GST Player Android port ======================= Prerequisites ------------- 1. Install Android SDK from & set `sdk.dir` in **** to the installation path 2. Install Android NDK from & set `ndk.dir` in **** to the installation path 3. If you have a different special directory for pkg-config or other tools (e.g. on OSX when using Homebrew), then also set this path using the `ndk.extraPath` variable in **** 4. Download the GStreamer android ports and set `gstreamer.$ABI.dir` properties in ****: gstreamer.arm.dir=/path/to/gstreamer-1.0-android-arm-release-1.4.5/ gstreamer.armv7.dir=/path/to/gstreamer-1.0-android-armv7-release-1.4.5/ gstreamer.x86.dir=/path/to/gstreamer-1.0-android-x86-release-1.4.5/ Compiling the sample -------------------- Use ./gradlew installDebug to compile and install a debug version onto all connected devices. Please note this component is using the new Android build system based on Gradle. More information about this is available on Android Studio -------------- Android Studio builds will work out of the box. Simply open `build.gradle` in this folder to import the project. Manual NDK build ---------------- It is still possible to build just the NDK portion. This will speed up the process a bit as you don't need to start gradle first and compile the complete App. First, make sure to set `NDK_PROJECT_PATH` to this projects main source path. Additionally the SDK & NDK tools are available in `$PATH`. export NDK_PROJECT_PATH=$PWD/app/src/main Second, set the following environment variables to the GStreamer installation folders: export GSTREAMER_ROOT_ARM=/path/to/gstreamer-1.0-android-arm-release-1.4.5/ export GSTREAMER_ROOT_ARMV7=/path/to/tmp/gstreamer-1.0-android-armv7-release-1.4.5/ export GSTREAMER_ROOT_X86=/path/to/gstreamer-1.0-android-x86-release-1.4.5/ If you don't want to build all architectures, please modify the file `app/src/main/jni/` Finally, within the `app/src/main/` directory, invoke: ndk-build