/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Ole André Vadla Ravnås * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __GST_CM_API_H__ #define __GST_CM_API_H__ #include "dynapi.h" #include #include "cvapi.h" G_BEGIN_DECLS typedef struct _GstCMApi GstCMApi; typedef struct _GstCMApiClass GstCMApiClass; typedef CFTypeRef FigBaseObjectRef; typedef struct _FigBaseVTable FigBaseVTable; typedef struct _FigBaseIface FigBaseIface; typedef CFTypeRef CMFormatDescriptionRef; typedef struct _CMVideoDimensions CMVideoDimensions; typedef struct _CMTime CMTime; typedef CFTypeRef CMBufferQueueRef; typedef CFTypeRef CMSampleBufferRef; typedef CFTypeRef CMBlockBufferRef; typedef Boolean (* CMBufferQueueValidateFunc) (CMBufferQueueRef queue, CMSampleBufferRef buf, void *refCon); enum _FigMediaType { kFigMediaTypeVideo = 'vide' }; enum _FigCodecType { kComponentVideoUnsigned = 'yuvs', kFigVideoCodecType_JPEG_OpenDML = 'dmb1', kYUV420vCodecType = '420v' }; struct _FigBaseVTable { gsize unk; FigBaseIface * base; void * derived; }; struct _FigBaseIface { gsize unk1; gsize unk2; gsize unk3; OSStatus (* Invalidate) (FigBaseObjectRef obj); OSStatus (* Finalize) (FigBaseObjectRef obj); gpointer unk4; OSStatus (* CopyProperty) (FigBaseObjectRef obj, CFTypeRef key, void *unk, CFTypeRef * value); OSStatus (* SetProperty) (FigBaseObjectRef obj, CFTypeRef key, CFTypeRef value); }; struct _CMVideoDimensions { UInt32 width; UInt32 height; }; struct _CMTime { UInt8 data[24]; }; struct _GstCMApi { GstDynApi parent; FigBaseVTable * (* FigBaseObjectGetVTable) (FigBaseObjectRef obj); void * (* CMGetAttachment) (CFTypeRef obj, CFStringRef attachmentKey, UInt32 * foundWherePtr); void (* FigFormatDescriptionRelease) (CMFormatDescriptionRef desc); CMFormatDescriptionRef (* FigFormatDescriptionRetain) ( CMFormatDescriptionRef desc); Boolean (* CMFormatDescriptionEqual) (CMFormatDescriptionRef desc1, CMFormatDescriptionRef desc2); CFTypeRef (* CMFormatDescriptionGetExtension) ( const CMFormatDescriptionRef desc, CFStringRef extensionKey); UInt32 (* CMFormatDescriptionGetMediaType) ( const CMFormatDescriptionRef desc); UInt32 (* CMFormatDescriptionGetMediaSubType) ( const CMFormatDescriptionRef desc); OSStatus (* CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreate) ( CFAllocatorRef allocator, UInt32 formatId, UInt32 width, UInt32 height, CFDictionaryRef extensions, CMFormatDescriptionRef * desc); OSStatus (* FigVideoFormatDescriptionCreateWithSampleDescriptionExtensionAtom) (CFAllocatorRef allocator, UInt32 formatId, UInt32 width, UInt32 height, UInt32 atomId, const UInt8 * data, CFIndex len, CMFormatDescriptionRef * formatDesc); CMVideoDimensions (* CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetDimensions) ( const CMFormatDescriptionRef desc); CMTime (* CMTimeMake) (int64_t value, int32_t timescale); OSStatus (* CMSampleBufferCreate) (CFAllocatorRef allocator, CMBlockBufferRef blockBuf, Boolean unkBool, UInt32 unkDW1, UInt32 unkDW2, CMFormatDescriptionRef fmtDesc, UInt32 unkCountA, UInt32 unkCountB, const void * unkTimeData, UInt32 unkCountC, const void * unkDWordData, CMSampleBufferRef * sampleBuffer); Boolean (* CMSampleBufferDataIsReady) ( const CMSampleBufferRef buf); CMBlockBufferRef (* CMSampleBufferGetDataBuffer) ( const CMSampleBufferRef buf); CMFormatDescriptionRef (* CMSampleBufferGetFormatDescription) ( const CMSampleBufferRef buf); CVImageBufferRef (* CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer) ( const CMSampleBufferRef buf); SInt32 (* CMSampleBufferGetNumSamples) ( const CMSampleBufferRef buf); CFArrayRef (* CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray) ( const CMSampleBufferRef buf, SInt32 sampleIndex); SInt32 (* CMSampleBufferGetSampleSize) ( const CMSampleBufferRef buf, SInt32 sampleIndex); void (* FigSampleBufferRelease) (CMSampleBufferRef buf); CMSampleBufferRef (* FigSampleBufferRetain) (CMSampleBufferRef buf); OSStatus (* CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock) (CFAllocatorRef allocator, Byte * data, UInt32 size, CFAllocatorRef dataAllocator, void *unk1, UInt32 sizeA, UInt32 sizeB, Boolean unkBool, CMBlockBufferRef * blockBuffer); SInt32 (* CMBlockBufferGetDataLength) (const CMBlockBufferRef buf); OSStatus (* CMBlockBufferGetDataPointer) ( const CMBlockBufferRef buf, UInt32 unk1, UInt32 unk2, UInt32 unk3, Byte ** dataPtr); void (* FigBlockBufferRelease) (CMBlockBufferRef buf); CMBlockBufferRef (* FigBlockBufferRetain) (CMBlockBufferRef buf); CMSampleBufferRef (* CMBufferQueueDequeueAndRetain) (CMBufferQueueRef queue); CFIndex (* CMBufferQueueGetBufferCount) (CMBufferQueueRef queue); Boolean (* CMBufferQueueIsEmpty) (CMBufferQueueRef queue); void (* FigBufferQueueRelease) (CMBufferQueueRef queue); OSStatus (* CMBufferQueueSetValidationCallback) (CMBufferQueueRef queue, CMBufferQueueValidateFunc func, void *refCon); CFStringRef * kCMFormatDescriptionExtension_SampleDescriptionExtensionAtoms; CFStringRef * kCMSampleAttachmentKey_DependsOnOthers; CMTime * kCMTimeInvalid; }; struct _GstCMApiClass { GstDynApiClass parent_class; }; GType gst_cm_api_get_type (void); GstCMApi * gst_cm_api_obtain (GError ** error); G_END_DECLS #endif