#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import contextlib import json import os import platform import re import site import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import pathlib import signal from pathlib import PurePath from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib from distutils.util import strtobool from scripts.common import get_meson from scripts.common import git from scripts.common import win32_get_short_path_name from scripts.common import get_wine_shortpath SCRIPTDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) PREFIX_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, 'prefix') # Use '_build' as the builddir instead of 'build' DEFAULT_BUILDDIR = os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, 'build') if not os.path.exists(DEFAULT_BUILDDIR): DEFAULT_BUILDDIR = os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, '_build') TYPELIB_REG = re.compile(r'.*\.typelib$') SHAREDLIB_REG = re.compile(r'\.so|\.dylib|\.dll') # libdir is expanded from option of the same name listed in the `meson # introspect --buildoptions` output. GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG_TEMPLATE = r'.*/{libdir}/gstreamer-1.0/[^/]+$' GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG = None def listify(o): if isinstance(o, str): return [o] if isinstance(o, list): return o raise AssertionError('Object {!r} must be a string or a list'.format(o)) def stringify(o): if isinstance(o, str): return o if isinstance(o, list): if len(o) == 1: return o[0] raise AssertionError('Did not expect object {!r} to have more than one element'.format(o)) raise AssertionError('Object {!r} must be a string or a list'.format(o)) def prepend_env_var(env, var, value, sysroot): if value.startswith(sysroot): value = value[len(sysroot):] # Try not to exceed maximum length limits for env vars on Windows if os.name == 'nt': value = win32_get_short_path_name(value) env_val = env.get(var, '') val = os.pathsep + value + os.pathsep # Don't add the same value twice if val in env_val or env_val.startswith(value + os.pathsep): return env[var] = val + env_val env[var] = env[var].replace(os.pathsep + os.pathsep, os.pathsep).strip(os.pathsep) def is_library_target_and_not_plugin(target, filename): ''' Don't add plugins to PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH because: 1. We don't need to 2. It causes us to exceed the PATH length limit on Windows and Wine ''' if not target['type'].startswith('shared'): return False if not target['installed']: return False # Check if this output of that target is a shared library if not SHAREDLIB_REG.search(filename): return False # Check if it's installed to the gstreamer plugin location for install_filename in listify(target['install_filename']): if install_filename.endswith(os.path.basename(filename)): break else: # None of the installed files in the target correspond to the built # filename, so skip return False global GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG if GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG is None: GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG = re.compile(GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG_TEMPLATE) if GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG.search(install_filename.replace('\\', '/')): return False return True def is_binary_target_and_in_path(target, filename, bindir): if target['type'] != 'executable': return False if not target['installed']: return False # Check if this file installed by this target is installed to bindir for install_filename in listify(target['install_filename']): if install_filename.endswith(os.path.basename(filename)): break else: # None of the installed files in the target correspond to the built # filename, so skip return False fpath = PurePath(install_filename) if fpath.parent != bindir: return False return True def get_wine_subprocess_env(options, env): with open(os.path.join(options.builddir, 'meson-info', 'intro-buildoptions.json')) as f: buildoptions = json.load(f) prefix, = [o for o in buildoptions if o['name'] == 'prefix'] path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(prefix['value'], 'bin')) prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", path, options.sysroot) wine_path = get_wine_shortpath( options.wine.split(' '), [path] + env.get('WINEPATH', '').split(';') ) if options.winepath: wine_path += ';' + options.winepath env['WINEPATH'] = wine_path env['WINEDEBUG'] = 'fixme-all' return env def get_subprocess_env(options, gst_version): env = os.environ.copy() env["CURRENT_GST"] = os.path.normpath(SCRIPTDIR) env["GST_VERSION"] = gst_version env["GST_VALIDATE_SCENARIOS_PATH"] = os.path.normpath( "%s/subprojects/gst-devtools/validate/data/scenarios" % SCRIPTDIR) env["GST_VALIDATE_PLUGIN_PATH"] = os.path.normpath( "%s/subprojects/gst-devtools/validate/plugins" % options.builddir) env["GST_VALIDATE_APPS_DIR"] = os.path.normpath( "%s/subprojects/gst-editing-services/tests/validate" % SCRIPTDIR) env["GST_ENV"] = 'gst-' + gst_version env["GST_REGISTRY"] = os.path.normpath(options.builddir + "/registry.dat") prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", os.path.normpath( "%s/subprojects/gst-devtools/validate/tools" % options.builddir), options.sysroot) if options.wine: return get_wine_subprocess_env(options, env) prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, 'meson'), options.sysroot) env["GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH"] = "" env["GST_PLUGIN_SCANNER"] = os.path.normpath( "%s/subprojects/gstreamer/libs/gst/helpers/gst-plugin-scanner" % options.builddir) env["GST_PTP_HELPER"] = os.path.normpath( "%s/subprojects/gstreamer/libs/gst/helpers/gst-ptp-helper" % options.builddir) if os.name == 'nt': lib_path_envvar = 'PATH' elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': lib_path_envvar = 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH' else: lib_path_envvar = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' prepend_env_var(env, "GST_PLUGIN_PATH", os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, 'subprojects', 'gst-python', 'plugin'), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, "GST_PLUGIN_PATH", os.path.join(PREFIX_DIR, 'lib', 'gstreamer-1.0'), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, "GST_PLUGIN_PATH", os.path.join(options.builddir, 'subprojects', 'libnice', 'gst'), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, "GST_VALIDATE_SCENARIOS_PATH", os.path.join(PREFIX_DIR, 'share', 'gstreamer-1.0', 'validate', 'scenarios'), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, "GI_TYPELIB_PATH", os.path.join(PREFIX_DIR, 'lib', 'lib', 'girepository-1.0'), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", os.path.join(PREFIX_DIR, 'lib', 'pkgconfig'), options.sysroot) # gst-indent prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, 'gstreamer', 'tools'), options.sysroot) # tools: gst-launch-1.0, gst-inspect-1.0 prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", os.path.join(options.builddir, 'subprojects', 'gstreamer', 'tools'), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", os.path.join(options.builddir, 'subprojects', 'gst-plugins-base', 'tools'), options.sysroot) # Library and binary search paths prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", os.path.join(PREFIX_DIR, 'bin'), options.sysroot) if lib_path_envvar != 'PATH': prepend_env_var(env, lib_path_envvar, os.path.join(PREFIX_DIR, 'lib'), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, lib_path_envvar, os.path.join(PREFIX_DIR, 'lib64'), options.sysroot) elif 'QMAKE' in os.environ: # There's no RPATH on Windows, so we need to set PATH for the qt5 DLLs prepend_env_var(env, 'PATH', os.path.dirname(os.environ['QMAKE']), options.sysroot) meson = get_meson() targets_s = subprocess.check_output(meson + ['introspect', options.builddir, '--targets']) targets = json.loads(targets_s.decode()) paths = set() mono_paths = set() srcdir_path = pathlib.Path(options.srcdir) build_options_s = subprocess.check_output(meson + ['introspect', options.builddir, '--buildoptions']) build_options = json.loads(build_options_s.decode()) libdir, = [o['value'] for o in build_options if o['name'] == 'libdir'] libdir = PurePath(libdir) prefix, = [o['value'] for o in build_options if o['name'] == 'prefix'] bindir, = [o['value'] for o in build_options if o['name'] == 'bindir'] prefix = PurePath(prefix) bindir = prefix / bindir global GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG_TEMPLATE GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG_TEMPLATE = GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG_TEMPLATE.format(libdir=libdir.as_posix()) for target in targets: filenames = listify(target['filename']) for filename in filenames: root = os.path.dirname(filename) if srcdir_path / "subprojects/gst-devtools/validate/plugins" in (srcdir_path / root).parents: continue if filename.endswith('.dll'): mono_paths.add(os.path.join(options.builddir, root)) if TYPELIB_REG.search(filename): prepend_env_var(env, "GI_TYPELIB_PATH", os.path.join(options.builddir, root), options.sysroot) elif is_library_target_and_not_plugin(target, filename): prepend_env_var(env, lib_path_envvar, os.path.join(options.builddir, root), options.sysroot) elif is_binary_target_and_in_path(target, filename, bindir): paths.add(os.path.join(options.builddir, root)) with open(os.path.join(options.builddir, 'GstPluginsPath.json')) as f: for plugin_path in json.load(f): prepend_env_var(env, 'GST_PLUGIN_PATH', plugin_path, options.sysroot) for p in paths: prepend_env_var(env, 'PATH', p, options.sysroot) if os.name != 'nt': for p in mono_paths: prepend_env_var(env, "MONO_PATH", p, options.sysroot) presets = set() encoding_targets = set() pkg_dirs = set() python_dirs = set(["%s/subprojects/gstreamer/libs/gst/helpers/" % options.srcdir]) if '--installed' in subprocess.check_output(meson + ['introspect', '-h']).decode(): installed_s = subprocess.check_output(meson + ['introspect', options.builddir, '--installed']) for path, installpath in json.loads(installed_s.decode()).items(): installpath_parts = pathlib.Path(installpath).parts path_parts = pathlib.Path(path).parts # We want to add all python modules to the PYTHONPATH # in a manner consistent with the way they would be imported: # For example if the source path /home/meh/foo/bar.py # is to be installed in /usr/lib/python/site-packages/foo/bar.py, # we want to add /home/meh to the PYTHONPATH. # This will only work for projects where the paths to be installed # mirror the installed directory layout, for example if the path # is /home/meh/baz/bar.py and the install path is # /usr/lib/site-packages/foo/bar.py , we will not add anything # to PYTHONPATH, but the current approach works with pygobject # and gst-python at least. if 'site-packages' in installpath_parts: install_subpath = os.path.join(*installpath_parts[installpath_parts.index('site-packages') + 1:]) if path.endswith(install_subpath): python_dirs.add(path[:len (install_subpath) * -1]) if path.endswith('.prs'): presets.add(os.path.dirname(path)) elif path.endswith('.gep'): encoding_targets.add( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), '..'))) elif path.endswith('.pc'): # Is there a -uninstalled pc file for this file? uninstalled = "{0}-uninstalled.pc".format(path[:-3]) if os.path.exists(uninstalled): pkg_dirs.add(os.path.dirname(path)) if path.endswith('gstomx.conf'): prepend_env_var(env, 'GST_OMX_CONFIG_DIR', os.path.dirname(path), options.sysroot) for p in presets: prepend_env_var(env, 'GST_PRESET_PATH', p, options.sysroot) for t in encoding_targets: prepend_env_var(env, 'GST_ENCODING_TARGET_PATH', t, options.sysroot) for pkg_dir in pkg_dirs: prepend_env_var(env, "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", pkg_dir, options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", os.path.join(options.builddir, 'subprojects', 'gst-plugins-good', 'pkgconfig'), options.sysroot) for python_dir in python_dirs: prepend_env_var(env, 'PYTHONPATH', python_dir, options.sysroot) mesonpath = os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, "meson") if os.path.join(mesonpath): # Add meson/ into PYTHONPATH if we are using a local meson prepend_env_var(env, 'PYTHONPATH', mesonpath, options.sysroot) # For devhelp books if not 'XDG_DATA_DIRS' in env or not env['XDG_DATA_DIRS']: # Preserve default paths when empty prepend_env_var(env, 'XDG_DATA_DIRS', '/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/', '') prepend_env_var (env, 'XDG_DATA_DIRS', os.path.join(options.builddir, 'subprojects', 'gst-docs', 'GStreamer-doc'), options.sysroot) return env def get_windows_shell(): command = ['powershell.exe' ,'-noprofile', '-executionpolicy', 'bypass', '-file', 'cmd_or_ps.ps1'] result = subprocess.check_output(command) return result.decode().strip() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="gstreamer-uninstalled") parser.add_argument("--builddir", default=DEFAULT_BUILDDIR, help="The meson build directory") parser.add_argument("--srcdir", default=SCRIPTDIR, help="The top level source directory") parser.add_argument("--sysroot", default='', help="The sysroot path used during cross-compilation") parser.add_argument("--wine", default='', help="Build a wine env based on specified wine command") parser.add_argument("--winepath", default='', help="Exra path to set to WINEPATH.") options, args = parser.parse_known_args() if not os.path.exists(options.builddir): print("GStreamer not built in %s\n\nBuild it and try again" % options.builddir) exit(1) options.builddir = os.path.abspath(options.builddir) if not os.path.exists(options.srcdir): print("The specified source dir does not exist" % options.srcdir) exit(1) # The following incantation will retrieve the current branch name. gst_version = git("rev-parse", "--symbolic-full-name", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD", repository_path=options.srcdir).strip('\n') if options.wine: gst_version += '-' + os.path.basename(options.wine) env = get_subprocess_env(options, gst_version) if not args: if os.name == 'nt': shell = get_windows_shell() if shell == 'powershell.exe': args = ['powershell.exe'] args += ['-NoLogo', '-NoExit'] prompt = 'function global:prompt { "[gst-' + gst_version + '"+"] PS " + $PWD + "> "}' args += ['-Command', prompt] else: args = [os.environ.get("COMSPEC", r"C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe")] args += ['/k', 'prompt [gst-{}] $P$G'.format(gst_version)] else: args = [os.environ.get("SHELL", os.path.realpath("/bin/sh"))] if args[0].endswith('bash') and not strtobool(os.environ.get("GST_BUILD_DISABLE_PS1_OVERRIDE", r"FALSE")): # Let the GC remove the tmp file tmprc = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') bashrc = os.path.expanduser('~/.bashrc') if os.path.exists(bashrc): with open(bashrc, 'r') as src: shutil.copyfileobj(src, tmprc) tmprc.write('\nexport PS1="[gst-%s] $PS1"' % gst_version) tmprc.flush() args.append("--rcfile") args.append(tmprc.name) elif args[0].endswith('fish'): # Ignore SIGINT while using fish as the shell to make it behave # like other shells such as bash and zsh. # See: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-build/issues/18 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda x, y: True) # Set the prompt args.append('--init-command') prompt_cmd = '''functions --copy fish_prompt original_fish_prompt function fish_prompt echo -n '[gst-{}] '(original_fish_prompt) end'''.format(gst_version) args.append(prompt_cmd) elif args[0].endswith('zsh'): tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() # Let the GC remove the tmp file tmprc = open(os.path.join(tmpdir.name, '.zshrc'), 'w') zshrc = os.path.expanduser('~/.zshrc') if os.path.exists(zshrc): with open(zshrc, 'r') as src: shutil.copyfileobj(src, tmprc) tmprc.write('\nexport PROMPT="[gst-{}] $PROMPT"'.format(gst_version)) tmprc.flush() env['ZDOTDIR'] = tmpdir.name try: exit(subprocess.call(args, close_fds=False, env=env)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: exit(e.returncode)