/* CUDA stub header * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __GST_CUDA_STUB_H__ #define __GST_CUDA_STUB_H__ #include G_BEGIN_DECLS typedef gpointer CUcontext; typedef gpointer CUgraphicsResource; typedef gpointer CUstream; typedef gpointer CUarray; typedef gpointer CUmodule; typedef gpointer CUfunction; typedef gpointer CUmipmappedArray; typedef gpointer CUevent; typedef gpointer CUmemoryPool; typedef guint64 CUtexObject; typedef guintptr CUdeviceptr; typedef gint CUdevice; typedef enum { CUDA_SUCCESS = 0, CUDA_ERROR_NO_DEVICE = 100, CUDA_ERROR_ALREADY_MAPPED = 208, CUDA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED = 801, } CUresult; typedef enum { CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST = 1, CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE = 2, CU_MEMORYTYPE_ARRAY = 3, CU_MEMORYTYPE_UNIFIED = 4, } CUmemorytype; typedef enum { CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_TEXTURE_ALIGNMENT = 14, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIFIED_ADDRESSING = 41, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MAJOR = 75, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MINOR = 76, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORTED = 102, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_TYPE_POSIX_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_SUPPORTED = 103, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_TYPE_WIN32_HANDLE_SUPPORTED = 104, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_TYPE_WIN32_KMT_HANDLE_SUPPORTED = 105, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MEMORY_POOLS_SUPPORTED = 115, } CUdevice_attribute; typedef enum { CU_GRAPHICS_REGISTER_FLAGS_NONE = 0x00, CU_GRAPHICS_REGISTER_FLAGS_READ_ONLY = 0x01, CU_GRAPHICS_REGISTER_FLAGS_WRITE_DISCARD = 0x02, CU_GRAPHICS_REGISTER_FLAGS_SURFACE_LOAD_STORE = 0x04, CU_GRAPHICS_REGISTER_FLAGS_TEXTURE_GATHER = 0x08, } CUgraphicsRegisterFlags; typedef enum { CU_GRAPHICS_MAP_RESOURCE_FLAGS_NONE = 0x00, CU_GRAPHICS_MAP_RESOURCE_FLAGS_READ_ONLY = 0x01, CU_GRAPHICS_MAP_RESOURCE_FLAGS_WRITE_DISCARD = 0x02, } CUgraphicsMapResourceFlags; typedef enum { CU_STREAM_DEFAULT = 0x0, CU_STREAM_NON_BLOCKING = 0x1 } CUstream_flags; typedef enum { CU_TR_FILTER_MODE_POINT = 0, CU_TR_FILTER_MODE_LINEAR = 1 } CUfilter_mode; typedef enum { CU_TR_ADDRESS_MODE_WRAP = 0, CU_TR_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP = 1, CU_TR_ADDRESS_MODE_MIRROR = 2, CU_TR_ADDRESS_MODE_BORDER = 3 } CUaddress_mode; typedef enum { CU_RESOURCE_TYPE_ARRAY = 0, CU_RESOURCE_TYPE_MIPMAPPED_ARRAY = 1, CU_RESOURCE_TYPE_LINEAR = 2, CU_RESOURCE_TYPE_PITCH2D = 3 } CUresourcetype; typedef enum { CU_AD_FORMAT_UNSIGNED_INT8 = 1, CU_AD_FORMAT_UNSIGNED_INT16 = 2, } CUarray_format; typedef enum { CU_RES_VIEW_FORMAT_NONE = 0, } CUresourceViewFormat; typedef enum { CU_EVENT_DEFAULT = 0x0, CU_EVENT_BLOCKING_SYNC = 0x1, CU_EVENT_DISABLE_TIMING = 0x2, CU_EVENT_INTERPROCESS = 0x4, } CUevent_flags; typedef struct { gsize srcXInBytes; gsize srcY; CUmemorytype srcMemoryType; gconstpointer srcHost; CUdeviceptr srcDevice; CUarray srcArray; gsize srcPitch; gsize dstXInBytes; gsize dstY; CUmemorytype dstMemoryType; gpointer dstHost; CUdeviceptr dstDevice; CUarray dstArray; gsize dstPitch; gsize WidthInBytes; gsize Height; } CUDA_MEMCPY2D; typedef struct { CUaddress_mode addressMode[3]; CUfilter_mode filterMode; guint flags; guint maxAnisotropy; CUfilter_mode mipmapFilterMode; gfloat mipmapLevelBias; gfloat minMipmapLevelClamp; gfloat maxMipmapLevelClamp; gfloat borderColor[4]; gint reserved[12]; } CUDA_TEXTURE_DESC; typedef struct { CUresourcetype resType; union { struct { CUarray hArray; } array; struct { CUmipmappedArray hMipmappedArray; } mipmap; struct { CUdeviceptr devPtr; CUarray_format format; guint numChannels; gsize sizeInBytes; } linear; struct { CUdeviceptr devPtr; CUarray_format format; guint numChannels; gsize width; gsize height; gsize pitchInBytes; } pitch2D; struct { gint reserved[32]; } reserved; } res; guint flags; } CUDA_RESOURCE_DESC; typedef struct { CUresourceViewFormat format; gsize width; gsize height; gsize depth; guint firstMipmapLevel; guint lastMipmapLevel; guint firstLayer; guint lastLayer; guint reserved[16]; } CUDA_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC; typedef enum { CU_IPC_MEM_LAZY_ENABLE_PEER_ACCESS = 0x1 } CUipcMem_flags; #define CU_IPC_HANDLE_SIZE 64 typedef struct { char reserved[CU_IPC_HANDLE_SIZE]; } CUipcMemHandle; typedef struct { char reserved[CU_IPC_HANDLE_SIZE]; } CUipcEventHandle; typedef unsigned long long CUmemGenericAllocationHandle; typedef enum { CU_MEM_HANDLE_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, CU_MEM_HANDLE_TYPE_POSIX_FILE_DESCRIPTOR = 0x1, CU_MEM_HANDLE_TYPE_WIN32 = 0x2, CU_MEM_HANDLE_TYPE_WIN32_KMT = 0x4, CU_MEM_HANDLE_TYPE_MAX = 0x7FFFFFFF } CUmemAllocationHandleType; typedef enum { CU_MEM_ACCESS_FLAGS_PROT_NONE = 0x0, CU_MEM_ACCESS_FLAGS_PROT_READ = 0x1, CU_MEM_ACCESS_FLAGS_PROT_READWRITE = 0x3, CU_MEM_ACCESS_FLAGS_PROT_MAX = 0x7FFFFFFF } CUmemAccess_flags; typedef enum { CU_MEM_LOCATION_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0, CU_MEM_LOCATION_TYPE_DEVICE = 0x1, CU_MEM_LOCATION_TYPE_MAX = 0x7FFFFFFF } CUmemLocationType; typedef enum CUmemAllocationType_enum { CU_MEM_ALLOCATION_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0, CU_MEM_ALLOCATION_TYPE_PINNED = 0x1, CU_MEM_ALLOCATION_TYPE_MAX = 0x7FFFFFFF } CUmemAllocationType; typedef enum { CU_MEM_ALLOC_GRANULARITY_MINIMUM = 0x0, CU_MEM_ALLOC_GRANULARITY_RECOMMENDED = 0x1 } CUmemAllocationGranularity_flags; typedef struct { CUmemLocationType type; int id; } CUmemLocation; typedef struct { unsigned char compressionType; unsigned char gpuDirectRDMACapable; unsigned short usage; unsigned char reserved[4]; } CUmemAllocationPropAllocFlags; typedef struct { CUmemAllocationType type; CUmemAllocationHandleType requestedHandleTypes; CUmemLocation location; void *win32HandleMetaData; CUmemAllocationPropAllocFlags allocFlags; } CUmemAllocationProp; typedef struct { CUmemLocation location; CUmemAccess_flags flags; } CUmemAccessDesc; typedef struct { CUmemAllocationType allocType; CUmemAllocationHandleType handleTypes; CUmemLocation location; void *win32SecurityAttributes; size_t maxSize; unsigned char reserved[56]; } CUmemPoolProps; typedef enum { CU_MEMPOOL_ATTR_REUSE_FOLLOW_EVENT_DEPENDENCIES = 1, CU_MEMPOOL_ATTR_REUSE_ALLOW_OPPORTUNISTIC, CU_MEMPOOL_ATTR_REUSE_ALLOW_INTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES, CU_MEMPOOL_ATTR_RELEASE_THRESHOLD, CU_MEMPOOL_ATTR_RESERVED_MEM_CURRENT, CU_MEMPOOL_ATTR_RESERVED_MEM_HIGH, CU_MEMPOOL_ATTR_USED_MEM_CURRENT, CU_MEMPOOL_ATTR_USED_MEM_HIGH, } CUmemPool_attribute; #define CUDA_VERSION 10000 #ifdef _WIN32 #define CUDAAPI __stdcall #else #define CUDAAPI #endif #define cuCtxCreate cuCtxCreate_v2 #define cuCtxDestroy cuCtxDestroy_v2 #define cuCtxPopCurrent cuCtxPopCurrent_v2 #define cuCtxPushCurrent cuCtxPushCurrent_v2 #define cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer_v2 #define cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags_v2 #define cuStreamDestroy cuStreamDestroy_v2 #define cuMemAlloc cuMemAlloc_v2 #define cuMemAllocPitch cuMemAllocPitch_v2 #define cuMemAllocHost cuMemAllocHost_v2 #define cuMemcpy2D cuMemcpy2D_v2 #define cuMemcpy2DAsync cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2 #define cuMemcpyDtoD cuMemcpyDtoD_v2 #define cuMemcpyDtoDAsync cuMemcpyDtoDAsync_v2 #define cuMemcpyDtoH cuMemcpyDtoH_v2 #define cuMemcpyDtoHAsync cuMemcpyDtoHAsync_v2 #define cuMemcpyHtoD cuMemcpyHtoD_v2 #define cuMemcpyHtoDAsync cuMemcpyHtoDAsync_v2 #define cuMemFree cuMemFree_v2 #define cuEventDestroy cuEventDestroy_v2 #define CU_TRSF_READ_AS_INTEGER 1 G_END_DECLS #endif /* __GST_CUDA_STUB_H__ */