.TH "GStreamer ALSA Plugin" "1" "June 2002" "Christian F. K. Schaller" "" .SH "NAME" gstalsa \- GStreamer plugins for recieving and sending audio through the ALSA audio framework .SH "SYNOPSIS" pipeline ! \fBalsasink\fR \fBalsasrc\fR ! pipeline .SH "DESCRIPTION" .LP \fIgstalsa\fP is a plugin to be used with the \fIGStreamer\fP media framework. It consists of elements which can either be used to recieve sound (\fBalsasrc\fR) aquired through alsa or probably the most common use; to output sound generated by a GStreamer pipeline to the ALSA sound architecture(\fBalsasink\fR). .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR gstoss (1), .BR gstjack (1) .SH "AUTHOR" The GStreamer team at http://gstreamer.net/