GST_RTMP_META_INFO (gst_rtmp_meta_get_info()) typedef struct _GstRtmpMeta GstRtmpMeta; struct _GstRtmpMeta { GstMeta meta; guint32 cstream; guint32 ts_delta; guint32 size; GstRtmpMessageType type; guint32 mstream; }; GType gst_rtmp_meta_api_get_type (void); const GstMetaInfo * gst_rtmp_meta_get_info (void); GstRtmpMeta * gst_buffer_add_rtmp_meta (GstBuffer * buffer); static inline GstRtmpMeta * gst_buffer_get_rtmp_meta (GstBuffer * buffer) { return (GstRtmpMeta *) gst_buffer_get_meta (buffer, GST_RTMP_META_API_TYPE); } GstBuffer * gst_rtmp_message_new (GstRtmpMessageType type, guint32 cstream, guint32 mstream); GstBuffer * gst_rtmp_message_new_wrapped (GstRtmpMessageType type, guint32 cstream, guint32 mstream, guint8 * data, gsize size); void gst_rtmp_buffer_dump (GstBuffer * buffer, const gchar * prefix); GstRtmpMessageType gst_rtmp_message_get_type (GstBuffer * buffer); gboolean gst_rtmp_message_is_protocol_control (GstBuffer * buffer); gboolean gst_rtmp_message_is_user_control (GstBuffer * buffer); typedef struct { GstRtmpMessageType type; /* for SET_CHUNK_SIZE: chunk size */ /* for ABORT_MESSAGE: chunk stream ID */ /* for ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: acknowledged byte count */ /* for WINDOW_ACK_SIZE and SET_PEER_BANDWIDTH: acknowledgement window size */ guint32 param; /* for SET_PEER_BANDWIDTH: limit type */ guint8 param2; } GstRtmpProtocolControl; gboolean gst_rtmp_message_parse_protocol_control (GstBuffer * buffer, GstRtmpProtocolControl * out); GstBuffer * gst_rtmp_message_new_protocol_control (GstRtmpProtocolControl * pc); typedef struct { GstRtmpUserControlType type; /* for STREAM_BEGIN to STREAM_IS_RECORDED: message stream ID */ /* for PING_REQUEST and PING_RESPONSE: timestamp of request */ guint32 param; /* for SET_BUFFER_LENGTH: buffer length in ms */ guint32 param2; } GstRtmpUserControl; gboolean gst_rtmp_message_parse_user_control (GstBuffer * buffer, GstRtmpUserControl * out); GstBuffer * gst_rtmp_message_new_user_control (GstRtmpUserControl * uc); gboolean gst_rtmp_message_is_metadata (GstBuffer * buffer); G_END_DECLS #endif