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<refentry id="gst-building" revision="25 mar 2009">
<refentrytitle>Building GStreamer and GStreamer Applications</refentrytitle>
<refmiscinfo>GStreamer Core</refmiscinfo>

<refname>Building GStreamer and GStreamer Applications</refname>
How to build the GStreamer framework and applications using it.

<title>Building GStreamer on UNIX</title>

  <!-- this has been borrowed from the glib docs -->
    On UNIX, GStreamer uses the standard GNU build system,
    using <application>autoconf</application> for package
    configuration and resolving portability issues,
    <application>automake</application> for building makefiles
    that comply with the GNU Coding Standards, and
    <application>libtool</application> for building shared
    libraries on multiple platforms.  The normal sequence for
    compiling and installing the GStreamer library is thus:

      <userinput>make install</userinput>

    The standard options provided by <application>GNU
    autoconf</application> may be passed to the
    <command>configure</command> script.  Please see the
    <application>autoconf</application> documentation or run
    <command>./configure --help</command> for information about
    the standard options.

    In addition there are several options to activate or deactivate features.
    E.g. passing <option>--disable-gst-debug</option> to <command>configure</command>
    will turn the debugging subsystem into a non-functional stub and remove all
    macro based invocations from within the library (and anything compiled
    against the library afterwards.)
    If library size matters and one builds in a controlled environment, it is
    also possible to totally remove subsystem code. This is intentionally not
    offered as a configure option as it causes an ABI break. Code built against
    a version of GStreamer without these modifications needs to be recompiled.

      <userinput>make CFLAGS="-DGST_REMOVE_DEPRECATED -DGST_REMOVE_DISABLED"</userinput>

          <symbol>GST_REMOVE_DEPRECATED</symbol> - Omit deprecated functions
          from the library.
          <symbol>GST_REMOVE_DISABLED</symbol> - Omit stubs for disabled
          subsystems from the library.


<title>Building GStreamer Applications</title>

Applications and libraries can use <command>pkg-config</command> to get all the
needed compiler and linker flags to build against GStreamer. Please note that
GStreamer is split into several libraries itself.
<command>pkg-config --list-all | grep gstreamer</command> will list the
available libraries.

