# Feature options for plugins with no external deps
option('rtspclientsink', type : 'feature', value : 'auto')

# Common feature options
option('examples', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', yield : true,
       description : 'Build the examples')
option('tests', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', yield : true,
       description : 'Build and enable unit tests')
option('introspection', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', yield : true,
       description : 'Generate gobject-introspection bindings')

# Common options
option('package-name', type : 'string', yield : true,
       description : 'package name to use in plugins')
option('package-origin', type : 'string',
       value : 'Unknown package origin', yield : true,
       description : 'package origin URL to use in plugins')
option('doc', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', yield: true,
       description: 'Enable documentation.')
option('glib_debug', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', yield : true, description : 'Enable GLib debug infrastructure (see docs/macros.txt)')
option('glib_assert', type : 'boolean', value : true, yield : true, description : 'Enable GLib assertion (see docs/macros.txt)',
  deprecated: {'enabled' : 'true', 'disabled' : 'false', 'auto' : 'false'},
option('glib_checks', type : 'boolean', value : true, yield : true, description : 'Enable GLib checks such as API guards (see docs/macros.txt)',
  deprecated: {'enabled' : 'true', 'disabled' : 'false', 'auto' : 'false'},

# Deprecated, kept for backward compat
option('gobject-cast-checks', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', yield : true,
       description: 'Enable run-time GObject cast checks (auto = enabled for development, disabled for stable releases)',
       deprecated: 'glib_debug')
option('glib-asserts', type : 'feature', value : 'enabled', yield : true,
       description: 'Enable GLib assertion (auto = enabled for development, disabled for stable releases)',
       deprecated: 'glib_assert')
option('glib-checks', type : 'feature', value : 'enabled', yield : true,
       description: 'Enable GLib checks such as API guards (auto = enabled for development, disabled for stable releases)',
       deprecated: 'glib_checks')