/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) 2003 Benjamin Otte * * gstaudioconvert.c: Convert audio to different audio formats automatically * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #if 0 static void print_caps (GstCaps *caps) { GValue v = { 0, }; GValue s = { 0, }; g_value_init (&v, GST_TYPE_CAPS); g_value_init (&s, G_TYPE_STRING); g_value_set_boxed (&v, caps); g_value_transform (&v, &s); g_print ("%s\n", g_value_get_string (&s)); g_value_unset (&v); g_value_unset (&s); } #endif /*** DEFINITIONS **************************************************************/ #define GST_TYPE_AUDIO_CONVERT (gst_audio_convert_get_type()) #define GST_AUDIO_CONVERT(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj),GST_TYPE_AUDIO_CONVERT,GstAudioConvert)) #define GST_AUDIO_CONVERT_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass),GST_TYPE_AUDIO_CONVERT,GstAudioConvert)) #define GST_IS_AUDIO_CONVERT(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((obj),GST_TYPE_AUDIO_CONVERT)) #define GST_IS_AUDIO_CONVERT_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE((klass),GST_TYPE_AUDIO_CONVERT)) typedef struct _GstAudioConvert GstAudioConvert; typedef struct _GstAudioConvertClass GstAudioConvertClass; struct _GstAudioConvert { GstElement element; /* pads */ GstPad * sink; GstPad * src; /* properties */ gboolean aggressive; /* caps: 0 = sink, 1 = src, so always convert from 0 to 1 */ gboolean caps_set[2]; gint law[2]; gint endian[2]; gint sign[2]; gint depth[2]; /* in BITS */ gint width[2]; /* in BYTES */ gint rate[2]; gint channels[2]; }; struct _GstAudioConvertClass { GstElementClass parent_class; }; /* type functions */ static GType gst_audio_convert_get_type (void); static void gst_audio_convert_class_init (GstAudioConvertClass *klass); static void gst_audio_convert_init (GstAudioConvert *audio_convert); static void gst_audio_convert_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static void gst_audio_convert_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); /* gstreamer functions */ static void gst_audio_convert_chain (GstPad *pad, GstBuffer *buf); static GstPadLinkReturn gst_audio_convert_link (GstPad *pad, GstCaps *caps); static GstElementStateReturn gst_audio_convert_change_state (GstElement *element); /* actual work */ static gboolean gst_audio_convert_set_caps (GstPad *pad); static GstBuffer * gst_audio_convert_buffer_to_default_format (GstAudioConvert *this, GstBuffer *buf); static GstBuffer * gst_audio_convert_buffer_from_default_format (GstAudioConvert *this, GstBuffer *buf); static GstBuffer * gst_audio_convert_channels (GstAudioConvert *this, GstBuffer *buf); static GstElementClass *parent_class = NULL; /*static guint gst_audio_convert_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; */ /* AudioConvert signals and args */ enum { /* FILL ME */ LAST_SIGNAL }; enum { ARG_0, ARG_AGGRESSIVE, }; /*** GSTREAMER PROTOTYPES *****************************************************/ GST_PAD_TEMPLATE_FACTORY (audio_convert_src_template_factory, "src", GST_PAD_SRC, GST_PAD_ALWAYS, GST_CAPS_NEW ( "audio_convert_src", "audio/raw", "format", GST_PROPS_STRING ("int"), "law", GST_PROPS_INT (0), "endianness", GST_PROPS_LIST ( GST_PROPS_INT (G_LITTLE_ENDIAN), GST_PROPS_INT (G_BIG_ENDIAN) ), "signed", GST_PROPS_LIST ( GST_PROPS_BOOLEAN (FALSE), GST_PROPS_BOOLEAN (TRUE) ), "depth", GST_PROPS_INT_RANGE (1, 32), "width", GST_PROPS_LIST ( GST_PROPS_INT (8), GST_PROPS_INT (16), GST_PROPS_INT (24), GST_PROPS_INT (32) ), "rate", GST_PROPS_INT_RANGE (8000, 192000), "channels", GST_PROPS_INT_RANGE (1, 2) ) ) GST_PAD_TEMPLATE_FACTORY (audio_convert_sink_template_factory, "sink", GST_PAD_SINK, GST_PAD_ALWAYS, GST_CAPS_NEW ( "audio_convert_sink", "audio/raw", "format", GST_PROPS_STRING ("int"), "law", GST_PROPS_INT (0), "endianness", GST_PROPS_LIST ( GST_PROPS_INT (G_LITTLE_ENDIAN), GST_PROPS_INT (G_BIG_ENDIAN) ), "signed", GST_PROPS_LIST ( GST_PROPS_BOOLEAN (FALSE), GST_PROPS_BOOLEAN (TRUE) ), "depth", GST_PROPS_INT_RANGE (1, 32), "width", GST_PROPS_LIST ( GST_PROPS_INT (8), GST_PROPS_INT (16), GST_PROPS_INT (24), GST_PROPS_INT (32) ), "rate", GST_PROPS_INT_RANGE (8000, 192000), "channels", GST_PROPS_INT_RANGE (1, 2) ) ) /*** TYPE FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ GType gst_audio_convert_get_type(void) { static GType audio_convert_type = 0; if (!audio_convert_type) { static const GTypeInfo audio_convert_info = { sizeof(GstAudioConvertClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc)gst_audio_convert_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof(GstAudioConvert), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc)gst_audio_convert_init, }; audio_convert_type = g_type_register_static(GST_TYPE_ELEMENT, "GstAudioConvert", &audio_convert_info, 0); } return audio_convert_type; } static void gst_audio_convert_class_init (GstAudioConvertClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class; GstElementClass *gstelement_class; gobject_class = (GObjectClass*)klass; gstelement_class = (GstElementClass*)klass; parent_class = g_type_class_ref(GST_TYPE_ELEMENT); g_object_class_install_property(G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), ARG_AGGRESSIVE, g_param_spec_boolean("aggressive","aggressive mode","if true, tries any possible format before giving up", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); gobject_class->set_property = gst_audio_convert_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = gst_audio_convert_get_property; gstelement_class->change_state = gst_audio_convert_change_state; } static void gst_audio_convert_init (GstAudioConvert *this) { /* sinkpad */ this->sink = gst_pad_new_from_template (GST_PAD_TEMPLATE_GET ( audio_convert_sink_template_factory), "sink"); gst_pad_set_link_function (this->sink, gst_audio_convert_link); gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT(this), this->sink); /* srcpad */ this->src = gst_pad_new_from_template (GST_PAD_TEMPLATE_GET ( audio_convert_src_template_factory), "src"); gst_pad_set_link_function (this->src, gst_audio_convert_link); gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT(this), this->src); gst_pad_set_chain_function(this->sink, gst_audio_convert_chain); gst_pad_set_chain_function(this->sink, gst_audio_convert_chain); /* clear important variables */ this->caps_set[0] = this->caps_set[1] = FALSE; } static void gst_audio_convert_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GstAudioConvert *audio_convert; /* it's not null if we got it, but it might not be ours */ g_return_if_fail(GST_IS_AUDIO_CONVERT(object)); audio_convert = GST_AUDIO_CONVERT(object); switch (prop_id) { case ARG_AGGRESSIVE: audio_convert->aggressive = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void gst_audio_convert_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GstAudioConvert *audio_convert; /* it's not null if we got it, but it might not be ours */ g_return_if_fail(GST_IS_AUDIO_CONVERT(object)); audio_convert = GST_AUDIO_CONVERT(object); switch (prop_id) { case ARG_AGGRESSIVE: g_value_set_boolean (value, audio_convert->aggressive); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } /*** GSTREAMER FUNCTIONS ******************************************************/ static void gst_audio_convert_chain (GstPad *pad, GstBuffer *buf) { GstAudioConvert *this; g_return_if_fail(GST_IS_PAD(pad)); g_return_if_fail(buf != NULL); g_return_if_fail(GST_IS_AUDIO_CONVERT(GST_OBJECT_PARENT (pad))); this = GST_AUDIO_CONVERT(GST_OBJECT_PARENT (pad)); /* FIXME */ if (GST_IS_EVENT (buf)) { gst_pad_event_default (pad, GST_EVENT (buf)); return; } if (!this->caps_set[1]) { if (!gst_audio_convert_set_caps (this->src)) { gst_element_error (GST_ELEMENT (this), "AudioConvert: could not set caps on pad %s", GST_PAD_NAME(this->src)); return; } } /** * Theory of operation: * - convert the format (endianness, signedness, width, depth) to * (G_BYTE_ORDER, TRUE, 32, 32) * - convert rate and channels * - convert back to output format */ buf = gst_audio_convert_buffer_to_default_format (this, buf); buf = gst_audio_convert_channels (this, buf); buf = gst_audio_convert_buffer_from_default_format (this, buf); gst_pad_push (this->src, buf); } static GstPadLinkReturn gst_audio_convert_link (GstPad *pad, GstCaps *caps) { GstAudioConvert *this; gint nr = 0; gint rate, endianness, depth, width, channels; gboolean sign; g_return_val_if_fail(GST_IS_PAD(pad), GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED); g_return_val_if_fail(GST_IS_AUDIO_CONVERT(GST_OBJECT_PARENT (pad)), GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED); this = GST_AUDIO_CONVERT(GST_OBJECT_PARENT (pad)); /* could we do better? */ if (!GST_CAPS_IS_FIXED (caps)) return GST_PAD_LINK_DELAYED; if (pad == this->sink) { nr = 0; } else if (pad == this->src) { nr = 1; } else { g_assert_not_reached (); } if (!gst_caps_get (caps, "rate", &rate, "channels", &channels, "signed", &sign, "depth", &depth, "width", &width, NULL )) return GST_PAD_LINK_DELAYED; if (!gst_caps_get_int (caps, "endianness", &endianness)) { if (width == 8) { endianness = G_BYTE_ORDER; } else { return GST_PAD_LINK_DELAYED; } } /* we cannot yet convert this, so check */ if (this->caps_set[1 - nr]) { if (rate != this->rate[1 - nr]) return GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED; } this->caps_set[nr] = TRUE; this->rate[nr] = rate; this->channels[nr] = channels; this->sign[nr] = sign; this->endian[nr] = endianness; this->depth[nr] = depth; this->width[nr] = width / 8; return GST_PAD_LINK_OK; } static GstElementStateReturn gst_audio_convert_change_state (GstElement *element) { GstAudioConvert *this = GST_AUDIO_CONVERT (element); switch (GST_STATE_TRANSITION (element)) { case GST_STATE_PAUSED_TO_READY: this->caps_set[0] = this->caps_set[1] = FALSE; break; default: break; } if (parent_class->change_state) { return parent_class->change_state (element); } else { return GST_STATE_SUCCESS; } } /*** ACTUAL WORK **************************************************************/ static GstCaps* make_caps (gint endianness, gboolean sign, gint depth, gint width, gint rate, gint channels) { if (width == 8) { return GST_CAPS_NEW ( "audio_convert_caps", "audio/raw", "format", GST_PROPS_STRING ("int"), "law", GST_PROPS_INT (0), "signed", GST_PROPS_BOOLEAN (sign), "depth", GST_PROPS_INT (depth), "width", GST_PROPS_INT (width * 8), "rate", GST_PROPS_INT (rate), "channels", GST_PROPS_INT (channels) ); } else { return GST_CAPS_NEW ( "audio_convert_caps", "audio/raw", "format", GST_PROPS_STRING ("int"), "law", GST_PROPS_INT (0), "endianness", GST_PROPS_INT (endianness), "signed", GST_PROPS_BOOLEAN (sign), "depth", GST_PROPS_INT (depth), "width", GST_PROPS_INT (width * 8), "rate", GST_PROPS_INT (rate), "channels", GST_PROPS_INT (channels) ); } } static gboolean gst_audio_convert_set_caps (GstPad *pad) { GstCaps *caps; gint nr; GstPadLinkReturn ret; GstAudioConvert *this; gint channels, endianness, depth, width; /*, rate; */ gboolean sign; this = GST_AUDIO_CONVERT (GST_PAD_PARENT (pad)); nr = this->src == pad ? 1 : this->sink == pad ? 0 : -1; g_assert (nr > -1); g_assert (this->caps_set[1 - nr]); /* try 1:1 first */ caps = make_caps (this->endian[1 - nr], this->sign[1 - nr], this->depth[1 - nr], this->width[1 - nr], this->rate[1 - nr], this->channels[1 - nr]); ret = gst_pad_try_set_caps (pad, caps); if (ret == GST_PAD_LINK_DONE || ret == GST_PAD_LINK_OK) goto success; /* now do some iterating, this is gonna be fun */ /* stereo is most important */ channels = 2; while (channels > 0) { /* endianness comes second */ endianness = 0; do { if (endianness == G_BIG_ENDIAN) break; endianness = endianness == 0 ? G_LITTLE_ENDIAN : G_BIG_ENDIAN; /* signedness */ sign = TRUE; do { sign = !sign; /* depth */ for (width = 4; width >= 1; width--) { /* width */ for (depth = width * 8; depth >= 1; depth -= this->aggressive ? 1 : 8) { /* rate - not supported yet*/ caps = make_caps (endianness, sign, depth, width, this->rate[1 - nr], channels); ret = gst_pad_try_set_caps (pad, caps); if (ret == GST_PAD_LINK_DONE || ret == GST_PAD_LINK_OK) { goto success; } } } } while (sign != TRUE); } while TRUE; channels--; } goto fail; fail: return FALSE; success: g_assert (gst_audio_convert_link (pad, caps) == GST_PAD_LINK_OK); return TRUE; } /* return a writable buffer of size which ideally is the same as before - You must unref the new buffer - The size of the old buffer is undefined after this operation */ static GstBuffer* gst_audio_convert_get_buffer (GstBuffer *buf, guint size) { GstBuffer *ret; if (buf->maxsize >= size && gst_buffer_is_writable (buf)) { gst_buffer_ref (buf); buf->size = size; return buf; } else if (buf->maxsize >= size) { buf = gst_buffer_copy (buf); buf->size = size; return buf; } else { g_assert ((ret = gst_buffer_new_and_alloc (size))); ret->timestamp = buf->timestamp; return ret; } } static inline guint8 GUINT8_IDENTITY (guint8 x) { return x; } static inline guint8 GINT8_IDENTITY (gint8 x) { return x; } #define CONVERT_TO(to, from, type, sign, endianness, LE_FUNC, BE_FUNC) G_STMT_START{\ type value; \ memcpy (&value, from, sizeof (type)); \ from -= sizeof (type); \ value = (endianness == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN) ? LE_FUNC (value) : BE_FUNC (value); \ if (sign) { \ to = value; \ } else { \ to = (gint64) value - (1 << (sizeof (type) * 8 - 1)); \ } \ }G_STMT_END; static GstBuffer* gst_audio_convert_buffer_to_default_format (GstAudioConvert *this, GstBuffer *buf) { GstBuffer *ret; gint i, count; gint64 cur = 0; gint32 write; gint32 *dest; guint8 *src; if (this->width[0] == 4 && this->depth[0] == 32 && this->endian[0] == G_BYTE_ORDER && this->sign[0] == TRUE) return buf; ret = gst_audio_convert_get_buffer (buf, buf->size * 4 / this->width[0]); count = ret->size / 4; src = buf->data + (count - 1) * this->width[0]; dest = (gint32 *) ret->data; for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { switch (this->width[0]) { case 1: if (this->sign[0]) { CONVERT_TO (cur, src, gint8, this->sign[0], this->endian[0], GINT8_IDENTITY, GINT8_IDENTITY); } else { CONVERT_TO (cur, src, guint16, this->sign[0], this->endian[0], GUINT8_IDENTITY, GUINT8_IDENTITY); } break; case 2: if (this->sign[0]) { CONVERT_TO (cur, src, gint16, this->sign[0], this->endian[0], GINT16_FROM_LE, GINT16_FROM_BE); } else { CONVERT_TO (cur, src, guint16, this->sign[0], this->endian[0], GUINT16_FROM_LE, GUINT16_FROM_BE); } break; case 3: if (this->sign[0]) { gint32 value; if (this->endian[0] == G_BIG_ENDIAN) { gpointer p = &value; p++; memcpy (p, src, 3); value = GINT32_FROM_BE (value); } else if (this->endian[0] == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN) { memcpy (&value, src, 3); value = GINT32_FROM_LE (value); } else { g_assert_not_reached(); } cur = value; } else { guint32 value; if (this->endian[0] == G_BIG_ENDIAN) { gpointer p = &value; p++; memcpy (p, src, 3); value = GUINT32_FROM_BE (value); } else if (this->endian[0] == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN) { memcpy (&value, src, 3); value = GUINT32_FROM_LE (value); } else { g_assert_not_reached(); } cur = (gint64) value - (1 << 23); } src -= 3; break; case 4: if (this->sign[0]) { CONVERT_TO (cur, src, gint32, this->sign[0], this->endian[0], GINT32_FROM_LE, GINT32_FROM_BE); } else { CONVERT_TO (cur, src, guint32, this->sign[0], this->endian[0], GUINT32_FROM_LE, GUINT32_FROM_BE); } break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } cur = cur * ((gint64) 1 << (32 - this->depth[0])); cur = CLAMP (cur, -((gint64)1 << 32), (gint64) 0x7FFFFFFF); write = cur; memcpy (&dest[i], &write, 4); } gst_buffer_unref (buf); return ret; } #define POPULATE(format, be_func, le_func) G_STMT_START{ \ format val; \ format* p = (format *) dest; \ int_value >>= (32 - this->depth[1]); \ val = (format) int_value; \ switch (this->endian[1]) { \ case G_LITTLE_ENDIAN: \ val = le_func (val); \ break; \ case G_BIG_ENDIAN: \ val = be_func (val); \ break; \ default: \ g_assert_not_reached (); \ }; \ *p = val; \ p ++; \ dest = (guint8 *) p; \ }G_STMT_END static GstBuffer * gst_audio_convert_buffer_from_default_format (GstAudioConvert *this, GstBuffer *buf) { GstBuffer *ret; guint8 *dest; guint count, i; gint32 *src; if (this->width[1] == 4 && this->depth[1] == 32 && this->endian[1] == G_BYTE_ORDER && this->sign[1] == TRUE) return buf; ret = gst_audio_convert_get_buffer (buf, buf->size * this->width[1] / 4); dest = ret->data; src = (gint32 *) buf->data; count = ret->size / this->width[1]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { gint32 int_value = *src; src++; switch (this->width[1]) { case 1: if (this->sign[1]) { POPULATE (gint8, GINT8_IDENTITY, GINT8_IDENTITY); } else { POPULATE (guint8, GUINT8_IDENTITY, GUINT8_IDENTITY); } break; case 2: if (this->sign[1]) { POPULATE (gint16, GINT16_TO_BE, GINT16_TO_LE); } else { POPULATE (guint16, GUINT16_TO_BE, GUINT16_TO_LE); } break; case 3: if (this->sign[1]) { gpointer p; gint32 val = (gint32) int_value; switch (this->endian[1]) { case G_LITTLE_ENDIAN: val = GINT32_TO_LE (val); break; case G_BIG_ENDIAN: val = GINT32_TO_BE (val); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); }; p = &val; if (this->endian[1] == G_BIG_ENDIAN) p++; memcpy (dest, p, 3); dest += 3; } else { gpointer p; guint32 val = (guint32) int_value; switch (this->endian[1]) { case G_LITTLE_ENDIAN: val = GUINT32_TO_LE (val); break; case G_BIG_ENDIAN: val = GUINT32_TO_BE (val); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); }; p = &val; if (this->endian[1] == G_BIG_ENDIAN) p++; memcpy (dest, p, 3); dest += 3; } break; case 4: if (this->sign[1]) { POPULATE (gint32, GINT32_TO_BE, GINT32_TO_LE); } else { POPULATE (guint32, GUINT32_TO_BE, GUINT32_TO_LE); } break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } gst_buffer_unref(buf); return ret; } static GstBuffer * gst_audio_convert_channels (GstAudioConvert *this, GstBuffer *buf) { GstBuffer *ret; guint i, count; guint32 *src, *dest; if (this->channels[0] == this->channels[1]) return buf; ret = gst_audio_convert_get_buffer (buf, buf->size / this->channels[0] * this->channels[1]); count = ret->size / 4 / this->channels[1]; src = (guint32 *) buf->data; dest = (guint32 *) ret->data; if (this->channels[0] > this->channels[1]) { for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { *dest = *src >> 1; src++; *dest += (*src + 1) >> 1; src++; dest++; } } else { for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { dest[2 * i] = dest[2 * i + 1] = src[i]; } } gst_buffer_unref(buf); return ret; } /*** PLUGIN DETAILS ***********************************************************/ static GstElementDetails audio_convert_details = { "Audio Conversion", "Filter/Convert", "LGPL", "Convert audio to different formats", VERSION, "Benjamin Otte