/* Goom Project * Copyright (C) <2003> iOS-Software * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "sound_tester.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /* some constants */ #define BIG_GOOM_DURATION 100 #define BIG_GOOM_SPEED_LIMIT 0.1f #define ACCEL_MULT 0.95f #define SPEED_MULT 0.99f void evaluate_sound (gint16 data[2][512], SoundInfo * info) { int i; float difaccel; float prevspeed; /* find the max */ int incvar = 0; for (i = 0; i < 512; i += 2) { if (incvar < data[0][i]) incvar = data[0][i]; } if (incvar > info->allTimesMax) info->allTimesMax = incvar; /* volume sonore */ info->volume = (float) incvar / (float) info->allTimesMax; memcpy (info->samples[0], data[0], 512 * sizeof (short)); memcpy (info->samples[1], data[1], 512 * sizeof (short)); difaccel = info->accelvar; info->accelvar = info->volume; /* accel entre 0 et 1 */ /* transformations sur la vitesse du son */ if (info->speedvar > 1.0f) info->speedvar = 1.0f; if (info->speedvar < 0.1f) info->accelvar *= (1.0f - (float) info->speedvar); else if (info->speedvar < 0.3f) info->accelvar *= (0.9f - (float) (info->speedvar - 0.1f) / 2.0f); else info->accelvar *= (0.8f - (float) (info->speedvar - 0.3f) / 4.0f); /* adoucissement de l'acceleration */ info->accelvar *= ACCEL_MULT; if (info->accelvar < 0) info->accelvar = 0; difaccel = info->accelvar - difaccel; if (difaccel < 0) difaccel = -difaccel; /* mise a jour de la vitesse */ prevspeed = info->speedvar; info->speedvar = (info->speedvar + difaccel * 0.5f) / 2; info->speedvar *= SPEED_MULT; info->speedvar = (info->speedvar + 3.0f * prevspeed) / 4.0f; if (info->speedvar < 0) info->speedvar = 0; if (info->speedvar > 1) info->speedvar = 1; /* temps du goom */ info->timeSinceLastGoom++; info->timeSinceLastBigGoom++; info->cycle++; /* detection des nouveaux gooms */ if ((info->speedvar > (float) IVAL (info->biggoom_speed_limit_p) / 100.0f) && (info->accelvar > info->bigGoomLimit) && (info->timeSinceLastBigGoom > BIG_GOOM_DURATION)) { info->timeSinceLastBigGoom = 0; } if (info->accelvar > info->goom_limit) { /* TODO: tester && (info->timeSinceLastGoom > 20)) { */ info->totalgoom++; info->timeSinceLastGoom = 0; info->goomPower = info->accelvar - info->goom_limit; } if (info->accelvar > info->prov_max) info->prov_max = info->accelvar; if (info->goom_limit > 1) info->goom_limit = 1; /* toute les 2 secondes : v�rifier si le taux de goom est correct * et le modifier sinon.. */ if (info->cycle % 64 == 0) { if (info->speedvar < 0.01f) info->goom_limit *= 0.91; if (info->totalgoom > 4) { info->goom_limit += 0.02; } if (info->totalgoom > 7) { info->goom_limit *= 1.03f; info->goom_limit += 0.03; } if (info->totalgoom > 16) { info->goom_limit *= 1.05f; info->goom_limit += 0.04; } if (info->totalgoom == 0) { info->goom_limit = info->prov_max - 0.02; } if ((info->totalgoom == 1) && (info->goom_limit > 0.02)) info->goom_limit -= 0.01; info->totalgoom = 0; info->bigGoomLimit = info->goom_limit * (1.0f + (float) IVAL (info->biggoom_factor_p) / 500.0f); info->prov_max = 0; } /* mise a jour des parametres pour la GUI */ FVAL (info->volume_p) = info->volume; info->volume_p.change_listener (&info->volume_p); FVAL (info->speed_p) = info->speedvar * 4; info->speed_p.change_listener (&info->speed_p); FVAL (info->accel_p) = info->accelvar; info->accel_p.change_listener (&info->accel_p); FVAL (info->goom_limit_p) = info->goom_limit; info->goom_limit_p.change_listener (&info->goom_limit_p); FVAL (info->goom_power_p) = info->goomPower; info->goom_power_p.change_listener (&info->goom_power_p); FVAL (info->last_goom_p) = 1.0 - ((float) info->timeSinceLastGoom / 20.0f); info->last_goom_p.change_listener (&info->last_goom_p); FVAL (info->last_biggoom_p) = 1.0 - ((float) info->timeSinceLastBigGoom / 40.0f); info->last_biggoom_p.change_listener (&info->last_biggoom_p); /* bigGoomLimit ==goomLimit*9/8+7 ? */ }