/* Copyright (C) 2016 SurroundIO * Author: Martin Kelly <martin@surround.io> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _GST_AHSCAPS_H__ #define _GST_AHSCAPS_H__ G_BEGIN_DECLS #define GST_SENSOR_FORMATS_ALL "{" \ "accelerometer, " \ "ambient-temperature, " \ "game-rotation-vector, " \ "geomagnetic-rotation-vector, " \ "gravity, " \ "gyroscope, " \ "gyroscope-uncalibrated, " \ "heart-rate, " \ "light, " \ "linear-acceleration, " \ "magnetic-field, " \ "magnetic-field-uncalibrated, " \ "orientation, " \ "pressure, " \ "proximity, " \ "relative-humidity, " \ "rotation-vector, " \ "significant-motion, " \ "step-counter, " \ "step-detector" \ "}" #define GST_SENSOR_CAPS_MAKE(format) \ "application/sensor, " \ "type = (string) " format typedef struct GstAHSAccelerometerValues { gfloat x; gfloat y; gfloat z; } GstAHSAccelerometerValues; typedef struct GstAHSAmbientTemperatureValues { gfloat temperature; } GstAHSAmbientTemperatureValues; typedef struct GstAHSGameRotationVectorValues { gfloat x; gfloat y; gfloat z; gfloat cos; gfloat accuracy; } GstAHSGameRotationVectorValues; typedef struct GstAHSGeomagneticRotationVectorValues { gfloat x; gfloat y; gfloat z; gfloat cos; gfloat accuracy; } GstAHSGeomagneticRotationVectorValues; typedef struct GstAHSGravityValues { gfloat x; gfloat y; gfloat z; } GstAHSGravityValues; typedef struct GstAHSGyroscopeValues { gfloat x; gfloat y; gfloat z; } GstAHSGyroscopeValues; typedef struct GstAHSGyroscopeUncalibratedValues { gfloat x_speed; gfloat y_speed; gfloat z_speed; gfloat x_drift; gfloat y_drift; gfloat z_drift; } GstAHSGyroscopeUncalibratedValues; typedef struct GstAHSHeartRateValues { gfloat bpm; } GstAHSHeartRateValues; typedef struct GstAHSLightValues { gfloat lux; } GstAHSLightValues; typedef struct GstAHSLinearAccelerationValues { gfloat x; gfloat y; gfloat z; } GstAHSLinearAccelerationValues; typedef struct GstAHSMagneticFieldValues { gfloat x; gfloat y; gfloat z; } GstAHSMagneticFieldValues; typedef struct GstAHSMagneticFieldUncalibratedValues { gfloat x_uncalib; gfloat y_uncalib; gfloat z_uncalib; gfloat x_bias; gfloat y_bias; gfloat z_bias; } GstAHSMagneticFieldUncalibratedValues; typedef struct GstAHSOrientationValues { gfloat azimuth; gfloat pitch; gfloat roll; } GstAHSOrientationValues; typedef struct GstAHSProximity { gfloat distance; } GstAHSProximityValues; typedef struct GstAHSPressureValues { gfloat pressure; } GstAHSPressureValues; typedef struct GstAHSRelativeHumidityValues { gfloat humidity; } GstAHSRelativeHumidityValues; typedef struct GstAHSRotationVectorValues { gfloat x; gfloat y; gfloat z; gfloat cos; gfloat accuracy; } GstAHSRotationVectorValues; typedef struct GstAHSStepCounterValues { gfloat count; } GstAHSStepCounterValues; typedef struct GstAHSStepDetectorValues { gfloat one; } GstAHSStepDetectorValues; G_END_DECLS #endif