include: "gitlab/ci_template.yml" stages: - "build docker" - "preparation" - "pre-build" - "build" - "test" # use the binaries in some way - "integrate" test manifest: variables: GIT_STRATEGY: fetch rules: - when: 'always' image: '' stage: "preparation" script: - pytest-3 --junitxml=junit.xml --cov=build_manifest gitlab/ coverage: '/TOTAL.*\s+(\d+%)$/' artifacts: reports: junit: - "junit.xml" # have a special definition for the test if the image already exists .check_image: &check_image_exists | # if-not-exists steps set -x if [[ -z "$GST_FORCE_REBUILD" ]] then # disable exit on failure set +e # check if our image is already in the current registry # we store the sha of the digest and the layers skopeo inspect docker://$LOCAL_IMAGE | jq '[.Digest, .Layers]' > local_sha # check if our image is already in the upstream registry if [[ -z "$GST_UPSTREAM_REPO" ]] then echo "WARNING! Variable \$GST_UPSTREAM_REPO is undefined, cannot check for images" else skopeo inspect docker://$GST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE | jq '[.Digest, .Layers]' > upstream_sha fi # reenable exit on failure set -e # if the upstream repo has an image, ensure we use the same if [ -s upstream_sha ] then # ensure we use the same image from upstream diff upstream_sha local_sha && exit 0 || true # copy the original image into the current project registry namespace # we do 2 attempts with skopeo copy at most skopeo copy --dest-creds $CI_REGISTRY_USER:$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD \ docker://$GST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE \ docker://$LOCAL_IMAGE || \ skopeo copy --dest-creds $CI_REGISTRY_USER:$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD \ docker://$GST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE \ docker://$LOCAL_IMAGE exit 0 fi # if we have a local image but none in the upstream repo, use our if [ -s local_sha ] then exit 0 fi fi set +x .base: image: '' extends: - '.global_ci_policy' tags: ['gstreamer'] rules: - when: 'manual' allow_failure: true variables: STORAGE_DRIVER: 'vfs' BUILDAH_FORMAT: 'docker' BUILDAH_ISOLATION: 'chroot' # FIXME: Probably needs to be changed to none and clone gst-ci repo each time, sigh # as these jobs *could* run potentially in a fork of smth like -bad # though given our current setup, its only possible to tweak the CI from a gst-ci # fork so it might be fine GIT_STRATEGY: fetch script: - echo $TAG - echo $REPO_SUFFIX - export LOCAL_IMAGE="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$REPO_SUFFIX:$TAG" - export GST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE="$GST_UPSTREAM_REPO/$REPO_SUFFIX:$TAG" - echo $LOCAL_IMAGE - echo $GST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE # FIXME: make an image since there will be multiple jobs running every pipeline - dnf install -y buildah skopeo jq runc # Newer versions of podman/buildah try to set overlayfs mount options when # using the vfs driver, and this causes errors. - sed -i '/^mountopt =.*/d' /etc/containers/storage.conf - *check_image_exists - echo "Building image $LOCAL_IMAGE" - > buildah bud --build-arg DEFAULT_BRANCH=$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH --arch=${ARCH:=amd64} --label ci.job_id=$CI_JOB_ID --label pipeline.url=$CI_PIPELINE_URL --label git.ref_name=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME --label git.sha=$CI_COMMIT_SHA --label gitlab.project_path=$CI_PROJECT_PATH --label gitlab.project_url=$CI_PROJECT_URL --label fdo.upstream-repo=$GST_UPSTREAM_REPO --label fdo.expires-after="3w" -f $DOCKERFILE -t $LOCAL_IMAGE $CONTEXT_DIR - buildah login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY # Sanity check - | if [ "$CI_PROJECT_PATH" = "gstreamer/gst-ci" ]; then if [ "$LOCAL_IMAGE" != "$GST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE" ]; then echo "ERROR!!! AAAAA! THE IMAGE URI DOES NOT MATCH THE EXPECTED UPSTREAM ONE" echo $LOCAL_IMAGE echo $GST_UPSTRAM_IMAGE exit 1 fi fi - buildah push $LOCAL_IMAGE alpine amd64 manifest builder docker: stage: "build docker" variables: TAG: "build-manifest" CONTEXT_DIR: "docker/build_manifest/" DOCKERFILE: "docker/build_manifest/Dockerfile" extends: .base test manifest amd64 docker: stage: "build docker" variables: TAG: "test-manifest" CONTEXT_DIR: "docker/test_manifest/" DOCKERFILE: "docker/test_manifest/Dockerfile" extends: .base gst-indent amd64 docker: stage: "build docker" variables: TAG: "gst-indent" CONTEXT_DIR: "docker/indent/" DOCKERFILE: "docker/indent/Dockerfile" extends: .base fedora amd64 docker: stage: "build docker" variables: REPO_SUFFIX: "amd64/fedora" TAG: "2020-06-18.0-$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH" CONTEXT_DIR: "docker/fedora/" DOCKERFILE: "docker/fedora/Dockerfile" extends: .base cerbero fedora amd64 docker: stage: "build docker" variables: TAG: "cerbero-fedora" CONTEXT_DIR: "docker/cerbero/" DOCKERFILE: "docker/cerbero/Dockerfile-fedora" extends: .base android docker: stage: "build docker" variables: TAG: "android" CONTEXT_DIR: "docker/android/" DOCKERFILE: "docker/android/Dockerfile" extends: .base