#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2013,Thibault Saunier # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. import os import urlparse import subprocess import ConfigParser from loggable import Loggable from baseclasses import GstValidateTest, TestsManager from utils import MediaFormatCombination, get_profile,\ path2url, get_current_position, get_current_size, \ DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, which, GST_SECOND, Result, \ compare_rendered_with_original DEFAULT_GST_VALIDATE = "gst-validate-1.0" DEFAULT_GST_VALIDATE_TRANSCODING = "gst-validate-transcoding-1.0" DISCOVERER_COMMAND = ["gst-validate-media-check-1.0"] MEDIA_INFO_EXT = "media_info" STREAM_INFO = "stream_info" SEEKING_REQUIERED_SCENARIO = ["seek_forward", "seek_backward", "scrub_forward_seeking"] SPECIAL_PROTOCOLS = [("application/x-hls", "hls")] PLAYBACK_TESTS = ["playbin uri=__uri__ audio_sink=autoaudiosink video_sink=autovideosink"] COMBINATIONS = [ MediaFormatCombination("ogg", "vorbis", "theora"), MediaFormatCombination("webm", "vorbis", "vp8"), MediaFormatCombination("mp4", "mp3", "h264"), MediaFormatCombination("mkv", "vorbis", "h264")] class GstValidateLaunchTest(GstValidateTest): def __init__(self, classname, options, reporter, pipeline_desc, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, scenario=None, file_infos=None): super(GstValidateLaunchTest, self).__init__(DEFAULT_GST_VALIDATE, classname, options, reporter, scenario=scenario,) self.pipeline_desc = pipeline_desc self.file_infos = file_infos def build_arguments(self): GstValidateTest.build_arguments(self) self.add_arguments(self.pipeline_desc) def get_current_value(self): return get_current_position(self) class GstValidateTranscodingTest(GstValidateTest): def __init__(self, classname, options, reporter, combination, uri, file_infos): super(GstValidateTranscodingTest, self).__init__( DEFAULT_GST_VALIDATE_TRANSCODING, classname, options, reporter, scenario=None) self.file_infos = file_infos self.uri = uri self.combination = combination self.dest_file = "" def set_rendering_info(self): self.dest_file = os.path.join(self.options.dest, os.path.basename(self.uri) + '-' + self.combination.acodec + self.combination.vcodec + '.' + self.combination.container) if urlparse.urlparse(self.dest_file).scheme == "": self.dest_file = path2url(self.dest_file) profile = get_profile(self.combination) self.add_arguments("-o", profile) def build_arguments(self): self.set_rendering_info() self.add_arguments(self.uri, self.dest_file) def get_current_value(self): return get_current_size(self) def check_results(self): if self.process.returncode == 0: orig_duration = long(self.file_infos.get("media-info", "file-duration")) res, msg = compare_rendered_with_original(orig_duration, self.dest_file) self.set_result(res, msg) else: GstValidateTest.check_results(self) class GstValidateManager(TestsManager, Loggable): name = "validate" def __init__(self): TestsManager.__init__(self) Loggable.__init__(self) self._uris = [] def init(self): if which(DEFAULT_GST_VALIDATE) and which(DEFAULT_GST_VALIDATE_TRANSCODING): return True return False def add_options(self, group): group.add_option("-c", "--check-discovering", dest="check_discovering", default=False, action="store_true", help="Whether to check discovering results using %s" % DISCOVERER_COMMAND[0]) def list_tests(self): SCENARIOS = ["none", "simple_backward", "fast_forward", "seek_forward", "seek_backward", "scrub_forward_seeking"] for test_pipeline in PLAYBACK_TESTS: name = "validate.playback" for scenario in SCENARIOS: self._add_playback_test(name, scenario, test_pipeline) for uri, config in self._list_uris(): if config.getboolean("media-info", "is-image") is True: continue for comb in COMBINATIONS: classname = "validate.transcode.to_%s" % (str(comb).replace(' ', '_')) self.tests.append(GstValidateTranscodingTest(classname, self.options, self.reporter, comb, uri, config)) def _check_discovering_info(self, media_info, uri=None): self.debug("Checking %s", media_info) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() f = open(media_info) config.readfp(f) try: # Just testing that the vairous mandatory infos are present caps = config.get("media-info", "caps") config.get("media-info", "file-duration") config.get("media-info", "seekable") if uri is None: uri = config.get("file-info", "uri") config.set("file-info", "protocol", urlparse.urlparse(uri).scheme) for caps2, prot in SPECIAL_PROTOCOLS: if caps2 == caps: config.set("file-info", "protocol", prot) break self._uris.append((uri, config)) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError as e: self.debug("Exception: %s for %s", e, media_info) pass f.close() def _discover_file(self, uri, fpath): try: media_info = "%s.%s" % (fpath, MEDIA_INFO_EXT) args = list(DISCOVERER_COMMAND) args.append(uri) if os.path.isfile(media_info): if self.options.check_discovering is False: self._check_discovering_info(media_info, uri) return True else: args.extend(["--expected-results", media_info]) elif self.options.generate_info: args.extend(["--output-file", media_info]) else: return True subprocess.check_output(args) self._check_discovering_info(media_info, uri) return True except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: self.debug("Exception: %s", e) return False def _list_uris(self): if self._uris: return self._uris if not self.args: if isinstance(self.options.paths, str): self.options.paths = [os.path.join(self.options.paths)] for path in self.options.paths: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for f in files: fpath = os.path.join(path, root, f) if os.path.isdir(fpath) or fpath.endswith(MEDIA_INFO_EXT): continue elif fpath.endswith(STREAM_INFO): self._check_discovering_info(fpath) else: self._discover_file(path2url(fpath), fpath) self.debug("Uris found: %s", self._uris) return self._uris def _get_fname(self, name, scenario, protocol=None): if protocol is not None: name = "%s.%s" % (name, protocol) if scenario is not None and scenario.lower() != "none": return "%s.%s" % (name, scenario) return name def _add_playback_test(self, name, scenario, pipe): if self.options.mute: if "autovideosink" in pipe: pipe = pipe.replace("autovideosink", "fakesink") if "autoaudiosink" in pipe: pipe = pipe.replace("autoaudiosink", "fakesink") if "__uri__" in pipe: for uri, config in self._list_uris(): npipe = pipe if scenario != "none": if config.getboolean("media-info", "seekable") is False: self.debug("Do not run %s as %s does not support seeking", scenario, uri) continue if self.options.mute: # In case of seeking we need to make sure the pipeline # is run sync, otherwize some tests will fail npipe = pipe.replace("fakesink", "'fakesink sync=true'") fname = "%s.%s" % (self._get_fname(name, scenario, config.get("file-info", "protocol")), os.path.basename(uri).replace(".", "_")) self.debug("Adding: %s", fname) self.tests.append(GstValidateLaunchTest(fname, self.options, self.reporter, npipe.replace("__uri__", uri), scenario=scenario, file_infos=config) ) else: self.debug("Adding: %s", name) self.tests.append(GstValidateLaunchTest(self._get_fname(fname, scenario), self.options, self.reporter, pipe, scenario=scenario))