# -*- scheme -*-
exec guile --debug -l $0 -e main -- "$@"

;; GStreamer
;; Copyright (C) 2005 Andy Wingo <wingo at pobox.com>

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.              
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
;; GNU General Public License for more details.                     
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
;; 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor        Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu@gnu.org

;;; Commentary:
;; Network clock simulator.
;; Simulates the attempts of one clock to synchronize with another over
;; the network. Packets are sent out with a local timestamp, and come
;; back with the remote time added on to the packet. The remote time is
;; assumed to have been observed at the local time in between sending
;; the query and receiving the reply.
;; The local clock will attempt to adjust its rate and offset by fitting
;; a line to the last N datapoints on hand, by default 32. A better fit,
;; as measured by the correlation coefficient, will result in a longer
;; time before the next query. Bad fits or a not-yet-full set of data
;; will result in many queries in quick succession.
;; The rate and offset are set directly to the slope and intercept from
;; the linear regression. This results in discontinuities in the local
;; time. As clock times must be monotonically increasing, a jump down in
;; time will result instead in time standing still for a while. Smoothly
;; varying the rate such that no discontinuities are present has not
;; been investigated.
;; Implementation-wise, this simulator processes events and calculates
;; times discretely. Times are represented as streams, also known as
;; lazy lists. This is an almost-pure functional simulator. The thing to
;; remember while reading is that stream-cons does not evaluate its
;; second argument, rather deferring that calculation until stream-cdr
;; is called. In that way all times are actually infinite series.
;; Usage: See network-clock.scm --help.
;;; Code:

(use-modules (ice-9 popen))

(load "network-clock-utils.scm")

(define (time->samples t)
  (iround (* t *sample-frequency*)))

(define (schedule-event events e time)
  (let lp ((response-time (time->samples time))
           (stream events))
    (if (zero? response-time)
        (if (not (stream-car stream))
            (stream-cons e (stream-cdr stream))
            (stream-cons (stream-car stream) (lp 0 (stream-cdr stream))))
        (stream-cons (stream-car stream) (lp (1- response-time) (stream-cdr stream))))))

(define (schedule-send-time-query events time)
  (schedule-event events (list 'send-time-query) time))

(define (schedule-time-query events l)
  (schedule-event events (list 'time-query l)
                  (+ *send-delay* (random *send-jitter*))))

(define (schedule-time-response events l r)
  (schedule-event events (list 'time-response l r)
                  (+ *recv-delay* (random *recv-jitter*))))

(define (network-time remote-time local-time events m b x y t)
  (let ((r (stream-car remote-time))
        (l (stream-car local-time))
        (event (stream-car events))
        (events (stream-cdr events)))

    (define (next events m b x y t)
       (+ (* m l) b)
        (stream-cdr remote-time) (stream-cdr local-time) events m b x y t)))

    (case (and=> event car)
        ((< (random 1.0) *packet-loss*)
         (debug "; dropped time query: ~a\n" l)
         (print-event 'packet-lost l (+ (* m l) b))
         (next events m b x y (time->samples *timeout*)))
         (debug "; sending time query: ~a\n" l)
         (print-event 'packet-sent l (+ (* m l) b))
         (next (schedule-time-query events l) m b x y (time->samples *timeout*)))))

       (debug "; time query received, replying with ~a\n" r)
       (next (schedule-time-response events (cadr event) r) m b x y (and t (1- t))))

       (let ((x (q-push x (avg (cadr event) l)))
             (y (q-push y (caddr event))))
             (lambda () (least-squares (q-head x) (q-head y)))
           (lambda (m b r-squared)
             (define (next-time) 
                (if (< (length (q-head x)) *window-size*)
                    (/ 1 (- 1 (min r-squared 0.99999)) 1000))
             (debug "; new slope and offset: ~a ~a (~a)\n" m b r-squared)
             (print-event 'packet-observed (avg (cadr event) l) (caddr event))
             (print-event 'packet-received l (+ (* m l) b))
             (next (schedule-send-time-query events (next-time)) m b x y #f)))))

        ((not t)
         ;; not waiting for a response
         (next events m b x y t))
        ((<= t 0)
         ;; we timed out
         (next (schedule-send-time-query events 0.0) m b x y 0))
         (next events m b x y (1- t))))))))

(define (run-simulation remote-speed local-speed)
  (let ((absolute-time (arithmetic-series 0.0 (/ 1.0 *sample-frequency*)))
        (event-stream (stream-of #f)))
    (let ((remote-time (scale-stream absolute-time remote-speed))
          (local-time (scale-stream absolute-time local-speed)))
        (schedule-send-time-query event-stream 0.0)
        (stream-car local-time)
        (make-q (list (stream-car local-time)))
        (make-q (list (stream-car remote-time)))

(define (print-simulation)
  (display "Absolute time; Remote time; Local time; Network time\n")
      (lambda () (run-simulation *remote-rate* *local-rate*))
    (lambda streams
       (lambda (a r l n) (<= a *total-time*))
       (lambda (a r l n) (format #t "~a ~a ~a ~a\n" a r l n))

(define (plot-simulation)
  (let ((port (open-output-pipe "./plot-data Network Clock Simulation")))
    (with-output-to-port port
    (close-pipe port)))

(define-parameter *sample-frequency* 40)
(define-parameter *send-delay* 0.1)
(define-parameter *recv-delay* 0.1)
(define-parameter *packet-loss* 0.01)
(define-parameter *send-jitter* 0.1)
(define-parameter *recv-jitter* 0.1)
(define-parameter *window-size* 32)
(define-parameter *local-rate* 1.0)
(define-parameter *remote-rate* 1.1)
(define-parameter *total-time* 5.0)
(define-parameter *timeout* 1.0)
(define-parameter *debug* #f)
(define-parameter *with-graph* #t)

(define (main args)
  (parse-parameter-arguments (cdr args))
  (if *with-graph*