include: - remote: "" stages: - 'build docker' - 'preparation' - 'pre-build' - 'build' - 'test' # Use the resulting binaries - 'integrate' variables: # Branch to track for modules that have no ref specified in the manifest GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH: 'master' ORC_UPSTREAM_BRANCH: 'master' ### # IMPORTANT # These are the version tags for the docker images the CI runs against. # If you are hacking on them or need a them to rebuild, its enough # to change any part of the string of the image you want. ### FEDORA_TAG: '2021-06-30.0' INDENT_TAG: '2020-10-22.0' WINDOWS_TAG: "2021-09-09.0" GST_UPSTREAM_REPO: 'gstreamer/gst-ci' FEDORA_AMD64_SUFFIX: 'amd64/fedora' INDENT_AMD64_SUFFIX: 'amd64/gst-indent' WINDOWS_AMD64_SUFFIX: 'amd64/windows' WINDOWS_RUST_AMD64_SUFFIX: 'amd64/windows-rust' FEDORA_IMAGE: "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$FEDORA_AMD64_SUFFIX:$FEDORA_TAG-$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH" FEDORA_DOCS_IMAGE: "" INDENT_IMAGE: "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$INDENT_AMD64_SUFFIX:$INDENT_TAG-$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH" WINDOWS_IMAGE: "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$WINDOWS_AMD64_SUFFIX:$WINDOWS_TAG-$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH" WINDOWS_UPSTREAM_IMAGE: "$CI_REGISTRY/$GST_UPSTREAM_REPO/$WINDOWS_AMD64_SUFFIX:$WINDOWS_TAG-$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH" RUST_MINIMUM_VERSION: '1.54.0' RUST_LATEST_VERSION: '1.55.0' WINDOWS_RUST_MINIMUM_IMAGE: "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$WINDOWS_RUST_AMD64_SUFFIX:$WINDOWS_TAG-$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH-rust-$RUST_MINIMUM_VERSION" WINDOWS_RUST_MINIMUM_UPSTREAM_IMAGE: "$CI_REGISTRY/$GST_UPSTREAM_REPO/$WINDOWS_RUST_AMD64_SUFFIX:$WINDOWS_TAG-$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH-rust-$RUST_MINIMUM_VERSION" WINDOWS_RUST_LATEST_IMAGE: "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$WINDOWS_RUST_AMD64_SUFFIX:$WINDOWS_TAG-$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH-rust-$RUST_LATEST_VERSION" WINDOWS_RUST_LATEST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE: "$CI_REGISTRY/$GST_UPSTREAM_REPO/$WINDOWS_RUST_AMD64_SUFFIX:$WINDOWS_TAG-$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH-rust-$RUST_LATEST_VERSION" MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS: --default-library=both DEFAULT_MESON_ARGS: > -Dlibnice:tests=disabled -Dlibnice:examples=disabled -Dopenh264:tests=disabled -Dpygobject:tests=false -Dpython=enabled -Dlibav=enabled -Dugly=enabled -Dbad=enabled -Ddevtools=enabled -Dges=enabled -Drtsp_server=enabled -Dvaapi=enabled -Dsharp=disabled MESON_GST_WERROR: > -Dgstreamer:werror=true -Dgst-plugins-base:werror=true -Dgst-plugins-good:werror=true -Dgst-plugins-ugly:werror=true -Dgst-plugins-bad:werror=true -Dgst-rtsp-server:werror=true -Dgst-libav:werror=true -Dgst-examples:werror=true -Dgst-editing-services:werror=true -Dgst-docs:werror=true -Dgst-omx:werror=true -Dgst-devtools:werror=true -Dgst-python:werror=true -Dgstreamer-vaapi:werror=true -Dgstreamer-sharp:werror=true workflow: rules: - if: $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH # # Global CI policy # # This can be used to configure global behaviour our our jobs. # default: retry: max: 2 when: - 'runner_system_failure' - 'stuck_or_timeout_failure' - 'scheduler_failure' - 'api_failure' interruptible: true # Script to check if a docker image exists in the upstream registry # and if so copy it to the forked registry so we can use it # # This is copied/adapted from citemplates/templates/fedora.yml # .check_image: &check_image_exists | # if-not-exists steps set -x if [[ -z "$GST_FORCE_REBUILD" ]] then # disable exit on failure set +e # check if our image is already in the current registry # we store the sha of the digest and the layers skopeo inspect docker://$LOCAL_IMAGE | jq '[.Digest, .Layers]' > local_sha # check if our image is already in our gst-ci registry fork skopeo inspect docker://$LOCAL_GST_CI_IMAGE | jq '[.Digest, .Layers]' > local_gst_ci_sha # check if our image is already in the upstream registry if [[ -z "$GST_UPSTREAM_REPO" ]] then echo "WARNING! Variable \$GST_UPSTREAM_REPO is undefined, cannot check for images" else skopeo inspect docker://$GST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE | jq '[.Digest, .Layers]' > upstream_sha fi # reenable exit on failure set -e # if the upstream repo has an image, ensure we use the same if [ -s upstream_sha ] then echo "Checking if $LOCAL_IMAGE is up to date" # ensure we use the same image from upstream diff upstream_sha local_sha && exit 0 || true echo "Copying image from gstreamer/gst-ci to local registry" # copy the original image into the current project registry namespace # we do 2 attempts with skopeo copy at most skopeo copy --dest-creds $CI_REGISTRY_USER:$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD \ docker://$GST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE \ docker://$LOCAL_IMAGE || \ skopeo copy --dest-creds $CI_REGISTRY_USER:$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD \ docker://$GST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE \ docker://$LOCAL_IMAGE exit 0 fi set +x # if the local ci fork repo has an image, ensure we use the same if [ -s local_gst_ci_sha ] then echo "Checking if $LOCAL_GST_CI_IMAGE is up to date" # ensure we use the same image from upstream diff local_gst_ci_sha local_sha && exit 0 || true echo "Copying image from $CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE/gst-ci to local registry" # copy the original image into the current project registry namespace # we do 2 attempts with skopeo copy at most skopeo copy --dest-creds $CI_REGISTRY_USER:$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD \ docker://$LOCAL_GST_CI_IMAGE \ docker://$LOCAL_IMAGE || \ skopeo copy --dest-creds $CI_REGISTRY_USER:$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD \ docker://$LOCAL_GST_CI_IMAGE \ docker://$LOCAL_IMAGE exit 0 fi # if we have a local image but none in the upstream repo, use our if [ -s local_sha ] then echo "Using $LOCAL_IMAGE" exit 0 fi fi # Build docker images from Dockerfiles # # This is copied/adapted from citemplates/templates/fedora.yml # # # CITemplates builds uses buildah run/commit workflow to build the images which doesn't # fit us atm and our images need further adjustment to make use of it. Porting to # ci-templates is the next step though. # # All the documentation from citemplates should be applicable here, so please refer there .base: image: "$CI_REGISTRY/freedesktop/ci-templates/buildah:2020-07-20.1" variables: STORAGE_DRIVER: 'vfs' BUILDAH_FORMAT: 'docker' BUILDAH_ISOLATION: 'chroot' script: - export LOCAL_IMAGE="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$REPO_SUFFIX:$TAG" - export LOCAL_GST_CI_IMAGE="$CI_REGISTRY/$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE/gst-ci/$REPO_SUFFIX:$TAG" - export GST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE="$CI_REGISTRY/$GST_UPSTREAM_REPO/$REPO_SUFFIX:$TAG" # check if the docker registry is enabled, else the variable will be missing - | if [[ -z "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE" ]] then echo "ERROR! Looks like your repository/fork has disabled Docker Registries." echo "Pleae enable them by following the documentation from here:" echo "" exit 1 fi # Newer versions of podman/buildah try to set overlayfs mount options when # using the vfs driver, and this causes errors. - sed -i '/^mountopt =.*/d' /etc/containers/storage.conf - *check_image_exists - echo "Building image $LOCAL_IMAGE" - > buildah bud --build-arg DEFAULT_BRANCH=$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH --label ci.job_id=$CI_JOB_ID --label pipeline.url=$CI_PIPELINE_URL --label git.ref_name=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME --label git.sha=$CI_COMMIT_SHA --label gitlab.project_path=$CI_PROJECT_PATH --label gitlab.project_url=$CI_PROJECT_URL --label fdo.upstream-repo=$GST_UPSTREAM_REPO -f $DOCKERFILE -t $LOCAL_IMAGE $CONTEXT_DIR - buildah login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY # Sanity check - | if [ "$CI_PROJECT_PATH" = "gstreamer/gstreamer" ]; then if [ "$LOCAL_IMAGE" != "$GST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE" ]; then echo "ERROR!!! AAAAA! THE IMAGE URI DOES NOT MATCH THE EXPECTED UPSTREAM ONE" echo $LOCAL_IMAGE echo $GST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE exit 1 fi fi - buildah push $LOCAL_IMAGE fedora amd64 docker: stage: "build docker" variables: REPO_SUFFIX: "$FEDORA_AMD64_SUFFIX" TAG: "$FEDORA_TAG-$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH" CONTEXT_DIR: "ci/docker/fedora/" DOCKERFILE: "ci/docker/fedora/Dockerfile" extends: .base gst-indent amd64 docker: stage: "build docker" variables: REPO_SUFFIX: "$INDENT_AMD64_SUFFIX" TAG: "$INDENT_TAG-$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH" CONTEXT_DIR: "ci/docker/indent/" DOCKERFILE: "ci/docker/indent/Dockerfile" extends: .base windows amd64 docker: stage: "build docker" variables: # Unlike the buildah/linux jobs, this file # needs to be relative to docker/windows/ subdir # as it makes life easier in the powershell script # # We also don't need a CONTEXT_DIR var as its also # hardcoded to be docker/windows/ DOCKERFILE: "ci/docker/windows/Dockerfile" tags: - windows - shell - "1809" script: # We need to pass an array and to resolve the env vars, so we can't use a variable: - $DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS = @("--build-arg", "DEFAULT_BRANCH=$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH") - "& ci/docker/windows/container.ps1 $CI_REGISTRY $CI_REGISTRY_USER $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $WINDOWS_IMAGE $WINDOWS_UPSTREAM_IMAGE $DOCKERFILE" - | if (!($?)) { echo "Failed to build the image" Exit 1 } .windows rust docker build: stage: 'build docker' needs: - job: 'windows amd64 docker' artifacts: false rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME == "gst-ci"' variables: # Unlike the buildah/linux jobs, this file # needs to be relative to docker/windows/ subdir # as it makes life easier in the powershell script # # We also don't need a CONTEXT_DIR var as its also # hardcoded to be docker/windows/ DOCKERFILE: 'docker/windows/rust.Dockerfile' tags: - 'windows' - 'shell' - '1809' script: # We need to pass an array and to resolve the env vars, so we can't use a variable: - $DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS = @("--build-arg", "DEFAULT_BRANCH=$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH", "--build-arg", "BASE_IMAGE=$WINDOWS_IMAGE", "--build-arg", "RUST_VERSION=$RUST_VERSION") - $env:WINDOWS_CONTAINER_SCRIPT_PATH = "$env:CI_PROJECT_DIR\container.ps1" - echo "Fetching $env:WINDOWS_CONTAINER_SCRIPT_URL" - Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $env:WINDOWS_CONTAINER_SCRIPT_URL -OutFile $env:WINDOWS_CONTAINER_SCRIPT_PATH - "& $env:WINDOWS_CONTAINER_SCRIPT_PATH $CI_REGISTRY $CI_REGISTRY_USER $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $RUST_IMAGE $RUST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE $DOCKERFILE" - | if (!($?)) { echo "Failed to build the image" Exit 1 } windows rust amd64 docker latest stable: extends: '.windows rust docker build' variables: RUST_IMAGE: !reference [variables, "WINDOWS_RUST_LATEST_IMAGE"] RUST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE: !reference [variables, "WINDOWS_RUST_LATEST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE"] RUST_VERSION: !reference [variables, "RUST_LATEST_VERSION"] windows rust amd64 docker minimum supported version: extends: '.windows rust docker build' variables: RUST_IMAGE: !reference [variables, "WINDOWS_RUST_MINIMUM_IMAGE"] RUST_UPSTREAM_IMAGE: !reference [variables, "WINDOWS_RUST_MINIMUM_UPSTREAM_IMAGE"] RUST_VERSION: !reference [variables, "RUST_MINIMUM_VERSION"] # ---- Preparation ----- # # # gst-indent!! # gst indent: image: $INDENT_IMAGE stage: 'preparation' script: # man indent. grep RETURN VALUE, grab a beer on my behalf... - indent --version || true - ./scripts/gst-indent-all - | if git diff --quiet -- ':!subprojects/gst-integration-testsuites/medias' .; then echo "Code is properly formatted" else git diff --color=always -- ':!subprojects/gst-integration-testsuites/medias' . echo 'style diverges, please run gst-indent first' exit 1 fi rules: # If the MR is assigned to the Merge bot, trigger the pipeline automatically - if: '$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ASSIGNEES == "gstreamer-merge-bot"' # When the assignee isn't the merge bot, require an explicit action to trigger the pipeline # to avoid wasting CI resources - if: '$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ASSIGNEES != "gstreamer-merge-bot"' when: 'manual' allow_failure: false # If this matches, it means the pipeline is running against either the main # or a stable branch, so make it manual - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH' when: 'manual' # # Check "allow-edit" checkbox on merge requests with ci-fairy # check allow-edit: extends: '' needs: [] stage: 'preparation' script: - ci-fairy check-merge-request --require-allow-collaboration rules: - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"' # # build setup templates # .build_template: &build - echo $MESON_ARGS - meson build/ $MESON_ARGS - ninja -C build/ - ccache --show-stats .build_ccache_vars: variables: CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK: 'content' CCACHE_COMPRESS: 'true' CCACHE_BASEDIR: '/cache/gstreamer/gstreamer' CCACHE_DIR: '/cache/gstreamer/gstreamer/ccache/' # shared across everything really CCACHE_MAXSIZE: '10G' CARGO_HOME: '/cache/gstreamer/cargo' .simple_fedora_build: &simple_build >- ${DEFAULT_MESON_ARGS} -Dsharp=enabled -Domx=enabled -Dgst-omx:target=generic -Ddoc=disabled -Drs=disabled ${MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS} ${MESON_GST_WERROR} .build: stage: 'build' extends: - '.build_ccache_vars' needs: - "gst indent" # Taking into account the slowest shared runner + time needed to upload the binaries to artifacts # Also need to take into account I/O of pulling docker images and uploading artifacts timeout: '45min' variables: MESON_ARGS: "${DEFAULT_MESON_ARGS} ${MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS} ${MESON_GST_WERROR}" script: *build after_script: - mv build/meson-logs/ meson-logs artifacts: expire_in: "7 days" when: "always" paths: - 'meson-logs/' .base_modules_changes: &modules_changes - .gitlab-ci.yml - - subprojects/*.wrap - subprojects/gst-devtools/**/* - subprojects/gst-editing-services/**/* - subprojects/gst-integration-testsuites/**/* - subprojects/gst-libav/**/* - subprojects/gst-omx/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-base/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-good/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-ugly/**/* - subprojects/gst-python/**/* - subprojects/gstreamer/**/* - subprojects/gstreamer-sharp/**/* - subprojects/gstreamer-vaapi/**/* - subprojects/gst-rtsp-server/**/* .simple_fedora_build: &simple_build >- ${DEFAULT_MESON_ARGS} -Dsharp=enabled -Domx=enabled -Dgst-omx:target=generic -Ddoc=disabled -Drs=disabled ${MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS} ${MESON_GST_WERROR} .build: stage: 'build' extends: - '.build_ccache_vars' # Taking into account the slowest shared runner + time needed to upload the binaries to artifacts # Also need to take into account I/O of pulling docker images and uploading artifacts timeout: '45min' variables: MESON_ARGS: "${DEFAULT_MESON_ARGS} ${MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS} ${MESON_GST_WERROR}" before_script: - ci/scripts/ subprojects/ # Update subprojects to respect `.wrap` content - meson subprojects update --reset script: *build after_script: - mv build/meson-logs/ meson-logs artifacts: expire_in: "7 days" when: "always" paths: - 'meson-logs/' .build fedora x86_64: extends: '.build' image: $FEDORA_IMAGE variables: MESON_ARGS: *simple_build rules: - changes: *modules_changes build nodebug fedora x86_64: extends: '.build' image: $FEDORA_IMAGE variables: MESON_ARGS: "${DEFAULT_MESON_ARGS} -Dsharp=enabled -Dgstreamer:gst_debug=false -Domx=enabled -Dgst-omx:target=generic ${MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS} ${MESON_GST_WERROR}" build static fedora x86_64: extends: '.build fedora x86_64' variables: MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS: "--default-library=static -Dintrospection=disabled -Ddoc=disabled" build static nodebug fedora x86_64: extends: 'build nodebug fedora x86_64' variables: MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS: "--default-library=static -Dintrospection=disabled -Ddoc=disabled" build clang fedora x86_64: extends: '.build fedora x86_64' variables: CC: 'ccache clang' CXX: 'ccache clang++' .build windows: image: $WINDOWS_IMAGE stage: 'build' tags: - 'docker' - 'windows' - '1809' needs: - "gst indent" timeout: '45min' variables: MESON_ARGS: > ${DEFAULT_MESON_ARGS} -Dpython=disabled -Dlibav=disabled -Dvaapi=disabled -Dgst-plugins-base:pango=enabled -Dgst-plugins-good:cairo=enabled rules: - changes: *modules_changes before_script: - ci/scripts/ subprojects/ script: # For some reason, options are separated by newline instead of space, so we # have to replace them first. - $env:MESON_ARGS = $env:MESON_ARGS.replace("`n"," ") - cmd.exe /C "C:\BuildTools\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat -host_arch=amd64 -arch=$env:ARCH && meson build $env:MESON_ARGS && ninja -C build" # XXX: Re-enable when uploading stops timing out #artifacts: # expire_in: "7 days" # when: "always" # paths: # - 'build/meson-logs/' build vs2017 amd64: extends: '.build windows' variables: ARCH: 'amd64' build vs2017 x86: extends: '.build windows' variables: ARCH: 'x86' build msys2 : extends: '.build windows' timeout: '60min' rules: - changes: *modules_changes allow_failure: true when: 'manual' script: # Make sure powershell exists on errors # - $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" # For some reason docker build hangs if this is included in the image, needs more troubleshooting - $env:PATH += ';C:\msys64\usr\bin;C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;C:\msys64\mingw32\bin' # Copied from - C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -c "pacman-key --init && pacman-key --populate msys2 && pacman-key --refresh-keys || true" - C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -c "sed -i 's/^CheckSpace/#CheckSpace/g' /etc/pacman.conf" - echo "Updating MSYS2" - C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -c "pacman -Syuu --noconfirm || echo Update failed, ignoring" - echo "Killing all MSYS2 processes" - taskkill /F /FI "MODULES eq msys-2.0.dll" - echo "Completing MSYS2 update" - C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -c "pacman -Suu --noconfirm" - echo "Installing needed MSYS2 packages" - C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -c "pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain ninja" # For some reason, options are separated by newline instead of space, so we # have to replace them first. - $env:MESON_ARGS = $env:MESON_ARGS.replace("`n"," ") # Replace forward slashes with backwards so bash doesn't complain - $env:_PROJECT_DIR = $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR.replace('\','/') - C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -c "meson build $env:MESON_ARGS && ninja -C build" # ---- Tests ----- # .test: stage: 'test' extends: - '.build_ccache_vars' needs: - "gst indent" variables: MESON_ARGS: *simple_build # Disable colored output to avoid weird rendering issues GST_DEBUG_NO_COLOR: "true" CI_ARTIFACTS_URL: "${CI_PROJECT_URL}/-/jobs/${CI_JOB_ID}/artifacts/raw/validate-logs/" GST_VALIDATE_LAUNCHER_FORCE_COLORS: "true" TIMEOUT_FACTOR: "2" CARGO_HOME: "/cache/gstreamer/cargo" # Enable the fault handler so we get backtraces on segfaults. # any non-empty string will do PYTHONFAULTHANDLER: "enabled" rules: - changes: *modules_changes script: - *build - echo "-> Running ${TEST_SUITE}" - > ./ gst-validate-launcher ${TEST_SUITE} --dump-on-failure --mute --shuffle --no-display --meson-no-rebuild --timeout-factor "${TIMEOUT_FACTOR}" --fail-on-testlist-change -l "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/validate-logs/" --xunit-file "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/validate-logs/xunit.xml" ${EXTRA_VALIDATE_ARGS} after_script: - mv build/meson-logs/ meson-logs artifacts: expire_in: '14 days' when: always paths: - 'meson-logs/' - 'validate-logs' reports: junit: - "validate-logs/*.xml" .test fedora x86_64: image: $FEDORA_IMAGE extends: '.test' tags: ['gstreamer'] check fedora: extends: '.test fedora x86_64' variables: TEST_SUITE: "check.gst*" integration testsuites fedora: extends: '.test fedora x86_64' parallel: 4 variables: EXTRA_VALIDATE_ARGS: "--timeout-factor=2 --retry-on-failures --check-bugs --parts=${CI_NODE_TOTAL} --part-index=${CI_NODE_INDEX}" TEST_SUITE: "validate ges" # gstreamer-full: # introspection has been disabled as the static build does not support it. # See gstreamer-full: extends: 'build static fedora x86_64' stage: integrate variables: MESON_ARGS: > --default-library=static -Dintrospection=disabled $MESON_GST_WERROR rules: - changes: - "*" - scripts/* - subprojects/gst-ci/**/* script: - *build - meson test -C build -v test-gst-full artifacts: expire_in: "7 days" when: "always" paths: - 'meson-logs/' gstreamer-full-minimal: extends: 'build static fedora x86_64' stage: integrate variables: MESON_ARGS: > --default-library=static -Dauto_features=disabled -Dgstreamer:check=enabled -Dtests=enabled -Dgst-plugins-base:alsa=enabled -Dgst-plugins-base:typefind=enabled -Dgst-plugins-base:pbtypes=enabled -Dgst-full-elements=coreelements:filesrc,fakesink,identity,input-selector -Dgst-full-typefind-functions=typefindfunctions:wav,flv -Dgst-full-device-providers=alsa:alsadeviceprovider -Dgst-full-dynamic-types=pbtypes:video_multiview_flagset $MESON_GST_WERROR rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME =~ /^(gst-build|gst-ci)$/' script: - *build - meson test -C build -v test-gst-full - meson test -C build test-gst-full-features --test-args "-e filesrc,identity,fakesink -E filesink,capsfilter -t audio/x-wav -T video/vivo -d alsadeviceprovider -D v4l2deviceprovider -l GstVideoMultiviewFlagsSet" - strip build/ - ls -l build/ artifacts: expire_in: "7 days" when: "always" paths: - 'meson-logs/' # Valgrind .valgrind fedora x86_64: extends: '.test fedora x86_64' stage: 'test' variables: EXTRA_VALIDATE_ARGS: "--valgrind" valgrind core: extends: '.valgrind fedora x86_64' variables: TEST_SUITE: "check.gstreamer\\..*" rules: - changes: - "*" - scripts/* - subprojects/gst-ci/**/* - subprojects/gst-devtools/**/* - subprojects/gstreamer/**/* valgrind base: extends: '.valgrind fedora x86_64' variables: TEST_SUITE: "check.gst-plugins-base\\..*" rules: - changes: - "*" - scripts/* - subprojects/gst-ci/**/* - subprojects/gst-devtools/**/* - subprojects/gstreamer/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-base/**/* valgrind good: extends: '.valgrind fedora x86_64' variables: TEST_SUITE: "check.gst-plugins-good\\..*" # take longer time due to splitmux unit test TIMEOUT_FACTOR: "4" rules: - changes: - "*" - scripts/* - subprojects/gst-ci/**/* - subprojects/gst-devtools/**/* - subprojects/gstreamer/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-base/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-good/**/* valgrind ugly: extends: '.valgrind fedora x86_64' variables: TEST_SUITE: "check.gst-plugins-ugly\\..*" rules: - changes: - "*" - scripts/* - subprojects/gst-ci/**/* - subprojects/gst-devtools/**/* - subprojects/gstreamer/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-base/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-good/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-ugly/**/* valgrind bad: extends: '.valgrind fedora x86_64' variables: TEST_SUITE: "check.gst-plugins-bad\\..*" rules: - changes: - "*" - scripts/* - subprojects/gst-ci/**/* - subprojects/gst-devtools/**/* - subprojects/gstreamer/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-base/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-good/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/**/* valgrind ges: extends: '.valgrind fedora x86_64' variables: TEST_SUITE: "check.gst-editing-services\\..*" rules: - changes: - "*" - scripts/* - subprojects/gst-ci/**/* - subprojects/gst-devtools/**/* - subprojects/gstreamer/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-base/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-good/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/**/* - subprojects/gst-editing-services/**/* # ---- Integration ----- # .documentation: image: $FEDORA_DOCS_IMAGE extends: - '.build_ccache_vars' variables: MESON_ARGS: *simple_build MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS: "-Ddoc=enabled" CI_ARTIFACTS_URL: "${CI_PROJECT_URL}/-/jobs/${CI_JOB_ID}/artifacts/raw/" script: - pip3 install --upgrade hotdoc - *build - ./ ninja -C build/ plugins_doc_caches - ./ci/scripts/ - ./ hotdoc run --conf-file=build/subprojects/gst-docs/GStreamer-doc.json --fatal-warnings - mv build/subprojects/gst-docs/GStreamer-doc/html documentation/ artifacts: when: always expire_in: "7 days" paths: - documentation/ - plugins-cache-diffs/ documentation: stage: integrate extends: - '.documentation' needs: [] rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE == "gstreamer" && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main"' build documentation: extends: - '.documentation' stage: build needs: - "gst indent" stage: build rules: - changes: - .gitlab-ci.yml - ci/gitlab/ - subprojects/*.wrap - subprojects/gst-docs/**/* - subprojects/gst-devtools/**/* - subprojects/gst-editing-services/**/* - subprojects/gst-libav/**/* - subprojects/gst-omx/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-base/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-good/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-ugly/**/* - subprojects/gstreamer/**/* - subprojects/gstreamer-vaapi/**/* - subprojects/gst-rtsp-server/**/* # FIXME: Using trigger: causes permission issues, workaround using old REST API. # cerbero trigger: stage: build image: $FEDORA_IMAGE script: - python3 -m pip install --user python-gitlab - ci/gitlab/ variables: # Use GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH UPSTREAM_BRANCH: 'main' rules: - changes: - .gitlab-ci.yml - ci/gitlab/ - subprojects/gst-devtools/**/* - subprojects/gst-editing-services/**/* - subprojects/gst-libav/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-base/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-good/**/* - subprojects/gst-plugins-ugly/**/* - subprojects/gst-python/**/* - subprojects/gstreamer/**/* - subprojects/gst-rtsp-server/**/* - subprojects/gst-examples/**/*