%{ #include "ges-structure-parser.h" %} %option noyywrap %option nounput %option reentrant %option extra-type="GESStructureParser *" %option never-interactive %option noinput %option nounistd CLIP [ ]+\+clip[ ]+ TEST_CLIP [ ]+\+test-clip[ ]+ TRANSITION [ ]+\+transition[ ]+ EFFECT [ ]+\+effect[ ]+ TITLE [ ]+\+title[ ]+ TRACK [ ]+\+track[ ]+ SETTER [ ]+set-[^ ]+[ ]+ STRING \"(\\.|[^"])*\" /* A value string, as understood by gst_structure_from_string * Characters are from GST_ASCII_IS_STRING * NOTE: character set is *not* supposed to be locale dependent */ VALUE {STRING}|([abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_+/:.-]+) %% ={VALUE} { ges_structure_parser_parse_value (yyextra, yytext); } {STRING} { ges_structure_parser_parse_string (yyextra, yytext, FALSE); } {TRACK}|{CLIP}|{TRANSITION}|{EFFECT}|{TEST_CLIP}|{TITLE} { ges_structure_parser_parse_symbol (yyextra, yytext); } {SETTER} { ges_structure_parser_parse_setter (yyextra, yytext); } [ \t\n]+ { ges_structure_parser_parse_whitespace (yyextra); } . { /* add everything else */ ges_structure_parser_parse_default (yyextra, yytext); } %%