Effects ------- Summary ------- 1. Basic ideas 2. Problems 3. Propositions to solve those problems A. The registry B. Effects configurability C. Keyframes 4. Use-cases 5. API draft The goal of this proposal is to design a simple way to handle effects through an API which would allow developers to handle any use-cases. 1. Basic ideas ---------------- * GESTrackEffects are subclasses of GESTrackOperation * You can add effects on any clip or layer * You can add effects over several clips and control them as a unique effect. * Effects are configurable and those properties can change during time * We must be able to handle third-party effect providers, like the gnome-video-effects standard. * We must be able to implement complex effects. This means effects that are more than adding GstElement-s to the timeline. It can also mean effects that apply both video and audio changes. 2. Problems ---------- * We must be able to provide a list of effects available on the system at runtime. * We must be able to configure effects through an API in GES withtout having to access the GstElements properties directly. * We should also expose the GstElement-s contained in an effect so it is possible for people to control their properties as they wish. * We must be able to implement and handle complexe effects directly in GES * We must be able to configure effects through time -> Keyframes without duplicating code from GStreamer 3. Propositions to solve those problems --------------------------------------- A. The registry => Still to design We could implement a GESRegistry which would actually retrieve elements (effects) from the GSTRegistry and any other mean such as gnome-video-effects to let us get all the effects that are present on the system.... This way the developers could have the list of all the effects that are installed on the system pretty easily. B. Effects configurability The idea to be able to configure effects through a simple API in GES would be to add an API in GESTrackObject to access the gst-object properties that user would like to configure. We would also have a method to set those properties easily. We should also find a way to handle that in the case of systems such as gnome-effects C. Keyframes We may want to handle this use-case directly in GES and for any kind of time related configuration? FIXME => Special specifications for that? 4. Use-cases ----------- UC-1. The user wants to add an effect to an entire clip => GESTimelineObject new API UC-2. The developer wants to allow users to configure effects => New GESTrackOperation API UC-3. The user wants to add an effect on a specific portion of a clip, we should allow him to specify a portion of the clip where the effect should be applied. UC-4. We want to implement an effect which isn't only composed by a bin, but is more complexe than that (ex: "effect '24'") => we have the GESTrackOperation which is the base class (abstract) for this kind of implementation. This class should implement vmethods to get/set configurable properties. UC-5. A developer wants to implement effect which handle music and video at the same time, Would the solution be to implement a GESTimelineEffect to handle this special usecase? FIXME UC-6. The developers wants to configure each elements of an effect the way he wants with a full control over it. UC-7. Developers want to expose all effects present on the system to the end-user 5. API draft ------------ A. GESTrackObject new API signals: ------- * deep-notify: emited when a usefull property of a GstElement contained in the GESTrackObject changes => DONE /** * ges_track_object_list_children_properties: * * @object: The origin #GESTrackObject * * A convenience method that lists all the usefull configurable properties * of the GstElement-s contained in @object. * * Returns: an array of GParamSpec of the configurable properties of the * GstElement-s contained in @object or %NULL if a problem occurred. */ GParamSpec ** ges_track_object_list_children_properties (GESTrackObject *object); -> Usecases: Let user know all the property he can configure. => Waiting for GESMaterial /** * ges_track_object_set_child_property: * * @object: The origin #GESTrackObject * @property_name: The name of the property * @value: the value * * Sets a property of a GstElement contained in @object. * */ void ges_track_object_set_child_property (GESTrackObject *object, const gchar *property_name, GValue * value); -> Usecases: + Let user configure effects easily (UC-3) => DONE /** * ges_track_object_get_child_property: * * @object: The origin #GESTrackObject * @property_name: The name of the property * @value: return location for the property value * * Gets a property of a GstElement contained in @object. */ void ges_track_object_get_child_property (GESTrackObject *object, const gchar *property_name, GValue * value); => DONE /** * ges_track_object_get_material: * * @object: The origin #GESTrackObject * * This is a convenience method to get the #GESMaterial * from which @object has been made. * * Returns: The material from which @object has been made or %NULL * if @object has been made by another mean */ GESMaterial *ges_track_object_get_material (GESTrackObject *object); => Waiting for GESMaterial B. GESTimelineObject new API signals: ------- * effect-added: emited when an effect is added * effect-removed: emited when an effect is removed => DONE /** * ges_timeline_object_add_effect: * * @object: The origin #GESTimelineObject * @effect_material: The #GESEffect from which to create the effect * @position: The top position you want to give to the effect, * -1 if you want it to be added at the end of effects. * * Adds a new effect corresponding to @effect_material to the * #GESTimelineObject * * Returns: The newly created #GESTrackEffect, or %NULL if there was an * error. */ GESTrackEffect *ges_timeline_object_add_effect (GESTimelineObject *object, GESEffect *effect_material, gint position); => Waiting for GESMaterial /** * ges_timeline_object_get_effects: * * @object: The origin #GESTimelineObject * * Returns: a #GList of the #GESTrackEffect that are applied on * @object order by ascendant priorities. * The refcount of the objects will be increased. The user will have to * unref each #GESTrackOperation and free the #GList. */ GList * ges_timeline_object_get_effects (GESTimelineObject *object); -> Usecases: + First step to allow the configuration of effects (UC-3) => DONE /** * ges_timeline_object_set_top_effect_position: * * @object: The origin #GESTimelineObject * @effect: The #GESTrackEffect to move * @newposition: the new position at which to move the @effect * * Returns: %TRUE if @effect was successfuly moved, %FALSE otherwize. */ gboolean ges_timeline_object_set_top_effect_position (GESTimelineObject *object, GESTrackEffect *effect, guint newposition); => DONE /** * ges_timeline_object_get_top_effect_position: * * @object: The origin #GESTimelineObject * @effect: The #GESTrackEffect we want to get the top position from * * Gets the top position of an effect. * * Returns: The top position of the effect, -1 if something went wrong. */ gint ges_timeline_object_get_top_effect_position (GESTimelineObject *object, GESTrackEffect *effect); => DONE C - The GESTrackEffect API: -> This is an empty abstract class => DONE D - The GESTrackParseLaunchEffect API: This is a parse-launch based implementation of TrackEffect. /** * ges_track_parse_launch_effect_new: * * @bin_dec: The gst-launch like bin description of the effect * * Creates a new #GESTrackEffect from the description of the bin. This is * a convenience method for testing puposes. * * Returns: a newly created #GESTrackEffect, or %NULL if something went * wrong. */ GESTrackEffect *ges_track_parse_launch_effect_new (GESTrackEffect *effect, const gchar *bin_desc); => DONE E - The GESTrackMaterialEffect API: /** * ges_track_material_effect: * * @effect_material: The #GESEffect from which to create this * #GESTrackEffect * * Creates a new #GESTrackEffect from a #GESEffect * * Returns: a newly created #GESTrackEffect, or %NULL if something went * wrong. */ GESTrackEffect *ges_track_material_effect_new (GESTrackEffect *effect, GESEffect *effect_material); => Waiting for GESMaterial F - The GESTimelineEffect API: -> This is an empty abstract class => DONE -> Usecases: The user wants to control multiple effects in sync. The user wants to add an effect to the whole timeline. The user wants to had an effect to a segment of the timeline without caring bout what clip it is applied on. G - The GESTimelineParseLaunchEffect API: This is a parse-launch based implementation of TimelineEffect. /** * ges_timeline_parse_launch_effect_new_from_bin_desc: * @video_bin_description: The gst-launch like bin description of the effect * @audio_bin_description: The gst-launch like bin description of the effect * * Creates a new #GESTimelineParseLaunchEffect from the description of the bin. * * Returns: a newly created #GESTimelineParseLaunchEffect, or %NULL if something went * wrong. */ GESTimelineParseLaunchEffect * ges_timeline_parse_launch_effect_new (const gchar * video_bin_description, const gchar * audio_bin_description) => DONE H - The GESEffect: The GESEffect class is a subclass of GESMaterial, it is used to describe effects independently of the usage which is made of it in the timeline. A GESEffect can specify a GESTrackOperation class to use in a TimelineObject. All important properties are inherited from GESMaterial such as: * Name * Description * Tags * ... We should also be able to list properties of the effect from the GESMaterial. => Waiting for GESMaterial ================= TODO GESRegistry API: This should be a singleton since we don't want an app to instanciate more than one registry. It must be able to get effects from various sources. We should also make sure any custom effect is detected. /** * ges_registry_get_default: * * Returns a newly created #GESEffectRegistry or the existing one * increasing * its refcount */ GESEffectRegistry * ges_registry_get_default (void); -> Usecases: + Have a registry of all effects that are on the system (UC-8) /** * ges_effect_registry_get_effect_list: * * @self: The origin #GESEffectRegistry * * Returns a #GList of #GESEffectDescriptors. The */ GList * ges_registry_get_effect_list (GESEffectRegistry *self); -> Usecases: + Get all effects descriptors that are on the system (UC-8)