Properties: "template_caps" The union of all possible caps that a pad might have in any condition. Is a class property, and doesn't change over the life of an object. Set by the element during class init. "internal_caps" The caps that the element will allow on a pad, given its current state and the external_caps of all the other pads of the element. Set by the element. "external_caps" The caps representing what the core will allow on a pad. This is a combination of the peer's allowed caps, and filtering caps, and any in-process negotiation restrictions. Set by the core. "negotiated_caps" The format that the element will use. Set by the core. "filter_caps" The caps intersected with everything else during negotiation. Set by the application. "negotiable" A boolean that indicates that the pad is ready to negotiate. Set by the element. Negotiation steps, from the element perspective: - During object initialization, an element must set template_caps and allowed_caps for each pad. - In response to changes in the internal state of the element or in the peer_allowed_caps of any other pad owned by the element, the element should update allowed_caps of a pad. - Pads are initially created with negotiable as FALSE. When an element wants to indicate that negotiation is allowable, it should set negotiable to TRUE. - In response to a negotiate signal, an element should copy the caps in "allowed_caps" to "negotiated_caps", and extract any information needed to handle the format. At this point, "allowed_caps" is guaranteed to be fixed. Negotiation steps, from the core perspective: I'd like to split it up into manageable "projects" hopefully some of which we can recruit others to do i'd like a decision about if we drop threads in what sense? threads being not required? threads being not part of the API or threads being not used so no thread safety considerations I would like threads to not be part of the API requiring apps/plugins to be written thread-safely is insane the question is this: If someone calls gst_element_set_state (element, state), does he have to marshal it into the correct thread himself or not? no reason being: we already have to deal with subthreads we == the core then you'll have a lot of problems i'd like to just drop subthreads and be done with it --> StyXman (~mdione@ has joined #gstreamer and run everything in one thread? yes schedulers are free to use threads though this is obviously a retreat right but perhaps a strategic one otherwise you have to guarantee that you get no races I've seen this as a viable option for some time there's stuff that just does not work as is currently it always seemed difficult to convince other people that it's the right thing to do for example, wtay like setting xwindow ids, changing states or app-events like seeks <-- iain has quit ("leaving") all of this has the typical thread issues currently: it sometimes works and sometimes crashes the app and that's not acceptable to me let's do it if you look at my 0.10 code, I've tried to have GstObjects belong to a "context" this all fits into the idea that I think we should be a lot more like gtk architecturally for example, gtk doesn't have anything like caps negotiation, where elements call each other recursively and have functions ensure they're in the right context or otherwise marshal yes it does ? size requests and allocations but that's more like how I want it -- setting a property and firing a signal telling others that it's updated as i understand it though gtk has the bonus of being a tree which we don't have, we have a directed, maybe cyclic graph and for caps, the graph isn't even directed gtk is far too simple for gst true i can't even come up with an analogy to a video transcoder but we do some relatively simple stuff in a complicated way <-- StyXman (~mdione@ has left #gstreamer like? caps negotiation that's not simple passing around the data should be was it you or thomasvs that wanted to split core headers into app headers and plugin headers? I definitely wanted that app/plugin/registry to be exact registry? for functions that access "internal" stuff? stuff an app normally doesn't touch so we can do something like declare the "app" stuff supported for a longer time oooh, good call I'm sold so, now that threads are gone, what are the biggies I want in 0.10? 1) non-blocking main-loop integrated processing that's rather important if you don't have threads :) right but it works in my gst-01.0 stuff already minus the elements that need to be ported of cause which aren't that many fortunately though some are hard (like gnomevfs), because they have no non-blocking API a subclass of GstElement that fires up a helper thread? (dirty, but it works) probably - autopluggers would be easier to write if there was a core method to do what plugidentities do. no clue how to implement that there's also a note about bins being more involved with negotiation that's the next biggie: 2) fix the negotiation process to allow good autoplugging that was something I thought about last time around bins? that sounds like something I'd work on GstBin the only reason bhins still exist for me is to group elements so that a bin subclass could override how its children are negotiated much like GtkBin, actually and allocation hum how do you solve that issue with links that are only partly inside the bin and partly inside another one? that would be up to the parent (grandparent?) so all links must be in the same toplevel bin? yes isn't that the case currently? probably not checked pfff currently you can do anything heh what about state changes? dunno it's not really important for me apart from the EOS stuff I'd like states to be split into "what state does the app want me to be in" and "what state am I in" with the latter being under control of the element yeah, that'd be nice that way, you don't have multiple people trying to control the state we definitely need to fix EOS i'm not sure how we should handle errors element errors? yeah, if we want to explicitly unset errors or not currently on error the element goes to paused it's easier with actual_state in theory i just set it to PLAYING again and continue? the actual_state goes to PAUSED and fires a signal dunno, maybe actual_state should go to ERROR yeah that'd require gst_element_unset_error though with actual_state, we can add states without thinking too hard but if you can just unset it, why not just do it and continue the app may want to be involved especially to get the error message do we want a separate api section for autopluggers? why would we want that? or make it part of registry maybe s/registry/internal/ or some other name because autopluggers may want to access internal information that we wouldn't expose to apps or plugins could you add gst/gstcompat.c to your arch repo? hm what internal info would an autoplugger need depends whatever replaces plugidentities a simple one (decoder) just needs caps and ranks I meant for negotiation information hm no, i don't want a seperate section for it just put it in "internal", "extended" or whatever ok do we want to plan for the app api to be ABI compatible past 0.10? er, that's silly er, kinda silly API compat you could achieve ABI compat if you expose all objects just as typedefs lemme reboot into linux so i can add gstcompat.c brb <-- Company has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) --> Company ( has joined #gstreamer --> ploum ( has joined #gstreamer <-- marv has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) so do you still support caps registration? <-- ploum has quit (Client Quit) registering media types, fields, descriptions, and default fixate functions? and validation yes that's an important thing we need otherwise people mess up by either carelessly doing stuff wrong or not understanding what they're supposed to do whose responsibility is it to register these? libgstplugins? a plugin? do we want this info in the registry so that a plugin can automatically be loaded to provide registration for video/x-raw-rgb? haven't really thought about that part yet it's somewhat similar to typefind functions yeah --> ultrafunk ( has joined #gstreamer i'd probably have a seperate Factory for caps info and have the system load them when you use the caps info stuff should caps info be manditory? have you synced your repo? i'm trying to, but some commit was interrupted last time... how does one sync a local repository to fd.o? rsync? tla archive-mirror ah see => developers for how it works and _never_ press ctrl-c in arch <-- Misirlou has quit (Remote closed the connection) --> Misirlou ( has joined #gstreamer is there a reason why a pad might know (and set) allowed_caps, but not be ready to negotiate? i don't know a good one know a bad one? "arch-mirror: unable to acquire revision lock (internal error in archive-pfs.c(pfs_lock_revision))" stupidly ordered code no, don't know one here's a good question: should the core negotiate links in a pipeline that are negotiatable, even though some other links are not negotiatable? this ends up making us negotiate some things multiple times filesrc ! mad ! audioconvert ! audioscale ! osssink the core doesn't know if links are negotiable it will in the future :) sinesrc ! identity ! osssink how does it know if sinesrc ! identity is negotiable? because the allowed_caps on the two pads intersect --> marv ( has joined #gstreamer I'm pretty sure that I don't want gst_pad_link() to return negotiation errors ever you can't avoid that I want to separate "linkable" from "negotiable" ah, gst_pad_link so you can link videotestsrc ! identity ! osssink i confused it with GstPadLink yeah, i was thinking about that, too vts ! osssink won't link, since the pad templates don't intersect :) right now the vts ! id ! osssink pipeline fails to link yeah and goom ! xvimagesink only fails when xvimagesink is at least READY (assuming your xv can't do RGB)