Troubleshooting GStreamer The GStreamer application I used stops with a segmentation fault. What can I do ? There are two things you can do. If you compiled GStreamer with specific optimization compilation flags, you should try recompiling GStreamer, the application and the plug-ins without any optimization flags. This allows you to verify if the problem is due to optimization or due to bad code. Second, it will also allow you to provide a reasonable backtrace in case the segmentation fault still occurs. The second thing you can do is look at the backtrace to get an idea of where things are going wrong, or give us an idea of what is going wrong. To provide a backtrace, you should run the application in gdb by starting it with gdb (gst-application) (If the application is in a source tree instead of installed on the system, you might want to put "libtool" before "gdb") Pass on the command line arguments to the application by typing set args (the arguments to the application) at the (gdb) prompt Type "run" at the (gdb) prompt and wait for the application to segfault. The application will run a lot slower, however. After the segfault, type "bt" to get a backtrace. This is a stack of function calls detailing the path from main () to where the code is currently at. If the application you're trying to debug contains threads, it is also useful to do info threads and get backtraces of all of the threads involved, by switching to a different thread using "thread (number)" and then again requesting a backtrace using "bt". If you can't or don't want to work out the problem yourself, a copy and paste of all this information should be included in your bug report. I'm having problems building or installing GStreamer. What should I do ? We've started a step-by-step troubleshooting guide. Look there before asking, your problem might already have been solved by someone else.