.TH GStreamer 1 "June 2001" .SH NAME gst\-complete - do bash completion for gst\-launch command\-lines .SH SYNOPSIS .B complete -C gst\-complete gst\-launch .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \fIgst\-complete\fP is a utility enabling bash to provide context sensitive tab completion for \fIgst\-launch\fP command\-lines. . See other docs for the syntax of \fIgst\-launch\fP command\-lines. . You must have a version of bash which supports Programmable Completion. Versions of bash which support this provide the \fIcomplete\fP builtin command. . .SH USAGE Generate the registry of available plugins by running \fIgst\-compprep\fP. . In your .bash_profile or other appropriate place, run .TP 8 .B complete -C gst\-complete gst\-launch .SH SEE ALSO .BR gst\-compreg (1), .BR gst\-lanuch (1), .BR gst\-register (1), .BR gst\-inspect (1), .BR gst\-config (1) .SH AUTHOR The GStreamer team at http://gstreamer.net/