= Releases =

- bump version in configure.ac
  0.1.1 -> 0.2

- update NEWS

- commit
  git add configure.ac NEWS
  git commit -m"release: prepare for release"

- dist
  make dist

- tag
  git tag -a RELEASE-0.2 -m"release: 0.2"
  git push origin RELEASE-0.2

- release
  scp gst-mediainfo-0.2.tar.gz ensonic@people.freedesktop.org:public_html/files/

- bump versions in configure.ac
  0.2 -> 0.2.1

- commit
  git add configure.ac
  git commit -m"release: bump versions and back to development"

- update web-page

= Building =

in the case we need to update the vapi for yet unreleased gstreamer api, these
are the steps. Right now its enough to install the vapi file from git

== update system vapi ==
1) checkout vala from gnome git
cd vala/mediainfo/vapi
vala-gen-introspect gstreamer-pbutils-0.10 packages/gstreamer-pbutils-0.10
vapigen --vapidir . --library gstreamer-pbutils-0.10 packages/gstreamer-pbutils-0.10/gstreamer-pbutils-0.10.gi
git diff packages/gstreamer-pbutils-0.10/gstreamer-pbutils-0.10.metadata >vapi.gstreamer-pbutils-0.10.patch

2) install
# suse, meego
sudo cp gstreamer-pbutils-0.10.vapi /usr/share/vala/mediainfo/vapi/
# ubuntu
sudo cp gstreamer-pbutils-0.10.vapi /usr/share/vala-0.xxx/vapi/

== use jhbuild ==
jhbuild build vala
jhbuild shell

You might want to build these at least once:
jhbuild build gnome-themes-standard gnome-icon-theme


= Hacking =

use G_MESSAGES_DEBUG="gst-mi" to see the logging