Mapping Timeline position to Track position ------------------------------------------- TrackObject/TimelineObject basic properties (hereafter position): start duration in-point priority Use Cases: A TimelineObject can be tracking one or many TrackObject(s). When the TimelineObject position is modified we might need to cascade those changes to the controlled TrackObject(s) if those TrackObject(s) are 'locked' to the TimelineObject. If we modify the positions of a TrackObject that TrackObject is 'locked' to the TimelineObject, we need to ensure all the other co-related TrackObject belong to the same TimelineObject are moved in the same way. A TrackObject can be temporarily 'unlocked' from its TimelineObject, so as to move it independently, and then 'locked' back to it. This can allow moves, like shifting audio trackobject in relation to the video trackobject (to fix sync issues) and then 'lock' them back so as to be able to move them as one entity thereafter. When adding TimelineOverlay(s) or TimelineEffect(s) on a TimelineObject, we need to ensure the TrackObject(s) that those extra effects will create can be added with specific priority offsets, in such a way that they always end up "on top" of the TimelineObject's existing tracked TrackObject(s). When a controlled TrackObject is being moved when 'unlocked', we need to make sure the duration/height of the TimelineObject is updated accordingly. Ex : moving a TrackObject down by one priority should increase the TimelineObject "heigh" property by 1. Main Problem: There needs to be a mapping between the TimelineObject basic properties and its controlled TrackObject(s) position. Design: TBD