stages: - 'preparation' - 'pre-build' - 'build' - 'test' # Use the resulting binaries - 'integrate' variables: ANDROID_IMAGE: '' CERBERO_IMAGE: '' FEDORA_IMAGE: '' INDENT_IMAGE: '' MANIFEST_IMAGE: '' WINDOWS_IMAGE: '' # Branch to track for modules that have no ref specified in the manifest GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH: 'master' ORC_UPSTREAM_BRANCH: 'master' GIT_STRATEGY: none MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS: --default-library=both DEFAULT_MESON_ARGS: > -Dpython=enabled -Dlibav=enabled -Dugly=enabled -Dbad=enabled -Ddevtools=enabled -Dges=enabled -Drtsp_server=enabled -Dvaapi=enabled -Dsharp=disabled DEFAULT_CERBERO_ARGS: > --variants werror --timestamps # # Global CI policy # # This can be used to configure global behaviour our our jobs. # .global_ci_policy: retry: max: 2 when: - 'runner_system_failure' - 'stuck_or_timeout_failure' - 'scheduler_failure' - 'api_failure' interruptible: true manifest: image: $MANIFEST_IMAGE extends: - '.global_ci_policy' rules: - if: '$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME' when: 'always' - if: '$CI_PROJECT_PATH == "gstreamer/cerbero"' when: 'always' - when: 'manual' stage: 'preparation' script: - cd /gst-ci - gitlab/ --self-update - gitlab/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/manifest.xml - cat ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/manifest.xml artifacts: expire_in: "7 days" paths: - "manifest.xml" gst indent: image: $INDENT_IMAGE extends: - '.global_ci_policy' stage: 'preparation' variables: GIT_STRATEGY: 'fetch' rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(gstreamer-sharp|gst-integration-testsuites|cerbero|gst-docs)$/' script: # man indent. grep RETURN VALUE, grab a beer on my behalf... - indent --version || true - curl -o gst-indent${GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH}/tools/gst-indent - chmod +x gst-indent - find . -name '*.c' -exec ./gst-indent {} + - | if git diff --quiet; then echo "Code is properly formatted" else git diff --color=always echo 'style diverges, please run gst-indent first' exit 1 fi .build: stage: 'build' extends: - '.global_ci_policy' needs: - "manifest" # Taking into account the slowest shared runner + time needed to upload the binaries to artifacts # Also need to take into account I/O of pulling docker images and uploading artifacts timeout: '45min' variables: CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK: "content" CCACHE_COMPRESS: "true" CCACHE_BASEDIR: "/cache/gstreamer/gst-build" CCACHE_DIR: "/cache/gstreamer/gst-build/ccache/" # shared across everything really CCACHE_MAXSIZE: "10G" CARGO_HOME: "/cache/gstreamer/cargo" MESON_ARGS: "${DEFAULT_MESON_ARGS} ${MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS} --werror" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME != "cerbero"' script: - ccache --show-stats - curl -o${GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH}/gitlab/ - chmod +x - ./ --manifest manifest.xml --project gst-build --destination gst-build - cd gst-build/ # only copy immediate directories. We don't want to modify .wrap files - find /gst-build/subprojects/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec cp -r \{\} subprojects/ \; - ./git-update --no-interaction --manifest="${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/manifest.xml" - meson build/ $MESON_ARGS - ninja -C build/ - ccache --show-stats after_script: - cd gst-build/ # Clean the artifacts packages to avoid copying "useless" build products. - test -d build && find build -name '*.[ao]' -delete # Clean the .git repos since we won't need them anymore - rm -rf subprojects/*/.git/ - rm -rf build/subprojects/*/.git/ build fedora x86_64: extends: '.build' stage: 'build' image: $FEDORA_IMAGE variables: MESON_ARGS: "${DEFAULT_MESON_ARGS} -Dsharp=enabled -Domx=enabled -Dgst-omx:target=generic -Ddoc=enabled -Drs=disabled ${MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS} --werror" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-omx|gst-plugins-rs)$/' artifacts: expire_in: '5 days' when: always paths: - "manifest.xml" - "gst-build/" build nodebug fedora x86_64: extends: '.build' stage: 'build' image: $FEDORA_IMAGE variables: MESON_ARGS: "${DEFAULT_MESON_ARGS} -Dsharp=enabled -Dgstreamer:gst_debug=false -Domx=enabled -Dgst-omx:target=generic -Drs=disabled ${MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS} --werror" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-docs|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-omx|gst-plugins-rs)$/' build static fedora x86_64: extends: 'build fedora x86_64' variables: MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS: "--default-library=static -Dintrospection=disabled -Ddoc=disabled" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-docs|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-omx|gst-plugins-rs)$/' build static nodebug fedora x86_64: extends: 'build nodebug fedora x86_64' variables: MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS: "--default-library=static -Dintrospection=disabled -Ddoc=disabled" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-docs|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-omx|gst-plugins-rs)$/' build clang fedora x86_64: extends: 'build fedora x86_64' variables: CC: 'ccache clang' CXX: 'ccache clang++' rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-docs|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-omx|gst-plugins-rs)$/' .test: stage: 'test' extends: - '.global_ci_policy' variables: # Disable colored output to avoid weird rendering issues GST_DEBUG_NO_COLOR: "true" CI_ARTIFACTS_URL: "${CI_PROJECT_URL}/-/jobs/${CI_JOB_ID}/artifacts/raw/validate-logs/" GST_VALIDATE_LAUNCHER_FORCE_COLORS: "true" TIMEOUT_FACTOR: "2" CARGO_HOME: "/cache/gstreamer/cargo" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-examples|gst-docs)$/' script: - cd gst-build/ - echo "-> Running ${TEST_SUITE}" - > ./ gst-validate-launcher ${TEST_SUITE} --dump-on-failure --mute --shuffle --no-display --meson-no-rebuild --timeout-factor "${TIMEOUT_FACTOR}" --fail-on-testlist-change -l "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/validate-logs/" --xunit-file "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/validate-logs/xunit.xml" ${EXTRA_VALIDATE_ARGS} artifacts: expire_in: '14 days' when: always paths: - 'gst-build/build/meson-logs/' - 'validate-logs' reports: junit: - "validate-logs/*.xml" .test fedora x86_64: image: $FEDORA_IMAGE extends: '.test' tags: ['gstreamer'] needs: - 'build fedora x86_64' check fedora: extends: '.test fedora x86_64' variables: TEST_SUITE: "check.gst*" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-docs|gst-examples|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-omx|gst-plugins-rs)$/' integration testsuites fedora: extends: '.test fedora x86_64' parallel: 4 variables: EXTRA_VALIDATE_ARGS: "--timeout-factor=2 --retry-on-failures --check-bugs --parts=${CI_NODE_TOTAL} --part-index=${CI_NODE_INDEX}" TEST_SUITE: "validate ges" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-docs|gst-omx|gst-plugins-rs)$/' gstreamer-full: extends: 'build static fedora x86_64' stage: integrate variables: MESON_ARGS: > --default-library=static -Dauto_features=disabled -Dgst-plugins-good:alpha=enabled rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME =~ /^(gst-build|gst-ci)$/' after_script: - cd gst-build/ - ninja -C build install - export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/pkgconfig - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib64 - cd examples/static-plugins - meson _build - ninja -C _build - meson test -C _build -v artifacts: paths: - 'gst-build/build/meson-logs/' - 'gst-build/build/gstinitstaticplugins.c' # Valgrind .valgrind fedora x86_64: extends: '.test fedora x86_64' stage: 'test' variables: EXTRA_VALIDATE_ARGS: "--valgrind" valgrind core: extends: '.valgrind fedora x86_64' variables: TEST_SUITE: "check.gstreamer\\..*" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME =~ /^(gstreamer|gst-ci)$/' valgrind base: extends: '.valgrind fedora x86_64' variables: TEST_SUITE: "check.gst-plugins-base\\..*" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME =~ /^(gstreamer|gst-plugins-base|gst-ci)$/' valgrind good: extends: '.valgrind fedora x86_64' variables: TEST_SUITE: "check.gst-plugins-good\\..*" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME =~ /^(gstreamer|gst-plugins-base|gst-plugins-good|gst-ci)$/' valgrind ugly: extends: '.valgrind fedora x86_64' variables: TEST_SUITE: "check.gst-plugins-ugly\\..*" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME =~ /^(gstreamer|gst-plugins-base|gst-plugins-ugly|gst-ci)$/' valgrind bad: extends: '.valgrind fedora x86_64' variables: TEST_SUITE: "check.gst-plugins-bad\\..*" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME =~ /^(gstreamer|gst-plugins-base|gst-plugins-good|gst-plugins-bad|gst-ci)$/' valgrind ges: extends: '.valgrind fedora x86_64' variables: TEST_SUITE: "check.gst-editing-services\\..*" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME =~ /^(gstreamer|gst-plugins-base|gst-plugins-good|gst-editing-services|gst-ci|gst-devtools)$/' # Template for Cerbero GStreamer Build # # Parameters: # CONFIG: The name of the configuration file to use # ARCH: The cerbero _ (used in cache key) # # Produces runtime and devel tarball packages for linux/android or .pkg for macos .cerbero: stage: "build" image: $CERBERO_IMAGE extends: - '.global_ci_policy' rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME == "cerbero"' needs: - "manifest" # Ensure that the runners it will be executed on # will have plenty of space for the cache tags: ['gstreamer'] timeout: '3h' variables: CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK: "content" CCACHE_COMPRESS: "true" CCACHE_BASEDIR: "/cache/gstreamer/cerbero/" CCACHE_DIR: "/cache/gstreamer/cerbero/ccache/" # shared across everything really CCACHE_MAXSIZE: "50G" CERBERO_HOME: "cerbero-build" CERBERO_SOURCES: "cerbero-sources" CERBERO_DEPS: "cerbero-deps.tar.gz" CERBERO_ARGS: "${DEFAULT_CERBERO_ARGS}" CERBERO: "./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/${CONFIG} -c localconf.cbc -m manifest.xml" CERBERO_PACKAGE_ARGS: "-t" CERBERO_RUN_WRAPPER: "" # 'wine' on cross-winXX CERBERO_RUN_SUFFIX: "" # '.exe' on cross-winXX HAVE_CCACHE: "yes" # used by macos packages as we only ever install to a fixed directory CERBERO_OVERRIDDEN_DIST_DIR: "" # location where cerbero is cached on the host CERBERO_HOST_DIR: "/cerbero/" before_script: # FIXME Wrong namespace # Workaround build-tools having hardcoded internal path - pwd - mkdir -p ../../gstreamer - ln -sf $(pwd) ../../gstreamer/cerbero - mkdir -p ../../${CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE} - ln -sf $(pwd) ../../${CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE}/cerbero - rsync -aH ${CERBERO_HOST_DIR} . - test -f ${CERBERO_DEPS} && tar -C ${CERBERO_HOME} -xf ${CERBERO_DEPS} - echo "home_dir = \"$(pwd)/${CERBERO_HOME}\"" >> localconf.cbc - echo "local_sources = \"$(pwd)/${CERBERO_SOURCES}\"" >> localconf.cbc - ./cerbero-uninstalled --self-update manifest.xml script: - test "x${HAVE_CCACHE}" = "xyes" && ccache --show-stats - $CERBERO $CERBERO_ARGS show-config - $CERBERO $CERBERO_ARGS fetch-bootstrap --build-tools-only - $CERBERO $CERBERO_ARGS fetch-package --deps gstreamer-1.0 - $CERBERO $CERBERO_ARGS fetch-cache --branch ${GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH} - test "x${CERBERO_OVERRIDDEN_DIST_DIR}" != "x" && test -d ${CERBERO_HOME}/dist/${ARCH} && mkdir -p ${CERBERO_OVERRIDDEN_DIST_DIR} && rsync -aH ${CERBERO_HOME}/dist/${ARCH}/ ${CERBERO_OVERRIDDEN_DIST_DIR} - $CERBERO $CERBERO_ARGS bootstrap --offline --build-tools-only - $CERBERO $CERBERO_ARGS package --offline ${CERBERO_PACKAGE_ARGS} -o $(pwd) gstreamer-1.0 # Run gst-inspect-1.0 for some basic checks. Can't do this for cross-(android|ios)-universal, of course. - |- [[ $CONFIG == *universal* ]] || $CERBERO $CERBERO_ARGS run $CERBERO_RUN_WRAPPER gst-inspect-1.0$CERBERO_RUN_SUFFIX --version - |- [[ $CONFIG == *universal* ]] || $CERBERO $CERBERO_ARGS run $CERBERO_RUN_WRAPPER gst-inspect-1.0$CERBERO_RUN_SUFFIX - test "x${HAVE_CCACHE}" = "xyes" && ccache -s || true # eat the return value from the failing test cache: key: "${CI_JOB_NAME}" paths: - "${CERBERO_SOURCES}" artifacts: name: "${CI_JOB_NAME}_${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" expire_in: '5 days' when: 'always' paths: - "manifest.xml" - "${CERBERO_HOME}/logs" - "*.tar.bz2" .build windows: image: $WINDOWS_IMAGE extends: - '.global_ci_policy' stage: 'build' needs: - 'manifest' tags: - 'docker' - 'windows' - '1809' timeout: '45min' variables: MESON_ARGS: > ${DEFAULT_MESON_ARGS} -Dpython=disabled -Dlibav=disabled -Dvaapi=disabled -Ddevtools=disabled rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-docs|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-omx|gst-plugins-rs|gstreamer-vaapi)$/' script: # Sometimes there's seems to be an existing gst-build clone that comes either from the ether or # from a previous job due to some gitlab bug or implicit behavior? # So let's always check and clear it out if its there # - if (Test-Path $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR/gst-build) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR/gst-build } # Make sure powershell exists on errors # - $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" - git clone -b $GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR\gst-build - cd $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR/gst-build - cp -r C:/subprojects/* subprojects/ # Run the git-update script and feed it the manifest to setup the environment - cd $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR/gst-build; python git-update --no-interaction --manifest=$env:CI_PROJECT_DIR/manifest.xml # For some reason, options are separated by newline instead of space, so we # have to replace them first. - $env:MESON_ARGS = $env:MESON_ARGS.replace("`n"," ") # Gitlab executes PowerShell in docker, but VsDevCmd.bat is a batch script. # Environment variables substitutions is done by PowerShell before calling # cmd.exe, that's why we use $env:FOO instead of %FOO% - cmd.exe /C "C:\BuildTools\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat -host_arch=amd64 -arch=$env:ARCH && meson build $env:MESON_ARGS && ninja -C build" # FIXME: extract builddir for tests # There's a bug that prevents us from exporting artifacts with docker-windows # executors. It has since been fixed in gitlab 12.1, but # we are blocked from upgrading currently. # # Gitlab Runner issue: # Blocked upgrade issue: after_script: build vs2017 amd64: extends: '.build windows' variables: ARCH: 'amd64' build vs2017 x86: extends: '.build windows' variables: ARCH: 'x86' # Disabled until the runner issues has been resolved. build msys2 : extends: '.build windows' rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-docs|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-omx|gst-plugins-rs|gstreamer-vaapi)$/' allow_failure: true when: manual timeout: '60min' script: # Sometimes there's seems to be an existing gst-build clone that comes either from the ether or # from a previous job due to some gitlab bug or implicit behavior? # So let's always check and clear it out if its there # - if (Test-Path $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR/gst-build) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR/gst-build } # Make sure powershell exists on errors # - $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" # For some reason docker build hangs if this is included in the image, needs more troubleshooting - $env:PATH += ';C:\msys64\usr\bin;C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;C:\msys64\mingw32\bin' - C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -c "pacman-key --init && pacman-key --populate msys2 && pacman-key --refresh-keys || true" - C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -c "pacman -Syuu --noconfirm" - C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -c "pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain ninja" - git clone -b $GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR\gst-build - cd $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR\gst-build - cp -r C:\subprojects\* subprojects\ # Run the git-update script and feed it the manifest to setup the environment - cd $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR/gst-build; python git-update --no-interaction --manifest=$env:CI_PROJECT_DIR/manifest.xml # For some reason, options are separated by newline instead of space, so we # have to replace them first. - $env:MESON_ARGS = $env:MESON_ARGS.replace("`n"," ") # Replace forward slashes with backwards so bash doesn't complain - $env:_PROJECT_DIR = $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR.replace('\','/') - C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -c "cd $env:_PROJECT_DIR/gst-build && meson build $env:MESON_ARGS && ninja -C build" # Template for Cerbero GStreamer Deps # # This template is used by cerbero/ project to pre-built the GStreamer # dependencies. When available, the .cerbero jobs will download this artifact # in order to speed up the build. # # Parameters: # CONFIG: The name of the configuration file to use # ARCH: The cerbero _ (used in cache key) # # Produce an artifact with the dist/ and .cache along # with the associated build-tools. .cerbero deps: extends: .cerbero rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME == "cerbero"' stage: "pre-build" script: - $CERBERO $CERBERO_ARGS show-config - $CERBERO $CERBERO_ARGS fetch-bootstrap --build-tools-only - $CERBERO $CERBERO_ARGS fetch-package --deps gstreamer-1.0 - $CERBERO $CERBERO_ARGS bootstrap --offline --build-tools-only - $CERBERO $CERBERO_ARGS build-deps --offline gstreamer-1.0 gst-plugins-base-1.0 gst-plugins-good-1.0 gst-plugins-bad-1.0 gst-plugins-ugly-1.0 gst-rtsp-server-1.0 gst-libav-1.0 gst-validate gst-editing-services-1.0 libnice - $CERBERO $CERBERO_ARGS fetch-cache --branch ${GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH} --skip-fetch --job-id=${CI_JOB_ID} - test "x${CERBERO_OVERRIDDEN_DIST_DIR}" != "x" && mkdir -p ${CERBERO_HOME}/dist/${ARCH} && rsync -aH ${CERBERO_OVERRIDDEN_DIST_DIR}/ ${CERBERO_HOME}/dist/${ARCH} - tar -C ${CERBERO_HOME} --exclude=var/tmp -czf $CERBERO_DEPS build-tools build-tools.cache dist/${ARCH} ${ARCH}.cache artifacts: name: "${CI_JOB_NAME}_${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" expire_in: '10 days' when: 'always' paths: - "manifest.xml" - "${CERBERO_HOME}/logs" - "${CERBERO_HOME}/cerbero-deps.log" - "${CERBERO_DEPS}" # # Cerbero Linux X86_64 build # cerbero deps fedora x86_64: extends: '.cerbero deps' variables: CONFIG: "linux.config" ARCH: "linux_x86_64" .cerbero fedora x86_64: extends: '.cerbero' variables: CONFIG: "linux.config" cerbero fedora x86_64: extends: '.cerbero fedora x86_64' needs: - "cerbero deps fedora x86_64" build cerbero fedora x86_64: extends: '.cerbero fedora x86_64' rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-build|gst-omx|gstreamer-vaapi|gst-docs|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-plugins-rs)$/' # # Cerbero Android Universal build # cerbero deps cross-android universal: extends: '.cerbero deps' variables: CONFIG: "cross-android-universal.cbc" ARCH: "android_universal" .cerbero cross-android universal: extends: '.cerbero' variables: CONFIG: "cross-android-universal.cbc" artifacts: name: "${CI_JOB_NAME}_${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" expire_in: '5 days' when: 'always' paths: - "manifest.xml" - "${CERBERO_HOME}/logs" - "*[0-9].tar.bz2" cerbero cross-android universal: extends: '.cerbero cross-android universal' needs: - "cerbero deps cross-android universal" build cerbero cross-android universal: extends: '.cerbero cross-android universal' rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-build|gst-omx|gstreamer-vaapi|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-plugins-rs)$/' # # Cerbero Cross Windows builds # cerbero deps cross-windows x86: extends: '.cerbero deps' variables: CONFIG: "cross-win32.cbc" ARCH: "mingw_x86" .cerbero cross win32: extends: '.cerbero' variables: CONFIG: "cross-win32.cbc" CERBERO_RUN_WRAPPER: "wine" CERBERO_RUN_SUFFIX: ".exe" cerbero cross win32: extends: '.cerbero cross win32' needs: - "cerbero deps cross-windows x86" build cerbero cross win32: extends: '.cerbero cross win32' rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-build|gst-omx|gstreamer-vaapi|gst-docs|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-plugins-rs)$/' cerbero deps cross-windows x86_64: extends: '.cerbero deps' variables: CONFIG: "cross-win64.cbc" ARCH: "mingw_x86_64" .cerbero cross win64: extends: '.cerbero' variables: CONFIG: "cross-win64.cbc" CERBERO_RUN_WRAPPER: "wine" CERBERO_RUN_SUFFIX: ".exe" cerbero cross win64: extends: '.cerbero cross win64' needs: - "cerbero deps cross-windows x86_64" build cerbero cross win64: extends: '.cerbero cross win64' rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-build|gst-omx|gstreamer-vaapi|gst-docs|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-plugins-rs)$/' # # Build an Android App using the android binaries # .cross-android universal examples: image: $ANDROID_IMAGE extends: - '.global_ci_policy' stage: 'integrate' variables: EXAMPLES_HOME: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/examples GSTREAMER_ROOT_ANDROID: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/examples/cerbero-android-universal script: - mkdir -p ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/outputs - curl -o${GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH}/gitlab/ - chmod +x - ./ --manifest manifest.xml --project gst-examples --destination ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-examples - ./ --manifest manifest.xml --project gst-docs --destination ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-docs - rm # extract our binaries - rm -f gstreamer-1.0-android-universal-*-runtime.tar.bz2 - mkdir ${GSTREAMER_ROOT_ANDROID} - tar -C ${GSTREAMER_ROOT_ANDROID} -xf gstreamer-1.0-android-universal-*.tar.bz2 # gst-examples - chmod +x ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-examples/playback/player/android/gradlew - ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-examples/playback/player/android/gradlew --no-search-upward --no-daemon --project-dir ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-examples/playback/player/android assembleDebug - cp ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-examples/playback/player/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/*.apk ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/outputs/ # gst-docs android tutorials - chmod +x ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-docs/examples/tutorials/android/gradlew - ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-docs/examples/tutorials/android/gradlew --no-search-upward --no-daemon --project-dir ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-docs/examples/tutorials/android assembleDebug - cp ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-docs/examples/tutorials/android/android-tutorial-*/build/outputs/apk/debug/*.apk ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/outputs/ after_script: - rm -rf ${GSTREAMER_ROOT_ANDROID} - rm -rf ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-examples ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-docs artifacts: name: "${CI_JOB_NAME}_${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" expire_in: '5 days' when: 'always' paths: - "manifest.xml" - "${EXAMPLES_HOME}/outputs" cross-android universal examples: extends: ".cross-android universal examples" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-build|gst-omx|gstreamer-vaapi|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-plugins-rs)$/' needs: - "build cerbero cross-android universal" cerbero cross-android universal examples: extends: ".cross-android universal examples" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME == "cerbero"' needs: - "cerbero cross-android universal" # # Cerbero macOS X86_64 build # cerbero deps macos x86_64: extends: '.cerbero deps' variables: ARCH: "darwin_x86_64" CONFIG: "osx-x86-64.cbc" HAVE_CCACHE: "" CERBERO_OVERRIDDEN_DIST_DIR: "/Library/Frameworks/GStreamer.framework/Versions/1.0" CERBERO_HOST_DIR: "/Users/gst-ci/cerbero/" tags: - gst-macos-10.15 .cerbero macos x86_64: extends: '.cerbero' variables: ARCH: "darwin_x86_64" CONFIG: "osx-x86-64.cbc" CERBERO_PACKAGE_ARGS: "" HAVE_CCACHE: "" CERBERO_OVERRIDDEN_DIST_DIR: "/Library/Frameworks/GStreamer.framework/Versions/1.0" CERBERO_HOST_DIR: "/Users/gst-ci/cerbero/" tags: - gst-macos-10.15 artifacts: name: "${CI_JOB_NAME}_${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" expire_in: '5 days' when: 'always' paths: - "manifest.xml" - "${CERBERO_HOME}/logs" - "gstreamer-1.0-1.*.pkg" - "gstreamer-1.0-devel-1.*.pkg" cerbero macos x86_64: extends: '.cerbero macos x86_64' needs: - "cerbero deps macos x86_64" build cerbero macos x86_64: extends: '.cerbero macos x86_64' rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-build|gst-docs|gst-omx|gst-sharp|gstreamer-vaapi|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-plugins-rs)$/' # # Cerbero iOS build # cerbero deps cross-ios universal: extends: '.cerbero deps' variables: ARCH: "ios_universal" CONFIG: "cross-ios-universal.cbc" CERBERO_ARGS: "${DEFAULT_CERBERO_ARGS} -v nowerror" HAVE_CCACHE: "" CERBERO_HOST_DIR: "/Users/gst-ci/cerbero/" tags: - gst-ios-13.2 .cerbero cross-ios universal: extends: '.cerbero' variables: ARCH: "ios_universal" CONFIG: "cross-ios-universal.cbc" CERBERO_ARGS: "${DEFAULT_CERBERO_ARGS} -v nowerror" CERBERO_PACKAGE_ARGS: "" HAVE_CCACHE: "" CERBERO_HOST_DIR: "/Users/gst-ci/cerbero/" tags: - gst-ios-13.2 artifacts: name: "${CI_JOB_NAME}_${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" expire_in: '5 days' when: 'always' paths: - "manifest.xml" - "${CERBERO_HOME}/logs" - "gstreamer-1.0-*-ios-universal.pkg" cerbero cross-ios universal: extends: '.cerbero cross-ios universal' needs: - "cerbero deps cross-ios universal" build cerbero cross-ios universal: extends: '.cerbero cross-ios universal' rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-build|gst-docs|gst-omx|gst-sharp|gstreamer-vaapi|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-plugins-rs)$/' documentation: image: $FEDORA_IMAGE extends: - '.global_ci_policy' rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-build|gst-sharp|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-omx|gst-plugins-rs|gst-python)$/' needs: - "build fedora x86_64" stage: integrate script: - pip3 install --upgrade git+ - cd gst-build/ - ./ hotdoc run --conf-file=build/subprojects/gst-docs/GStreamer-doc.json --fatal-warnings - cd - - mv gst-build/build/subprojects/gst-docs/GStreamer-doc/html documentation/ artifacts: paths: - documentation/ # # Build an iOS App using the iOS binaries # .cross-ios universal examples: stage: 'integrate' extends: - '.global_ci_policy' variables: EXAMPLES_HOME: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/examples # disable codesigning so we don't need developer identities on the CI # machines XCODE_BUILD_ARGS: > CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED="NO" CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED="NO" CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS="" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME !~ /^(cerbero|gst-build|gst-omx|gstreamer-vaapi|gst-integration-testsuites|gst-plugins-rs)$/' script: # install the binaries - installer -pkg gstreamer-1.0-devel-*-ios-universal.pkg -target CurrentUserHomeDirectory -verbose - curl -o${GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH}/gitlab/ - chmod +x - ./ --manifest manifest.xml --project gst-examples --destination ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-examples - ./ --manifest manifest.xml --project gst-docs --destination ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-docs - rm # dump some useful information - xcodebuild -version - xcodebuild -showsdks # gst-docs ios tutorials - xcodebuild -showBuildSettings -alltargets -project ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-docs/examples/tutorials/xcode\ iOS/GStreamer\ iOS\ Tutorials.xcodeproj - xcodebuild -alltargets -destination generic/platform=iOS -project ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-docs/examples/tutorials/xcode\ iOS/GStreamer\ iOS\ Tutorials.xcodeproj ${XCODE_BUILD_ARGS} # gst-examples - xcodebuild -showBuildSettings -alltargets -project ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-examples/playback/player/ios/GstPlay.xcodeproj - xcodebuild -alltargets -destination generic/platform=iOS -project ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-examples/playback/player/ios/GstPlay.xcodeproj ${XCODE_BUILD_ARGS} after_script: - rm -rf ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-examples ${EXAMPLES_HOME}/gst-docs tags: - gst-ios-13.2 cross-ios universal examples: extends: ".cross-ios universal examples" needs: - "build cerbero cross-ios universal" cerbero cross-ios universal examples: extends: ".cross-ios universal examples" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME == "cerbero"' needs: - "cerbero cross-ios universal" build gst-omx zynq fedora x86_64: extends: 'build fedora x86_64' variables: MESON_ARGS: "-Domx=enabled -Dgst-omx:target=zynqultrascaleplus -Dgst-omx:header_path=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/vcu-omx-il/omx_header -Dpython=disabled -Dlibav=disabled -Dlibnice=disabled -Dugly=disabled -Dbad=disabled -Ddevtools=disabled -Dges=disabled -Drtsp_server=disabled -Dvaapi=disabled -Dsharp=disabled -Dgst-examples=disabled -Drs=disabled ${MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS} --werror" rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME =~ /^(gst-omx|gst-ci)$/' before_script: - git clone --branch=release-2019.2 ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/vcu-omx-il build gst-omx tizonia fedora x86_64: extends: 'build fedora x86_64' variables: MESON_ARGS: "-Domx=enabled -Dgst-omx:target=tizonia -Dpython=disabled -Dlibav=disabled -Dlibnice=disabled -Dugly=disabled -Dbad=disabled -Ddevtools=disabled -Dges=disabled -Drtsp_server=disabled -Dvaapi=disabled -Dsharp=disabled -Dgst-examples=disabled -Drs=disabled ${MESON_BUILDTYPE_ARGS} --werror" PKG_CONFIG_PATH: ${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/tizonia-install/lib64/pkgconfig/ rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAME =~ /^(gst-omx|gst-ci)$/' before_script: - git clone --branch v0.20.2 - cd tizonia-openmax-il - meson build -Dclients=false -Dplugins='' -Dplayer=false -Dprefix=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/tizonia-install - ninja -C build - ninja -C build install - cd ..