#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- Mode: Python; py-indent-offset: 4 -*- # Search through a header file looking for function prototypes. # For each prototype, generate a scheme style definition. # GPL'ed # Toby D. Reeves # Modified by James Henstridge to output stuff in # Havoc's new defs format. Info on this format can be seen at: # http://www.gnome.org/mailing-lists/archives/gtk-devel-list/2000-January/0085.shtml import string, sys, re, types # ------------------ Create typecodes from typenames --------- _upperstr_pat1 = re.compile(r'([^A-Z])([A-Z])') _upperstr_pat2 = re.compile(r'([A-Z][A-Z])([A-Z][0-9a-z])') _upperstr_pat3 = re.compile(r'^([A-Z])([A-Z])') def to_upper_str(name): """Converts a typename to the equivalent upercase and underscores name. This is used to form the type conversion macros and enum/flag name variables""" name = _upperstr_pat1.sub(r'\1_\2', name) name = _upperstr_pat2.sub(r'\1_\2', name) name = _upperstr_pat3.sub(r'\1_\2', name, count=1) return string.upper(name) def typecode(typename): """create a typecode (eg. GTK_TYPE_WIDGET) from a typename""" return string.replace(to_upper_str(typename), '_', '_TYPE_', 1) # ------------------ Find object definitions ----------------- def strip_comments(buf): parts = [] lastpos = 0 while 1: pos = string.find(buf, '/*', lastpos) if pos >= 0: parts.append(buf[lastpos:pos]) pos = string.find(buf, '*/', pos) if pos >= 0: lastpos = pos + 2 else: break else: parts.append(buf[lastpos:]) break return string.join(parts, '') obj_name_pat = "[A-Z][a-z]*[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*" split_prefix_pat = re.compile('([A-Z][a-z]*)([A-Za-z0-9]+)') def find_obj_defs(buf, objdefs=[]): """ Try to find object definitions in header files. """ # filter out comments from buffer. buf = strip_comments(buf) maybeobjdefs = [] # contains all possible objects from file # first find all structures that look like they may represent a GtkObject pat = re.compile("struct _(" + obj_name_pat + ")\s*{\s*" + "(" + obj_name_pat + ")\s+", re.MULTILINE) pos = 0 while pos < len(buf): m = pat.search(buf, pos) if not m: break maybeobjdefs.append((m.group(1), m.group(2))) pos = m.end() # handle typedef struct { ... } style struct defs. pat = re.compile("typedef struct\s+[_\w]*\s*{\s*" + "(" + obj_name_pat + ")\s+[^}]*}\s*" + "(" + obj_name_pat + ")\s*;", re.MULTILINE) pos = 0 while pos < len(buf): m = pat.search(buf, pos) if not m: break maybeobjdefs.append((m.group(2), m.group(2))) pos = m.end() # now find all structures that look like they might represent a class: pat = re.compile("struct _(" + obj_name_pat + ")Class\s*{\s*" + "(" + obj_name_pat + ")Class\s+", re.MULTILINE) pos = 0 while pos < len(buf): m = pat.search(buf, pos) if not m: break t = (m.group(1), m.group(2)) # if we find an object structure together with a corresponding # class structure, then we have probably found a GtkObject subclass. if t in maybeobjdefs: objdefs.append(t) pos = m.end() pat = re.compile("typedef struct\s+[_\w]*\s*{\s*" + "(" + obj_name_pat + ")Class\s+[^}]*}\s*" + "(" + obj_name_pat + ")Class\s*;", re.MULTILINE) pos = 0 while pos < len(buf): m = pat.search(buf, pos) if not m: break t = (m.group(2), m.group(1)) # if we find an object structure together with a corresponding # class structure, then we have probably found a GtkObject subclass. if t in maybeobjdefs: objdefs.append(t) pos = m.end() def sort_obj_defs(objdefs): objdefs.sort() # not strictly needed, but looks nice pos = 0 while pos < len(objdefs): klass,parent = objdefs[pos] for i in range(pos+1, len(objdefs)): # parent below subclass ... reorder if objdefs[i][0] == parent: objdefs.insert(i+1, objdefs[pos]) del objdefs[pos] break else: pos = pos + 1 return objdefs def write_obj_defs(objdefs, output): if type(output)==types.StringType: fp=open(output,'w') elif type(output)==types.FileType: fp=output else: fp=sys.stdout fp.write(';; -*- scheme -*-\n') fp.write('; object definitions ...\n') for klass, parent in objdefs: m = split_prefix_pat.match(klass) cmodule = None cname = klass if m: cmodule = m.group(1) cname = m.group(2) fp.write('(define-object ' + cname + '\n') if cmodule: fp.write(' (in-module "' + cmodule + '")\n') if parent: fp.write(' (parent "' + parent + '")\n') fp.write(' (c-name "' + klass + '")\n') fp.write(' (gtype-id "' + typecode(klass) + '")\n') # should do something about accessible fields fp.write(')\n\n') # ------------------ Find enum definitions ----------------- def find_enum_defs(buf, enums=[]): # strip comments # bulk comments buf = strip_comments(buf) buf = re.sub('\n', ' ', buf) enum_pat = re.compile(r'enum\s*{([^}]*)}\s*([A-Z][A-Za-z]*)(\s|;)') splitter = re.compile(r'\s*,\s', re.MULTILINE) pos = 0 while pos < len(buf): m = enum_pat.search(buf, pos) if not m: break name = m.group(2) vals = m.group(1) isflags = string.find(vals, '<<') >= 0 entries = [] for val in splitter.split(vals): if not string.strip(val): continue entries.append(string.split(val)[0]) if name != 'GdkCursorType': enums.append((name, isflags, entries)) pos = m.end() def write_enum_defs(enums, output=None): if type(output)==types.StringType: fp=open(output,'w') elif type(output)==types.FileType: fp=output else: fp=sys.stdout fp.write(';; Enumerations and flags ...\n\n') trans = string.maketrans(string.uppercase + '_', string.lowercase + '-') for cname, isflags, entries in enums: name = cname module = None m = split_prefix_pat.match(cname) if m: module = m.group(1) name = m.group(2) if isflags: fp.write('(define-flags ' + name + '\n') else: fp.write('(define-enum ' + name + '\n') if module: fp.write(' (in-module "' + module + '")\n') fp.write(' (c-name "' + cname + '")\n') fp.write(' (gtype-id "' + typecode(cname) + '")\n') prefix = entries[0] for ent in entries: # shorten prefix til we get a match ... # and handle GDK_FONT_FONT, GDK_FONT_FONTSET case while ent[:len(prefix)] != prefix or len(prefix) >= len(ent): prefix = prefix[:-1] prefix_len = len(prefix) fp.write(' (values\n') for ent in entries: fp.write(' \'("%s" "%s")\n' % (string.translate(ent[prefix_len:], trans), ent)) fp.write(' )\n') fp.write(')\n\n') # ------------------ Find function definitions ----------------- def clean_func(buf): """ Ideally would make buf have a single prototype on each line. Actually just cuts out a good deal of junk, but leaves lines where a regex can figure prototypes out. """ # bulk comments buf = strip_comments(buf) # compact continued lines pat = re.compile(r"""\\\n""", re.MULTILINE) buf=pat.sub('',buf) # Preprocess directives pat = re.compile(r"""^[#].*?$""", re.MULTILINE) buf=pat.sub('',buf) #typedefs, stucts, and enums pat = re.compile(r"""^(typedef|struct|enum)(\s|.|\n)*?;\s*""", re.MULTILINE) buf=pat.sub('',buf) #strip DECLS macros pat = re.compile(r"""G_BEGIN_DECLS|BEGIN_LIBGTOP_DECLS""", re.MULTILINE) buf=pat.sub('',buf) #multiple whitespace pat = re.compile(r"""\s+""", re.MULTILINE) buf=pat.sub(' ',buf) #clean up line ends pat = re.compile(r""";\s*""", re.MULTILINE) buf=pat.sub('\n',buf) buf = buf.lstrip() #associate *, &, and [] with type instead of variable #pat=re.compile(r'\s+([*|&]+)\s*(\w+)') pat=re.compile(r' \s* ([*|&]+) \s* (\w+)',re.VERBOSE) buf=pat.sub(r'\1 \2', buf) pat=re.compile(r'\s+ (\w+) \[ \s* \]',re.VERBOSE) buf=pat.sub(r'[] \1', buf) # make return types that are const work. buf = string.replace(buf, 'G_CONST_RETURN ', 'const-') buf = string.replace(buf, 'const ', 'const-') return buf proto_pat=re.compile(r""" (?P(-|\w|\&|\*)+\s*) # return type \s+ # skip whitespace (?P\w+)\s*[(] # match the function name until the opening ( (?P.*?)[)] # group the function arguments """, re.IGNORECASE|re.VERBOSE) #""" arg_split_pat = re.compile("\s*,\s*") def define_func(buf,fp): buf=clean_func(buf) buf=string.split(buf,'\n') for p in buf: if len(p)==0: continue m=proto_pat.match(p) if m==None: if verbose: sys.stderr.write('No match:|%s|\n'%p) continue func = m.group('func') ret = m.group('ret') args=m.group('args') args=arg_split_pat.split(args) for i in range(len(args)): spaces = string.count(args[i], ' ') if spaces > 1: args[i] = string.replace(args[i], ' ', '-', spaces - 1) write_func(fp, func, ret, args) get_type_pat = re.compile(r'(const-)?([A-Za-z0-9]+)\*?\s+') pointer_pat = re.compile('.*\*$') func_new_pat = re.compile('(\w+)_new$') def write_func(fp, name, ret, args): if len(args) >= 1: # methods must have at least one argument munged_name = string.replace(name, '_', '') m = get_type_pat.match(args[0]) if m: obj = m.group(2) if munged_name[:len(obj)] == string.lower(obj): regex = string.join(map(lambda x: x+'_?',string.lower(obj)),'') mname = re.sub(regex, '', name) fp.write('(define-method ' + mname + '\n') fp.write(' (of-object "' + obj + '")\n') fp.write(' (c-name "' + name + '")\n') if ret != 'void': fp.write(' (return-type "' + ret + '")\n') else: fp.write(' (return-type "none")\n') is_varargs = 0 has_args = len(args) > 1 for arg in args[1:]: if arg == '...': is_varargs = 1 elif arg in ('void', 'void '): has_args = 0 if has_args: fp.write(' (parameters\n') for arg in args[1:]: if arg != '...': tupleArg = tuple(string.split(arg)) if len(tupleArg) == 2: fp.write(' \'("%s" "%s")\n' % tupleArg) fp.write(' )\n') if is_varargs: fp.write(' (varargs #t)\n') fp.write(')\n\n') return # it is either a constructor or normal function fp.write('(define-function ' + name + '\n') fp.write(' (c-name "' + name + '")\n') # Hmmm... Let's asume that a constructor function name # ends with '_new' and it returns a pointer. m = func_new_pat.match(name) if pointer_pat.match(ret) and m: cname = '' for s in m.group(1).split ('_'): cname += s.title() if cname != '': fp.write(' (is-constructor-of "' + cname + '")\n') if ret != 'void': fp.write(' (return-type "' + ret + '")\n') else: fp.write(' (return-type "none")\n') is_varargs = 0 has_args = len(args) > 0 for arg in args: if arg == '...': is_varargs = 1 elif arg in ('void', 'void '): has_args = 0 if has_args: fp.write(' (parameters\n') for arg in args: if arg != '...': tupleArg = tuple(string.split(arg)) if len(tupleArg) == 2: fp.write(' \'("%s" "%s")\n' % tupleArg) fp.write(' )\n') if is_varargs: fp.write(' (varargs #t)\n') fp.write(')\n\n') def write_def(input,output=None): fp = open(input) buf = fp.read() fp.close() if type(output) == types.StringType: fp = open(output,'w') elif type(output) == types.FileType: fp = output else: fp = sys.stdout fp.write('\n;; From %s\n\n' % input) buf = define_func(buf, fp) fp.write('\n') # ------------------ Main function ----------------- verbose=0 if __name__ == '__main__': import getopt onlyenums = 0 onlyobjdefs = 0 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'v', ['onlyenums', 'onlyobjdefs']) for o, v in opts: if o == '-v': verbose = 1 if o == '--onlyenums': onlyenums = 1 if o == '--onlyobjdefs': onlyobjdefs = 1 if not args[0:1]: print 'Must specify at least one input file name' sys.exit(-1) # read all the object definitions in objdefs = [] enums = [] for filename in args: buf = open(filename).read() find_obj_defs(buf, objdefs) find_enum_defs(buf, enums) objdefs = sort_obj_defs(objdefs) if onlyenums: write_enum_defs(enums,None) elif onlyobjdefs: write_obj_defs(objdefs,None) else: write_obj_defs(objdefs,None) write_enum_defs(enums,None) for filename in args: write_def(filename,None)