meta, handles-states=true, ignore-eos=true, allow-errors=true, args = { "videotestsrc num-buffers=1 ! video/x-raw,format=ARGB,width=20,height=20 ! videoscale name=scaler ! video/x-raw,format=I420,width=100,height=100 ! fakevideosink", }, configs = { "$(validateflow), pad=scaler:src, buffers-checksum=as-id, ignored-event-types={ tag, eos }", }, expected-issues = { [ expected-issue, level=critical, issue-id=runtime::not-negotiated, details="\ .*Caps negotiation failed starting from pad 'capsfilter.*:sink' as the QUERY_CAPS returned EMPTY caps for the following possible reasons:.*\\n\ -> Field 'format' downstream value from structure 0 '\\(gchararray\\)I420' can't intersect with filter value from structure number 0 '\\(gchararray\\)ARGB'\ ", ], [ expected-issue, level=critical, issue-id=scenario::execution-error, details="Error message happened while executing action", ], } play set-state, state=ready, on-message=eos set-properties, scaler::disable-conversion=true play stop, on-message=error