GstPNMSrc::location gchar* rw PNM Location Location of the PNM url to read. NULL GstRDTManager::latency guint rw Buffer latency in ms Amount of ms to buffer. 200 GstMPEGParse::byte-offset guint64 rw Byte Offset Emit reached-offset signal when the byte offset is reached. 18446744073709551615 GstMPEGParse::max-scr-gap gint >= -1 rw Max SCR gap Maximum allowed gap between expected and actual SCR values. -1 means never adjust. 120000 GstMPEGParse::time-offset guint64 r Time Offset Time offset in the stream. 18446744073709551615 GstMPEGAudioParse::bitrate gint r Bitrate Bit Rate. 0 GstMPEGAudioParse::skip gint rw skip skip. 0 AC3IEC::raw-audio gboolean rw raw-audio If true, source pad caps are set to raw audio. FALSE GstCdioCddaSrc::read-speed gint [G_MAXULONG,100] rw Read speed Read from device at the specified speed (-1 = default). -1 GstAmrnbEnc::band-mode GstAmrnbEncBandMode rwx Band Mode Encoding Band Mode (Kbps). MR122 GstAmrnbDec::variant GstAmrnbVariant rwx Variant The decoder variant. IF1 GstA52Dec::drc gboolean rw Dynamic Range Compression Use Dynamic Range Compression. FALSE GstA52Dec::lfe gboolean rw LFE LFE. TRUE GstA52Dec::mode GstA52DecMode rw Decoder Mode Decoding Mode (default 3f2r). 3 Front, 2 Rear GstSidDec::blocksize guint >= 1 rw Block size Size in bytes to output per buffer. 4096 GstSidDec::clock GstSidClock rw clock clock. PAL GstSidDec::filter gboolean rw filter filter. TRUE GstSidDec::force-speed gboolean rw force_speed force_speed. FALSE GstSidDec::measured-volume gboolean rw measured_volume measured_volume. TRUE GstSidDec::memory GstSidMemory rw memory memory. Bank Switching GstSidDec::metadata GstCaps* r Metadata Metadata. GstSidDec::mos8580 gboolean rw mos8580 mos8580. FALSE GstSidDec::tune gint [0,100] rw tune tune. 0 GstTwoLame::ath-level gfloat rw ATH Level ATH Level in dB. 0 GstTwoLame::bitrate gint [8,384] rw Bitrate (kb/s) Bitrate in kbit/sec (8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384). 192 GstTwoLame::copyright gboolean rw Copyright Mark as copyright. FALSE GstTwoLame::emphasis GstTwoLameEmphasis rw Emphasis Pre-emphasis to apply to the decoded audio. No emphasis GstTwoLame::energy-level-extension gboolean rw Energy Level Extension Write peak PCM level to each frame. FALSE GstTwoLame::error-protection gboolean rw Error protection Adds checksum to every frame. FALSE GstTwoLame::mode GstTwoLameMode rw Mode Encoding mode. Joint Stereo GstTwoLame::original gboolean rw Original Mark as original. TRUE GstTwoLame::padding GstTwoLamePadding rw Padding Padding type. No Padding GstTwoLame::psymodel gint [G_MAXULONG,4] rw Psychoacoustic Model Psychoacoustic model used to encode the audio. 3 GstTwoLame::quick-mode gboolean rw Quick mode Calculate Psymodel every frames. FALSE GstTwoLame::quick-mode-count gint >= 0 rw Quick mode count Calculate Psymodel every n frames. 10 GstTwoLame::vbr gboolean rw VBR Enable variable bitrate mode. FALSE GstTwoLame::vbr-level gfloat [-10,10] rw VBR Level VBR Level. 5 GstTwoLame::vbr-max-bitrate gint [0,384] rw VBR max bitrate Specify maximum VBR bitrate (0=off, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384). 0 GstX264Enc::analyse GstX264EncAnalyse rw Analyse Partitions to consider. GstX264Enc::aud gboolean rw AUD Use AU (Access Unit) delimiter. TRUE GstX264Enc::b-adapt gboolean rw B-Adapt Automatically decide how many B-frames to use. TRUE GstX264Enc::b-pyramid gboolean rw B-Pyramid Keep some B-frames as references. FALSE GstX264Enc::bframes guint <= 16 rw B-Frames Number of B-frames between I and P. 0 GstX264Enc::bitrate guint [1,2048000] rw Bitrate Bitrate in kbit/sec. 2048 GstX264Enc::byte-stream gboolean rw Byte Stream Generate byte stream format of NALU. FALSE GstX264Enc::cabac gboolean rw Use CABAC Enable CABAC entropy coding. TRUE GstX264Enc::dct8x8 gboolean rw DCT8x8 Adaptive spatial transform size. FALSE GstX264Enc::interlaced gboolean rw Interlaced Interlaced material. FALSE GstX264Enc::ip-factor gfloat [0,2] rw IP-Factor Quantizer factor between I- and P-frames. 1.4 GstX264Enc::key-int-max guint <= G_MAXINT rw Key-frame maximal interval Maximal distance between two key-frames (0 for automatic). 0 GstX264Enc::me GstX264EncMe rw Motion Estimation Integer pixel motion estimation method. hex GstX264Enc::multipass-cache-file gchar* rw Multipass Cache File Filename for multipass cache file. "x264.log" GstX264Enc::noise-reduction guint <= 100000 rw Noise Reduction Noise reduction strength. 0 GstX264Enc::pass GstX264EncPass rw Encoding pass/type Encoding pass/type. Constant Bitrate Encoding GstX264Enc::pb-factor gfloat [0,2] rw PB-Factor Quantizer factor between P- and B-frames. 1.3 GstX264Enc::qp-max guint <= 51 rw Maximum Quantizer Maximum quantizer. 51 GstX264Enc::qp-min guint <= 51 rw Minimum Quantizer Minimum quantizer. 10 GstX264Enc::qp-step guint <= 50 rw Maximum Quantizer Difference Maximum quantizer difference between frames. 4 GstX264Enc::quantizer guint <= 50 rw Constant Quantizer Constant quantizer or quality to apply. 21 GstX264Enc::ref guint [1,12] rw Reference Frames Number of reference frames. 1 GstX264Enc::sps-id guint <= 31 rw SPS ID SPS and PPS ID number. 0 GstX264Enc::stats-file gchar* rw Stats File Filename for multipass statistics (deprecated, use multipass-cache-file). "x264.log" GstX264Enc::subme guint [1,10] rw Subpixel Motion Estimation Subpixel motion estimation and partition decision quality: 1=fast, 10=best. 1 GstX264Enc::threads guint <= G_MAXINT rw Threads Number of threads used by the codec (0 for automatic). 0 GstX264Enc::trellis gboolean rw Trellis quantization Enable trellis searched quantization. TRUE GstX264Enc::vbv-buf-capacity guint <= 10000 rw VBV buffer capacity Size of the VBV buffer in milliseconds. 600 GstX264Enc::weightb gboolean rw Weighted B-Frames Weighted prediction for B-frames. FALSE GstX264Enc::intra-refresh gboolean rw Intra Refresh Use Periodic Intra Refresh instead of IDR frames. FALSE GstX264Enc::mb-tree gboolean rw Macroblock Tree Macroblock-Tree ratecontrol. TRUE GstX264Enc::rc-lookahead gint [0,250] rw Rate Control Lookahead Number of frames for frametype lookahead. 40 GstX264Enc::sliced-threads gboolean rw Sliced Threads Low latency but lower efficiency threading. FALSE GstX264Enc::sync-lookahead gint [G_MAXULONG,250] rw Sync Lookahead Number of buffer frames for threaded lookahead (-1 for automatic). -1 GstX264Enc::option-string gchar* rw Option string String of x264 options (overridden by element properties) in the format "key1=value1:key2=value2". "" GstX264Enc::profile GstX264EncProfile rw H.264 profile Apply restrictions to meet H.264 Profile constraints. This will override other properties if necessary. This will only be used if downstream elements do not specify a profile in their caps (DEPRECATED). main GstX264Enc::psy-tune GstX264EncPsyTune rw Psychovisual tuning preset Preset name for psychovisual tuning options. No tuning GstX264Enc::speed-preset GstX264EncPreset rw Speed/quality preset Preset name for speed/quality tradeoff options (can affect decode compatibility - impose restrictions separately for your target decoder). medium GstX264Enc::tune GstX264EncTune rw Content tuning preset Preset name for non-psychovisual tuning options. GstX264Enc::frame-packing GstX264EncFramePacking rw Frame Packing Set frame packing mode for Stereoscopic content. Automatic (use incoming video information) GstX264Enc::insert-vui gboolean rw Insert VUI Insert VUI NAL in stream. TRUE GstMad::half gboolean rw Half Generate PCM at 1/2 sample rate. FALSE GstMad::ignore-crc gboolean rw Ignore CRC Ignore CRC errors. TRUE GstDvdReadSrc::angle gint [1,999] rw angle angle. 1 GstDvdReadSrc::chapter gint [1,999] rw chapter chapter. 1 GstDvdReadSrc::device gchar* rw Device DVD device location. NULL GstDvdReadSrc::title gint [1,999] rw title title. 1