/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Erik Walthinsen * 2000 Wim Taymans * * gststaticautoplug.c: A static Autoplugger of pipelines * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "gststaticautoplug.h" #include #define GST_AUTOPLUG_MAX_COST 999999 GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC(debug_category); #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT debug_category typedef guint (*GstAutoplugCostFunction) (gpointer src, gpointer dest, gpointer data); typedef const GList* (*GstAutoplugListFunction) (gpointer data); static void gst_static_autoplug_class_init (GstStaticAutoplugClass *klass); static void gst_static_autoplug_init (GstStaticAutoplug *autoplug); static GList* gst_autoplug_func (gpointer src, gpointer sink, GstAutoplugListFunction list_function, GstAutoplugCostFunction cost_function, gpointer data); static GstElement* gst_static_autoplug_to_caps (GstAutoplug *autoplug, GstCaps *srccaps, GstCaps *sinkcaps, va_list args); static GstAutoplugClass *parent_class = NULL; GType gst_static_autoplug_get_type(void) { static GType static_autoplug_type = 0; if (!static_autoplug_type) { static const GTypeInfo static_autoplug_info = { sizeof(GstElementClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc)gst_static_autoplug_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof(GstElement), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc)gst_static_autoplug_init, }; static_autoplug_type = g_type_register_static (GST_TYPE_AUTOPLUG, "GstStaticAutoplug", &static_autoplug_info, 0); } return static_autoplug_type; } static void gst_static_autoplug_class_init(GstStaticAutoplugClass *klass) { GstAutoplugClass *gstautoplug_class; gstautoplug_class = (GstAutoplugClass*) klass; parent_class = g_type_class_ref(GST_TYPE_AUTOPLUG); gstautoplug_class->autoplug_to_caps = gst_static_autoplug_to_caps; } static void gst_static_autoplug_init(GstStaticAutoplug *autoplug) { } static gboolean plugin_init (GModule *module, GstPlugin *plugin) { GstAutoplugFactory *factory; GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (debug_category, "STATIC_AUTOPLUG", 0, "static autoplugger element"); gst_plugin_set_longname (plugin, "A static autoplugger"); factory = gst_autoplug_factory_new ("static", "A static autoplugger, it constructs the complete element before running it", gst_static_autoplug_get_type ()); if (factory != NULL) { gst_plugin_add_feature (plugin, GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE (factory)); } return TRUE; } GstPluginDesc plugin_desc = { GST_VERSION_MAJOR, GST_VERSION_MINOR, "gststaticautoplug", plugin_init }; static gboolean gst_autoplug_can_match (GstElementFactory *src, GstElementFactory *dest) { GList *srctemps, *desttemps; srctemps = src->padtemplates; while (srctemps) { GstPadTemplate *srctemp = (GstPadTemplate *)srctemps->data; desttemps = dest->padtemplates; while (desttemps) { GstPadTemplate *desttemp = (GstPadTemplate *)desttemps->data; if (srctemp->direction == GST_PAD_SRC && desttemp->direction == GST_PAD_SINK) { if (gst_caps_is_always_compatible (gst_pad_template_get_caps (srctemp), gst_pad_template_get_caps (desttemp))) { GST_DEBUG ("factory \"%s\" can link with factory \"%s\"\n", GST_OBJECT_NAME (src), GST_OBJECT_NAME (dest)); return TRUE; } } desttemps = g_list_next (desttemps); } srctemps = g_list_next (srctemps); } GST_DEBUG ("factory \"%s\" cannot link with factory \"%s\"\n", GST_OBJECT_NAME (src), GST_OBJECT_NAME (dest)); return FALSE; } static gboolean gst_autoplug_pads_autoplug_func (GstElement *src, GstPad *pad, GstElement *sink) { const GList *sinkpads; gboolean linked = FALSE; GST_DEBUG ("gstpipeline: autoplug pad link function for \"%s\" to \"%s\"", GST_ELEMENT_NAME(src), GST_ELEMENT_NAME(sink)); sinkpads = gst_element_get_pad_list(sink); while (sinkpads) { GstPad *sinkpad = (GstPad *)sinkpads->data; /* if we have a match, link the pads */ if (gst_pad_get_direction(sinkpad) == GST_PAD_SINK && !GST_PAD_IS_LINKED(sinkpad)) { if (gst_caps_is_always_compatible (gst_pad_get_caps(pad), gst_pad_get_caps(sinkpad))) { gst_pad_link(pad, sinkpad); GST_DEBUG ("gstpipeline: autolink pad \"%s\" in element %s <-> ", GST_PAD_NAME (pad), GST_ELEMENT_NAME(src)); GST_DEBUG ("pad \"%s\" in element %s", GST_PAD_NAME (sinkpad), GST_ELEMENT_NAME(sink)); linked = TRUE; break; } else { GST_DEBUG ("pads incompatible %s, %s", GST_PAD_NAME (pad), GST_PAD_NAME (sinkpad)); } } sinkpads = g_list_next(sinkpads); } if (!linked) { GST_DEBUG ("gstpipeline: no path to sinks for type"); } return linked; } typedef struct { GstElement *result; GstCaps *endcap; gint i; } dynamic_pad_struct; static void autoplug_dynamic_pad (GstElement *element, GstPad *pad, gpointer data) { dynamic_pad_struct *info = (dynamic_pad_struct *)data; const GList *pads = gst_element_get_pad_list (element); GST_DEBUG ("attempting to dynamically create a ghostpad for %s=%s", GST_ELEMENT_NAME (element), GST_PAD_NAME (pad)); while (pads) { GstPad *pad = GST_PAD (pads->data); GstPadTemplate *templ = GST_PAD_PAD_TEMPLATE (pad); pads = g_list_next (pads); if (gst_caps_is_always_compatible (GST_PAD_TEMPLATE_CAPS (templ), info->endcap)) { gchar *name; name = g_strdup_printf ("src_%02d", info->i); gst_element_add_ghost_pad (info->result, pad, name); g_free (name); GST_DEBUG ("gstpipeline: new dynamic pad %s", GST_PAD_NAME (pad)); break; } } } static void gst_autoplug_pads_autoplug (GstElement *src, GstElement *sink) { const GList *srcpads; gboolean linked = FALSE; srcpads = gst_element_get_pad_list(src); while (srcpads && !linked) { GstPad *srcpad = (GstPad *)srcpads->data; if (gst_pad_get_direction(srcpad) == GST_PAD_SRC) linked = gst_autoplug_pads_autoplug_func (src, srcpad, sink); srcpads = g_list_next(srcpads); } if (!linked) { GST_DEBUG ("gstpipeline: delaying pad links for \"%s\" to \"%s\"", GST_ELEMENT_NAME(src), GST_ELEMENT_NAME(sink)); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(src), "new_pad", G_CALLBACK (gst_autoplug_pads_autoplug_func), sink); } } static const GList* gst_autoplug_element_factory_get_list (gpointer data) { return gst_registry_pool_feature_list (GST_TYPE_ELEMENT_FACTORY); } typedef struct { GstCaps *src; GstCaps *sink; } caps_struct; #define IS_CAPS(cap) (((cap) == caps->src) || (cap) == caps->sink) static guint gst_autoplug_caps_find_cost (gpointer src, gpointer dest, gpointer data) { caps_struct *caps = (caps_struct *)data; gboolean res; if (IS_CAPS (src) && IS_CAPS (dest)) { res = gst_caps_is_always_compatible ((GstCaps *)src, (GstCaps *)dest); } else if (IS_CAPS (src)) { res = gst_element_factory_can_sink_caps ((GstElementFactory *)dest, (GstCaps *)src); } else if (IS_CAPS (dest)) { res = gst_element_factory_can_src_caps ((GstElementFactory *)src, (GstCaps *)dest); } else { res = gst_autoplug_can_match ((GstElementFactory *)src, (GstElementFactory *)dest); } if (res) return 1; else return GST_AUTOPLUG_MAX_COST; } static GstElement* gst_static_autoplug_to_caps (GstAutoplug *autoplug, GstCaps *srccaps, GstCaps *sinkcaps, va_list args) { caps_struct caps; GstCaps *capslist; GstElement *result = NULL, *srcelement = NULL; GList **factories; GList *chains = NULL; GList *endcaps = NULL; guint numsinks = 0, i; gboolean have_common = FALSE; capslist = sinkcaps; /* * We first create a list of elements that are needed * to convert the srcpad caps to the different sinkpad caps. * and add the list of elementfactories to a list (chains). */ caps.src = srccaps; while (capslist) { GList *elements; caps.sink = capslist; GST_INFO ("autoplugging two caps structures"); elements = gst_autoplug_func (caps.src, caps.sink, gst_autoplug_element_factory_get_list, gst_autoplug_caps_find_cost, &caps); if (elements) { chains = g_list_append (chains, elements); endcaps = g_list_append (endcaps, capslist); numsinks++; } else { } capslist = va_arg (args, GstCaps *); } /* * If no list could be found the pipeline cannot be autoplugged and * we return a NULL element */ if (numsinks == 0) return NULL; /* * We now have a list of lists. We will turn this into an array * of lists, this will make it much more easy to manipulate it * in the next steps. */ factories = g_new0 (GList *, numsinks); for (i = 0; chains; i++) { GList *elements = (GList *) chains->data; factories[i] = elements; chains = g_list_next (chains); } /*FIXME, free the list */ result = gst_bin_new ("autoplug_bin"); /* * We now hav a list of lists that is probably like: * * ! * A -> B -> C * ! * A -> D -> E * * we now try to find the common elements (A) and add them to * the bin. We remove them from both lists too. */ while (factories[0]) { GstElementFactory *factory; GstElement *element; gchar *name; /* fase 3: add common elements */ factory = (GstElementFactory *) (factories[0]->data); /* check to other paths for matching elements (factories) */ for (i=1; idata)) { goto differ; } } GST_DEBUG ("common factory \"%s\"", GST_OBJECT_NAME (factory)); /* it is likely that the plugin is not loaded yet. thus when it loads it * will replace the elementfactory that gst built from the cache, and the * GST_OBJECT_NAME will no longer be valid. thus we must g_strdup its name. * * this might be an implementation problem, i don't know, if a program keeps * a reference to a cached factory after a factory has been added on plugin * initialization. i raelly don't know though. */ name = g_strdup (GST_OBJECT_NAME (factory)); element = gst_element_factory_create (factory, name); g_free(name); gst_bin_add (GST_BIN(result), element); if (srcelement != NULL) { gst_autoplug_pads_autoplug (srcelement, element); } /* this is the first element, find a good ghostpad */ else { const GList *pads; pads = gst_element_get_pad_list (element); while (pads) { GstPad *pad = GST_PAD (pads->data); GstPadTemplate *templ = GST_PAD_PAD_TEMPLATE (pad); if (gst_caps_is_always_compatible (srccaps, GST_PAD_TEMPLATE_CAPS (templ))) { gst_element_add_ghost_pad (result, pad, "sink"); break; } pads = g_list_next (pads); } } gst_autoplug_signal_new_object (GST_AUTOPLUG (autoplug), GST_OBJECT (element)); srcelement = element; /* advance the pointer in all lists */ for (i=0; idata); GST_DEBUG ("factory \"%s\"", GST_OBJECT_NAME (factory)); element = gst_element_factory_create(factory, GST_OBJECT_NAME (factory)); GST_DEBUG ("adding element %s", GST_ELEMENT_NAME (element)); gst_bin_add(GST_BIN(thebin), element); gst_autoplug_signal_new_object (GST_AUTOPLUG (autoplug), GST_OBJECT (element)); gst_autoplug_pads_autoplug(thesrcelement, element); /* this element is now the new source element */ thesrcelement = element; factories[i] = g_list_next(factories[i]); } /* * we're at the last element in the chain, * find a suitable pad to turn into a ghostpad */ { GstCaps *endcap = (GstCaps *)(endcaps->data); const GList *pads = gst_element_get_pad_list (thesrcelement); gboolean have_pad = FALSE; endcaps = g_list_next (endcaps); GST_DEBUG ("attempting to create a ghostpad for %s", GST_ELEMENT_NAME (thesrcelement)); while (pads) { GstPad *pad = GST_PAD (pads->data); GstPadTemplate *templ = GST_PAD_PAD_TEMPLATE (pad); pads = g_list_next (pads); if (gst_caps_is_always_compatible (GST_PAD_TEMPLATE_CAPS (templ), endcap)) { gchar *name; name = g_strdup_printf ("src_%02d", i); gst_element_add_ghost_pad (result, pad, name); g_free (name); have_pad = TRUE; break; } } if (!have_pad) { dynamic_pad_struct *data = g_new0(dynamic_pad_struct, 1); data->result = result; data->endcap = endcap; data->i = i; GST_DEBUG ("delaying the creation of a ghostpad for %s", GST_ELEMENT_NAME (thesrcelement)); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (thesrcelement), "new_pad", G_CALLBACK (autoplug_dynamic_pad), data); } } } return result; } /* * shortest path algorithm * */ struct _gst_autoplug_node { gpointer iNode; gpointer iPrev; gint iDist; }; typedef struct _gst_autoplug_node gst_autoplug_node; static gint find_factory (gst_autoplug_node *rgnNodes, gpointer factory) { gint i=0; while (rgnNodes[i].iNode) { if (rgnNodes[i].iNode == factory) return i; i++; } return 0; } static GList* construct_path (gst_autoplug_node *rgnNodes, gpointer factory) { GstElementFactory *current; GList *factories = NULL; current = rgnNodes[find_factory(rgnNodes, factory)].iPrev; GST_INFO ("factories found in autoplugging (reversed order)"); while (current != NULL) { gpointer next = NULL; next = rgnNodes[find_factory(rgnNodes, current)].iPrev; if (next) { factories = g_list_prepend (factories, current); GST_INFO ("factory: \"%s\"", GST_OBJECT_NAME (current)); } current = next; } return factories; } static GList* gst_autoplug_enqueue (GList *queue, gpointer iNode, gint iDist, gpointer iPrev) { gst_autoplug_node *node = g_malloc (sizeof (gst_autoplug_node)); node->iNode = iNode; node->iDist = iDist; node->iPrev = iPrev; queue = g_list_append (queue, node); return queue; } static GList* gst_autoplug_dequeue (GList *queue, gpointer *iNode, gint *iDist, gpointer *iPrev) { GList *head; gst_autoplug_node *node; head = g_list_first (queue); if (head) { node = (gst_autoplug_node *)head->data; *iNode = node->iNode; *iPrev = node->iPrev; *iDist = node->iDist; head = g_list_remove (queue, node); } return head; } static GList* gst_autoplug_func (gpointer src, gpointer sink, GstAutoplugListFunction list_function, GstAutoplugCostFunction cost_function, gpointer data) { gst_autoplug_node *rgnNodes; GList *queue = NULL; gpointer iNode, iPrev; gint iDist, i, iCost; GList *elements = g_list_copy ((GList *)list_function(data)); GList *factories; guint num_factories; elements = g_list_append (elements, sink); elements = g_list_append (elements, src); factories = elements; num_factories = g_list_length (factories); rgnNodes = g_new0 (gst_autoplug_node, num_factories+1); for (i=0; i< num_factories; i++) { gpointer fact = factories->data; rgnNodes[i].iNode = fact; rgnNodes[i].iPrev = NULL; if (fact == src) { rgnNodes[i].iDist = 0; } else { rgnNodes[i].iDist = GST_AUTOPLUG_MAX_COST; } factories = g_list_next (factories); } rgnNodes[num_factories].iNode = NULL; queue = gst_autoplug_enqueue (queue, src, 0, NULL); while (g_list_length (queue) > 0) { GList *factories2 = elements; queue = gst_autoplug_dequeue (queue, &iNode, &iDist, &iPrev); for (i=0; i< num_factories; i++) { gpointer current = factories2->data; iCost = cost_function (iNode, current, data); if (iCost != GST_AUTOPLUG_MAX_COST) { if ((GST_AUTOPLUG_MAX_COST == rgnNodes[i].iDist) || (rgnNodes[i].iDist > (iCost + iDist))) { rgnNodes[i].iDist = iDist + iCost; rgnNodes[i].iPrev = iNode; queue = gst_autoplug_enqueue (queue, current, iDist + iCost, iNode); } } factories2 = g_list_next (factories2); } } return construct_path (rgnNodes, sink); }