
pad has caps
| pad has template
|/ pad has negotiate function
--- -> ---

always compatible

--+ -> ---

call negotiate function, set the resulting caps

-+- -> ---

always compatible

-++ -> ---

call negotiate function, set the resulting caps

+-- -> ---

always compatible, caps are those of the pad

+-+ -> ---

always compatible, caps are those of the pad

++- -> ---

always compatible, caps are those of the pad

+++ -> ---

always compatible, caps are those of the pad

pad has caps
| pad has template
|/ pad has negotiate function

--- -> --+

call negotiate function, set the resulting caps

--+ -> --+

negotiate until agreed

-+- -> --+

call negotiate until caps match padtemplate

-++ -> --+

negotiate until agreed, caps only got send to the
other pad if they match the padtemplate

+-- -> --+

call negotiate function with src caps, set caps if ok

+-+ -> --+

call negotiate function with src caps, negotiate until agreed

++- -> --+

call negotiate function with src caps, set caps if ok

+++ -> --+

call negotiate function with src caps, negotiate until agreed

pad has caps
| pad has template
|/ pad has negotiate function

--- -> -+-

always compatible

--+ -> -+-

call negotiate until caps match padtemplate

-+- -> -+-

check padtemplates, if compatible connect

-++ -> -+-

check templates, if compatible,
call negotiate, until it matches the padtemplate

+-- -> -+-

check caps against padtemplate, if compatible, connect

+-+ -> -+-

check caps against padtemplate, if compatible: connect
also call negotiate until it matches template

++- -> -+-

check caps against padtemplate, if match, connect

+++ -> -+-

check caps against padtemplate, if match, connect
also check padtemplates if compatible,
call negotiate until match template


pad has caps
| pad has template
|/ pad has negotiate function

--- -> -++

call negotiate, set resulting caps

--+ -> -++

call negotiate until agree, check src caps against
padtemplate before calling sink negotiate

-+- -> -++

check padtemplates, if match call negotiate until
match src padtemplate.

-++ -> -++

check padtemplates, if match call negotiate until

+-- -> -++

check caps against padtemplate
call negotiate with caps, if agree, set caps

+-+ -> -++

check caps against padtemplate
call negotiate with caps, negotiate until agree

++- -> -++

check caps against padtemplate
call negotiate with caps, call negotiate until
sink caps match src padtemplate

+++ -> -++

check caps against padtemplate
call negotiate with caps, negotiate until agree


pad has caps
| pad has template
|/ pad has negotiate function

--- -> +--

connection fails

--+ -> +--

-+- -> +--

-++ -> +--

+-- -> +--

+-+ -> +--

++- -> +--

+++ -> +--

check caps, 
call src negotiate with caps


pad has caps
| pad has template
|/ pad has negotiate function

--- -> +-+

--+ -> +-+

-+- -> +-+

-++ -> +-+

+-- -> +-+

+-+ -> +-+

++- -> +-+

+++ -> +-+


pad has caps
| pad has template
|/ pad has negotiate function

--- -> ++-

--+ -> ++-

-+- -> ++-

-++ -> ++-

+-- -> ++-

+-+ -> ++-

++- -> ++-

+++ -> ++-


pad has caps
| pad has template
|/ pad has negotiate function

--- -> +++

--+ -> +++

-+- -> +++

-++ -> +++

+-- -> +++

+-+ -> +++

++- -> +++

+++ -> +++


  srccaps = GST_PAD_CAPS (srcpad);
  srctempl = FALSE;

  do {

    //no caps, get one
    if (!srccaps) 
      if (srcpad->negotiatefunc && !srctempl) 
        srccaps = srcpad->negotiatefunc (srpad, srcaps, counter);
        srctempl = FALSE;
        srccaps = gst_pad_get_caps (srcpad);    
	srctempl = TRUE;

    /* check against other pad */
    // the other pad doesn't want to negotiate
    if (!sinkpad->negotiatefunc) 
      sinkcaps = gst_pad_get_caps (sinkpad);

      if (!sinkcaps)

      if (gst_caps_check_compatibility (srccaps, sinkcaps)) 
        // cool
    else {
      switch pads;      

  } while (counter < 100);