stages: - "manifest" - "build" variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none manifest: image: "fedora" stage: "manifest" script: - dnf install -y python3-requests - curl -o - python3 - cat manifest.xml artifacts: expire_in: "2 days" paths: - "manifest.xml" .build: stage: "build" dependencies: - "manifest" variables: CC: "ccache gcc" CXX: "ccache g++" CCACHE_BASEDIR: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}" CCACHE_DIR: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache" MAIN_DIR: '${CI_PROJECT_DIR}' MESON_ARGS: > -Dpython=enabled -Dlibav=enabled -Dugly=enabled -Dbad=enabled -Ddevtools=enabled -Dges=enabled -Drtsp_server=enabled -Dvaapi=enabled -Dsharp=disabled script: # Not sure why, but permission errors else # - cp -r /gst-build/ . && cd gst-build - ./git-update --no-interaction --manifest="${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/manifest.xml" - meson build/ $MESON_ARGS - ninja -C build/ after_script: - cd gst-build/ # Clean the artifacts packages to avoid copying "useless" build products. - rm $(find build -name "*.o") $(find -name "*.a") # Clean the .git repos since we won't need them anymore - rm -rf subprojects/*/.git/ - rm -rf build/subprojects/*/.git/ cache: paths: - "${CCACHE_DIR}" artifacts: expire_in: 6hours when: always paths: - "manifest.xml" # - "gst-build/" build fedora x86_64: extends: .build image: ''