queue2Queue 2GenericSimple data queueErik Walthinsen <omega@cse.ogi.edu>, Wim Taymans <wim.taymans@gmail.com>srcsrcalwaysANYsinksinkalwaysANYsrcsrc
current-level-buffersguintCurrent level (buffers)Current number of buffers in the queueR0current-level-bytesguintCurrent level (kB)Current amount of data in the queue (bytes)R0current-level-timeguint64Current level (ns)Current amount of data in the queue (in ns)R0max-size-buffersguintMax. size (buffers)Max. number of buffers in the queue (0=disable)RW100max-size-bytesguintMax. size (kB)Max. amount of data in the queue (bytes, 0=disable)RW2097152max-size-timeguint64Max. size (ns)Max. amount of data in the queue (in ns, 0=disable)RW2000000000use-bufferinggbooleanUse bufferingEmit GST_MESSAGE_BUFFERING based on low-/high-percent thresholdsRWFALSEuse-rate-estimategbooleanUse Rate EstimateEstimate the bitrate of the stream to calculate time levelRWTRUElow-percentgintLow percentLow threshold for buffering to startRW10high-percentgintHigh percentHigh threshold for buffering to finishRW99temp-templategchararrayTemporary File TemplateFile template to store temporary files in, should contain directory and XXXXXX. (NULL == disabled)RWNULLtemp-locationgchararrayTemporary File LocationLocation to store temporary files in (Deprecated: Only read this property, use temp-template to configure the name template)RWNULLtemp-removegbooleanRemove the Temporary FileRemove the temp-location after useRWTRUE