udptransfer data via UDP../../gst/udp/.libs/libgstudp.solibgstudp.so1.5.90LGPLgst-plugins-goodGStreamer Good Plug-ins source releaseUnknown package origindynudpsinkUDP packet senderSink/NetworkSend data over the network via UDP with packet destinations picked up dynamically from meta on the buffers passedPhilippe Khalaf <burger@speedy.org>sinksinkalwaysANYmultiudpsinkUDP packet senderSink/NetworkSend data over the network via UDP to one or multiple recipients which can be added or removed at runtime using action signalsWim Taymans <wim.taymans@gmail.com>sinksinkalwaysANYudpsinkUDP packet senderSink/NetworkSend data over the network via UDPWim Taymans <wim@fluendo.com>sinksinkalwaysANYudpsrcUDP packet receiverSource/NetworkReceive data over the network via UDPWim Taymans <wim@fluendo.com>, Thijs Vermeir <thijs.vermeir@barco.com>srcsourcealwaysANY