/* GStreamer H.265 Parser
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation
 *  Contact:Sreerenj Balachandran <sreerenj.balachandran@intel.com>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#  include "config.h"

#include <gst/base/base.h>
#include <gst/pbutils/pbutils.h>
#include <gst/video/video.h>
#include "gsth265parse.h"

#include <string.h>

GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY (h265_parse_debug);
#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT h265_parse_debug





static GstStaticPadTemplate sinktemplate = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("sink",
    GST_STATIC_CAPS ("video/x-h265"));

static GstStaticPadTemplate srctemplate = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("src",
    GST_STATIC_CAPS ("video/x-h265, parsed = (boolean) true, "
        "stream-format=(string) { hvc1, hev1, byte-stream }, "
        "alignment=(string) { au, nal }"));

#define parent_class gst_h265_parse_parent_class
G_DEFINE_TYPE (GstH265Parse, gst_h265_parse, GST_TYPE_BASE_PARSE);

static void gst_h265_parse_finalize (GObject * object);

static gboolean gst_h265_parse_start (GstBaseParse * parse);
static gboolean gst_h265_parse_stop (GstBaseParse * parse);
static GstFlowReturn gst_h265_parse_handle_frame (GstBaseParse * parse,
    GstBaseParseFrame * frame, gint * skipsize);
static GstFlowReturn gst_h265_parse_parse_frame (GstBaseParse * parse,
    GstBaseParseFrame * frame);
static GstFlowReturn gst_h265_parse_pre_push_frame (GstBaseParse * parse,
    GstBaseParseFrame * frame);

static void gst_h265_parse_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
    const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec);
static void gst_h265_parse_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
    GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec);

static gboolean gst_h265_parse_set_caps (GstBaseParse * parse, GstCaps * caps);
static GstCaps *gst_h265_parse_get_caps (GstBaseParse * parse,
    GstCaps * filter);
static gboolean gst_h265_parse_event (GstBaseParse * parse, GstEvent * event);
static gboolean gst_h265_parse_src_event (GstBaseParse * parse,
    GstEvent * event);

static void
gst_h265_parse_class_init (GstH265ParseClass * klass)
  GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
  GstBaseParseClass *parse_class = GST_BASE_PARSE_CLASS (klass);
  GstElementClass *gstelement_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (klass);

  GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (h265_parse_debug, "h265parse", 0, "h265 parser");

  gobject_class->finalize = gst_h265_parse_finalize;
  gobject_class->set_property = gst_h265_parse_set_property;
  gobject_class->get_property = gst_h265_parse_get_property;

  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_CONFIG_INTERVAL,
      g_param_spec_uint ("config-interval",
          "VPS SPS PPS Send Interval",
          "Send VPS, SPS and PPS Insertion Interval in seconds (sprop parameter sets "
          "will be multiplexed in the data stream when detected.) (0 = disabled)",
          0, 3600, DEFAULT_CONFIG_INTERVAL,
  /* Override BaseParse vfuncs */
  parse_class->start = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_h265_parse_start);
  parse_class->stop = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_h265_parse_stop);
  parse_class->handle_frame = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_h265_parse_handle_frame);
  parse_class->pre_push_frame =
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_h265_parse_pre_push_frame);
  parse_class->set_sink_caps = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_h265_parse_set_caps);
  parse_class->get_sink_caps = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_h265_parse_get_caps);
  parse_class->sink_event = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_h265_parse_event);
  parse_class->src_event = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_h265_parse_src_event);

  gst_element_class_add_static_pad_template (gstelement_class, &srctemplate);
  gst_element_class_add_static_pad_template (gstelement_class, &sinktemplate);

  gst_element_class_set_static_metadata (gstelement_class, "H.265 parser",
      "Parses H.265 streams",
      "Sreerenj Balachandran <sreerenj.balachandran@intel.com>");

static void
gst_h265_parse_init (GstH265Parse * h265parse)
  h265parse->frame_out = gst_adapter_new ();
  gst_base_parse_set_pts_interpolation (GST_BASE_PARSE (h265parse), FALSE);

static void
gst_h265_parse_finalize (GObject * object)
  GstH265Parse *h265parse = GST_H265_PARSE (object);

  g_object_unref (h265parse->frame_out);

  G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object);

static void
gst_h265_parse_reset_frame (GstH265Parse * h265parse)
  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "reset frame");

  /* done parsing; reset state */
  h265parse->current_off = -1;

  h265parse->picture_start = FALSE;
  h265parse->update_caps = FALSE;
  h265parse->idr_pos = -1;
  h265parse->sei_pos = -1;
  h265parse->keyframe = FALSE;
  h265parse->header = FALSE;
  gst_adapter_clear (h265parse->frame_out);

static void
gst_h265_parse_reset (GstH265Parse * h265parse)
  h265parse->width = 0;
  h265parse->height = 0;
  h265parse->fps_num = 0;
  h265parse->fps_den = 0;
  h265parse->upstream_par_n = -1;
  h265parse->upstream_par_d = -1;
  h265parse->parsed_par_n = 0;
  h265parse->parsed_par_n = 0;
  gst_buffer_replace (&h265parse->codec_data, NULL);
  gst_buffer_replace (&h265parse->codec_data_in, NULL);
  h265parse->nal_length_size = 4;
  h265parse->packetized = FALSE;
  h265parse->transform = FALSE;

  h265parse->align = GST_H265_PARSE_ALIGN_NONE;
  h265parse->format = GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_NONE;

  h265parse->last_report = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;
  h265parse->push_codec = FALSE;
  h265parse->have_pps = FALSE;
  h265parse->have_sps = FALSE;
  h265parse->have_vps = FALSE;

  h265parse->sent_codec_tag = FALSE;

  h265parse->pending_key_unit_ts = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;
  h265parse->force_key_unit_event = NULL;

  gst_h265_parse_reset_frame (h265parse);

static gboolean
gst_h265_parse_start (GstBaseParse * parse)
  GstH265Parse *h265parse = GST_H265_PARSE (parse);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (parse, "start");
  gst_h265_parse_reset (h265parse);

  h265parse->nalparser = gst_h265_parser_new ();

  gst_base_parse_set_min_frame_size (parse, 7);

  return TRUE;

static gboolean
gst_h265_parse_stop (GstBaseParse * parse)
  guint i;
  GstH265Parse *h265parse = GST_H265_PARSE (parse);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (parse, "stop");
  gst_h265_parse_reset (h265parse);

  for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_VPS_COUNT; i++)
    gst_buffer_replace (&h265parse->vps_nals[i], NULL);
  for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_SPS_COUNT; i++)
    gst_buffer_replace (&h265parse->sps_nals[i], NULL);
  for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_PPS_COUNT; i++)
    gst_buffer_replace (&h265parse->pps_nals[i], NULL);

  gst_h265_parser_free (h265parse->nalparser);

  return TRUE;

static const gchar *
gst_h265_parse_get_string (GstH265Parse * parse, gboolean format, gint code)
  if (format) {
    switch (code) {
      case GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_HVC1:
        return "hvc1";
      case GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_HEV1:
        return "hev1";
      case GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_BYTE:
        return "byte-stream";
        return "none";
  } else {
    switch (code) {
      case GST_H265_PARSE_ALIGN_NAL:
        return "nal";
      case GST_H265_PARSE_ALIGN_AU:
        return "au";
        return "none";

static void
gst_h265_parse_format_from_caps (GstCaps * caps, guint * format, guint * align)
  g_return_if_fail (gst_caps_is_fixed (caps));

  GST_DEBUG ("parsing caps: %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, caps);

  if (format)
    *format = GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_NONE;

  if (align)
    *align = GST_H265_PARSE_ALIGN_NONE;

  if (caps && gst_caps_get_size (caps) > 0) {
    GstStructure *s = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0);
    const gchar *str = NULL;

    if (format) {
      if ((str = gst_structure_get_string (s, "stream-format"))) {
        if (strcmp (str, "hvc1") == 0)
          *format = GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_HVC1;
        else if (strcmp (str, "hev1") == 0)
          *format = GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_HEV1;
        else if (strcmp (str, "byte-stream") == 0)
          *format = GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_BYTE;

    if (align) {
      if ((str = gst_structure_get_string (s, "alignment"))) {
        if (strcmp (str, "au") == 0)
          *align = GST_H265_PARSE_ALIGN_AU;
        else if (strcmp (str, "nal") == 0)
          *align = GST_H265_PARSE_ALIGN_NAL;

/* check downstream caps to configure format and alignment */
static void
gst_h265_parse_negotiate (GstH265Parse * h265parse, gint in_format,
    GstCaps * in_caps)
  GstCaps *caps;
  guint format = GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_NONE;
  guint align = GST_H265_PARSE_ALIGN_NONE;

  g_return_if_fail ((in_caps == NULL) || gst_caps_is_fixed (in_caps));

  caps = gst_pad_get_allowed_caps (GST_BASE_PARSE_SRC_PAD (h265parse));
  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "allowed caps: %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, caps);

  /* concentrate on leading structure, since decodebin parser
   * capsfilter always includes parser template caps */
  if (caps) {
    caps = gst_caps_truncate (caps);
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "negotiating with caps: %" GST_PTR_FORMAT,

  if (in_caps && caps) {
    if (gst_caps_can_intersect (in_caps, caps)) {
      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "downstream accepts upstream caps");
      gst_h265_parse_format_from_caps (in_caps, &format, &align);
      gst_caps_unref (caps);
      caps = NULL;

  /* FIXME We could fail the negotiation immediatly if caps are empty */
  if (caps && !gst_caps_is_empty (caps)) {
    /* fixate to avoid ambiguity with lists when parsing */
    caps = gst_caps_fixate (caps);
    gst_h265_parse_format_from_caps (caps, &format, &align);
    gst_caps_unref (caps);

  /* default */
  if (!format)
    format = GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_BYTE;
  if (!align)
    align = GST_H265_PARSE_ALIGN_AU;

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "selected format %s, alignment %s",
      gst_h265_parse_get_string (h265parse, TRUE, format),
      gst_h265_parse_get_string (h265parse, FALSE, align));

  h265parse->format = format;
  h265parse->align = align;

  h265parse->transform = (in_format != h265parse->format);

static GstBuffer *
gst_h265_parse_wrap_nal (GstH265Parse * h265parse, guint format, guint8 * data,
    guint size)
  GstBuffer *buf;
  guint nl = h265parse->nal_length_size;
  guint32 tmp;

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "nal length %d", size);

  buf = gst_buffer_new_allocate (NULL, 4 + size, NULL);
  if (format == GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_HVC1
      || format == GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_HEV1) {
    tmp = GUINT32_TO_BE (size << (32 - 8 * nl));
  } else {
    /* HACK: nl should always be 4 here, otherwise this won't work.
     * There are legit cases where nl in hevc stream is 2, but byte-stream
     * SC is still always 4 bytes. */
    nl = 4;
    tmp = GUINT32_TO_BE (1);

  gst_buffer_fill (buf, 0, &tmp, sizeof (guint32));
  gst_buffer_fill (buf, nl, data, size);
  gst_buffer_set_size (buf, size + nl);

  return buf;

static void
gst_h265_parser_store_nal (GstH265Parse * h265parse, guint id,
    GstH265NalUnitType naltype, GstH265NalUnit * nalu)
  GstBuffer *buf, **store;
  guint size = nalu->size, store_size;

  if (naltype == GST_H265_NAL_VPS) {
    store_size = GST_H265_MAX_VPS_COUNT;
    store = h265parse->vps_nals;
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "storing vps %u", id);
  } else if (naltype == GST_H265_NAL_SPS) {
    store_size = GST_H265_MAX_SPS_COUNT;
    store = h265parse->sps_nals;
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "storing sps %u", id);
  } else if (naltype == GST_H265_NAL_PPS) {
    store_size = GST_H265_MAX_PPS_COUNT;
    store = h265parse->pps_nals;
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "storing pps %u", id);
  } else

  if (id >= store_size) {
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "unable to store nal, id out-of-range %d", id);

  buf = gst_buffer_new_allocate (NULL, size, NULL);
  gst_buffer_fill (buf, 0, nalu->data + nalu->offset, size);

  /* Indicate that buffer contain a header needed for decoding */
  if (naltype >= GST_H265_NAL_VPS && naltype <= GST_H265_NAL_PPS)

  if (store[id])
    gst_buffer_unref (store[id]);

  store[id] = buf;

static const gchar *nal_names[] = {
  "Invalid (10)",
  "Invalid (11)",
  "Invalid (12)",
  "Invalid (13)",
  "Invalid (14)",
  "Invalid (15)",
  "Invalid (22)",
  "Invalid (23)",
  "Invalid (24)",
  "Invalid (25)",
  "Invalid (26)",
  "Invalid (27)",
  "Invalid (28)",
  "Invalid (29)",
  "Invalid (30)",
  "Invalid (31)",

static const gchar *
_nal_name (GstH265NalUnitType nal_type)
  if (nal_type <= GST_H265_NAL_SUFFIX_SEI)
    return nal_names[nal_type];
  return "Invalid";

/* caller guarantees 2 bytes of nal payload */
static void
gst_h265_parse_process_nal (GstH265Parse * h265parse, GstH265NalUnit * nalu)
  GstH265PPS pps = { 0, };
  GstH265SPS sps = { 0, };
  GstH265VPS vps = { 0, };
  gboolean is_irap;
  guint nal_type;
  GstH265Parser *nalparser = h265parse->nalparser;
  GstH265ParserResult pres = GST_H265_PARSER_ERROR;

  /* nothing to do for broken input */
  if (G_UNLIKELY (nalu->size < 2)) {
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "not processing nal size %u", nalu->size);

  /* we have a peek as well */
  nal_type = nalu->type;

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "processing nal of type %u %s, size %u",
      nal_type, _nal_name (nal_type), nalu->size);
  switch (nal_type) {
    case GST_H265_NAL_VPS:
      /* It is not mandatory to have VPS in the stream. But it might
       * be needed for other extensions like svc */
      pres = gst_h265_parser_parse_vps (nalparser, nalu, &vps);
      if (pres != GST_H265_PARSER_OK)
        GST_WARNING_OBJECT (h265parse, "failed to parse VPS");

      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "triggering src caps check");
      h265parse->update_caps = TRUE;
      h265parse->have_vps = TRUE;
      if (h265parse->push_codec && h265parse->have_pps) {
        /* VPS/SPS/PPS found in stream before the first pre_push_frame, no need
         * to forcibly push at start */
        GST_INFO_OBJECT (h265parse, "have VPS/SPS/PPS in stream");
        h265parse->push_codec = FALSE;
        h265parse->have_vps = FALSE;
        h265parse->have_sps = FALSE;
        h265parse->have_pps = FALSE;

      gst_h265_parser_store_nal (h265parse, vps.id, nal_type, nalu);
      h265parse->header |= TRUE;
    case GST_H265_NAL_SPS:
      pres = gst_h265_parser_parse_sps (nalparser, nalu, &sps, TRUE);

      /* arranged for a fallback sps.id, so use that one and only warn */
      if (pres != GST_H265_PARSER_OK)
        GST_WARNING_OBJECT (h265parse, "failed to parse SPS:");

      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "triggering src caps check");
      h265parse->update_caps = TRUE;
      h265parse->have_sps = TRUE;
      if (h265parse->push_codec && h265parse->have_pps) {
        /* SPS and PPS found in stream before the first pre_push_frame, no need
         * to forcibly push at start */
        GST_INFO_OBJECT (h265parse, "have SPS/PPS in stream");
        h265parse->push_codec = FALSE;
        h265parse->have_sps = FALSE;
        h265parse->have_pps = FALSE;

      gst_h265_parser_store_nal (h265parse, sps.id, nal_type, nalu);
      h265parse->header |= TRUE;
    case GST_H265_NAL_PPS:
      pres = gst_h265_parser_parse_pps (nalparser, nalu, &pps);

      /* arranged for a fallback pps.id, so use that one and only warn */
      if (pres != GST_H265_PARSER_OK)
        GST_WARNING_OBJECT (h265parse, "failed to parse PPS:");

      /* parameters might have changed, force caps check */
      if (!h265parse->have_pps) {
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "triggering src caps check");
        h265parse->update_caps = TRUE;
      h265parse->have_pps = TRUE;
      if (h265parse->push_codec && h265parse->have_sps) {
        /* SPS and PPS found in stream before the first pre_push_frame, no need
         * to forcibly push at start */
        GST_INFO_OBJECT (h265parse, "have SPS/PPS in stream");
        h265parse->push_codec = FALSE;
        h265parse->have_sps = FALSE;
        h265parse->have_pps = FALSE;

      gst_h265_parser_store_nal (h265parse, pps.id, nal_type, nalu);
      h265parse->header |= TRUE;
    case GST_H265_NAL_PREFIX_SEI:
    case GST_H265_NAL_SUFFIX_SEI:
      /*Fixme: parse sei messages */
      /* mark SEI pos */
      if (h265parse->sei_pos == -1) {
        if (h265parse->transform)
          h265parse->sei_pos = gst_adapter_available (h265parse->frame_out);
          h265parse->sei_pos = nalu->sc_offset;
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "marking SEI in frame at offset %d",

    case GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_TRAIL_N:
    case GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_TRAIL_R:
    case GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_TSA_N:
    case GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_TSA_R:
    case GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_STSA_N:
    case GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_STSA_R:
    case GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_RADL_N:
    case GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_RADL_R:
    case GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_RASL_N:
    case GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_RASL_R:
    case GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_BLA_W_LP:
    case GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_BLA_N_LP:
    case GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_IDR_N_LP:
    case GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_CRA_NUT:
      GstH265SliceHdr slice;

      pres = gst_h265_parser_parse_slice_hdr (nalparser, nalu, &slice);

      if (pres == GST_H265_PARSER_OK) {
        if (GST_H265_IS_I_SLICE (&slice))
          h265parse->keyframe |= TRUE;
      if (slice.first_slice_segment_in_pic_flag == 1)
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse,
            "frame start, first_slice_segment_in_pic_flag = 1");

      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse,
          "parse result %d, first slice_segment: %u, slice type: %u",
          pres, slice.first_slice_segment_in_pic_flag, slice.type);

      gst_h265_slice_hdr_free (&slice);

      is_irap = ((nal_type >= GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_BLA_W_LP)
          && (nal_type <= GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_CRA_NUT)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if (G_LIKELY (!is_irap && !h265parse->push_codec))

      /* if we need to sneak codec NALs into the stream,
       * this is a good place, so fake it as IDR
       * (which should be at start anyway) */
      /* mark where config needs to go if interval expired */
      /* mind replacement buffer if applicable */
      if (h265parse->idr_pos == -1) {
        if (h265parse->transform)
          h265parse->idr_pos = gst_adapter_available (h265parse->frame_out);
          h265parse->idr_pos = nalu->sc_offset;
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "marking IDR in frame at offset %d",
      /* if SEI preceeds (faked) IDR, then we have to insert config there */
      if (h265parse->sei_pos >= 0 && h265parse->idr_pos > h265parse->sei_pos) {
        h265parse->idr_pos = h265parse->sei_pos;
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "moved IDR mark to SEI position %d",
      gst_h265_parser_parse_nal (nalparser, nalu);

  /* if HEVC output needed, collect properly prefixed nal in adapter,
   * and use that to replace outgoing buffer data later on */
  if (h265parse->transform) {
    GstBuffer *buf;

    GST_LOG_OBJECT (h265parse, "collecting NAL in HEVC frame");
    buf = gst_h265_parse_wrap_nal (h265parse, h265parse->format,
        nalu->data + nalu->offset, nalu->size);
    gst_adapter_push (h265parse->frame_out, buf);

/* caller guarantees at least 3 bytes of nal payload for each nal
 * returns TRUE if next_nal indicates that nal terminates an AU */
static inline gboolean
gst_h265_parse_collect_nal (GstH265Parse * h265parse, const guint8 * data,
    guint size, GstH265NalUnit * nalu)
  gboolean complete;
  GstH265ParserResult parse_res;
  GstH265NalUnitType nal_type = nalu->type;
  GstH265NalUnit nnalu;

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "parsing collected nal");
  parse_res = gst_h265_parser_identify_nalu (h265parse->nalparser, data,
      nalu->offset + nalu->size, size, &nnalu);

  if (parse_res == GST_H265_PARSER_ERROR)
    return FALSE;

  /* determine if AU complete */
  GST_LOG_OBJECT (h265parse, "nal type: %d %s", nal_type, _nal_name (nal_type));
  /* coded slice NAL starts a picture,
   * i.e. other types become aggregated in front of it */
  h265parse->picture_start |= ((nal_type >= GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_TRAIL_N
          && nal_type <= GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_RASL_R)
      || (nal_type >= GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_BLA_W_LP
          && nal_type <= RESERVED_IRAP_NAL_TYPE_MAX));

  /* consider a coded slices (IRAP or not) to start a picture,
   * (so ending the previous one) if first_slice_segment_in_pic_flag == 1*/
  nal_type = nnalu.type;
  complete = h265parse->picture_start && ((nal_type >= GST_H265_NAL_VPS
          && nal_type <= GST_H265_NAL_AUD)
      || nal_type == GST_H265_NAL_PREFIX_SEI || (nal_type >= 41
          && nal_type <= 44) || (nal_type >= 48 && nal_type <= 55));

  GST_LOG_OBJECT (h265parse, "next nal type: %d %s", nal_type,
      _nal_name (nal_type));

  /* Any VCL Nal unit with first_slice_segment_in_pic_flag == 1 considered start of frame */
  complete |= h265parse->picture_start
      && (((nal_type >= GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_TRAIL_N
              && nal_type <= GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_RASL_R)
          || (nal_type >= GST_H265_NAL_SLICE_BLA_W_LP
              && nal_type <= RESERVED_IRAP_NAL_TYPE_MAX))
      && (nnalu.data[nnalu.offset + 2] & 0x80));

  GST_LOG_OBJECT (h265parse, "au complete: %d", complete);
  return complete;

static GstFlowReturn
gst_h265_parse_handle_frame_packetized (GstBaseParse * parse,
    GstBaseParseFrame * frame)
  GstH265Parse *h265parse = GST_H265_PARSE (parse);
  GstBuffer *buffer = frame->buffer;
  GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
  GstH265ParserResult parse_res;
  GstH265NalUnit nalu;
  const guint nl = h265parse->nal_length_size;
  GstMapInfo map;
  gint left;

  if (nl < 1 || nl > 4) {
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "insufficient data to split input");

  /* need to save buffer from invalidation upon _finish_frame */
  if (h265parse->split_packetized)
    buffer = gst_buffer_copy (frame->buffer);

  gst_buffer_map (buffer, &map, GST_MAP_READ);

  left = map.size;

  GST_LOG_OBJECT (h265parse,
      "processing packet buffer of size %" G_GSIZE_FORMAT, map.size);

  parse_res = gst_h265_parser_identify_nalu_hevc (h265parse->nalparser,
      map.data, 0, map.size, nl, &nalu);

  while (parse_res == GST_H265_PARSER_OK) {
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "HEVC nal offset %d", nalu.offset + nalu.size);

    /* either way, have a look at it */
    gst_h265_parse_process_nal (h265parse, &nalu);

    /* dispatch per NALU if needed */
    if (h265parse->split_packetized) {
      GstBaseParseFrame tmp_frame;

      gst_base_parse_frame_init (&tmp_frame);
      tmp_frame.flags |= frame->flags;
      tmp_frame.offset = frame->offset;
      tmp_frame.overhead = frame->overhead;
      tmp_frame.buffer = gst_buffer_copy_region (buffer, GST_BUFFER_COPY_ALL,
          nalu.offset, nalu.size);

      /* note we don't need to come up with a sub-buffer, since
       * subsequent code only considers input buffer's metadata.
       * Real data is either taken from input by baseclass or
       * a replacement output buffer is provided anyway. */
      gst_h265_parse_parse_frame (parse, &tmp_frame);
      ret = gst_base_parse_finish_frame (parse, &tmp_frame, nl + nalu.size);
      left -= nl + nalu.size;

    parse_res = gst_h265_parser_identify_nalu_hevc (h265parse->nalparser,
        map.data, nalu.offset + nalu.size, map.size, nl, &nalu);

  gst_buffer_unmap (buffer, &map);

  if (!h265parse->split_packetized) {
    gst_h265_parse_parse_frame (parse, frame);
    ret = gst_base_parse_finish_frame (parse, frame, map.size);
  } else {
    gst_buffer_unref (buffer);
    if (G_UNLIKELY (left)) {
      /* should not be happening for nice HEVC */
      GST_WARNING_OBJECT (parse, "skipping leftover HEVC data %d", left);
      frame->flags |= GST_BASE_PARSE_FRAME_FLAG_DROP;
      ret = gst_base_parse_finish_frame (parse, frame, map.size);

  if (parse_res == GST_H265_PARSER_NO_NAL_END ||
      parse_res == GST_H265_PARSER_BROKEN_DATA) {

    if (h265parse->split_packetized) {
          ("invalid HEVC input data"));
      gst_buffer_unref (buffer);

      return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
    } else {
      /* do not meddle to much in this case */
      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "parsing packet failed");

  return ret;

static GstFlowReturn
gst_h265_parse_handle_frame (GstBaseParse * parse,
    GstBaseParseFrame * frame, gint * skipsize)
  GstH265Parse *h265parse = GST_H265_PARSE (parse);
  GstBuffer *buffer = frame->buffer;
  GstMapInfo map;
  guint8 *data;
  gsize size;
  gint current_off = 0;
  gboolean drain, nonext;
  GstH265Parser *nalparser = h265parse->nalparser;
  GstH265NalUnit nalu;
  GstH265ParserResult pres;
  gint framesize;

  /* delegate in packetized case, no skipping should be needed */
  if (h265parse->packetized)
    return gst_h265_parse_handle_frame_packetized (parse, frame);

  gst_buffer_map (buffer, &map, GST_MAP_READ);
  data = map.data;
  size = map.size;

  /* expect at least 3 bytes startcode == sc, and 3 bytes NALU payload */
  if (G_UNLIKELY (size < 6)) {
    gst_buffer_unmap (buffer, &map);
    *skipsize = 1;
    return GST_FLOW_OK;

  /* need to configure aggregation */
  if (G_UNLIKELY (h265parse->format == GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_NONE))
    gst_h265_parse_negotiate (h265parse, GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_BYTE, NULL);

  /* avoid stale cached parsing state */
  if (frame->flags & GST_BASE_PARSE_FRAME_FLAG_NEW_FRAME) {
    GST_LOG_OBJECT (h265parse, "parsing new frame");
    gst_h265_parse_reset_frame (h265parse);
  } else {
    GST_LOG_OBJECT (h265parse, "resuming frame parsing");

  drain = GST_BASE_PARSE_DRAINING (parse);
  nonext = FALSE;

  current_off = h265parse->current_off;
  if (current_off < 0)
    current_off = 0;
  g_assert (current_off < size);
  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "last parse position %d", current_off);

  /* check for initial skip */
  if (h265parse->current_off == -1) {
    pres =
        gst_h265_parser_identify_nalu_unchecked (nalparser, data, current_off,
        size, &nalu);
    switch (pres) {
      case GST_H265_PARSER_OK:
        if (nalu.sc_offset > 0) {
          *skipsize = nalu.sc_offset;
          goto skip;
      case GST_H265_PARSER_NO_NAL:
        *skipsize = size - 3;
        goto skip;
        g_assert_not_reached ();

  while (TRUE) {
    pres =
        gst_h265_parser_identify_nalu (nalparser, data, current_off, size,

    switch (pres) {
      case GST_H265_PARSER_OK:
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "complete nal (offset, size): (%u, %u) ",
            nalu.offset, nalu.size);
      case GST_H265_PARSER_NO_NAL_END:
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "not a complete nal found at offset %u",
        /* if draining, accept it as complete nal */
        if (drain) {
          nonext = TRUE;
          nalu.size = size - nalu.offset;
          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "draining, accepting with size %u",
          /* if it's not too short at least */
          if (nalu.size < 3)
            goto broken;
        /* otherwise need more */
        goto more;
            ("Error parsing H.265 stream"),
            ("The link to structure needed for the parsing couldn't be found"));
        goto invalid_stream;
      case GST_H265_PARSER_ERROR:
        /* should not really occur either */
            ("Error parsing H.265 stream"), ("Invalid H.265 stream"));
        goto invalid_stream;
      case GST_H265_PARSER_NO_NAL:
            ("Error parsing H.265 stream"), ("No H.265 NAL unit found"));
        goto invalid_stream;
        GST_WARNING_OBJECT (h265parse, "input stream is corrupt; "
            "it contains a NAL unit of length %u", nalu.size);
        /* broken nal at start -> arrange to skip it,
         * otherwise have it terminate current au
         * (and so it will be skipped on next frame round) */
        if (current_off == 0) {
          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "skipping broken nal");
          *skipsize = nalu.offset;
          goto skip;
        } else {
          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "terminating au");
          nalu.size = 0;
          nalu.offset = nalu.sc_offset;
          goto end;
        g_assert_not_reached ();

    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "%p complete nal found. Off: %u, Size: %u",
        data, nalu.offset, nalu.size);

    /* simulate no next nal if none needed */
    nonext = nonext || (h265parse->align == GST_H265_PARSE_ALIGN_NAL);

    if (!nonext) {
      if (nalu.offset + nalu.size + 5 + 2 > size) {
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "not enough data for next NALU");
        if (drain) {
          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "but draining anyway");
          nonext = TRUE;
        } else {
          goto more;

    if (nalu.type == GST_H265_NAL_VPS ||
        nalu.type == GST_H265_NAL_SPS ||
        nalu.type == GST_H265_NAL_PPS ||
        (h265parse->have_sps && h265parse->have_pps)) {
      gst_h265_parse_process_nal (h265parse, &nalu);
    } else {
      GST_WARNING_OBJECT (h265parse,
          "no SPS/PPS yet, nal Type: %d %s, Size: %u will be dropped",
          nalu.type, _nal_name (nalu.type), nalu.size);
      *skipsize = nalu.size;
      goto skip;

    if (nonext)

    /* if no next nal, we know it's complete here */
    if (gst_h265_parse_collect_nal (h265parse, data, size, &nalu))

    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "Looking for more");
    current_off = nalu.offset + nalu.size;

  framesize = nalu.offset + nalu.size;

  gst_buffer_unmap (buffer, &map);

  gst_h265_parse_parse_frame (parse, frame);

  return gst_base_parse_finish_frame (parse, frame, framesize);

  *skipsize = 0;

  /* Restart parsing from here next time */
  if (current_off > 0)
    h265parse->current_off = current_off;

  /* Fall-through. */
  gst_buffer_unmap (buffer, &map);
  return GST_FLOW_OK;

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "skipping %d", *skipsize);
  gst_h265_parse_reset_frame (h265parse);
  goto out;

  gst_buffer_unmap (buffer, &map);
  return GST_FLOW_ERROR;

/* byte together hevc codec data based on collected pps and sps so far */
static GstBuffer *
gst_h265_parse_make_codec_data (GstH265Parse * h265parse)
  GstBuffer *buf, *nal;
  gint i, j, k = 0;
  guint vps_size = 0, sps_size = 0, pps_size = 0;
  guint num_vps = 0, num_sps = 0, num_pps = 0;
  gboolean found = FALSE;
  GstMapInfo map;
  guint8 *data;
  gint nl;
  guint8 num_arrays = 0;
  GstH265SPS *sps = NULL;
  guint16 min_spatial_segmentation_idc = 0;
  GstH265ProfileTierLevel *pft;

  /* only nal payload in stored nals */
  /* Fixme: Current implementation is not embedding SEI in codec_data */
  for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_VPS_COUNT; i++) {
    if ((nal = h265parse->vps_nals[i])) {
      /* size bytes also count */
      vps_size += gst_buffer_get_size (nal) + 2;
  if (num_vps > 0)

  for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_SPS_COUNT; i++) {
    if ((nal = h265parse->sps_nals[i])) {
      /* size bytes also count */
      sps_size += gst_buffer_get_size (nal) + 2;
      found = TRUE;
  if (num_sps > 0)

  for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_PPS_COUNT; i++) {
    if ((nal = h265parse->pps_nals[i])) {
      /* size bytes also count */
      pps_size += gst_buffer_get_size (nal) + 2;
  if (num_pps > 0)

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse,
      "constructing codec_data: num_vps =%d num_sps=%d, num_pps=%d", num_vps,
      num_sps, num_pps);

  if (!found)
    return NULL;

  sps = h265parse->nalparser->last_sps;
  if (!sps)
    return NULL;

  buf =
      gst_buffer_new_allocate (NULL,
      23 + num_arrays + (3 * num_arrays) + vps_size + sps_size + pps_size,
  gst_buffer_map (buf, &map, GST_MAP_WRITE);
  data = map.data;
  memset (data, 0, map.size);
  nl = h265parse->nal_length_size;

  pft = &sps->profile_tier_level;
  if (sps->vui_parameters_present_flag)
    min_spatial_segmentation_idc = sps->vui_params.min_spatial_segmentation_idc;

  /* HEVCDecoderConfigurationVersion = 1
   * profile_space | tier_flat | profile_idc |
   * profile_compatibility_flags | constraint_indicator_flags |
   * level_idc */
  data[0] = 1;
  data[1] =
      (pft->profile_space << 5) | (pft->tier_flag << 5) | pft->profile_idc;
  for (i = 2; i < 6; i++) {
    for (j = 7; j >= 0; j--) {
      data[i] |= (pft->profile_compatibility_flag[k] << j);
  data[6] |=
      (pft->progressive_source_flag << 7) | (pft->interlaced_source_flag << 6) |
      (pft->non_packed_constraint_flag << 5) | (pft->
      frame_only_constraint_flag << 4);
  data[12] = pft->level_idc;
  /* min_spatial_segmentation_idc */
  GST_WRITE_UINT16_BE (data + 13, min_spatial_segmentation_idc);
  data[13] |= 0xf0;
  data[15] = 0xfc;              /* keeping parrallelismType as zero (unknown) */
  data[16] = 0xfc | sps->chroma_format_idc;
  data[17] = 0xf8 | sps->bit_depth_luma_minus8;
  data[18] = 0xf8 | sps->bit_depth_chroma_minus8;
  data[19] = 0x00;              /* keep avgFrameRate as unspecified */
  data[20] = 0x00;              /* keep avgFrameRate as unspecified */
  /* constFrameRate(2 bits): 0, stream may or may not be of constant framerate
   * numTemporalLayers (3 bits): number of temporal layers, value from SPS
   * TemporalIdNested (1 bit): sps_temporal_id_nesting_flag from SPS
   * lengthSizeMinusOne (2 bits): plus 1 indicates the length of the NALUnitLength */
  data[21] =
      0x00 | ((sps->max_sub_layers_minus1 +
          1) << 3) | (sps->temporal_id_nesting_flag << 2) | (nl - 1);
  GST_WRITE_UINT8 (data + 22, num_arrays);      /* numOfArrays */

  data += 23;

  /* VPS */
  if (num_vps > 0) {
    /* array_completeness | reserved_zero bit | nal_unit_type */
    data[0] = 0x00 | 0x20;

    GST_WRITE_UINT16_BE (data, num_vps);
    data += 2;

    for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_VPS_COUNT; i++) {
      if ((nal = h265parse->vps_nals[i])) {
        gsize nal_size = gst_buffer_get_size (nal);
        GST_WRITE_UINT16_BE (data, nal_size);
        gst_buffer_extract (nal, 0, data + 2, nal_size);
        data += 2 + nal_size;

  /* SPS */
  if (num_sps > 0) {
    /* array_completeness | reserved_zero bit | nal_unit_type */
    data[0] = 0x00 | 0x21;

    GST_WRITE_UINT16_BE (data, num_sps);
    data += 2;

    for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_SPS_COUNT; i++) {
      if ((nal = h265parse->sps_nals[i])) {
        gsize nal_size = gst_buffer_get_size (nal);
        GST_WRITE_UINT16_BE (data, nal_size);
        gst_buffer_extract (nal, 0, data + 2, nal_size);
        data += 2 + nal_size;

  /* PPS */
  if (num_pps > 0) {
    /* array_completeness | reserved_zero bit | nal_unit_type */
    data[0] = 0x00 | 0x22;

    GST_WRITE_UINT16_BE (data, num_pps);
    data += 2;

    for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_PPS_COUNT; i++) {
      if ((nal = h265parse->pps_nals[i])) {
        gsize nal_size = gst_buffer_get_size (nal);
        GST_WRITE_UINT16_BE (data, nal_size);
        gst_buffer_extract (nal, 0, data + 2, nal_size);
        data += 2 + nal_size;
  gst_buffer_unmap (buf, &map);

  return buf;

static void
gst_h265_parse_get_par (GstH265Parse * h265parse, gint * num, gint * den)
  if (h265parse->upstream_par_n != -1 && h265parse->upstream_par_d != -1) {
    *num = h265parse->upstream_par_n;
    *den = h265parse->upstream_par_d;
  } else {
    *num = h265parse->parsed_par_n;
    *den = h265parse->parsed_par_d;

static const gchar *
digit_to_string (guint digit)
  static const char itoa[][2] = {
    "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"

  if (G_LIKELY (digit < 10))
    return itoa[digit];
    return NULL;

static const gchar *
get_profile_string (guint8 profile_idc)
  const gchar *profile = NULL;

  if (profile_idc == 1)
    profile = "main";
  else if (profile_idc == 2)
    profile = "main-10";
  else if (profile_idc == 3)
    profile = "main-still-picture";

  return profile;

static const gchar *
get_tier_string (guint8 tier_flag)
  const gchar *tier = NULL;

  if (tier_flag)
    tier = "high";
    tier = "main";

  return tier;

static const gchar *
get_level_string (guint8 level_idc)
  if (level_idc == 0)
    return NULL;
  else if (level_idc % 30 == 0)
    return digit_to_string (level_idc / 30);
  else {
    switch (level_idc) {
      case 63:
        return "2.1";
      case 93:
        return "3.1";
      case 123:
        return "4.1";
      case 153:
        return "5.1";
      case 156:
        return "5.2";
      case 183:
        return "6.1";
      case 186:
        return "6.2";
        return NULL;

static GstCaps *
get_compatible_profile_caps (GstH265SPS * sps)
  GstCaps *caps = NULL;
  const gchar **profiles = NULL;
  gint i;
  GValue compat_profiles = G_VALUE_INIT;
  g_value_init (&compat_profiles, GST_TYPE_LIST);

  switch (sps->profile_tier_level.profile_idc) {
    case GST_H265_PROFILE_MAIN_10:
      if (sps->profile_tier_level.profile_compatibility_flag[1]) {
        if (sps->profile_tier_level.profile_compatibility_flag[3]) {
          static const gchar *profile_array[] =
              { "main", "main-still-picture", NULL };
          profiles = profile_array;
        } else {
          static const gchar *profile_array[] = { "main", NULL };
          profiles = profile_array;
    case GST_H265_PROFILE_MAIN:
      if (sps->profile_tier_level.profile_compatibility_flag[3]) {
        static const gchar *profile_array[] =
            { "main-still-picture", "main-10", NULL
        profiles = profile_array;
      } else {
        static const gchar *profile_array[] = { "main-10", NULL };
        profiles = profile_array;
      static const gchar *profile_array[] = { "main", "main-10", NULL
      profiles = profile_array;

  if (profiles) {
    GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;
    caps = gst_caps_new_empty_simple ("video/x-h265");
    for (i = 0; profiles[i]; i++) {
      g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_STRING);
      g_value_set_string (&value, profiles[i]);
      gst_value_list_append_value (&compat_profiles, &value);
      g_value_unset (&value);
    gst_caps_set_value (caps, "profile", &compat_profiles);
    g_value_unset (&compat_profiles);

  return caps;

/* if downstream didn't support the exact profile indicated in sps header,
 * check for the compatible profiles also */
static void
ensure_caps_profile (GstH265Parse * h265parse, GstCaps * caps, GstH265SPS * sps)
  GstCaps *peer_caps, *compat_caps;

  peer_caps = gst_pad_get_current_caps (GST_BASE_PARSE_SRC_PAD (h265parse));
  if (!peer_caps || !gst_caps_can_intersect (caps, peer_caps)) {
    GstCaps *filter_caps = gst_caps_new_empty_simple ("video/x-h265");

    if (peer_caps)
      gst_caps_unref (peer_caps);
    peer_caps =
        gst_pad_peer_query_caps (GST_BASE_PARSE_SRC_PAD (h265parse),

    gst_caps_unref (filter_caps);

  if (peer_caps && !gst_caps_can_intersect (caps, peer_caps)) {
    GstStructure *structure;

    compat_caps = get_compatible_profile_caps (sps);
    if (compat_caps != NULL) {
      GstCaps *res_caps = NULL;

      res_caps = gst_caps_intersect (peer_caps, compat_caps);

      if (res_caps && !gst_caps_is_empty (res_caps)) {
        const gchar *profile_str = NULL;

        res_caps = gst_caps_fixate (res_caps);
        structure = gst_caps_get_structure (res_caps, 0);
        profile_str = gst_structure_get_string (structure, "profile");
        if (profile_str) {
          gst_caps_set_simple (caps, "profile", G_TYPE_STRING, profile_str,
          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse,
              "Setting compatible profile %s to the caps", profile_str);
      if (res_caps)
        gst_caps_unref (res_caps);
      gst_caps_unref (compat_caps);
  if (peer_caps)
    gst_caps_unref (peer_caps);

static void
gst_h265_parse_update_src_caps (GstH265Parse * h265parse, GstCaps * caps)
  GstH265SPS *sps;
  GstCaps *sink_caps, *src_caps;
  gboolean modified = FALSE;
  GstBuffer *buf = NULL;
  GstStructure *s = NULL;

  if (G_UNLIKELY (!gst_pad_has_current_caps (GST_BASE_PARSE_SRC_PAD
    modified = TRUE;
  else if (G_UNLIKELY (!h265parse->update_caps))

  /* if this is being called from the first _setcaps call, caps on the sinkpad
   * aren't set yet and so they need to be passed as an argument */
  if (caps)
    sink_caps = gst_caps_ref (caps);
    sink_caps = gst_pad_get_current_caps (GST_BASE_PARSE_SINK_PAD (h265parse));

  /* carry over input caps as much as possible; override with our own stuff */
  if (!sink_caps)
    sink_caps = gst_caps_new_empty_simple ("video/x-h265");
    s = gst_caps_get_structure (sink_caps, 0);

  sps = h265parse->nalparser->last_sps;
  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "sps: %p", sps);

  /* only codec-data for nice-and-clean au aligned packetized hevc format */
  if ((h265parse->format == GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_HVC1
          || h265parse->format == GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_HEV1)
      && h265parse->align == GST_H265_PARSE_ALIGN_AU) {
    buf = gst_h265_parse_make_codec_data (h265parse);
    if (buf && h265parse->codec_data) {
      GstMapInfo map;

      gst_buffer_map (buf, &map, GST_MAP_READ);
      if (map.size != gst_buffer_get_size (h265parse->codec_data) ||
          gst_buffer_memcmp (h265parse->codec_data, 0, map.data, map.size))
        modified = TRUE;

      gst_buffer_unmap (buf, &map);
    } else {
      if (!buf && h265parse->codec_data_in)
        buf = gst_buffer_ref (h265parse->codec_data_in);
      modified = TRUE;

  caps = NULL;
  if (G_UNLIKELY (!sps)) {
    caps = gst_caps_copy (sink_caps);
  } else {
    gint crop_width, crop_height;

    if (sps->conformance_window_flag) {
      crop_width = sps->crop_rect_width;
      crop_height = sps->crop_rect_height;
    } else {
      crop_width = sps->width;
      crop_height = sps->height;

    if (G_UNLIKELY (h265parse->width != crop_width ||
            h265parse->height != crop_height)) {
      GST_INFO_OBJECT (h265parse, "resolution changed %dx%d",
          crop_width, crop_height);
      h265parse->width = crop_width;
      h265parse->height = crop_height;
      modified = TRUE;

    /* 0/1 is set as the default in the codec parser */
    if (sps->vui_params.timing_info_present_flag &&
        !(sps->fps_num == 0 && sps->fps_den == 1)) {
      if (G_UNLIKELY (h265parse->fps_num != sps->fps_num
              || h265parse->fps_den != sps->fps_den)) {
        GST_INFO_OBJECT (h265parse, "framerate changed %d/%d",
            sps->fps_num, sps->fps_den);
        h265parse->fps_num = sps->fps_num;
        h265parse->fps_den = sps->fps_den;
        modified = TRUE;

    if (sps->vui_params.aspect_ratio_info_present_flag) {
      if (G_UNLIKELY ((h265parse->parsed_par_n != sps->vui_params.par_n)
              && (h265parse->parsed_par_d != sps->vui_params.par_d))) {
        h265parse->parsed_par_n = sps->vui_params.par_n;
        h265parse->parsed_par_d = sps->vui_params.par_d;
        GST_INFO_OBJECT (h265parse, "pixel aspect ratio has been changed %d/%d",
            h265parse->parsed_par_n, h265parse->parsed_par_d);
        modified = TRUE;


    if (G_UNLIKELY (modified || h265parse->update_caps)) {
      gint fps_num = h265parse->fps_num;
      gint fps_den = h265parse->fps_den;
      gint width, height;
      GstClockTime latency;

      caps = gst_caps_copy (sink_caps);

      /* sps should give this but upstream overrides */
      if (s && gst_structure_has_field (s, "width"))
        gst_structure_get_int (s, "width", &width);
        width = h265parse->width;

      if (s && gst_structure_has_field (s, "height"))
        gst_structure_get_int (s, "height", &height);
        height = h265parse->height;

      gst_caps_set_simple (caps, "width", G_TYPE_INT, width,
          "height", G_TYPE_INT, height, NULL);

      /* upstream overrides */
      if (s && gst_structure_has_field (s, "framerate"))
        gst_structure_get_fraction (s, "framerate", &fps_num, &fps_den);

      /* but not necessarily or reliably this */
      if (fps_num > 0 && fps_den > 0) {
        GST_INFO_OBJECT (h265parse, "setting framerate in caps");
        gst_caps_set_simple (caps, "framerate",
            GST_TYPE_FRACTION, fps_num, fps_den, NULL);
        gst_base_parse_set_frame_rate (GST_BASE_PARSE (h265parse),
            fps_num, fps_den, 0, 0);
        latency = gst_util_uint64_scale (GST_SECOND, fps_den, fps_num);
        gst_base_parse_set_latency (GST_BASE_PARSE (h265parse), latency,

  if (caps) {
    gint par_n, par_d;

    gst_caps_set_simple (caps, "parsed", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE,
        "stream-format", G_TYPE_STRING,
        gst_h265_parse_get_string (h265parse, TRUE, h265parse->format),
        "alignment", G_TYPE_STRING,
        gst_h265_parse_get_string (h265parse, FALSE, h265parse->align), NULL);

    gst_h265_parse_get_par (h265parse, &par_n, &par_d);
    if (par_n != 0 && par_d != 0 &&
        (!s || !gst_structure_has_field (s, "pixel-aspect-ratio"))) {
      GST_INFO_OBJECT (h265parse, "PAR %d/%d", par_n, par_d);
      gst_caps_set_simple (caps, "pixel-aspect-ratio", GST_TYPE_FRACTION,
          par_n, par_d, NULL);

    /* set profile and level in caps */
    if (sps) {
      const gchar *profile, *tier, *level;

      profile = get_profile_string (sps->profile_tier_level.profile_idc);
      if (profile != NULL)
        gst_caps_set_simple (caps, "profile", G_TYPE_STRING, profile, NULL);

      tier = get_tier_string (sps->profile_tier_level.tier_flag);
      if (tier != NULL)
        gst_caps_set_simple (caps, "tier", G_TYPE_STRING, tier, NULL);

      level = get_level_string (sps->profile_tier_level.level_idc);
      if (level != NULL)
        gst_caps_set_simple (caps, "level", G_TYPE_STRING, level, NULL);

      /* relax the profile constraint to find a suitable decoder */
      ensure_caps_profile (h265parse, caps, sps);

    src_caps = gst_pad_get_current_caps (GST_BASE_PARSE_SRC_PAD (h265parse));

    if (src_caps) {
      /* use codec data from old caps for comparison; we don't want to resend caps
         if everything is same except codec data; */
      if (gst_structure_has_field (gst_caps_get_structure (src_caps, 0),
              "codec_data")) {
        gst_caps_set_value (caps, "codec_data",
            gst_structure_get_value (gst_caps_get_structure (src_caps, 0),
      } else if (!buf) {
        GstStructure *s;
        /* remove any left-over codec-data hanging around */
        s = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0);
        gst_structure_remove_field (s, "codec_data");

    if (!(src_caps && gst_caps_is_strictly_equal (src_caps, caps))) {
      /* update codec data to new value */
      if (buf) {
        gst_caps_set_simple (caps, "codec_data", GST_TYPE_BUFFER, buf, NULL);
        gst_buffer_replace (&h265parse->codec_data, buf);
        gst_buffer_unref (buf);
        buf = NULL;
      } else {
        GstStructure *s;
        /* remove any left-over codec-data hanging around */
        s = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0);
        gst_structure_remove_field (s, "codec_data");
        gst_buffer_replace (&h265parse->codec_data, NULL);

      gst_pad_set_caps (GST_BASE_PARSE_SRC_PAD (h265parse), caps);

    if (src_caps)
      gst_caps_unref (src_caps);
    gst_caps_unref (caps);

  gst_caps_unref (sink_caps);
  if (buf)
    gst_buffer_unref (buf);


static GstFlowReturn
gst_h265_parse_parse_frame (GstBaseParse * parse, GstBaseParseFrame * frame)
  GstH265Parse *h265parse;
  GstBuffer *buffer;
  guint av;

  h265parse = GST_H265_PARSE (parse);
  buffer = frame->buffer;

  gst_h265_parse_update_src_caps (h265parse, NULL);

  /* Fixme: Implement timestamp interpolation based on SEI Messagses */
  GST_FIXME_OBJECT (h265parse,
      "Implement timestamp/duration interpolation based on SEI message");

  if (h265parse->keyframe)

  if (h265parse->header)

  /* replace with transformed HEVC output if applicable */
  av = gst_adapter_available (h265parse->frame_out);
  if (av) {
    GstBuffer *buf;

    buf = gst_adapter_take_buffer (h265parse->frame_out, av);
    gst_buffer_copy_into (buf, buffer, GST_BUFFER_COPY_METADATA, 0, -1);
    gst_buffer_replace (&frame->out_buffer, buf);
    gst_buffer_unref (buf);

  return GST_FLOW_OK;

/* sends a codec NAL downstream, decorating and transforming as needed.
 * No ownership is taken of @nal */
static GstFlowReturn
gst_h265_parse_push_codec_buffer (GstH265Parse * h265parse, GstBuffer * nal,
    GstClockTime ts)
  GstMapInfo map;

  gst_buffer_map (nal, &map, GST_MAP_READ);
  nal = gst_h265_parse_wrap_nal (h265parse, h265parse->format,
      map.data, map.size);
  gst_buffer_unmap (nal, &map);


  return gst_pad_push (GST_BASE_PARSE_SRC_PAD (h265parse), nal);

static GstEvent *
check_pending_key_unit_event (GstEvent * pending_event, GstSegment * segment,
    GstClockTime timestamp, guint flags, GstClockTime pending_key_unit_ts)
  GstClockTime running_time, stream_time;
  gboolean all_headers;
  guint count;
  GstEvent *event = NULL;

  g_return_val_if_fail (segment != NULL, NULL);

  if (pending_event == NULL)
    goto out;

  if (GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (pending_key_unit_ts) &&
      timestamp == GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE)
    goto out;

  running_time = gst_segment_to_running_time (segment,
      GST_FORMAT_TIME, timestamp);

      GST_TIME_ARGS (running_time), GST_TIME_ARGS (pending_key_unit_ts));
  if (GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (pending_key_unit_ts) &&
      running_time < pending_key_unit_ts)
    goto out;

    GST_DEBUG ("pending force key unit, waiting for keyframe");
    goto out;

  stream_time = gst_segment_to_stream_time (segment,
      GST_FORMAT_TIME, timestamp);

  if (!gst_video_event_parse_upstream_force_key_unit (pending_event,
          NULL, &all_headers, &count)) {
    gst_video_event_parse_downstream_force_key_unit (pending_event, NULL,
        NULL, NULL, &all_headers, &count);

  event =
      gst_video_event_new_downstream_force_key_unit (timestamp, stream_time,
      running_time, all_headers, count);
  gst_event_set_seqnum (event, gst_event_get_seqnum (pending_event));

  return event;

static void
gst_h265_parse_prepare_key_unit (GstH265Parse * parse, GstEvent * event)
  GstClockTime running_time;
  guint count;
  gboolean have_vps, have_sps, have_pps;
  gint i;

  parse->pending_key_unit_ts = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;
  gst_event_replace (&parse->force_key_unit_event, NULL);

  gst_video_event_parse_downstream_force_key_unit (event,
      NULL, NULL, &running_time, NULL, &count);

  GST_INFO_OBJECT (parse, "pushing downstream force-key-unit event %d "
      "%" GST_TIME_FORMAT " count %d", gst_event_get_seqnum (event),
      GST_TIME_ARGS (running_time), count);
  gst_pad_push_event (GST_BASE_PARSE_SRC_PAD (parse), event);

  have_vps = have_sps = have_pps = FALSE;
  for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_VPS_COUNT; i++) {
    if (parse->vps_nals[i] != NULL) {
      have_vps = TRUE;
  for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_SPS_COUNT; i++) {
    if (parse->sps_nals[i] != NULL) {
      have_sps = TRUE;
  for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_PPS_COUNT; i++) {
    if (parse->pps_nals[i] != NULL) {
      have_pps = TRUE;

      "preparing key unit, have vps %d have sps %d have pps %d", have_vps,
      have_sps, have_pps);

  /* set push_codec to TRUE so that pre_push_frame sends VPS/SPS/PPS again */
  parse->push_codec = TRUE;

static GstFlowReturn
gst_h265_parse_pre_push_frame (GstBaseParse * parse, GstBaseParseFrame * frame)
  GstH265Parse *h265parse;
  GstBuffer *buffer;
  GstEvent *event;

  h265parse = GST_H265_PARSE (parse);

  if (!h265parse->sent_codec_tag) {
    GstTagList *taglist;
    GstCaps *caps;

    /* codec tag */
    caps = gst_pad_get_current_caps (GST_BASE_PARSE_SRC_PAD (parse));
    if (G_UNLIKELY (caps == NULL)) {
        GST_INFO_OBJECT (parse, "Src pad is flushing");
        return GST_FLOW_FLUSHING;
      } else {
        GST_INFO_OBJECT (parse, "Src pad is not negotiated!");

    taglist = gst_tag_list_new_empty ();
    gst_pb_utils_add_codec_description_to_tag_list (taglist,
        GST_TAG_VIDEO_CODEC, caps);
    gst_caps_unref (caps);

    gst_base_parse_merge_tags (parse, taglist, GST_TAG_MERGE_REPLACE);
    gst_tag_list_unref (taglist);

    /* also signals the end of first-frame processing */
    h265parse->sent_codec_tag = TRUE;

  buffer = frame->buffer;

  if ((event = check_pending_key_unit_event (h265parse->force_key_unit_event,
              &parse->segment, GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (buffer),
              GST_BUFFER_FLAGS (buffer), h265parse->pending_key_unit_ts))) {
    gst_h265_parse_prepare_key_unit (h265parse, event);

  /* periodic VPS/SPS/PPS sending */
  if (h265parse->interval > 0 || h265parse->push_codec) {
    GstClockTime timestamp = GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (buffer);
    guint64 diff;

    /* init */
    if (!GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (h265parse->last_report)) {
      h265parse->last_report = timestamp;

    if (h265parse->idr_pos >= 0) {
      GST_LOG_OBJECT (h265parse, "IDR nal at offset %d", h265parse->idr_pos);

      if (timestamp > h265parse->last_report)
        diff = timestamp - h265parse->last_report;
        diff = 0;

      GST_LOG_OBJECT (h265parse,
          "now %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", last VPS/SPS/PPS %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
          GST_TIME_ARGS (timestamp), GST_TIME_ARGS (h265parse->last_report));

      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse,
          "interval since last VPS/SPS/PPS %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
          GST_TIME_ARGS (diff));

      if (GST_TIME_AS_SECONDS (diff) >= h265parse->interval ||
          h265parse->push_codec) {
        GstBuffer *codec_nal;
        gint i;
        GstClockTime new_ts;

        /* avoid overwriting a perfectly fine timestamp */
        new_ts = GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (timestamp) ? timestamp :

        if (h265parse->align == GST_H265_PARSE_ALIGN_NAL) {
          /* send separate config NAL buffers */
          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "- sending VPS/SPS/PPS");
          for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_VPS_COUNT; i++) {
            if ((codec_nal = h265parse->vps_nals[i])) {
              GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "sending VPS nal");
              gst_h265_parse_push_codec_buffer (h265parse, codec_nal,
              h265parse->last_report = new_ts;
          for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_SPS_COUNT; i++) {
            if ((codec_nal = h265parse->sps_nals[i])) {
              GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "sending SPS nal");
              gst_h265_parse_push_codec_buffer (h265parse, codec_nal,
              h265parse->last_report = new_ts;
          for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_PPS_COUNT; i++) {
            if ((codec_nal = h265parse->pps_nals[i])) {
              GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "sending PPS nal");
              gst_h265_parse_push_codec_buffer (h265parse, codec_nal,
              h265parse->last_report = new_ts;
        } else {
          /* insert config NALs into AU */
          GstByteWriter bw;
          GstBuffer *new_buf;
          const gboolean bs = h265parse->format == GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_BYTE;
          const gint nls = 4 - h265parse->nal_length_size;
          gboolean ok;

          gst_byte_writer_init_with_size (&bw, gst_buffer_get_size (buffer),
          ok = gst_byte_writer_put_buffer (&bw, buffer, 0, h265parse->idr_pos);
          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "- inserting VPS/SPS/PPS");
          for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_VPS_COUNT; i++) {
            if ((codec_nal = h265parse->vps_nals[i])) {
              gsize nal_size = gst_buffer_get_size (codec_nal);
              GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "inserting VPS nal");
              if (bs) {
                ok &= gst_byte_writer_put_uint32_be (&bw, 1);
              } else {
                ok &= gst_byte_writer_put_uint32_be (&bw,
                    (nal_size << (nls * 8)));
                ok &= gst_byte_writer_set_pos (&bw,
                    gst_byte_writer_get_pos (&bw) - nls);

              ok &= gst_byte_writer_put_buffer (&bw, codec_nal, 0, nal_size);
              h265parse->last_report = new_ts;
          for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_SPS_COUNT; i++) {
            if ((codec_nal = h265parse->sps_nals[i])) {
              gsize nal_size = gst_buffer_get_size (codec_nal);
              GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "inserting SPS nal");
              if (bs) {
                ok &= gst_byte_writer_put_uint32_be (&bw, 1);
              } else {
                ok &= gst_byte_writer_put_uint32_be (&bw,
                    (nal_size << (nls * 8)));
                ok &= gst_byte_writer_set_pos (&bw,
                    gst_byte_writer_get_pos (&bw) - nls);

              ok &= gst_byte_writer_put_buffer (&bw, codec_nal, 0, nal_size);
              h265parse->last_report = new_ts;
          for (i = 0; i < GST_H265_MAX_PPS_COUNT; i++) {
            if ((codec_nal = h265parse->pps_nals[i])) {
              gsize nal_size = gst_buffer_get_size (codec_nal);
              GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "inserting PPS nal");
              if (bs) {
                ok &= gst_byte_writer_put_uint32_be (&bw, 1);
              } else {
                ok &= gst_byte_writer_put_uint32_be (&bw,
                    (nal_size << (nls * 8)));
                ok &= gst_byte_writer_set_pos (&bw,
                    gst_byte_writer_get_pos (&bw) - nls);
              ok &= gst_byte_writer_put_buffer (&bw, codec_nal, 0, nal_size);
              h265parse->last_report = new_ts;
          ok &=
              gst_byte_writer_put_buffer (&bw, buffer, h265parse->idr_pos, -1);
          /* collect result and push */
          new_buf = gst_byte_writer_reset_and_get_buffer (&bw);
          gst_buffer_copy_into (new_buf, buffer, GST_BUFFER_COPY_METADATA, 0,
          /* should already be keyframe/IDR, but it may not have been,
           * so mark it as such to avoid being discarded by picky decoder */
          gst_buffer_replace (&frame->out_buffer, new_buf);
          gst_buffer_unref (new_buf);
          /* some result checking seems to make some compilers happy */
          if (G_UNLIKELY (!ok)) {
            GST_ERROR_OBJECT (h265parse, "failed to insert SPS/PPS");
      /* we pushed whatever we had */
      h265parse->push_codec = FALSE;
      h265parse->have_vps = FALSE;
      h265parse->have_sps = FALSE;
      h265parse->have_pps = FALSE;

  gst_h265_parse_reset_frame (h265parse);

  return GST_FLOW_OK;

static gboolean
gst_h265_parse_set_caps (GstBaseParse * parse, GstCaps * caps)
  GstH265Parse *h265parse;
  GstStructure *str;
  const GValue *value;
  GstBuffer *codec_data = NULL;
  gsize off, size;
  guint format, align;
  guint num_nals, i, j;
  GstH265NalUnit nalu;
  GstH265ParserResult parseres;

  h265parse = GST_H265_PARSE (parse);

  /* reset */
  h265parse->push_codec = FALSE;

  str = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0);

  /* accept upstream info if provided */
  gst_structure_get_int (str, "width", &h265parse->width);
  gst_structure_get_int (str, "height", &h265parse->height);
  gst_structure_get_fraction (str, "framerate", &h265parse->fps_num,
  gst_structure_get_fraction (str, "pixel-aspect-ratio",
      &h265parse->upstream_par_n, &h265parse->upstream_par_d);

  /* get upstream format and align from caps */
  gst_h265_parse_format_from_caps (caps, &format, &align);

  /* packetized video has a codec_data */
  if (format != GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_BYTE &&
      (value = gst_structure_get_value (str, "codec_data"))) {
    GstMapInfo map;
    guint8 *data;
    guint num_nal_arrays;

    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "have packetized h265");
    /* make note for optional split processing */
    h265parse->packetized = TRUE;

    codec_data = gst_value_get_buffer (value);
    if (!codec_data)
      goto wrong_type;
    gst_buffer_map (codec_data, &map, GST_MAP_READ);
    data = map.data;
    size = map.size;

    /* parse the hvcC data */
    if (size < 23) {
      gst_buffer_unmap (codec_data, &map);
      goto hvcc_too_small;
    /* parse the version, this must be one but
     * is zero until the spec is finalized */
    if (data[0] != 0 && data[0] != 1) {
      gst_buffer_unmap (codec_data, &map);
      goto wrong_version;

    h265parse->nal_length_size = (data[21] & 0x03) + 1;
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "nal length size %u",

    num_nal_arrays = data[22];
    off = 23;

    for (i = 0; i < num_nal_arrays; i++) {
      if (off + 3 >= size) {
        gst_buffer_unmap (codec_data, &map);
        goto hvcc_too_small;

      num_nals = GST_READ_UINT16_BE (data + off + 1);
      off += 3;
      for (j = 0; j < num_nals; j++) {
        parseres = gst_h265_parser_identify_nalu_hevc (h265parse->nalparser,
            data, off, size, 2, &nalu);

        if (parseres != GST_H265_PARSER_OK) {
          gst_buffer_unmap (codec_data, &map);
          goto hvcc_too_small;

        gst_h265_parse_process_nal (h265parse, &nalu);
        off = nalu.offset + nalu.size;
    gst_buffer_unmap (codec_data, &map);
  } else {
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "have bytestream h265");
    /* nothing to pre-process */
    h265parse->packetized = FALSE;
    /* we have 4 sync bytes */
    h265parse->nal_length_size = 4;

    if (format == GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_NONE) {
      format = GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_BYTE;
      align = GST_H265_PARSE_ALIGN_AU;

    GstCaps *in_caps;

    /* prefer input type determined above */
    in_caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("video/x-h265",
        "parsed", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE,
        "stream-format", G_TYPE_STRING,
        gst_h265_parse_get_string (h265parse, TRUE, format),
        "alignment", G_TYPE_STRING,
        gst_h265_parse_get_string (h265parse, FALSE, align), NULL);
    /* negotiate with downstream, sets ->format and ->align */
    gst_h265_parse_negotiate (h265parse, format, in_caps);
    gst_caps_unref (in_caps);

  if (format == h265parse->format && align == h265parse->align) {
    /* do not set CAPS and passthrough mode if SPS/PPS have not been parsed */
    if (h265parse->have_sps && h265parse->have_pps) {
      gst_base_parse_set_passthrough (parse, TRUE);

      /* we did parse codec-data and might supplement src caps */
      gst_h265_parse_update_src_caps (h265parse, caps);
  } else if (format == GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_HVC1
      || format == GST_H265_PARSE_FORMAT_HEV1) {
    /* if input != output, and input is hevc, must split before anything else */
    /* arrange to insert codec-data in-stream if needed.
     * src caps are only arranged for later on */
    h265parse->push_codec = TRUE;
    h265parse->have_vps = FALSE;
    h265parse->have_sps = FALSE;
    h265parse->have_pps = FALSE;
    if (h265parse->align == GST_H265_PARSE_ALIGN_NAL)
      h265parse->split_packetized = TRUE;
    h265parse->packetized = TRUE;

  return TRUE;

  /* ERRORS */
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "hvcC size %" G_GSIZE_FORMAT " < 23", size);
    goto refuse_caps;
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "wrong hvcC version");
    goto refuse_caps;
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (h265parse, "wrong codec-data type");
    goto refuse_caps;
    GST_WARNING_OBJECT (h265parse, "refused caps %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, caps);
    return FALSE;

static void
remove_fields (GstCaps * caps)
  guint i, n;

  n = gst_caps_get_size (caps);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    GstStructure *s = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, i);

    gst_structure_remove_field (s, "alignment");
    gst_structure_remove_field (s, "stream-format");
    gst_structure_remove_field (s, "parsed");

static GstCaps *
gst_h265_parse_get_caps (GstBaseParse * parse, GstCaps * filter)
  GstCaps *peercaps, *templ;
  GstCaps *res;

  templ = gst_pad_get_pad_template_caps (GST_BASE_PARSE_SINK_PAD (parse));
  if (filter) {
    GstCaps *fcopy = gst_caps_copy (filter);
    /* Remove the fields we convert */
    remove_fields (fcopy);
    peercaps = gst_pad_peer_query_caps (GST_BASE_PARSE_SRC_PAD (parse), fcopy);
    gst_caps_unref (fcopy);
  } else
    peercaps = gst_pad_peer_query_caps (GST_BASE_PARSE_SRC_PAD (parse), NULL);

  if (peercaps) {
    peercaps = gst_caps_make_writable (peercaps);
    remove_fields (peercaps);

    res = gst_caps_intersect_full (peercaps, templ, GST_CAPS_INTERSECT_FIRST);
    gst_caps_unref (peercaps);
    gst_caps_unref (templ);
  } else {
    res = templ;

  if (filter) {
    GstCaps *tmp = gst_caps_intersect_full (res, filter,
    gst_caps_unref (res);
    res = tmp;

  return res;

static gboolean
gst_h265_parse_event (GstBaseParse * parse, GstEvent * event)
  gboolean res;
  GstH265Parse *h265parse = GST_H265_PARSE (parse);

  switch (GST_EVENT_TYPE (event)) {
      GstClockTime timestamp, stream_time, running_time;
      gboolean all_headers;
      guint count;

      if (gst_video_event_is_force_key_unit (event)) {
        gst_video_event_parse_downstream_force_key_unit (event,
            &timestamp, &stream_time, &running_time, &all_headers, &count);

        GST_INFO_OBJECT (h265parse, "received downstream force key unit event, "
            "seqnum %d running_time %" GST_TIME_FORMAT
            " all_headers %d count %d", gst_event_get_seqnum (event),
            GST_TIME_ARGS (running_time), all_headers, count);
        if (h265parse->force_key_unit_event) {
          GST_INFO_OBJECT (h265parse, "ignoring force key unit event "
              "as one is already queued");
        } else {
          h265parse->pending_key_unit_ts = running_time;
          gst_event_replace (&h265parse->force_key_unit_event, event);
        gst_event_unref (event);
        res = TRUE;
      } else {
        res = GST_BASE_PARSE_CLASS (parent_class)->sink_event (parse, event);
      h265parse->push_codec = TRUE;
      res = GST_BASE_PARSE_CLASS (parent_class)->sink_event (parse, event);
      res = GST_BASE_PARSE_CLASS (parent_class)->sink_event (parse, event);
      res = GST_BASE_PARSE_CLASS (parent_class)->sink_event (parse, event);
  return res;

static gboolean
gst_h265_parse_src_event (GstBaseParse * parse, GstEvent * event)
  gboolean res;
  GstH265Parse *h265parse = GST_H265_PARSE (parse);

  switch (GST_EVENT_TYPE (event)) {
      GstClockTime running_time;
      gboolean all_headers;
      guint count;

      if (gst_video_event_is_force_key_unit (event)) {
        gst_video_event_parse_upstream_force_key_unit (event,
            &running_time, &all_headers, &count);

        GST_INFO_OBJECT (h265parse, "received upstream force-key-unit event, "
            "seqnum %d running_time %" GST_TIME_FORMAT
            " all_headers %d count %d", gst_event_get_seqnum (event),
            GST_TIME_ARGS (running_time), all_headers, count);

        if (all_headers) {
          h265parse->pending_key_unit_ts = running_time;
          gst_event_replace (&h265parse->force_key_unit_event, event);
      res = GST_BASE_PARSE_CLASS (parent_class)->src_event (parse, event);
      res = GST_BASE_PARSE_CLASS (parent_class)->src_event (parse, event);

  return res;

static void
gst_h265_parse_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
    const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec)
  GstH265Parse *parse;
  parse = GST_H265_PARSE (object);

  switch (prop_id) {
      parse->interval = g_value_get_uint (value);
      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);

static void
gst_h265_parse_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value,
    GParamSpec * pspec)
  GstH265Parse *parse;
  parse = GST_H265_PARSE (object);

  switch (prop_id) {
      g_value_set_uint (value, parse->interval);
      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);