opencv_dep = dependency('', required: false) gstopencv_dep = dependency('', required: false) opencv_opt = get_option('opencv') if opencv_opt.disabled() subdir_done() endif opencv_sources = files([ 'gstopencvutils.cpp', 'gstopencvvideofilter.cpp', ]) opencv_headers = files([ 'opencv-prelude.h', 'gstopencvutils.h', 'gstopencvvideofilter.h', ]) libopencv_headers = [ 'opencv2/bgsegm.hpp', 'opencv2/calib3d.hpp', 'opencv2/core.hpp', 'opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp', 'opencv2/imgproc.hpp', 'opencv2/objdetect.hpp', 'opencv2/opencv.hpp', 'opencv2/video.hpp', 'opencv2/tracking.hpp', ] gstopencv_cargs = [] opencv_dep = dependency('opencv', version : ['>= 3.0.0', '< 3.5.0'], required : false) if not opencv_dep.found() opencv_dep = dependency('opencv4', version : ['>= 4.0.0'], required : opencv_opt) if not opencv_dep.found() subdir_done() endif endif opencv_found = true foreach h : libopencv_headers if not cxx.has_header(h, dependencies: opencv_dep) message('Needed header "' + h + '" not found') opencv_found = false endif endforeach if not opencv_found if opencv_opt.enabled() error('opencv enabled, but needed headers not found') endif subdir_done() endif opencv_prefix = opencv_dep.get_variable('prefix') gstopencv_cargs += ['-DOPENCV_PREFIX="' + opencv_prefix + '"'] # opencv4 seems to ship with .pc file that references non-existent include dir # (/usr/include/opencv4/opencv instead of /usr/include/opencv4/opencv2) # clang 10 complains about the following header in opencv4 # /usr/include/opencv4/opencv2/flann/logger.h:83:36: error: format string is not a string literal [-Werror,-Wformat-nonliteral] gstopencv_cargs += cxx.get_supported_arguments(['-Wno-missing-include-dirs', '-Wno-format-nonliteral']) # Check the data dir used by opencv for its xml data files # Use prefix from pkg-config to be compatible with cross-compilation fsmod = import('fs') opencv_path_name = '' foreach d : ['opencv', 'OpenCV', 'opencv4'] if fsmod.is_dir(opencv_prefix / 'share' / d) opencv_path_name = d break endif endforeach if opencv_path_name != '' gstopencv_cargs += [f'-DOPENCV_PATH_NAME="@d@"'] else if opencv_opt.enabled() error('opencv enabled, but data directory not found') endif message('Unable to detect OpenCV data directory in ' + opencv_prefix) subdir_done() endif pkg_name = 'gstreamer-opencv-1.0' gstopencv = library('gstopencv-' + api_version, opencv_sources, c_args : gst_plugins_bad_args + ['-DBUILDING_GST_OPENCV'], cpp_args : gst_plugins_bad_args + gstopencv_cargs + ['-DBUILDING_GST_OPENCV', '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="GStreamer-OpenCV"'], override_options : ['cpp_std=c++11'], include_directories : [configinc, libsinc], version : libversion, soversion : soversion, darwin_versions : osxversion, install : true, dependencies : [gstbase_dep, gstvideo_dep, opencv_dep], ) doc_sources = [] foreach s: opencv_sources + opencv_headers doc_sources += s.full_path() endforeach libs_c_sources += { 'opencv': pathsep.join(doc_sources) } gst_libraries += [[pkg_name, {'lib': gstopencv}]] gstopencv_dep = declare_dependency(link_with: gstopencv, include_directories : [libsinc], dependencies : [gstvideo_dep, opencv_dep]) meson.override_dependency(pkg_name, gstopencv_dep) install_headers(opencv_headers, subdir : 'gstreamer-1.0/gst/opencv')