OUTDATED -------- Face it, the plugins/ directory hierarchy is crap. We want to propose a better layout for it now. Some things to consider: - Elements have a klass member in the factory that is used to denote the functional type of the element. For example, the mp3 encoder has a klass of Codec/Encoder/Audio - The plugins can be grouped together by the media type they operate on or by the way they work (decoder/encoder) In GStreamer all plugins are techically filters, the only way they can be considered sources or sinks (input/output) elements is by the absence of src/sink pads. At first sight the source/filter/ sink distinction is quite useless because most of the plugins will go into the filters category anyway. We don't want to make the hierarchy too deep, yet provide a clean way to ask for a mp3 decoder element.. Anyway this is a rough proposal to fire off the discussions... Wim Source Disk disksrc fdsrc multifilesrc Network HTTPsrc RTPsrc CDDA cdparanoia XMMS .. DVD dvdsrc Audio ASLA OSS Capture v4lsrc firewire Demuxer AVI MPEG1 MPEG2 QT Muxer AVI MPEG1 QT Aggregator Tee gsttee Connection queue CORBA Parser MPEG1 MPEG2 AC3 Mixer Audio Merge Video Subtitles Merge Filters Audio ladspa resample Video colorspace Effect Audio stereo volume delay chorus Video median smooth XMMS Decoder MPEG1 MPEG2 MP3 mpg123 xing win32 AU WAV JPEG AC3 ac3dec RTJPEG vorbis Encoder MPEG1 MPEG2 MP3 lame mpegaudio win32 JPEG AU WAV RTJPEG Vorbis Visualisation Video histogram Audio smoothwave spectrum synaesthesia vumeter XMMS Sink Disk filesink multifilesink Network ICECASTsink FTPsink RTPsink XMMS ESD Video videosink SDLsink Audio OSSsink ALSAsink