/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) 2001 RidgeRun (http://www.ridgerun.com/) * Written by Erik Walthinsen * * gstindex.c: Index for mappings and other data * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "gstlog.h" #include "gst_private.h" #include "gstregistry.h" #include "gstindex.h" /* Index signals and args */ enum { ENTRY_ADDED, LAST_SIGNAL }; enum { ARG_0, /* FILL ME */ }; static void gst_index_class_init (GstIndexClass *klass); static void gst_index_init (GstIndex *index); #define CLASS(index) GST_INDEX_CLASS (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (index)) static GstObject *parent_class = NULL; static guint gst_index_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; GType gst_index_get_type(void) { static GType index_type = 0; if (!index_type) { static const GTypeInfo index_info = { sizeof(GstIndexClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc)gst_index_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof(GstIndex), 1, (GInstanceInitFunc)gst_index_init, NULL }; index_type = g_type_register_static(GST_TYPE_OBJECT, "GstIndex", &index_info, 0); } return index_type; } static void gst_index_class_init (GstIndexClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class; GstElementClass *gstelement_class; gobject_class = (GObjectClass*)klass; gstelement_class = (GstElementClass*)klass; parent_class = g_type_class_ref(GST_TYPE_OBJECT); gst_index_signals[ENTRY_ADDED] = g_signal_new ("entry_added", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GstIndexClass, entry_added), NULL, NULL, gst_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); } static GstIndexGroup * gst_index_group_new(guint groupnum) { GstIndexGroup *indexgroup = g_new(GstIndexGroup,1); indexgroup->groupnum = groupnum; indexgroup->entries = NULL; indexgroup->certainty = GST_INDEX_UNKNOWN; indexgroup->peergroup = -1; GST_DEBUG(0, "created new index group %d",groupnum); return indexgroup; } static void gst_index_init (GstIndex *index) { index->curgroup = gst_index_group_new(0); index->maxgroup = 0; index->groups = g_list_prepend(NULL, index->curgroup); index->writers = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); index->last_id = 0; GST_DEBUG(0, "created new index"); } /** * gst_index_new: * * Create a new tileindex object * * Returns: a new index object */ GstIndex * gst_index_new() { GstIndex *index; index = g_object_new (gst_index_get_type (), NULL); return index; } /** * gst_index_get_group: * @index: the index to get the current group from * * Get the id of the current group. * * Returns: the id of the current group. */ gint gst_index_get_group(GstIndex *index) { return index->curgroup->groupnum; } /** * gst_index_new_group: * @index: the index to create the new group in * * Create a new group for the given index. It will be * set as the current group. * * Returns: the id of the newly created group. */ gint gst_index_new_group(GstIndex *index) { index->curgroup = gst_index_group_new(++index->maxgroup); index->groups = g_list_append(index->groups,index->curgroup); GST_DEBUG(0, "created new group %d in index",index->maxgroup); return index->maxgroup; } /** * gst_index_set_group: * @index: the index to set the new group in * @groupnum: the groupnumber to set * * Set the current groupnumber to the given argument. * * Returns: TRUE if the operation succeeded, FALSE if the group * did not exist. */ gboolean gst_index_set_group(GstIndex *index, gint groupnum) { GList *list; GstIndexGroup *indexgroup; /* first check for null change */ if (groupnum == index->curgroup->groupnum) return TRUE; /* else search for the proper group */ list = index->groups; while (list) { indexgroup = (GstIndexGroup *)(list->data); list = g_list_next(list); if (indexgroup->groupnum == groupnum) { index->curgroup = indexgroup; GST_DEBUG(0, "switched to index group %d", indexgroup->groupnum); return TRUE; } } /* couldn't find the group in question */ GST_DEBUG(0, "couldn't find index group %d",groupnum); return FALSE; } /** * gst_index_set_certainty: * @index: the index to set the certainty on * @certainty: the certainty to set * * Set the certainty of the given index. */ void gst_index_set_certainty(GstIndex *index, GstIndexCertainty certainty) { index->curgroup->certainty = certainty; } /** * gst_index_get_certainty: * @index: the index to get the certainty of * * Get the certainty of the given index. * * Returns: the certainty of the index. */ GstIndexCertainty gst_index_get_certainty(GstIndex *index) { return index->curgroup->certainty; } void gst_index_set_filter (GstIndex *index, GstIndexFilter filter, gpointer user_data) { g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index)); index->filter = filter; index->filter_user_data = user_data; } void gst_index_set_resolver (GstIndex *index, GstIndexResolver resolver, gpointer user_data) { g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index)); index->resolver = resolver; index->resolver_user_data = user_data; } void gst_index_entry_free (GstIndexEntry *entry) { g_free (entry); } /** * gst_index_add_format: * @index: the index to add the entry to * @id: the id of the index writer * @format: the format to add to the index * * Adds a format entry into the index. This function is * used to map dynamic GstFormat ids to their original * format key. * * Returns: a pointer to the newly added entry in the index. */ GstIndexEntry* gst_index_add_format (GstIndex *index, gint id, GstFormat format) { GstIndexEntry *entry; const GstFormatDefinition* def; g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (format != 0, NULL); entry = g_new0 (GstIndexEntry, 1); entry->type = GST_INDEX_ENTRY_FORMAT; entry->id = id; entry->data.format.format = format; def = gst_format_get_details (format); entry->data.format.key = def->nick; if (CLASS (index)->add_entry) CLASS (index)->add_entry (index, entry); g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (index), gst_index_signals[ENTRY_ADDED], 0, entry); return entry; } /** * gst_index_add_id: * @index: the index to add the entry to * @id: the id of the index writer * @description: the description of the index writer * * Returns: a pointer to the newly added entry in the index. */ GstIndexEntry* gst_index_add_id (GstIndex *index, gint id, gchar *description) { GstIndexEntry *entry; g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (description != NULL, NULL); entry = g_new0 (GstIndexEntry, 1); entry->type = GST_INDEX_ENTRY_ID; entry->id = id; entry->data.id.description = description; if (CLASS (index)->add_entry) CLASS (index)->add_entry (index, entry); g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (index), gst_index_signals[ENTRY_ADDED], 0, entry); return entry; } /** * gst_index_get_writer_id: * @index: the index to get a unique write id for * @writer: the GstObject to allocate an id for * @id: a pointer to a gint to hold the id * * Before entries can be added to the index, a writer * should obtain a unique id. The methods to add new entries * to the index require this id as an argument. * * The application or a GstIndex subclass can implement * custom functions to map the writer object to an id. * * Returns: TRUE if the writer would be mapped to an id. */ gboolean gst_index_get_writer_id (GstIndex *index, GstObject *writer, gint *id) { gchar *writer_string = NULL; gboolean success = FALSE; GstIndexEntry *entry; g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_OBJECT (writer), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (id, FALSE); *id = -1; entry = g_hash_table_lookup (index->writers, writer); if (entry == NULL) { *id = index->last_id; writer_string = gst_object_get_path_string (writer); gst_index_add_id (index, *id, writer_string); index->last_id++; g_hash_table_insert (index->writers, writer, entry); } if (CLASS (index)->resolve_writer) { success = CLASS (index)->resolve_writer (index, writer, id, &writer_string); } if (index->resolver) { success = index->resolver (index, writer, id, &writer_string, index->resolver_user_data); } return success; } /** * gst_index_add_association: * @index: the index to add the entry to * @id: the id of the index writer * @format: the format of the value * @value: the value * @...: other format/value pairs or 0 to end the list * * Associate given format/value pairs with eachother. * Be sure to pass gint64 values to this functions varargs, * you might want to use a gint64 cast to be sure. * * Returns: a pointer to the newly added entry in the index. */ GstIndexEntry* gst_index_add_association (GstIndex *index, gint id, GstAssocFlags flags, GstFormat format, gint64 value, ...) { va_list args; GstIndexAssociation *assoc; GstIndexEntry *entry; gulong size; gint nassocs = 0; GstFormat cur_format; volatile gint64 dummy; g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (format != 0, NULL); va_start (args, value); cur_format = format; while (cur_format) { nassocs++; cur_format = va_arg (args, GstFormat); if (cur_format) dummy = va_arg (args, gint64); } va_end (args); /* make room for two assoc */ size = sizeof (GstIndexEntry) + (sizeof (GstIndexAssociation) * nassocs); entry = g_malloc (size); entry->type = GST_INDEX_ENTRY_ASSOCIATION; entry->id = id; entry->data.assoc.flags = flags; assoc = (GstIndexAssociation *) (((guint8 *) entry) + sizeof (GstIndexEntry)); entry->data.assoc.assocs = assoc; entry->data.assoc.nassocs = nassocs; va_start (args, value); while (format) { assoc->format = format; assoc->value = value; assoc++; format = va_arg (args, GstFormat); if (format) value = va_arg (args, gint64); } va_end (args); if (CLASS (index)->add_entry) CLASS (index)->add_entry (index, entry); g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (index), gst_index_signals[ENTRY_ADDED], 0, entry); return entry; } static gint gst_index_compare_func (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer user_data) { return a - b; } GstIndexEntry* gst_index_get_assoc_entry (GstIndex *index, gint id, GstIndexLookupMethod method, GstFormat format, gint64 value) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index), NULL); return gst_index_get_assoc_entry_full (index, id, method, format, value, gst_index_compare_func, NULL); } GstIndexEntry* gst_index_get_assoc_entry_full (GstIndex *index, gint id, GstIndexLookupMethod method, GstFormat format, gint64 value, GCompareDataFunc func, gpointer user_data) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index), NULL); if (CLASS(index)->get_assoc_entry) return CLASS (index)->get_assoc_entry (index, id, method, format, value, func, user_data); return NULL; } gboolean gst_index_entry_assoc_map (GstIndexEntry *entry, GstFormat format, gint64 *value) { gint i; g_return_val_if_fail (entry != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (value != NULL, FALSE); for (i = 0; i < GST_INDEX_NASSOCS (entry); i++) { if (GST_INDEX_ASSOC_FORMAT (entry, i) == format) { *value = GST_INDEX_ASSOC_VALUE (entry, i); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static void gst_index_factory_class_init (GstIndexFactoryClass *klass); static void gst_index_factory_init (GstIndexFactory *factory); static GstPluginFeatureClass *factory_parent_class = NULL; /* static guint gst_index_factory_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; */ GType gst_index_factory_get_type (void) { static GType indexfactory_type = 0; if (!indexfactory_type) { static const GTypeInfo indexfactory_info = { sizeof (GstIndexFactoryClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc) gst_index_factory_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof(GstIndexFactory), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) gst_index_factory_init, NULL }; indexfactory_type = g_type_register_static (GST_TYPE_PLUGIN_FEATURE, "GstIndexFactory", &indexfactory_info, 0); } return indexfactory_type; } static void gst_index_factory_class_init (GstIndexFactoryClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class; GstObjectClass *gstobject_class; GstPluginFeatureClass *gstpluginfeature_class; gobject_class = (GObjectClass*)klass; gstobject_class = (GstObjectClass*)klass; gstpluginfeature_class = (GstPluginFeatureClass*) klass; factory_parent_class = g_type_class_ref (GST_TYPE_PLUGIN_FEATURE); } static void gst_index_factory_init (GstIndexFactory *factory) { } /** * gst_index_factory_new: * @name: name of indexfactory to create * @longdesc: long description of indexfactory to create * @type: the GType of the GstIndex element of this factory * * Create a new indexfactory with the given parameters * * Returns: a new #GstIndexFactory. */ GstIndexFactory* gst_index_factory_new (const gchar *name, const gchar *longdesc, GType type) { GstIndexFactory *factory; g_return_val_if_fail(name != NULL, NULL); factory = gst_index_factory_find (name); if (!factory) { factory = GST_INDEX_FACTORY (g_object_new (GST_TYPE_INDEX_FACTORY, NULL)); } GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE_NAME (factory) = g_strdup (name); if (factory->longdesc) g_free (factory->longdesc); factory->longdesc = g_strdup (longdesc); factory->type = type; return factory; } /** * gst_index_factory_destroy: * @factory: factory to destroy * * Removes the index from the global list. */ void gst_index_factory_destroy (GstIndexFactory *factory) { g_return_if_fail (factory != NULL); /* we don't free the struct bacause someone might have a handle to it.. */ } /** * gst_index_factory_find: * @name: name of indexfactory to find * * Search for an indexfactory of the given name. * * Returns: #GstIndexFactory if found, NULL otherwise */ GstIndexFactory* gst_index_factory_find (const gchar *name) { GstPluginFeature *feature; g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL); GST_DEBUG (0,"gstindex: find \"%s\"", name); feature = gst_registry_pool_find_feature (name, GST_TYPE_INDEX_FACTORY); if (feature) return GST_INDEX_FACTORY (feature); return NULL; } /** * gst_index_factory_create: * @factory: the factory used to create the instance * * Create a new #GstIndex instance from the * given indexfactory. * * Returns: A new #GstIndex instance. */ GstIndex* gst_index_factory_create (GstIndexFactory *factory) { GstIndex *new = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (factory != NULL, NULL); if (gst_plugin_feature_ensure_loaded (GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE (factory))) { g_return_val_if_fail (factory->type != 0, NULL); new = GST_INDEX (g_object_new(factory->type,NULL)); } return new; } /** * gst_index_factory_make: * @name: the name of the factory used to create the instance * * Create a new #GstIndex instance from the * indexfactory with the given name. * * Returns: A new #GstIndex instance. */ GstIndex* gst_index_factory_make (const gchar *name) { GstIndexFactory *factory; g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL); factory = gst_index_factory_find (name); if (factory == NULL) return NULL; return gst_index_factory_create (factory); }